
April 2003
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This Month in History

Those MHS Students entering the county scholarship contest are: Avery Norlin, Sam Higgins, Ruby North, Elmer Roughton, Carl Higgins, Bard Stephens, Lester Doerr, Percival Grumbein, Erma Foster, Lorene Langdon, Emma Mae Norlin, Ruby Kueffer and Louise Johnson.

Forrest "Rastus" Ramsey struck out 21 hitters in a recent game with Ransom High School.

McCracken Grade School boys and girls won the county basketball tournament. Girls team included Helen Irvin, Lucille Elmore, Luceil Plotner, Bernita Marak, Delores Hammond, Gwendolyn Prowant, Frances Conner, Hazel Earl, Jane Glaspy, Marjorie Norlin, Lenore Ramsey, Zella Mae Doerr and Lorene Schutte. Boys were George Doerr, Adrian Doerr, Claude Irvin, Malcolm Showalter, Basil Temple, Merrill Roughton, Leslie Kueffer, Beverly Irvin, Wesley Irvin, James Moran and Marion Foster.

A music recital will be held Tuesday evening in the grade school auditorium. Instrumental solos: Cornet, Alice Foster, Donald Ramsey, Rachel Schutte, Peggy Shiney, Emma Rose Showalter; Clarinet Jean and Teresa Moran, Joan and Norma Ryan; Flute Phyllis Cheney; Tuba Blanche Pratt; Saxaphone Dorothy Elmore and Laytha Ryan.

Carol Fay Rein, Priscilla and James Rixon visited the first and second grade room on Monday.

Thistle Grove School will be out Thursday, April 29 with a basket dinner. Pleasant Hill closed on April 22 with a large crowd and a big basket dinner of turkey, chicken and everything that went with a basket.

Alice Weesner, 6th grader, placed 3rd in the Rush county penmanship contest.

The REN League scholarship will be held at two centers in order to avoid traveling. McCracken will go to Alexander.

Donald Ramsey played a coronet solo in the music audition at Lindsborg.

Ann McCormick took her final exams for Thistle Grove School.

At the meeting of the county teacher's association, the following McCracken teachers were recognized for 25 years of service: Oliver Pearson, Mae Meehan and Violet Meats.

Bob Fear, LeRoy Gilbert and Floyd Thompson left for Kansas City for induction into the Armed Forces.

McCracken grade school students who received a 1 rating in the music festival were: Joyce Showalter, Reva Rodeman, Arlene Wilson and Janice Myers.

Members of MHS M Club are: Betty Davis, Diane Walker, Gail Conner, Juanita Walker, Shirley Brackney, Reba Davenport, Phyllis Rein, Yvonne McFarren, Ona Ruth Dixon, Wilma Pfannenstiel, Dorothy Crotinger, Priscella Rixon, Roberta Anderson and cheerleaders, Carol Rein, Mary Vogle and Marlene Doyle.

The Senior class play was "Even Stephen". Cast members were Juanita Walker, Dight House, Phyllis Rein, Pete Rixon, Dean Gilbert, Shirley Brackney and Curly Juvenal.

Students were matched with books from the school library:
A Tale of Two Cities -- McCracken and Schoenchen
The Story of Lou Gerhig -- Bill Lovitt
Daddy Longlegs -- Dight House
Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde -- Coach Al Rues
Yang & Yin -- Roberta Anderson and Yvonne McFarren
When Knighthood was in Flower -- Curly Juvenal

McCracken High School music students participated in the district music festival in Hays Friday and Saturday. Accompanying them to Hays were Lorraine Norlin, Gladys Fear, Rose Grumbein, Billie North and Wanda Walker.

Alexander Whippets were forced to go 13 innings against Ransom but still racked up their 12th straight victory in two seasons. Players were: John Hansen, Lonnie Morgan, Doug Williams, Dwight Williams, Joel Yost, Tom Sehl and Gary Blocker.

McCracken High school faculty include: Oliver Pearson, Helen Elias, Keith Gumm, Kellye Hart, Margaret Buxton and Glenn Conner, Grade school faculty are: Arlene Gilbert, LeRoy Schuckman, Dight House, Elizabeth Conner, Geneva Rife, Kizzie Nickel, Philena Baus. Janitors Gladys and Lee Fear; cooks, Bonnie Zeller, Donita Parsons and Grace Lovitt. Board of education: Donald Buster, Emma Mae Anderson and Francis Zeller.

