
June 2003
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This Month in History

June 1933
The seniors are having an all day picnic at Moore's dam near Rush Center.  The other classes will have 1/2 day picnics with Juniors going to Alexander on the Walnut;  Sophomores to Spring Creek and Freshman to the Smoky River.
Jack Paul Wilson was born May 14, 1933, the son of Paul and Tot Wilson.
June 1943
The fine new Assembly of God Church will be the scene for baccalaureate services on Sunday, May 16, 1943. 
Alexander High School graduates are:  LaVern Boese, Marilea Hall, Alton Huddleston, Thayne Jones, Billie Neumeyer, Claranetta and Marvin Scheuerman, Marjorie Sloan, Frank Stewart, Virginia Thompson and Eva Waudby.
Rural school graduates in Ness county are Marvel Ann McCormick, Clayton and Harlon McFarren and Keith Wierman.  Bazine High School graduates are Teresa and Lawrence Casey.  Brownell High School graduates:  Keith Brown, Vernon Davis, Floyd Everhart, William Likes, Eunice McGinnis, Keith North, Philip Richolson, Delia Squier.  Brownel grade school graduates:  Harley North, Ila May Likes, Wilma Brown, LeRoy Likes, Lawrence Barnett and Joseph Hall.
June 1953
Bob Fear, LeRoy Gilbert and Floyd Thompson left for induction for the armed foreces.
Principal LeeRoy Barrett will present diplomas to 14 grade school graduates:  Carol Bible, Roy Conrad, Gerald Crotinger, Jodene Dawson, Verna Dixon, Larry Eisenhour, Mary Ann Graff, Bob Higgins, Marjean Jones, Hazel Pfaff, Reva Rodeman, Pat Ryan, Eddie Schuckman and Patricia Thompson.
MHS students placing in State Scholarship:  Dean Gilbert 1st in Physics and American History; Juanita Walker 1st in English 12; Shirley Brackney 2nd in English 12; Dorothy Crotinger 1st in English 10 and 3rd in World History; John Hansen 2nd in English 9; Roberta Anderson 3rd in Constitution; Honorable mention to Dight House American History; Diana Walker English 9; Betty Davis, typing 1.  MHS placed first in State in their class.
Sylvester McCormick and Victor Higgins left Monday for Kansas City for pre-induction physicals.
June 1963
Members of Athenian Club their spouses and faculty members met to honor the scholarship team at the annual tea.  The team consisted of:  Janis Eisenhour, JoFaye Gaschler, Tony Harp, Terry Herdman, Susan Irvin, Peggy Janke, Marie Johnston, Carol Littler, Carolyn Mason, Karen Norlin, Daryl North, Jametta Peters, Ronald Richolson, Ira Robison, Kathleen Rourke an Kathleen Stremel.
MHS placed 1st in State scholarship for Class D schools.  Alexander ranked 2nd.
McCracken grade school held their graduation May 22, 1963.  Francis Zeller presented diplomas to:  Karen Sue Casey, Elsie Ann Dugan, Sarah Jane Casey, Janice Eileen Halbleib, Bill Harp, Doug Higgins, Linda Lee Irvin, James Higgins, Penny Louise Irvin, Barbara McMinn, Larry North, Michael Peters, Danny Petz, Terry Gene Peters, Mary Ann Pfaff, Benny Rogers, Dixie Lee Walker, Debra Ann Rogers, Elaine Wetzel, Paula Zeller, Valerie Lynn Zimmerman.
Mrs.Margaret Hair, who is retiring as the 1st and 2nd grade teacher at Brownell, was honored at the last day of school dinner.
June 1973
Fox Theatre will show the mid-west premiere of the movie "Paper Moon" in Hays July 11, 1973.
Cookie league baseball practice begins.  The record for the past 6 years is 83 wins, 7 losses with three undefeated seasons.
Leslie Rogers took first in the discus at the track meet in LaCrosse.
Among those participating in the State Junior Olympics in Manhattan were Terri and Brenda Rogers, Shannon McKinney, Leslie Rogers, Joe Conner and Freddie Taylor.
June 1983
McCracken 7th & 8th grade students are Lance McCormick, Tricia Seltman, Jason Moran, Melissa Seltman, Stacy Brackney, Malena Rogers, Jeff Crawshaw, Vikki Hopkins, Trenton Herdman, Jennifer Festerling, Scott Wittman, Kaira Miller, Jamie Sewell, Thomas Hayes, Marjori King and Debbie Gaunt.
