
Fall News 2005
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History News

Fall 1935
Thirteen 1st graders enrolled in school with Agnes Bowen as their teacher.  The students are as follows:  Betty Murphy, Jimmy Wharton, Phyllis May Morain, Junior Sperry, Orin Webster, Willard Thompson, Clair VanWinkle, Helen Marie Thompson, Dicky Shiney, Bertie Joy Twiselton, Joann Juvenal, Goldie Marie Higgins and Bobby Roughton.
Third and fourth graders are:  Margaret L. Shiney, Loris Brackney, Jackie Juvenal, Margery Leonhart, Mabel Murphy, Bobbie Rhoades, Emil Thompson, Helen Higgins, Marjory Wierman, Genola Suher, Betty McCaskey, Eugenia Morain, Evelyn Murphy, Arla Dougherty,  Dorothy VanWinkle, Doris Higgins, Norma Sperry, Kenneth Mills, Wilfrid Higgins, Paul Moses, Herbert Russell, Loy Murphy, Glenn Juvenal, Gordon Pratt, Richard Moses.  Margaret Lovitt, teacher.
Students at Thistle Grove country school:  Teresa Casey, Ruby and  Robert Janke, Francis Klee, Joseph Casey, Ida May, Harold and Jimmy Brandt, Adelaide Klee, Vivian Washaliski, Maurice Klee, Corrine Janke, Neva McCormick, Viola Brandt, Alvina and Marvel Ann McCormick, Patrick Casey and Joe Klee.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Brackney of LaCrosse, a baby girl. (Shirley)
Mrs. Lillian Johnson and daughter, Elaine, have come here from Warrensburg, Missouri, to teach in the McCracken high school.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Casey, a son, August 29, 1955.
Beginners in the first grade this year are:  Deborah Ann Rogers, Dixie Walker, Paula Zeller, Sarah Casey, Danny Petz, Douglas Higgins, Terry Peters, Benny Rogers, Cecil Michael Peters, Karen Casey, Elaine Wetzel, Linda Irvin, Sharon Mills and Penny Irvin.
Guy Conner will begin coaching in the Brownell High School.
There are 45 enrolled in MHS and 106 in the grade school.
Mrs. Harriet Shiney is teaching in the grade school in Burdett.
John Rixon and Carol Rein were married in the United Methodist Church Friday evening, September 16, 1955.  The groom is stationed with the Army at Camp Eustis, Virginia.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Ryan, a daughter, Cathie Jo, September 23, 1955.
Valandia Derr was honored on her 4th birthday with a party at the home of her parents.  Guests were:  Douglas, Richard and Larry Higgins, Paulette, Debra and Myron Schuckman, Douglas Whitis, Janet and Virginia Barnes, Shirley, Kathleen and Carolyn Stremel, Lee Allen Showalter, Steven Sloan and Debbie Derr.
Specialist 3rd class Charles L. Jacobs graduated from Non Commissioned Officer Academy in Hawaii.
LeeRoy Schuckman will assume the position of superintendent of schools this fall.  He replaces Oliver Pearson who has been superintendent the past 30 years.  Mr. Pearson will teach mathematics.  Geneva Rife will be the grade school principal.  New teachers are Bryon Gilbert, Louise and Werner Wendler.  Cooks are Grace Lovitt, Elizabeth Elias and Evelyn Higgins.
There are 53 students at MHS, 141 in the grade school.  First grade beginners are:  Jeannie Augustine, Leslie Rogers, Paulette Healy, Bennie Pfaff, Peggy Rixon, Don Phillips, Norene Fletcher, Gerald Rourke, Terri Rogers, Mike Conner, Jane Moran, Donald Gaschler, Diana McFarren, Kathy Lovitt, Kimberly McCormick, Rosie Casey, Connie Beebe and Raymond Scheideman.
Bobby Peters has been discharged after three years of Army service.
MHS football squad members are:  Larry North, Dennis Elias, Richard Higgins, Douglas Whitis, Terry Peters, Danny Petz, Ronald Rein, Kenny Mills, Mike Peters, Jerry Dugan, Kirby Wendler, Timothy Petz and Richard Showalter,  Coach is Byron Gilbert.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pfannenstiel, a son, Michael Todd, September 28, 1975 at Hays.
Eli Boucher has been hired as superintendent of school district #395 and given a two year contract.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wittman, a son, Richard Eugene, October 14, 1965 in Ness City.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Showalter, a daughter, Julie Lynn, October 11, in Wichita.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eisenhour, a daughter, Melissa Marie, October 17, in Hays.
Douglas Higgins and Mary Mercer were married in the Sacred Heart Church in Fredonia, July 12, 1975.  They will be at home in Fredonia where he will teach.
Kent Bible and Judy Kidwell were married July 16, 1975, at the Enterprise United Methodist Church.
Bill Zeller is working for Shell Oil Company in the South China Sea.
Ellen Davis, Cheryl Foreman, Janet Unrein, Kim McCormick and Paulette Healy attended the 1st National Cheerleaders Ass’n. Clinic at Fort Hays.
Glenn Ryan received his God and Country Award at the McCracken Methodist Church.  It was presented by Rev. Leonard Goosen.
Jerry Higgins was chosen as a member of the American Legion All Star team.  They played in Lincoln, Kansas this past weekend.
In the little league tournament McCracken A team wond second place with a loss to Larned 4-3.  Outstanding plays were made by Neal Jacobs, Jeff McCormick, Dale Elias and Tony Rues.  The McCracken team won the sportsmanship award.
Betty Jean Baus will teach 3rd and 4th grades in Alexander; Cecilia Lewand will teach music in McCracken, Lavona Suppes is the English teacher in LaCrosse, Joann Sloan is secretary of the McCracken Schools and Leonard Yost is custodian.
