
Archive: November - December 2002

This Month in History

November and December

Local Halloween revelers were detained in jail overnight and released the next morning.  "These were usually High School students!!"
Ada North is teaching at Walnut Grove School:  Students are Malcolm Brown, Sydney Ross, Helen Barnes, Clara Sell, Jesse L. Barnes, Oliver Herdman, Norvel Brown, Keith North, Charlotte Herdman and Joe Brown.
Lester Irvin is attending Salt City Business College.
Harold Walker attended the Wichita U - Washburn football game on Saturday.  Leonard Dugan played the whole game for Wichita.
The bridge between town and the cemetery caught fire Tuesday.  The straw covering the fresh cement caught fire.  The bridge was build by Federal Aid money.

Those reporting for basketball practice on Wednesday to coach Dickerman were:  Pete Derr, Wilfrid and Leon Higgins, Kenneth Mills, Gordon Pratt, Lester and Augustine Unrein, Don Hinman, Maurice and Joe Klee, Donald Ramsey, Thomas Birdsong, Norman Robertson, Kenneth and Benny Thompson and Orville Wahl.
MHS band will give a concert at the grade school auditorium.  War stamps will be sold for admission.
Gas rationing will go into effect tonight at midnight.
The 1943 birthday calendar is now complete.  The total names are 750.

Catherine Cain has been named National champion for her achievement in home economics in 4-H work.  She was one of 16 girls and boys in the nation to receive this award.
Pat Keener, Benny Anderson and Allan Thompson left for Pueblo where they have employment.
McCracken High School basketball team defeated Alexander 52-49.

Dwight Eisenhour left Monday for Wichita where he will attend barber school.
Kenneth Grumbein will attend Bailey Techinical school in St. Louis in gasoline and diesel mechanics.
Frank McGaughey went to Wichita where he attended a postmasters school of instruction.
McCracken Mustangs opened their basketball season against Odin.  Lineup is:  Martin Higgins, Terry Herdman, Reggie Irvin, Elmer Baus, Ronnie Richolson.  Cheerleaders are:  Jan Eisenhour, Kathleen Stremel, Carol Littler and Peggy Janke.

McCracken Mustangs closed out big in the South 50-6 league football game with Healy.  The first pass from Lonnie Irvin was 31 yards to John Elmore.  He also connected on a 60 and 45 yard pass to Elmore.  Greg Hinman was the top defensive player.
Alexander grade school presented a musical program, Hansel and Gretel on November 21.  The gingerbread boys are Neal Jacobs, Doug Elias, Mike Stull, Kevin Casey, Chris Petz, Kirk Rixon, Chris Jones, Tony Rues, Carl Dome, Richard Frick and Chad Herdman.
All league football team members for the South 50-6 league are John Elmore;  honorable mention Daryl Casey, Dan Conner, Dave Wetzel and Greg Hinman.
MHS basketball team members:  Jerald Grumbein, John Elmore, Dan Conner, Gary Schuckman, Ray Wierman, Lonnie Irvin, Scott Kershner, Don Casey, Dave Derr, Randy Taylor, Bill Greenway, Jim Casey, Roger Legleiter, Greg Hinman, Robbie McGaughey, Daryl Casey, Richard Conrad, Allen Kober, Mark McCormick, Bruce Davis, Glen Ryan, Steve Foreman, Robin Schuckman, Chuck and Jerry Higgins, Tim Rues and Fritz Foster.  Coach Glenn Conner, assistant Mark Miller.

The junior high volleyball team ended their season with a record of 3-4.  Team members are Vickie Hopkins, Debbie Gaunt, Jennifer Festerling, Kaira Miller, Tricia Seltmann, Melissa Seltmann, Malena Rogers, Christie Brackney, Jamie Sewell, Marjori King, Lynnette Harp, Kerri Peters, Melissa Morgan, Wendy Speck and Shelly Sewell manager.
The Mustangs defeated Bazine 34-12 on Friday.  Mike Stull scored 4 td's, Shawn had six tackles and 10 assists.
Chuck Higgins was offered a contract to fill the position at LaCrosse west at the end of the first semester.
The band members held an organizational meeting on Friday.  Officers are:  Phyllis Higgins, Sheryl Peters and Jan North.
First team selections for Quivera League volleyball are Janet Conner and Sandy Taylor, second team, Kayla Higgins and honorable mention, Brenda Barnes.
First team selections in district seven football are Mike Stull and Shawn McKinney; second team, Mark Brackney, Chad Herdman, Doug Elias and Richard Wittman.

