
Spring News 2005
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History News


A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Conrad, February 9, 1945 in Hays.

Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Irvin have a son born March 13, 1945, named Reggie Lynn.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gordon have been notified that their son, Ensign Glen E. Gordon was lost in action when his plane went down in the Pacific.

Mrs. Bessie M. Davis has received a telegram from the War Department telling her that her husband, Pfc. Eugene R. Davis, 38, was killed in action in Germany, March 9, 1945.  He leaves his wife and six children, Donald 16, Marjorie 15, Robert 13, Barbara 11,  Betty 7, and Carol Ann 1. 

Wilda Anderson and Adam Conrad, Jr., were married April 2, 1945 in McCracken.

Captain C.W. Lamer has arrived home.  While in the European theatre he was pilot of a Mustang fighter plane where he won recognition for distinguished service in many missions flown over Germany.

Sgt. Herman F. Rein was severely wounded December 31, 1945 and is in a hospital in England.


Norma Jean Peters has leased Neta’s Café from Mrs. Leon Davenport and will take charge Sunday.  They will live in the apartment above the Café.

Kay Fear, Albert Oller and Dean Gilbert left for induction in the service Wednesday.

McCracken High School Mustangs beat Schoenchen Blue Jays 62-44 on Friday.  High points were scored by Bill Lovitt and Byron Gilbert.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Irvin, March 2, 1955 in LaCrosse.  He has been named Lonnie Beverly.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Janke, March 4, 1955 in LaCrosse.  She has been named Maureen Marie.

Betty Davis has returned from completing a course at Stewart Beauty Academy and will be in charge of the beauty shop here.  Shirley Brackney will go to Ness City.

Roberta Anderson and Reed Bullock were married February 26, 1955 at the EUB Church in McCracken. Attendants were Yvonne McFarren and Jack Paul Wilson.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hinman, a daughter, Laura Lee, March 19, 1955 in LaCrosse.

Troop #1 of the Girls Scouts elected the following officers on Monday.  Tena Vogle, Judy Gaschler, Carol Davis, Glenda Herdman and Marilyn Higgins.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Grumbein, a son, Darwin Lee, on April 9, 1955.

Mr. and Mrs. Erman Oelkers are parents of a son, Galen Lee, born April 11, 1955.

LeRoy Gilbert arrived home this week from Korea where he had served for over a year.


Janis Eisenhour and Arlyn North were married Saturday, March 13, 1965.

Bill Moran and Kay Fear are members of the Rush County Chamber of Commerce.

Don Greenway, Rush County Elevator, visited with Mike Ditka of the Chicago Bears. He is now a representative for Arcadian Fertilizer Products.  The meeting was held in Omaha.

Lorraine Ryan accompanied MHS girls to Sterling Saturday for a district speech festival.  Those attending were Ruth Ann Sloan, Elsie Ann Dugan, Kathleen Stremel, Penny and Susan Irvin.

The following children have been hospitalized with pneumonia this month.  Annette Davis, Leila Rixon, Doug Elias, Chad Herdman and Doug Elias.

Voters chose members for the unified school board on Wednesday the following:  Donald L. Buster, Lon E. Wells, Lloyd Maggard, R.L. McCorkle, Floyd Schrader and Elmer Nagel.

Participants at the State Music Contest in Dodge City were Jo Faye Gaschler, Kathleen Stremel, Floyd Norlin and Kent Bible.


McCracken Mustangs took first place in the Lincoln Branch League tournament held in Russell by defeating Lucas 65-40.

The DAR Good Citizen Award was given to Rosemary Rues at a luncheon at the home of Alta Mellick on Wednesday.  Arlene Rues was a guest.

Jerald Grumbein was inducted in the Navy on Wednesday where he left for San Diego.

The Girl Scout Troop #204 toured the Rush County News on Wednesday.  Members are Annette Davis, Sandy Jacobs, Kelly McKinney, Helena Showalter, Trina Zinn, Kerri Bromlow, Janet Conner, Sandra Taylor, Cathy Rues, Brenda Barnes, Kayla Higgins, Connie Wittman and Rhonda Conrad.  Leaders are Priscella Jacobs, Goldie Showalter and Barbara McKinney.

