A group of local Boy Scouts attended Boy Scout camp at Scott Lake last week: They were Franklin Elmore, Bard Stephens, Beverly Irvin, Elmore Ryan, Willard Mills, Claude Irvin, Lloyd Elias, Raymond Mills, Dean Birdsong, Duane Phillips and scout master, G.B. VanWinkle.
Harry Tanck's boys have 4 young coyotes that they are attempting to tame.
The new beer is 3.2
A farm house 3 miles east of McCracken was raided by county and city authorities. Three gallons of liquor was found but the lady of the house broke it before it could be taken as evidence.
The Larry Nolan players will open a two night stand in their big tent Sunday. Mr. Nolan's father was a former superintendent in the McCracken schools.
The 30 piece McCracken band made their first broadcast over KFBI at Abilene Sunday afternoon. Fritz Lovitt sang two numbers and Roy C. Mortimer sang with the piano and orchestra.
Maurice Klee and Donald Hinman left Monday to report to service for the Navy. Both will be in the V-1 Navy program. Maurice will be at Ames college in Iowa and Donald at KU.
Adelaide Klee is employed as a woman ordinance worker at the Frankfort arsenal in Philadelphia.
Rationing books are to be used for gasoline, sugar, coffee, fuel oil, shoes, meat and processed foods.
Billy Wierman won a free trip to St. Louis sponsored by the Dell Klema IGA Store.
Joe Casey has purchased the Gus Marak house and has moved in with his family.
Richard Gordon won the talent contest Monday night at the Fair.
Arlene Rues will begin teaching music at Brownell.
117 students are enrolled in McCracken Grade School. New first graders are: Tony Ray Harp, Kathleen Stremel, Jerry Dugan, Kathy Casey, Susan Irvin, Dennis Peters, Ralph Pfaff, Marvee Huxol, Stephen Anderson, Stephen Huber, Kenneth Mills, Georgianna Klema, Lenora Jones, Janis Eisenhour and Jametta Peters. Enrollment for McCracken High School is 36.
Carl Higgins and David Hunt of Seattle were here for the McCracken High School alumni reunion.
Golf winners at McCracken 2nd annual Jubilee were Ray Grumbein and Gerald Walker.
300 attended the alumni reunion at the grade school auditorium. There were 157 graduates and 51 classes represented. The committee elected R.W. VanWinkle, Chairman with Helen Showalter, Loraine Ramsey, Gloyd Vogle and Frank McGaughey assisting. Two members of the 1913 class were present, Sadie Wilson Kraus and Ralph Elmore.
Brownie Day Camp, under the leadership of Mary Zinn, was held at the McCracken Park and Cedar Bluff Dam June 4 - 7. Helpers were Sonya Conner, Mary Anne Taylor, Adelaide Mills, Joyce Bromlow, Eleanor Wells and Signe Barnes.
Brownell American Legion baseball team members are Greg Hinman, Norbert Flax, John Walker, Jerry Higgins, Allen Zordel, Jim Kenworthy, Nolan Cromwell, Tim Pfannenstiel, Dan Conner, Lonnie Irvin, Rob Giess, Gene Flax and Terry Weeks. Coach Bill Lovitt, Doug Higgins assistant coach and Brad Lovitt, bat boy. The team has new uniforms which are red with white and blue trim.
Enrollment at Alexander grade school is 49; McCracken grade school 62; McCracken high school 65.
Members of the K-18 Cookie league team are Kent Antenen, Butch Hayes, Chris Casey, Kris Bromlow, Lance McCormick, Trenton Herdman, Tom Hayes, Jason Moran, Michael Hays, Kim Cao, Joel Miller, Mark Loughry, Brett Gilbert, Grant Bannister and Bruce Barnes.
Nadine Hope will be the new Home Economics teacher, Roslyn Bethke will teach English, David Hughes, 6th grade and P.E.
1st place winner at the 3 on 3 basketball tournament were Lonnie Irvin, Heath Morgan, Jerry Higgins, Tammy Horseky and Curly Juvenal. Second place: Kris Bromlow, Trenton Herdman and Chris Chrisyro. Third place: Jerilyn Stull, Randy Taylor, Sandy Taylor, Mary Beth Prather and Ron Delay.
The alumni band members that entertained the 3 on 3 basketball tournament were Donna Schuckman, Joyce Eisnehour, Tammy Horesky, Deb Rogers, Ellen Kershner, Marlene Funk, Arlene Gilbert, Michele Moran, Rosie Rues, Rhonda Conrad, Jenny Rogers, Aaron McGaughey and Kelly and Spencer White.
The MHS alumni donated money to the park project, the library and gave a gift certificate from Golden Belt Telephone to Jack Wilson. They also helped with the pony rides at the rodeo grounds.
A ladies golf day was held at Dighton on Wednesday. Those from McCracken attending were Frances Janke, Twila Higgins, Gladys Hinman, Marybeth Prather, Priscella Jacobs and Pat Derr.
Congratulations to Ted and Shawna North on the birth of a son, Clay Arlyn, born June 17, 2003 in Hays. Grandparents are Arlyn and Jan North, Kelly Jennings and Shannon Jennings.
Congratulations to Jerod and Stacy Schuckman Scheetz on the birth of a daughter, Hayley Caroline, born July 7, 2003 in Hays. Grandparents are Don and the late Donna Davis Schuckman, great grandmother, Lenora Schuckman and great grandfather, Bob House.