MHS band members are: Terry Zimmerman, Karen Casey, Carol Littler, Ira Robison, Carolyn Stremel, Keith Crawford, Elsie Dugan, Dixie Walker, Jametta Peters, Rita North, Bill North, Ann North, Kathleen Stremel, Jan Eisenhour, Karen Norlin, Peggy Janke, Claudia Barnes, Elaine Wetzel, Carolyn Mason, Susan Reinhardt. Twirlers - Linda Irvin, Valerie Zimmerman, Elsie Dugan, Marie Johnston.

MHS Boy Glee Club: Jim Brown, Elmer Baus, Terry Herdman, Mark Reinhardt, Martin Higgins, Dennis Peters, Reggie Irvin, Ronnie Richolson, Keith Crawford, Ira Robison.

Guy Conner was voted Master Teacher of the Year by the Rush County's Teacher Association.

Douglas Higgins is a teacher in the Fredonia school system.

Semi-finalists in the Rush county spelling contest from McCracken are Andrea Dome, Cheryl Foreman, Annette Stafford, Tammy Higgins, Laura Unrein, Patti Swartz and Norene Fletcher. Norene placed 2nd in the county.

The Girl Scout senior troop #42 left Friday on a ski trip to Snow Mountain Ranch in Colorado. Those attending were: Nancy Higgins, Cheryl Davis, Brenda Rogers, Rosemary Rues and Mary Zinn.

Leslie Rogers won the shot put and discus throw at the grade school track meet in LaCrosse on Thursday.

The LaCrosse Invitational track meet was held Friday with McCracken boys earning 22 points. Those placing were Randy Taylor, Dave Derr, Jim Casey and Lorrie Morgan for the girls.

John Muller graduated from the University of Kansas in Chemical Engineering.

Robert Hamilton defeated write-in candidate Barbara Baus 652-442 for position #7 on the USD 395 School Board.

The junior high Colts set five school track records at the meet in LaCrosse. Thomas Hayes 100 meter dash, 13.36; Kelly Petz, Bruce Barnes, Michael Hays and Kim Cao 400 meter relay, 58.67; Michael Hays, Kim Cao, Scott Wittman and Thomas Hayes 800 meter relay, 2.04:24; Kim Cao high jump 5'2"; Stacy Brackney 75 meter hurdles 14.45.

The McCracken ball field will be the site of a slo-pitch softball tournament which will be held over Memorial weekend.

Betty Casey has resigned as cook at the McCracken schools.

Shelly Sewell and Kaira Miller placed second in the K of C regional free throw contest in Hoxie.

Quivera basketball league second team selection was Jeff Scheuerman; Doug Elias received honorable mention. Sandy Taylor was on the second team and Janet Conner honorable mention.

Bob Foster, local artist, will be showing his paintings at the Thorn-Moss Gallery at Fort Hays State University.

Dale Elias was elected as the new fire chief for the City. He replaces
Charlie Jacobs.

Tonya Hinman graduated from Kansas University with a Bachelor of Social Work degree.

Bernita Klee, 88, died March 16, 2003 at Hays Medical Center. She was a 1932 graduate of MHS and a graduate of Fort Hays State University. Burial in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery.

Mary Beth Pfaff, 52, died March 11, 2003. She is survived by her husband Glenn, son Johnny and daughter Misty. Burial was in the Brownell Cemetery.

Michael D. Couglin, son-in-law of Adam Conrad Jr., died March 24, 2003. He is survived by his wife Carol, his mother and three sisters. Services were held in Portland, Oregon.

F. Dale Webster, 47, died at Great Bend March 20, 2003. He was the son of Orin and Coleen Peters Webster. Burial was in Hutchinson.

Lee Legleiter, son of Mike and Sharolyn Jones Legleiter, competed in the State Career Development Competition in Overland Park. He is a member of Hays High DECA Marketing Student Organization.

Tricia North, daughter of Daryl and Linda North, is doing her student teaching at Otis-Bison in English and history.

Dean Gilbert is pastor of the United Methodist Churches in Latham and Atlanta, Kansas.

A rodeo meeting to plan for the July rodeo week scheduled for July 9 through 12 was held at the library. Those attending were Jack Wilson, Roger Legleiter, Mike Stull, Bill Greenway, Pat Casey, Tyrel Elias.