Richard Higgins and Susan Wheeler were married February 15, 1975 in Garden City.

The 8th grade basketball team won the Qua-Valley tournament held in Ransom.  In the finals they squeaked by Ness City Sacred Heart, 39-38.

Francis Zeller makes about 250 appearances a year as a square dance caller and was named “Caller of the Month” by the American Square Dance Magazine.

Ann Rice and Jerry Schutte were married March 20, 1975 at the United Methodist Church in Hays.  They will be at home in Tempe, Arizona.

Bill McKinney and Mark Miller attended the track field and coaching clinic in Hays.

Those participating in the county spelling contest at LaCrosse are Kerri Bromlow, Sharon Wells, Connie Wittman, Kevin Rourke, Randy Conrad, Raven Schwindt, Craig Stull, Tammy Higgins, Laura Unrein, Andrea Dome, Jerry Casey and Larry Hinman.  Those helping as pronouncers or judges were Philena Baus, Ruthetta Irvin, Galen Schmidtberger and Elizabeth Conner.

Coach Rich Billinger, in his first season as baseball coach, got his Mustangs off to a good start as they opened the season with a Danny Halbleib, Jerry Higgins, Glenn Ryan, Chuck Higgins, Steve Foreman, Mike Conner, Gary Schuckman, Scott Kershner and Greg Hinman.

Donald Casey placed third in the class 1-A shot put in the State boys indoor track meet at Ahearn Field House in Manhattan.  His throw was 47 & 1/2 feet.

The one-act play “The Little Toy Dog” with cast members Nancy Higgins, Fritz Foster, Roberta Halbleib, Robin Schuckman, James Unrein, Marsha Healy, Danny Halbleib, Sue Skillett, Glenn Ryan, Rosemary Rues, Gary Schuckman, Paulette Healy, Tim Rues, Lynnette Legleiter and Kent Brown.  In dramatic interps – Kim McCormick and Robin Schuckman; duet acting – Rosemary Rues and Nancy Higgins; impromptu duets – Kim McCormick, Sue Skillett, Tim Rues and Rob McGaughey.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Brethowr, a son, Shane Christopher, April 10, 1975 at Olathe.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hansen, a son, Travis Lee, April 5, 1975 in Hays.

MHS baseball team took 4th in the Dodge City Invitational Tournament, out of 16 teams participating they were the only class 1-A school represented.  They won over Great Bend, 16-3; lost to Dodge City 5-0; won over Mission Valley 8-1; won over Great Bend again, 6-1 and beat Victoria 9-8 in 9 innings.  Winning pitchers were Scott Kershner and Jerry Higgins.  Steve Foreman took the loss.

The following seniors of MHS went on the Kansas Educational Tour of Washing D.C. and New York City last week; Robbie McGaughey, Bill Greenway, Allen Kober, Jerry Higgins, Glenn Ryan, Kent Brown, Nancy Higgins, Rosemary Rues, Sally Buster, Julie Seltman and Linda Sloan.


Kayla Higgins is a member of the Symphonic Wind Ensemble at Dodge City Community College.  The 64 piece ensemble has been invited to perform at the 50th anniversary concert at KMEA in Wichita.

Stephen Anderson and Sharon King were married at the Methodist Church in McCracken.

Susan Thompson received a 1 rating at the State piano festival at Ft. Hays on Saturday.

Bryan Bergquist and Billy Harp were first place winners in the Knights of Columbus free throw contest.

Norma Elmore received her B.S. in Education at Kansas University at the end of the fall semester.

The first grade students are writing letters to pen pals in Falls Village, Conn.

The Alumni Basketball Tournament was held in the high school gym Saturday and Sunday.  Coaches were Glenn Conner, Babe Gilbert, R.B. Hayes and Charlie Zinn.  On Sunday afternoon an ‘Old Timers’ game was played.  Those seeing action were Gerald Barnes, Dennis Elias, Tony Harp, Harold Herdman, Doug Higgins, Kenny Mills, Vic Higgins, Daryl North, Richard Showalter, Arlyn North, Dan Petz and Dave Davenport.  Those graduating from 1970 – 1984 played in the tournament and the alumni band performed during the Sunday games.  The Foster Brothers Band, augmented by Floyd Norlin, Brent Ronan, Chris Jones and Joe Conner provided the Saturday evening dance.  Proceeds were donated to the McCracken Public Library.