Betty Casey resigned as cook at the McCracken schools.
Kayla Higgins and Janet Conner have signed with Dodge City Community College to play volleyball.
Those receiving academic letters at MHS are:  Sabrena Higgins, Janet Conner, Kim Brackney, Sandy Taylor, John and Michele Moran, Susan Thompson and Laura North.
Carolyn Mason Slavin has been awarded a scholarship to study nursing at Cloud County.  She graduated from Beloit with an LPN Degree.
June 1993
Kim Taylor, wife of Freddie Taylor, was named Teacher of the Year for all the elementary schools in Liberal.  Kim is a 1st grade teacher.
Tonya Mangold Hinman, wife of Wade Hinman, graduated from Kansas University of a Bachelor of Social Work degree.
Butch and Kaira Miller Hayes will be moving to Philedelphia, PA where Kaira has been accepted into the doctorate program at Drexel University in psychology.

Guy Conner, 72, died May 28, 2003 at Hays.  He was a teacher, coach and counselor for McCracken High School.  He is survived by his wife Sonja, son Joseph, daughter Janet, brother Glenn, sister Gail and four grandchildren.
George Kuska, husband of LoRee Grumbein Kuska, died March 25, 2003 in Salinas, California.  They had been married 51 years.
Irma Irvin Wegher Peer, died May 26, 2003 in Garden Grove, California.  Burial was in California.
Marcelline Moran Wendling, 85, Halstead, died June 3, 2003.  Survivors are husband, Eugene Wendling, two sons, David and William; two daughters Jean Ann Gleason and Mary Klutzke; brothers, William J. Moran; sisters Mary Ann Moran, Jean Moran and Reita Moran Pumilia.
Patty Klee Brock, 68, died June 10, 2003 at her home in Salina. 
Esther Akers, 89, died May 19, 2003 at Hays. Survivors include two sisters, Katharen Rodeman and Ruth Yawger. 
Alverta Doerr Seelye, 100, died May 31, 2003, at LaCrosse.  She is survived by her daughter, Ruthetta Hansen and two grandchildren.
Roxann Rogers Dechant and her daughter Tammy Dechant Olgorzoka graduated from Fort Hays State University on Saturday, May 17, 2003.  Roxann's
Degree is a Master's in Special Education and Tammy's is a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education
Erin Halbleib, daughter of Charles and Monica Halbleib, Ness City, received her degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University.
Mitchell Conner graduated from North Central Kansas Technical College, Beloit.  He is the son of Mike Conner and Connie Stewart.
Staci Elias, wife of Doug Elias, graduated with a Master's Degree in School Counseling from West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.
Trina Casey Luetters, daughter of Daryl and Barbara Casey, received her degree from Ft. Hays State in elementary education.
Melissa Lamer, daughter of Chuck and Cheryl Lamer, received her Pharmacy Degree at Glendale, Arizona. 
Lisa and Penny Schuckman are following in their dad's (LeeRoy Schuckman) footsteps.  Lisa is teaching Special Ed in Wichita; Penny is a Principal for an elementary school in Maize.
Shari Hart, daughter of Kellye and Diana Walker Hart, is an assistant principal at Hutchinson High School.
Melissa Schuckman, daughter of Donnie and the late Donna Davis Schuckman graduated from Hutchinson Community College, May 9, 2003.
Tim Jockum, son of Joy North Shell, Anchorage, Alaska, graduated from Corpus Christi University.  He received a CumLaude Degree in chemistry and calculus.
Jill Wierman, daughter of Ray and Laura Hinman Wierman, graduated from Kansas State University.
Ryan Wiebe, son of Michael and Nancy Higgins Wiebe, graduated May 3, 2003, with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management and Marketing from Northwest Missouri State University.
