
January 2003
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This Month in History

January 1933 A former music teacher, Miss Ethel Robinson, now Mrs. Baker of Prescott, AZ had triplets. They are Beatrice, Frances and Janice.

McCracken High School honor roll: Harley Irvin, Ruby North, Elmer Roughton, Ralph Tanck, Katherine Higgins, Ruby Kueffer, Lester Doerr, Franklin Elmore, Percival Grumbein, Ruth McGaughey, Emma Mae Norlin, Clarence Simpson, Carl Higgins, Esther Kueffer, Louise Marvin, Elmore Ryan, Bard Stephens, Vernon Suher, Sam Higgins, Avery Norlin.

January 1943 MHS Students on the six weeks honor roll are: Norma Ryan, Donald Ramsey, Donald Hinman, Maurice Klee, Margaret Shiney, Jean Moran, Jackie Juvenal, Joe Klee, Dorothy Elmore, Benny Thompson.

Jesse Allen Showalter, 15 month old son of Mac and Helen Showalter, was a pretty sick baby after drinking some kerosene on Monday.

January 1953 Wiliam Spomer has been chosen to be in the Freshman class at the KU School of Medicine.

Orland Edgington was chosen to play in the Kansas band which led the inaugural parade in Washington, DC.

The seniors dedicated the Mustang annual to Frances Kinsinger.

The McCracken board of education includes Mac Showalter, Treas., Elmore Ryan, Director and Albert L. North, Clerk. The faculty includes Al Rues, coach; Oliver Pearson, math; Frances Kinsinger, home ec.; Margaret Buxton, English; Violet Meats, Commerce and Betty Kessler, music.

Senior Class Wills: Dean Gilbert wills his ability to grow a beard to John W. Hanson, Jr.---another Abe Lincoln. Phyllis Rein wills her ability to wear diamonds to Reba Davenport --- we all know she doesn't want one. Curly Juvenal wills his sweet disposition to Tom O'Loughlin----love that Pepsodent smile. Dight House wills his way with the women to "Shooky" --- oh you lucky gals!!! Shirley Brackney wills her ability to get along with the boys to Yvonne McFarren --- big joke. Pete Rixon wills his grace as a dancer to Gail Conner --- "Cut a rug Rixon." Juanita Walker wills her bow legs to Twila Graff --- howdy partner!!!!!

January 1963 Reva and Carla Rodeman and John Stull received their degrees from Ft. Hays State College this Fall semester. Carla will be a speech correctionist at Leoti, Reva will teach vocal music in Hill City Schools. John is employed as a chemist for Dowell Incorporated in Tulsa.

Harold Dixon has completed a sixteen week course in phychiatric aide training at Larned.

McCracken beat Ransom 54-51 on Friday night. Terry Herdman had 23 points and Elmer Baus Jr. 19.

January 1973 The McCracken Colts beat the LaCrosse Wolves 39-24 on Friday. The whole story in the game was Mike Conner who scored 33 of his teams 39 points.

Area high school basketball scoring leaders include Dan Conner 22.8; John Elmore 16.8; Lonnie Irvin 15.0. Conner leads the list of all area players.

McCracken cheerleaders are Lorrie Morgan, Betty Moran, Maureen Janke, Nancy Higgins and Rosemary Rues. Debi Baus is the Mustang mascot.

Hot shooting McCracken Mustangs blew the Ransom Longhorns away in a 63 - 39 triumph Thursday night. The #1 Mustangs were led by John Elmore with 20 and Lonnie Irvin, 18. In the B-Team game, McCracken won 82 - 33 with Gerald Grumbein and Dave Derr scoring 19 each.

John Irvin is student council president for MHS.

January 1983 Those in Who's Who in music for 1983 are: Brenda Barnes, Kim Brackney, Janet Conner, Rhonda Conrad, Laytha Georg, Kayla Higgins, Sabrina Higgins, Sandy Peters, Humg Pham and Sandra Taylor.

The grade school girls basket ball team members are: Christi Brackney, Vikki Hopkins, Jennifer Festerling, Debbie Gaunt, Kaira Miller, Marjorie King, Melissa Morgan, Lynnette Harp, Malena Rogers, Shelly Sewell and Kerri Peters. Managers are Terri Petz and Treva Wilson. Coach is Mark Miller.

Poster winners at the conservation district meeting were: Kelly Petz, 1st; Troy Williams 2nd and Melissa Morgan 3rd.

January 1993 Cecil Phillips, class of 1933, is a patient in the Garden City Hospital after falling on the ice and injuring his hip.
"I really appreciate the effort that you all do on behalf of all of us who "graduated" from good old McCracken High School --
GO MUSTANGS!!!!!!!".

Dennis Peters, Class of 1965.

Stamps By Mail

Would you be willing to help out by supporting our post office in McCracken?  You or your business could have a vital role in this project.  Other small postoffices nearby have businesses in larger towns who are willing to buy all their stamps from a small rural post office.  Maureen Janke Georg is currently in charge.    There are no extra charges for your services, no lines to wait in.    Send your check for the amount you need and quicker than a wink you will have your stamps.

Thanking you in advance. 
MHS Alumni

To our Alumni and Friends:
Did you know that Bob Foster, class of 1970, is undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment?  To offset the cost of the cancer treatments we are asking all interested friends and alumni to contribute to a fund to help Bob with expenses.  Bob and his brother Kenny are now living in McCracken and must make daily trips to Hays for the chemo and radiation treatments.  Bob is on a special diet as he has a feeding tube from his recent surgery.  Would you be willing to help out with these expenses and help him in this difficult time?  To those who wish to contribute to the MHS Alumni Special Fund for Bob, you may send your donations to MHS Alumni Association, Box 74, McCracken, KS 67556

Thank you very much,
McCracken Alumni Association
Jan Eisenhour North   1965
Shirley Lovitt Higgins  1952
Rose Rues Diehl           1975
Sandra Jacobs            1981

Thank You for Observing Silence -- Thomas Merton

To allow ones self to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender oneself to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything is to succumb to violence. More than that, it is a cooperation in violence. It destroys your own inner capacity for peace. It destroys the fruitfulness of your own work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes the work fruitful.