Les Diehl and Rose Rues announce their engagement!!!!!

A surprise birthday party was held for Clinton Kershner on his 4th birthday at his home.  A Batman cake and ice cream were served to Clark Peach, Elliott Peach, Patrick McCarroll, Clayton Kershner, Adrian and Wendy McCarroll and Susan Peach.

Jenny Halbleib, daughter of Dave and Judy Halbleib was selected queen at the Ransom basketball homecoming.

Jessica Derr celebrated her 7th birthday with a supper in her honor.  Afterwards Ashley McGaughey, Emily Rogers and Jessica went bowling.

Kenny and Angie Elmore have opened a Café in town called ‘Doolins’.

Lynnette Harp is working in Denver with Home American Mortgage as an investment accountant.

It is time to think about alumni letters. If you have a change of address, would you be kindly and let us know? You may drop a note to Box 74, McCracken, KS 67556 or contact Jan North, Elaine Littler, Sandra Jacobs or Shirley Higgins.

Kayla Beth Irvin was chosen for the Hutchinson News First Hour Academic Team. She attends LaCrosse High School and is the daughter of John and Sharon Irvin, McCracken

Austin Pfannenstiel was also chosen for the First Hour Academic Team. He attends Hutchinson High School and is the son of Mitchell and Robin Pfannenstiel, grandson of Glenda and Norman Pfannenstiel and great-grandson of Willetta Herdman.

Christine Renee Peters and Kyle Loren Walter, Hays, will marry June 11, 2005 at Beaver Lake, Arkansas. Christine is the daughter of Theresa Peters, Timken and the late Russell Peters. Christine attends FHSU majoring in elementary education and Kyle attends FHSU majoring in leadership with a minor in communications.

Jan and Arlyn North celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a trip to Texas. They visited the area where they lived when they were first married.

Andie Trembly from Lakeside Camp was the guest speaker at the McCracken United Methodist Church on April 3, 2005, talking about the different camps available this summer.

A 17 l/2 HP 42" deck Yardman lawn tractor, a Brinkman Stainless Steel Grill and with many gift certificates are being raffled for the McCracken Swimming Pool. Those helping with the project are John Zeller, Bill Greenway, Dennnis Elias, Georgia Lytle, Jackie Casey, Sandra Jacobs, Laura Linsey, Paulette Harp, Shirley Higgins, Ruth Crawshaw, Carol Weber, Francis Zeller and Norma Leiker.

John and Kayla Tacha, Lindsey and Nicole and Kyra Horesky spent Spring break in San Diego, Calif.

Lyle Dugan, 80, of Brownfield, TX, died February 27, 2005. He was born September 8, 1924 in McCracken to Les and Margaret Burgardt Dugan. He attended McCracken High School and was a WW 11 Navy Veteran. He married Emma Rose Showalter, April 24, 1946. She preceded him in death May 14, 1999. He was a self-employed contractor for over 30 years. He is survived by two sons, Jerry and Mike; two daughters, Elsie Dugan and Susie McCalib, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

For those who come for the Rush County Fair, there will be two new attractions -- a new tilt-a-whirl and a Scrambler.

Bob House donated a tooth pick holder to the museum. It was made by Queensland for Farwell's in McCracken. It matches a cup and saucer given to the museum by Bob. It features the Evangelical United Brethern Church in McCracken.

Justin Bearly, son of former teacher Bob and Sharon Bearly, is an assistant girls coach in Cheney.

Those making Easter eggs at story hour at McCracken Public Library were Erica and Courtney Gilbert, Lexi and Zoe Anderson, Brendan and Zach Peach, Valerie Rogers. Mary Beth peach is the coordinator.

Curt and Denise Carpenter attended services and the potluck dinner at the Methodist Church. Curt's brother Chuck was the minister.

Scott Irvin, son of Kellye and Sandy Irvin, is a member of the Kansas Jayhawk team which took first place at a basketball tournament in Hays. They defeated the Hays Spurs, Hays Indians and beat Dodge City Ballerz for lst.