Mary Higgins and Jerry Higgins were tournament officials at the 1A-2A state volleyball tournament at Hays.  Doug Higgins served as an official at the 4A state tournament in Salina.
199 voted at the general election at McCracken for Hampton-Fairview township.
A Halloween party was held at Frog Hollow tavern on Saturday evening.  Those in costume were the highlight of the evening.  It was nice to see that there was not a parking place left on Main Street.
Stacy and Kristie Prosser participated in the cheerleading day held at Barton County community college on Saturday.  Grandparents Frank and Elaine Little were on hand to watch them perform at the half time of the basketball game.
Congratulations to grandparents to Joy and George Hunter.  Their daughter Keith and Holly Hunter Schkoda had a baby girl on Wednesday evening November 25.  Her name is Stacy Danielle.
Layne and Kerri Derr Morgan and family have moved into the Fred Black house.
Corporal Joel Miller, son of Mark and Sharon Miller, Alma, KS, is in Somalia with the Marines.
Scott Mays, Jeff Rebel, Adam Showalter, Les Deimer, Todd Ryseree and Kris Bromlow attended graduation for Trenton Herdman at Kansas State University on Saturday and attended the Chiefs game on Sunday.
Holiday 2002 News

We wish all Alumni and friends a Happy Holiday season!! 
Kevin Anderson and Valerie Rogers, daughter of Debra Derr Rogers (72) and the late Dave Rogers (72) are parents of a new daughter, Zoe Leigh Anne, born October 14, 2002.  Great grandparents are Pat Walker Derr (50), Walter (52) and Janey Rogers; great great grandmother, Grace Walker Thompson.
Francis Wierman celebrated his 80th birthday with an open house and dance at the Schafer building on October 26, 2002.
Steve Sloan has returned home from the hospital after his 'run in' with a deer jumping through the windshield of his pickup.
New residents to McCracken:  Debra Gaunt, Kenneth and Bob Fosterhave moved into the George Doerr house; Carol Weber, Denver, into the Alvina and Bill Cole house. Those moving to different homes were Shelly Sewell Derr and Glenn Pfannenstiel and family to the Lenore Stremel house; retired service men, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Monroe into the Mike Moran home.
Marge Elias visited Doug (83) and Staci Elias at Morgantown, WV in mid October.  Doug is the head strength coach for WV and Staci is the volleyball coach at Mohican High School.
Elmore and Lorraine Ryan returned home from visiting their daughter, Cathie (73) and Martin Shapiro, Laureen and Jessica, in Sacremento.
Helen Pratt Dent (35) and her son Ed of Culver, KS visited the library and museum this month.  Helen's father was Venus Pratt.
Michael Jilg, professor of art at Ft. Hays, is a finalist in the final Kansas postcard series. Michael and his wife Joyce lived in McCracken and had a art gallery in the old Masonic building.
Carol Ann Davis Brown (62) was injured in a one vehicle accident in McPherson October 21.  She had a fractured ankle and broken thumb.
Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Bet and Jeanette McCormick attended the Ft. Hood Army get-together in Denver in late October.  Alex McCormick, Lee Depperschmidt and Vic Higgins were unable to attend.
Ben (52) and Nancy Anderson have returned home from a 10 day trip to Germany.  They visited a mine that produces precious gems.
Rev. Everett Dykes, former pastor of the Assembly of God Church in McCracken, celebrated his 80th birthday on November 10.  He and his wife started the Berean Christian School in Great Bend in 1978.
A gas line and stove were installed at the McCracken Museum this month.
We received a picture of the McCracken High School Madrigal singers in 1972 from Chet and Joyce Rogers.  Members were:  Chuck Halbleib, Maureen Janke, Mike Legleiter, Pam Showalter, Alicia Rues, John Irvin, Donna Davis, Danny Mills, Keith Higgins, Patty Littler, Roxann Rogers, Gary Schuckman, Dave Rogers, Debbie Derr, Lorrie Morgan and Daryl Casey.  Director was Barbara Reinert.  We also received a bottle of Nehi root beer and water glass from the McCracken Hotel which was used in the filming of Paper Moon.  They were a gift to Howard and Helen Marvin Yost from Peter Bogdanovich, director of the movie.
DeWayne Foos had quadruple by-pass surgery in Hays recently.  Bet McCormick had wrist surgery in Great Bend on November 7.  Arlyn North had a stent put in following a heart attack on November 5.  Bob Foster had surgery on his neck on November 4.  He will begin chemo on the 18th.  Donna Greenway is recovering from surgery at her home.   Alvin Janke has been in the Great Bend hospital with a swollen knee from a fall.  Joyce Rogers returned home recently from the Galichia heart hospital in Wichita.
Katelyn Morgan, daughter of Layne and Kerrie Derr Morgan, Spring Blackwell, daughter of Eddie and Gloria Baus Blackwell and Megan Conrad, daughter of Randy and Robin Conrad all participated in district KMEA honor band and choir events in Hays and Dodge City November 9.
Tony Rues received 1,222 votes for county attorney in Rush county at the election on November 5. 
Those gals who have been participating in a volleyball league this Fall are:  Paula Crawshaw Greenway, Lynette Harp Engle, Mary Beth Peach, Malena Rogers Podrybeau,
Tomi Rues, Melissa Morgan Mantz, Janice Koerner Showalter, Trina Casey Luetters.
We wish to honor Gilbert Campbell, who died November 15, 1942. "The seriousness of the war of which we are engaged was brought home forcibly to McCracken folks when word came that Gilbert Campbell gave his life on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands."
Mary Ellen William Lyda, 84, class of 1936, died November 2, 2002 at Lubbock, TX.  She earned her Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Education and Speech Therapy from Fort Hays State University.  She taught at Alexander and Rush Center for 20 years.  Her husband, Ernest A. Lyda  survives along with her son, five grandchild and seven great grandchildren.  Burial was in Alexander Cemetery.

©2002, McCracken Alumni Association
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