In memorium: Faie B. Whinery Donner, 92, died January 1, 2003 at Great Bend. She was a member of MHS class of 1930.

Nellie Pearl Conner, 83, died December 30, 2002 at Hesston, KS. She was the wife of Leonard L. Conner, class of 1931. Leonard died November 5, 1982.

Willis Percival Grumbein, 92, died January 6, 2003 at Dodge City. He was the grandson of the early Grumbein settlers. His sister, Lucille Slagle, Ness City, survives.

Les Rein, 85, died January 9, 2003 at LaCrosse. He is survived by his wife Rose and son Thomas and sister Rose Showalter.

Joe Burnham, husband of Louise Marvin Burnham, Fremont, NE died November 2002. Louise was a member of the class of 1936. Joe was the brother-in-law of Helen and Howard Yost and Leon Marvin of LaCrosse.


USD 395 School Board voted unanimously on Monday, January 13, 2003 to close McCracken Middle School. This ends 116 years of education in the City of McCracken. Since the early 1960's when the decision was made to consolidate with USD 395, the school has steadily been eliminated. We applaud all school districts who stayed out of consolidation!! They are STILL operating.

The McCracken United Methodist plans to hold a Community potluck dinner each month on the 2nd Sunday at noon. Come and enjoy! Everyone welcome.

The rumors of war are ever present. Please keep all of the service men and women in your thoughts and prayers. Here are a few that we know. Shannon McKinney, Ricky Self, grandson of Reba Davenport Baker, Jim Slemp, son of Ray and Marilyn Slemp, Shane Anderson, son of Steve and Sharon Anderson. If you know of others, please let us know so we can add them to our list.

Tom Rues gave the Museum the book "Kansas Place - Names" by John Rydjord. McCracken is mentioned on page 171 and 460.

Austin McGaughey is the new Hays Daily News paper carrier.

Dig out those picture albums and find your baby or young adult pictures for the display in the Smoky Hill Traders Store window for Valentines Day. Prizes will be awarded as they were last year. You may leave your pictures at Francis and Julia Zeller's morning coffee shop.

Dale Elias has loaned to McCracken Historical Museum his McCracken High School baseball uniform, #8.

Kevin and Janet Conner Miller, Joshua and Quentin, attended the K-State - Arizona State football game in San Diego in December.

Joe Casey celebrated his 80th birthday with a potluck dinner and open house on December 28 at the McCracken City building. Hosting the event were his family, Jerry, Kathy and Toby Dugan, Ryan, Jennie, Kaitlyn and Callon Netherland, Sarah Casey and Janet Mardin.

The West Virginia Mountaineers played Virginia in the Continnental Tire Bowl on December 28, 2002. Doug Elias is the trainer for the team.

Dennis Peters enjoyed the company of his daughter and son-in-law and grandsons, Lorenzo and Christian who visited him in Plano, Texas from Italy over Christmas.

Midge Davenport celebrated her 88th birthday at the Hutchinson Hospital. Lenora Stremel was also a patient and joined in the festivities. They were both recovering from knee problems.

Pete and Lola Rixon celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and Eunice Oller Harding her 90th birthday in Pratt on December 23. Lola unfortunately fell and re-injured her back. She is recovering at home.

Carolyn Oller has moved from Miami to Pratt where she has purchased a home and will be close to her relatives.

Lorraine Norlin visited her granddaughter, Suzanne, at Newport News, VA before Christmas.

Jack and Verlene Wilson, Alan and Janice McCloy, spent three nights at the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas in December. They will be able to put on a "Superior" rodeo next summer. Mark your calendars for the week-end of July 10, 11 and 12, 2003.

Emmett Sloan is recovering from his recent stroke and returned to his home in Ponca City, OK.

Ellen Davis Kersher is recovering from knee surgery just before Christmas. She is employed at Barrows Pharmacy in LaCrosse.

Nicholas Petz, son of Kelly and Melanie Petz, is a 2nd grader at Wilson Grade School in Hays. Gloria Baus Blackwell is his music teacher.

The Santa in the Park event was a huge success for the second straight year. Hot dogs, marshmallows, hot chocolate and cookies were served. McCracken Methodist hand bell choir played seasonal music and Santa gave out sacks of goodies.

Floyd and Carolyn Thompson celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in Hawaii with Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith.

Mass was held at St. Mary's Church on Saturday, November 30, for the 50th anniversary of Fred and Mary Anne Taylor. The baptism of Grace Kelly Beisner, daughter of Kelly and Sandy Taylor Beisner was held prior to the Mass.

Born to Amanda Showalter, a baby boy, Kyson Mickal, December 4, 2002. Kyson has a big sister, Riann.

Kris and Becky Halbleib Scheuerman of Wichita have a new daughter, Emily Marie. Grandparents are Dave and Judy Halbleib of Brownell. Great grandmother is Eleanor Halbleib.

Jimmy Nick Higgins retired after 24 years working for Pacific Bell in San Diego.

Chet and Joyce Rogers celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary at Jeliscos in Hays. He presented her with red roses.

Chad and Amber Leiker Irvin have a new daughter, Audrey Renee born November 14. Grandparents are Don and Dena Irvin and Rich and Pam Leiker.

©2003, McCracken Alumni Association
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