Eva May Hiltabidle, 99, WaKeeney, died March 5, 2005 at WaKeeney. She was born June 4, 1905 near McCracken to George Reuben and Mary (Stoots) North. She married Elmer Lawrence Hiltabidle at her parents home near McCracken. He died in 1959. She was preceded in death by three brothers, Dewey, Mack and Nelson North and four sisters, Vinna Matilda North, Edna North, Ruby North and Ada Pearl Sumner. Interment was at McCracken city cemetery.

Cecelia Wheeler retired after 26 years in the postal service. She first started in 1978 as a clerk in Alexander. She became postmaster in January 1980. From 1981 to 1989 she was the postmaster in McCracken before moving to Inman where she was postmaster for 15 years.

Kenny Legleiter, a brother of Carl Legleiter, owns Legleiter Video Productions, L. L. C. which is a professional video production company for business and home.

Congratulations to Chad and Amber Irvin on the birth of a son, Chet James Irvin, born March 9, 2005. He was welcomed home by big sister, Audry. Grandparents are Rick and Pam Leiker and Don and Dena Irvin, great-grandparents are Norbert and Elsie Urban, Ralph and Lenona Leiker and Ruthetta Irvin.

The Rush County United Methodist youth group helped with the Special Olympics in Hays.

Lexi Anderson celebrated her 5th birthday with guests Aspen Romeiser, Riann Showalter, Conner Sandall, Emma and Kate Rues, Carly Derr, Brad Pfannenstiel, Drake Harding and his sister Zoe Anderson.

Robin McCormick, 44, died March 16, 2005 in Wichita after a short battle with cancer. She was a technology teacher at Reno Valley Middle School. She is survived by her husband, Jeff McCormick, her children Jake, Megan and Tyler Scott and Grant McCormick.

Jenna Higgins celebrated her 8th birthday on March 15 with a party with her friends in Hutchinson.

Lorraine Ryan, Maxine Nuttle, Sharon Lovitt, Paulette Harp, Francis and Julia Zeller enjoyed Guy Lombardo's Royal Canadians at the Encore Series at Beach-Schmidt Performing Arts center at FHSU.

Linda Dale, Audra and Evan spent part of their spring break in McCracken with her mother, Joann Micheli.

Bill Greenway, Pat Casey and John Zeller have been attending a college fire-fighting class. It is a 92 hour course that will be five credit hours at Barton County Community College and KU.

12 applications have been sent to apply for a grant to upgrade homes in McCracken.

At the St. Patrick's Day event in Rush Center, the swimming pool ladies had a food booth to benefit the pool, selling brats and drinks. They also had a float displaying the lawn mower and grill that will be in the raffle. John and Melanie drove the truck with the float and daughter Sarah and Jonathan Strauss threw candy. Bet and Jeanette McCormick drove the old fire truck with Roger and Brian Legleiter throwing candy. Paula Greenway drove the other fire truck with Stephanie, William and Michael Greenway and Jessie Casey throwing candy; Kevin Anderson drove an ambulance, Babe and Arlene Gilbert were with Bill and Sharon Lovitt in a '55 Chevy; Debi Rogers was on a golf cart for Farmers Bank and Trust; Haily Gilbert, Emma Rues and Lexi Anderson were on the float for gymnastics; Katlyn Morgan was on the float with the LHS band. Others there for the festivities or working a food booth were Bob House, Tomi and Emma Rues, Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Francis and Julia Zeller, Rose and Les Diehl, Brett and Holly Gilbert and girls, Scott Irvin, Lisa Legleiter, Sheila Brown, Kerri Morgan, Brenda Legleiter, Jackie Casey, Jessie Casey, Ruth Crawshaw and Carol Weber.

The Ness County Old Settler's Reunion is scheduled for June 2, 3 and 4, 2005 in Ness City.

The McCracken American Legion put on an outstanding fish fry in March.

Roofmaster's from Hays has made a donation to the Rodeo of some much need tin.

An Open House was held in honor of the 90th birthday of Alice Barber at the Trego County Senior Center in WaKeeney on April 9, 2005. It was hosted by Don and Luella Barber and Rick and Tena Barber.

