January 1933
January 1933 was a big month for the birth of members for the class of 1951. Lynnette Pearson, January 2; Dick Buxton, January 4; Ronnie English January 10; John Rixon January 19; and Floyd Thompson January 23.
February 1933
A McCracken Booster Club has been organized. Forty one businessmen have signed as members.
The State Class B elimination tournament was held March 3 and 4. Teams participating were Alexander, Arnold, Bazine, Bison, Brownell, Ness City, Schoenchen, Utica and McCracken.
February 1943
The McCracken Midgets won over Utica on Thursday by a score of 21-16. Players were Jimmy Higgins, Billy Foster, Willard Thompson, Warren Irvin, Lloyd Anderson and Orin Webster.
Joann Juvenal, Phyllis Cheney and Willard Thompson had to run through the paddling line for not decorating the 7th and 8th grade room.
MHS placed 2nd in REN League basketball.
February 1953
Doctor and Mrs. W.A. Spomer and Johnny were in Washington, DC for the inauguration.
Scholarship members for MHS are Gail Conner, LeeRoy Schuckman, Dean Gilbert, Dight House, John Hanson, Juanita Walker, Dorothy Crotinger, Diana Walker, Betty Davis, Mary Vogle, Shirley Brackney, Priscilla Rixon and Roberta Anderson.
Born to Wendell and Gladys Hinman a daughter, Lynne Marie, February 23.
February 1963
Mr. and Mrs. Norman (Patricia Klee) Brack are parents of a daughter, Norma Louise,
February 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mendenhall of LaCrosse announce the engagement of their daughter, Jeanette Carol, to Walter Rogers of McCracken.
February 1963
Richard D. Shiney will be an instructor in estate planning at Washburn University during the Spring semester.
Tina Vogle will receive her white cap at St. Francis School of Nursing on Sunday, February 7.
Jesse A. Showalter was elected to membership in Epsilon Pi Tau, honorary Industrial Arts Fraternity at Fort Hays.
February 1973
In the battle of the unbeatens - - - the McCracken Mustangs defeated the Bogue Bluejays by a score of 61-51. John Elmore was leading scorer with 20 points, Lonnie Irvin 10, Don Casey 16, Dan Conner 6, Gary Schuckman 6 and Daryl Casey 3. The JV's also won their game.
John Irvin is student council president of McCracken High School
Rodney Taylor has been named to the honor roll at St. Mary of the Plains College in Dodge City.
MHS received it's 13th win of the season over the Gorham Oilers 77-58 Friday night.
Don Casey turned in an outstanding performance with 29 points.
February 1983
Sandy Peters won first place in the Voice of Democracy contest sponsored by the VFW of LaCrosse.
Sally Irvin will student teach in McCracken in mathmatics.
The 30 member MHS band has been selected to participate in the prestigious Kansas Music Educators Association Convention in Wichita. The band is under the direction of Gloria Blackwell.
The Colts downed Ness City 26-20 behind the 12 point scoring of Jason Moran.
The second annual Sweetheart dance was a big success. Crowning of Queen Kayla Higgins and King Mike Stull was at the half time of the A Team boys game with Chase which MHS won 86-41. Attendants were Kim Brackney, Sandy Taylor, Doug Elias, Hung Pham. The Mustangs had 5 players in double figures: Shawn McKinney 14, Gary Barnes 13, Doug Elias 11, Mike Stull and Butch Hayes 10. In the girls games the Mustangs won 50-21 with Freshman guard Paula Crawshaw scoring 17.
February 1993
Treva Wilson received her Associate Degree at Fort Hays in Secretarial Administration.
Bill Greenway, our official weather observer, has recorded has reported 41.7 inches of snow since November 1992.
No news for the month of March, so we'll leave February up for this month as well.
The McCracken Alumni Association officers wish to thank their members and friends for the generous response to the appeal to benefit Bob Foster in his cancer treatment. We are pleased to report that Bob is feeling better. Just this past week he was able to take a walk to the county line and hopefully in the near future he will be able to eat solid food. Donations were received from 49 people for a total donation of $2,245. The funds were used for the special diet Bob requires. Bob and the Foster Brothers Band have given the community and the area much pleasure through the years. We are pleased that we could give back something to him.
Jan North
Shirley Higgins
Rose Rues Diehl
Sandra Jacobs
Charles W. Glaspy Sr., 78, died September 21, 2002 while visiting family in Virginia. Charlie was born December 2, 1924 in McCracken to Charles and Mary Glaspy. He served with the US Marine Corp in WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
Lee Claire "Rip" VanWinkle, died December 31, 2002 in Longmont, Colorado. He was born February 1, 1929 in McCracken to Earl and Grace Crotinger VanWinkle. He is survived by his wife, Angela and two daughters, Tanna and Teresa. Burial was in Longmont, Colorado.