Congratulations to those who graduated in May:  Lance Irvin, son of John and Sharon Irvin; Jerrod Morgan, son of Leslie Morgan; Diane Suppes, daughter of Shelly Oelkers and Kelvin Suppes; Shawna Sloan daughter of Kathy Derr; William Zeller, son of Paulette Harp and Bill Zeller;  Ashley McGaughey, daughter of Rob and Helena McGaughey, Emily daughter of Debra and the late David Rogers;  Mary Elizabeth Casey, daughter of Patrick and Jackie Casey; Justin Fritzler, son
of the late Mark Fritzler; Drew Traxler, son of Perry and Collette Cole Traxler; Ashley and Anthony Taylor, daughter and son of Rodney and Bernadette Taylor;
Emily and Arthur Thompson, Salina, grandchildren of Ken and Lou Thompson; Chris Zimmerman, grandson of Addie Mills, Kelly Casey, daughter of Don and Melody Casey; Matt Smith, son of Dean and Peggy Rixon Smith; Cindy Wierman, daughter of Ray and Laura Hinman Wierman.
Congratulations to Norman and Glenda Herdman Pfannenstiel who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on May 18, 2003.
Roy Conrad has built and placed an alumni memorial plaque by the flag pole at the City park.
Congratulations to Diz and Wilma Washaliski on the birth of fraternal twin granddaughters, Emily Sophia and Olivia Grace Washaliski, born June 8, 2003, in Belton, Missouri.  Parents and Eric and Sarah Washaliski.
Congratulations to Tim and Stacy Rues on the adoption of a year old daughter, Lily A Lan Rues, at Kunming (Forever Spring) China. 
Congratulations to Geoff and Kristin Gembala on the birth of a son, Braeden, April 1, 2003.  He is the grandson of David Norlin and great grandson of Lorraine Norlin.
Congratulations to Jami Casey, daughter of Jim and Karin Seltman Casey and Dustin Gross, who were married April 19, 2003 at Hanston. 
Congratulations to Allan and Joyce Gore Thompson on their marriage, Saturday, April 26, 2003, at the First Christian Church in Plainville, Kansas.
Joe and Carrie Higgins, son and daughter of Martin and Mary Zeller Higgins, drove to California from LasVegas to take a tour of Catalina Island.  They attended the 38 annual academy of country music awards at Mandalay Bay, LasVegas.
Michelle Mays, granddaughter of Joy and George Hunter, was pictured in the Orange County Register as she cheered for the winning Ducks at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California.
Tricia Seltman, daughter of James and the late Audrey Seltman, has accepted a position as administrative assistant at Blue Beacon International in Salina.  She previously taught at St. John's Military Academy.
Ricky Self, grandson of Reba Davenport Baker, recently re-enlisted in the Navy.  He recently returned from Kuwait.
Andrew Conrad, son of Richard and Linda Conrad, was honored by the K'Nex Company for building a model that is used to educate military officials.  The item he made for the government was to make for a safer system for landing planes at airports. 
Linda Irvin Bittel, art teacher at Great Bend Middle School, was named outstanding middle school art teacher for the year in Kansas.
Anthony Taylor, son of Rod and Bernadette Taylor, was selected as a member of the first team all area Hays Daily basketball team. Anthony was a 5'10" senior guard at Ellis High School.
Robert Rein, former Kirby salesman, is working at Riverside Autoplex in Great Bend. 
Carl and Crystal Anderson Hovy renewed their wedding vows in Dodge City on Sunday, April 13, 2003.and
Bobby Peters is now living in Great Bend at the High Rise Apartments.
Doug and Staci Elias have moved to Tampa, Florida.
Mary and George Mansfield, daughter of Marlene Pfannenstiel Bronish, live in Hong Kong where events have been at a standstill due to the SARS epidemic. 
Shawn Fear, grandson of Bob and Margaret Fear, received recognition for the All-District 4-5A boys basketball in Burleson, Texas.  Shawn is a 5'8" junior.
Lonnie Irvin is the new Athletic Director at Hoisington High School.
Rodeo/Alumni begins July 9, 2003!!!! 
Wednesday:  Women's Barrel racing
Thursday:  Trail ride begins with registration at 1:00 p.m. with trail ride beginning at 2:00 p.m. from Alexander crossing to Hampton. 
                  Rodeo Slack - bar-b-que
Friday:    Kirk Shapland, Buffalo Bill Re-creator 6:00 p.m.
                Kids events 6:30  Rodeo 8:00
Saturday  golf tournament 8:30  $60 entry fee 4-person scramble
                10:00  Dedication and Alumni Memorial at City Park 
                10:00  Queen Contest - City Building
                10:00  Museum Opening
                12:00  Dinner at Schafer Building
                  6:30 Kids events
                  8:00  Rodeo
                10:30  Street Dance

Anyone interested in the trail ride may register by e mail to Tony Rues at

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