The Hays Daily News published a two-page spread entitled "Plight of a Small Community" in the March 9, 2003, Sunday issue. Pictures included a student at McCracken Middle School; Main Street taken from the Collingwood Elevator; father and son, Francis and Bill Zeller; Jack Wilson, organizer of McCracken Rodeo; view from highway 4 into McCracken; McCracken Middle School practicing for a play on the stage in the 'old' grade school; Trace Brackney riding his bike in front of the post office; Mitch Jacobs and Red Fear at Charlie's Service Station; Tomi and Emma Rues at the post office. The article was written by Joy Leiker and photos by Jeff Cooper. The geist of the story is that McCracken used to be a thriving community and the people who remain are loyal and devoted.

McCracken Middle School will close at the end of this school term and the students will transfer to the high school building in LaCrosse. OUR building will be available for use by contacting the district office in LaCrosse, Kansas. It is the newest school building in USD#395 District. It took the school board 20 years to finally eliminate education in McCracken.

Chuck Higgins is the girls softball coach for Buhler High School this spring.

Ivan Christian Brethowr, son of Shane and Jill Brethowr, Matthews, NC was born February 27, 2003. His grandmother is Rita Wierman Brethowr.

Bridger Augustus Baus, son of Shawn and Lisa Baus, was born February 12, 2003. His great-grandmother is former teacher, Philena Baus.

A Junior High book club has been organized at the McCracken Library. Members are Skyler Jones, Sheila Brown, Katelyn Morgan, Lisa Legleiter, Nicole Ryan, Kayla Irvin. Helpers are Sharon Lytle, Nicole Weigle and co-ordinator, Tomi Rues.

Dennis Peters and his nieces, Nicole and Shawna Peters, daughters of Russell Peters, traveled to Livorno, Italy to visit his daughter, Sherrina, Mario and sons Lorenzo and Christian.

Rob McGaughey had surgery on his finger Monday. This is NOT the one he cut while in high school, but the one he caught in the combine.

Pat Istas and Tim Rues were in McCracken to set the new sign at the Jail/Museum. The sign is in three parts, McCracken City Jail Museum 1901.

Marlene Pfannenstiel Bronish writes that her daughter is studying in Hangzhau, Zhejiang China. Marlene is concerned about SARS because her daughter and husband George live in Hong Kong.

Our rural mail carrier, Galen Boese, is back carrying following his 'fight' with the train at the crossing near the farm home of Mark Derr.

McCracken Public Library is seeking donations for the purchase and up grade of the computer at the library. Plans are to raise $2,000 for the new computer and to obtain DSL. Librarians are Ruth and Mamie Crawshaw; chairman, Thayne Jones; treasurer, John Stull; board members, Brenda Legleiter, Paulette Harp, Dale Monroe, Tomi Rues and Lorraine Ryan. Donations may be mailed to John Stull or any board member!!!!

Ben Rogers recently visited Congressman Jerry Moran in Washington, DC to represent the State Association of Kansas Watersheds.

Election was held Tuesday, April 1, 2003. William F. Greenway was re-elected City Commissioner; John Irvin will continue his position as school board member from McCracken. Mark Baus was elected Mayor in Alexander. Alexander City Council members are Adam Showalter, Dale Whittom, James Web, Dale West, and Darwin Grumbein.

McCracken Middle School band and vocal students receiving 1's at the LaCrosse Music Festival are: Clinton Kershner, son of Bruce and Ellen Davis Kershner; Katelyn Morgan, daughter of Layne and Kerri Derr Morgan; Caryssa Johnson, daughter of Don and Edna Johnson; Cody Prosser, daughter of Tom and Brenda Littler Prosser.

Michael Morgan, son of Kerri and Layne Morgan and Jerrod Morgan, grandson of Jametta Peters Basgall, are members of the LaCrosse High School golf team.

Those on the principal's honor roll at LaCrosse High School are Lance Irvin, Emily Rogers, Dyan Suppes, Kayla Irvin, Anna Irvin.

They will be a tax foreclosure sale in Rush county in the near future. Property will be listed in the county paper.

Fourteen Rush county teams took part in the Walk Kansas event. Local walkers were Mary Beth Peach, Tomi Rues, Dena Irvin, Pat Lohrey, Gloria Morgan, Kathleen Moran.

Andy Hansen has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He is the son of Lee and Donna Rogers Hansen, Hays. Grandson of Addie Mills.

The flu bug has really been making the rounds. Many of our alumni have had to spend time in the area hospitals.

©2003, McCracken Alumni Association
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