Joe Jennings celebrated his 70th birthday of March 20, 2005. His dad, Fay Jennings, would have been 100 on March 25.

Lorraine Ryan returned home after spending two weeks visiting Martin, Cathie, Lauren and Jessica Shapiro in Sacramento, Calif. She attended a J.A.M.S. National Cheer competition in Las Vegas where Jessica's junior group placed second. Jessica is a 6th grader. She attended a gymnastics meet in Concord the next weekend where Lauren was to compete, but she sustained an injury and was not able to complete her rotation.

Criminals are afoot in Rush County and the Rush County Sheriff's Office is asking for help in catching them. Five farm burglaries have been reported since the first of the year. Some are large pieces of equipment such as welders, compressors and 4 wheelers. Keep watch.

The McCracken Jail/Museum received $181.00 from the Rush County United Funds. The money will be added to the grant received from Kansas Museums, Inc. to purchase a copy machine.

A memorial to the Museum has been given by Fran Work, Gladstone, Ill. in memory of Floyd Thompson

$343.00 was given to the McCracken Swimming Pool from the Jail/Museum from sales of the MHS Mustang sweatshirts.

Dorothy and Sam Graham's daughter, Gayle, appeared in an ad in the USA Weekend insert on February 25-27, 2005 for NutriSystem. Gayle is the granddaughter of Lucille Crotinger, Kingman.

Sheila Brown participated in the Scholars' Bowl Invitational at Ness City representing the 8th grade of Western Plains Junior High. Representing the 7th grade was Leah Baus. She had 100 points.

Bernadetta J. Wideman, 81, Ellis, the wife of Henry R. (Marak) Wideman, died on March 21, 2005 at Salina.

Anthony "Tony John" Pavlu, 70, died March 31, 2005, at Wichita from injuries received in a accident when he was working with his cattle. He was born June 26, 1934 on a farm near Brownell, the son of Anthony J and Mary Elizabeth Maguire Pavlu, Sr. He married Mary Ann Stoecklein at Ness City on May 28, 1956. She survives. Others survivors are sons, Mike, Kenny and Ashley; daughters, Tonetta Steiben, Diana Kulhman, Gina Harris, Vickie Brungardt, 15 grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

50's birthdays -- Maureen Janke Georg, Darwin Grumbein, Galen Oelkers.

Jerry Higgins was one of the referees for the Mid-Kansas All-Star Basketball Classic held April 2, 2005 at the Sports Arena in Hutchinson.

Congratulations to Larry and Donna Buster, Eagle River, Alaska, on the birth of a son. Hayden Ryan Buster was born March 30, 2005 at Anchorage, Alaska. Grandparents are Norma and Horace Leger, Duson, La. and Joan Buster, Albuquerque, N. M. and the late Donald L. Buster.

Congratulations to Clayton & Kizmin Wilson, WaKeeney, on the birth of a son. Gunner Paul Wilson was born April 3, 2005, at Hays Medical Center, Hays, Kan. His grandparents are Jack & Verlene Wilson and Kevin & Lyndell Rorabaugh, great-grandmothers are Lydia Schoenberger and Leila Heronoma.

Bernetta Mark Bryant, 85, died January 4, 2005 in Wichita. She was the daughter of August and Kate McCormick Marak and graduated from McCracken High School in 1939. Survivors are sons John, Charles, James, Earl, Richard and William; daughters Edith and Cheryl. Burial was in Wichita.

Francis and Julia Zeller returned home after spending 2 weeks in Louisville, KY, attending the 32nd International Square Dance Caller Convention. Julia was recognized as being the only partner to attend all 32 conventions. She was presented with 2 dozen lovely red roses. They also visited with Mary Graham, her son Mike and family and daughter Janice and family in Dearborn, Mich.

We have a new resident in the 'city'. Harold Schultz has moved to 407 West Ash.

Kyra Horesky was confirmed on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Hoisington. Her sponsor was Kayla Tacha.

Phyllis Conrad and Louise Zordel attended a bridal shower on April 2, 2005, for Jennifer Neely, daughter of Chris and Rhonda Zordel, Spearville and granddaughter of Albert and Louise Zordel, Ransom.

©2005, McCracken Alumni Association
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