L. Earle Smith, 69, died July 4, 2003 in an accident when his tractor turned over on him when he was mowing. He was born July 9, 1933 at McCracken to W. Earle and Ethel Elizabeth McGaughey Smith. He operated Smith's Carpets and Floors for 53 years in Hutchinson.
Anna Laura Dowell, 84, died July 6, 2003 at Quinter. She ran a beauty shop in McCracken for 3 years. Burial was in Dighton.
Vivian E. Beeman, 87, died July 12, 2003 at Topeka. She married Ray Beeman in Great Bend in 1946. She is survived by a daughter, Connie L. Koerner, three grandchildren, Lisa Gaschler, Robin and Penny Schuckman.
Cody L. Wendler Quint, 46, died July 13, 2003 in Dodge City. She was the daughter of the late Werner and Louise Holmes Wendler. She married Tom Quint, July 12, 1976. Also surviving are three sons; Kalen, Stephen, Weston; mother Louise; brothers, Kane, Kirby, Kell; sisters, Karla Haas, Kerri Ochs, Kim Pember. Burial at St. Mary's, Hodgeman county.
Buddy H. Barker, 51, died July 30, 2003 at Hutchinson. He was the son of Ernest and Ruth Barker (Case). Survivors are wife, Sue, mother, Ruth; son Brandon, daughter, Mindy.
Jane Fox, 92, died July 26, 2003. She was the daughter of Gus and Kate Marak and a member of the MHS class of 1930. Burial in ElDorado.
Delvin Fercking, 45, died July 17, 2003 at Great Bend. His sister is Jolinda Sloan.
Margaret Meitzen Higgins, 69, died May 28, 2003 at Seattle. She married Carl E. Higgins in 1981. He died in 1996. Burial in Washelli Cemetery in Washington.
Thirty two 4 person golf teams participated in the tournament on Saturday of the rodeo weekend. Championship flight 1st place; Don, Kellye, Chris and Chad Irvin; 2nd place, Dean and Kim Jay, Ross Wilson and Martin Higgins; 3rd place, Mitchell Conner, Michael Morgan, Richard Showalter, Chris Lohrey. Individual prize winners were: Shortest drive, Ronnie Rein; longest drive, Mitchell Conner, longest putt, Benny McCaskey; women's longest drive and longest putt, Jan Showalter; Jan also won the McCracken Rodeo belt buckle for closest to the hole.
At the McCracken Alumni meeting Brenda Legleiter served as Judge Judy, Jan North and Rosie Diehl quizzed former students with trivia questions regarding MHS. Ruth Yawger celebrated her 75th anniversary from MHS and Cecil Phillips celebrated his 70th anniversary. Former homecoming queens were honored. Everyone who owned up to scaling the fence at the swimming pool after hours received $1.
Those helping Rob McGaughey prepare the alumni dinner were; Joy Petz, Sandra Jacobs, Angela Murray, Ashley McGaughey,
Helena McGaughey and Laura Linsey.
Jody Mermis, Hays, is the 2003 McCracken Rodeo Queen.
Brandi Rupp and James McClure were married July 26, 2003 at Minneapolis. Brandi is the sister of Mrs. Doug (Staci) Elias.
Tayler Stull, son of Mike and Jerilyn Stull, placed 6th in sub-bantam boys high jump at the National Junior Olympics held in Detroit.
Mark Keener graduated with a Master's Degree in Management from Stanford University. He is the son of Pat and Betty Keener. He will be working in Dubai as vice-president of finance for Conoco-Phillips.
Shane Anderson has returned to Nellis Air Force base in LasVegas after an 8 month deployment.
Welcome to McCracken Robert and Linda Sloan Dale, Audra and Evan and Joann Juvenal Micheli. They moved here from Littleton, Colorado.
Dr. David Moran is a member of the level one trauma team at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita.
New flags will be purchased by the Alumni Memorial Association for use on Veteran's graves on Memorial Day. These flags are placed on the graves each year by West Burch American Legion Post #59.
Michelle Mays was pictured in the Orange County Register as she cheered for the winning Ducks at Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim.
Terry and Carol Littler Herdman, Blacksburg, Virginia, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary August 15 in LaCrosse. They were married September 1, 1963 in Russell. They have two sons, Darwin and Kirk, a daughter, Kimbra and seven grandchildren. Parents of the couple are Willetta Herdman and the late Oliver Herdman, Melvin and Mildred Littler.
William R. and Sharon Struthers Lovitt, Ransom, celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on August 9. Bill and Sharon were married August 9, 1958 in Larned. Their children and spouses are Kathy and Jeff Hurd, Brad Lovitt, Jennifer Lovitt, Teresa Lovitt and Lora and Scott Faiman.
The Grumbein family reunion was held July 13, 2003 in the 4 H building at the Ness City fairgrounds.
School begins but no young voices grace our school yard.
Mike Stull and Scott Littler are in first place in the 'cruiser' division at the Jetmore motor plex.
New officers for the McCracken Alumni Association are Jan North and Elaine Littler, co-chair persons, Sandra Jacobs and Shirley Higgins, secretary and treasurer. If you have not paid your dues this year (or last or the year before that) it's still not to late!! You may send them to PO Box 74, McCracken, KS 67556