If you know of men or women who are serving in the military, please let us know so we can add them to our prayer list. Brandon Neeley, son of Chris and Rhonda Zordel, grandson of Louise and Albert Zordel, has been deployed with the Air Force.
Laureen Sewell has moved to ElDorado and is attending high school there.
Dean Gilbert has provided the museum with old maps of Kansas. Also included are plat maps of both present day towns and ghost towns. All of these maps were laminated and may be viewed at the museum.
Marlene Pfannenstiel Grumbein Bronish has a daughter Mary and son-in-law George who live in Hong Kong, China. Mary has been accepted to study Chinese at the Zhejieang University in Hangzhou, Mainland China.
A junior high reading club has been organized at McCracken Public Library on Tuesday evenings. Tomi Rues leads the group and Sharon Lytle is the assistant. Those attending are Skyler Jones, Lisa Legleiter, Nicole Ryan, Nicole Weigel, Katlyn Morgan, Sheila Brown.
Babe and Arlene Gilbert attended the Mary Kay Director's Leadership Conference in Long Beach, California.
Ellen Kershner is recovering nicely from her knee surgery. She is now employed at Barrows Pharmacy in LaCrosse.
Carolyn Oller, class of 1956, has moved from Miami, Florida to Pratt to be closer to her family.
Joan Buster has moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where her daughter Sally and Duke Buster and family live.
Anthony Taylor is a member of the Ellis basketball team. In a recent game he scored 28 points. He is the son of Rodney and Bernadette Taylor.
Jerilyn Stull, Deb Rogers, Frank Siedel, Bill Greenway, Shirley Higgins and Jack Wilson attended a rodeo meeting at McCracken Public Library in January. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 23.
Bill Greenway was surprised with a visit from his classmate Gary Schuckman from Willimgton, NC. While here he used his chiropractic skills on one of Rob McGaughey's dogs.
Elmore and Lorraine Ryan have been enjoying the athletic abilities of their granddaughters. Nicole Ryan, daughter of Glenn Ryan, is a member of the McCracken Middle School volleyball and basketball
team; Laureen Shapiro, daughter of Martin and Cathie Ryan Shapiro, received first place medals in gymnastics on the vault and bars in a State meet.
Brad Lovitt has been in Canada where he spent 4-5 days skiing.
Icis Eisenhour has moved to a new home in Hays.
A picture of Hunter Charles and Payton Lee Pfannenstiel, twin sons of Martin and Julia Pfannenstiel, grandsons of Norman and Glenda Pfannenstiel, great grandsons of Willetta Herdman were featured in a baby section of the Hutchinson News.
Jim Gray, Ellsworth, is researching and preparing a story for his monthly newspaper, "The Cowboy" regarding J.C. 'Cul' Juvenal. Cul was one of the first cattlemen into Abilene and Wichita and is the ancestor of all the Juvenal's of McCracken. Cul is buried in the McCracken City Cemetery. His son, Bert, operated the Juvenal Sale barn on the east side of McCracken and shipped many loads of cattle East.
Tim and Stacy Rues are adopting Miss Guan, A Lan, currently living in the "City of Eternal Spring", Kuming, Yunnan Provence, China. She will soon be know as Miss Lilly A Lan Rues. Tim is scheduled to travel to China in early March to bring her home.
Aaron McGaughey has moved to Colby and is employed S & T Telephone Company. Aaron is the son of Rob and Helena McGaughey.
The late Jerry McCormick, son of the late John and Armella McCormick, will be honored on Patriot's Day, April 21, 2003 at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. Jerry received two purple hearts and a bronze star in Vietnam. Jerry died in 1999 from cancer caused by his exposure to Agent Orange.
Viola Higgins, Ness City, wife of the late Lawrence Higgins, celebrated her 85th birthday, February 13. A family dinner was held on Sunday the 16th.
Carl Legleiter recently had knee surgery.
Does anyone know who operated the North Side Cafe in McCracken?
Terrie Lasater was in a car wreck on highway 96 on her way home from the Dighton/McCracken Middle School basketball game. She received multiple cracks in her back, neck and ribs and is recovering at home.
G.T. and Signe Barnes attended the American Farm Bureau convention in Tampa, Florida in January.
Sanford Foreman is recovering from his heart surgery and staph infection. He is taking physical therapy in Wichita.
A 50th surprise birthday party was held for Don Irvin at the McCracken American Legion.