Rush county’s population is 5,299.
The MHS football team members are:  Chuck Higgins, J.D. Bell, Mike Conner, Leslie Roggers, Steve Foreman, Jim Casey, Bruce Davis, Mark McCormick, Robin Schuckman, Freddie Taylor, Marty Mills, Joe Conner, Shannon McKinney, Larry Buster, Jerry Casey, Larry Hinman and Layne Morgan.
A 1st class postage stamp is .10 cents.  Wheat market $3.67.
Kindergarten students in Alexander are Harry Durfee, Karla Skillett, Malena Rogers, Jason Moran, Tamra Zinn.  Teacher is Lorraine Norlin.
First and second grade students in Alexander are:  Dale West, Greta Dome, Kelly Skillett, Susan Thompson, Karen Skillett, Kevin Rixon, Michele Moran, Chris Casey, Laura North, Edward Mangold, Kris Bromlow, Tracy Zinn, Scott Wittman, Tricia Seltman, Trenton Herdman, Micheal Yost, Frances Million, Melissa Seltman, Penny Schuckman, Kaira Miller, Debra Gaunt and Lance McCormick.  Teachers are Joyce Bromlow and Patricia Bott.
In the Punt, Pass & Kick contest held at the LaCrosse football field on Sunday, Shawn McKinney placed  first in the 9 year old division with Gary Barnes second.  Eric Washaliski was second for the 10 year old boys.
Mrs. Mark Miller and baby daughter, Klara Sue, returned home from the Grisell hospital in Ransom last Sunday.
Marsha Healy was crowned homecoming queen at the MHS football game Friday night, Steve Foreman was Kind.  Attendants were Rosemarie Grumbein, Lynette Legleiter, Robin Schuckman and Bruce Davis.
The McCracken Colt football team members are:  Neal Jacobs, Randy Conrad, Troy Zinn, Wade Hinman, Chris Jones, Craig Stull, Mitchell Jacobs, Kellye Irvin, Dale Elias, Kevin Rourke and Jeff McCormick.  Their coach is Galen Schmidtberger. 
Gloria Baus Bland has begun helping Tom Lewand in the music department in LaCrosse High School as a student teacher.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Whitis, a son, Brady Douglas, October 26, 1975.
The Mustangs scored their 7th victory of the season when they rolled over Eastern Heights, 36-6.  Standouts in defense were Mike Conner, Jim Casey & Mark McCormick.  In the 50-22 victory over Dorrance Steve Foreman intercepted a pass for a 70 yd run.  Layne Morgan ran in for extra points.  In the game over Lucas, 26-6, ace Jim Casey led the scoring with 3 td’s, Steve Foreman scored on a 28 yard pass from Chuck Higgins.
Francis Pettijean is the new principal for the McCracken Grade School.
Christopher Zimmerman and Aaron McGaughey were winners in the toddler contest at the Rush County Fair.
Lonnie Irvin is teaching and coaching at Ellis High School.
Annette Davis has enrolled at Ft. Hays State for the fall semester.
The McCracken junior high Colts will open their football Thursday against Gorham.  The team is coached by Terry Musil and they will play 6 man football.  Members are Brett Gilbert, Heath North, Bryan Bergquist, Billy Harp, Reed Blackwell, Clayton Wilson, Donnie Wittman and Travis Elias.  Managers are Shiloh Tomlinson, Tyrel Elias, Brian Harp and Todd Sewell.  The girls volleyball team members are:  Tammy Sewell, Mamie Rogers, Tambra Herdman, Tracy Smith, Crystal Anderson, and Treva Wilson.  Manager is Dana Bergquist. 
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casey on the birth of a daughter, Jessica Marie.
Tamera Higgins is teaching 3rd grade in the Oberlin Grade School.
Linda Bott and Teresa Lovitt are doing their internship in LaCrosse as student teachers.
Allen Kober and Norma Elmore were married September 23, 1985 in the Methodist Church in Lawrence.
The last grade school students from McCracken to attend MGS are:  1st grade:  Shane Anderson, Brooke Blackwell, Leigh Baus, Michael Harp, Jason Showalter, Daniel Zeller.  2nd grade:  Lindsey Groff, Dana Irvin, Angie Petz, Jennifer Rogers.  3rd grade:  Nathan Anderson, Christie Conner, Jennifer Halbleib, Jennifer Schmidt.  4th grade:  Tyrel Elias, Nicole Moran.  5th grade:  Dana Bergquist, Rebecca Halbleib, Brian Harp, Ted North, Chris Ritter.  6th grade:  Tambra Herdman, Troy Petz, Lanny Morgan, Mamie Rogers, Shiloh Tomlinson.  7th grade:  Travis Elias, Tammy Sewell, Clayton Wilson, Dale and Lee Basgall.  8th grade:  Crystal Anderson, Bryan Bergquist, Brett Gilbert, Billy Harp, Heath North, Tracy Smith, Treva Wilson, Donald Wittman and Reed Blackwell.
Congratulations to John Tacha on his approval to be a Budweiser distributor in Norton.  He truly is the BUD MAN of Northwest Kansas.
Angie Petz participated in the Miss Teen of America Scholarship and Recognition Pagent in Salina.
Justin Casey, 8 year old son of Jerry and Karen Casey,Plainville, won first place in his age division at the Punt, Pass and Kick contest.
Phyllis Showalter, Pam Seltman, Claudine Bono and Inez Manos attended the Cornelssen family reunion in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Congratulations to Travis Elias and Tina Turley on their marriage Friday night in LaCrosse.
SNOW!!  From reports from all of Western Kansas, September 20-21 was the earliest snow on record.  It was preceded by rain which was desperately needed and followed by a freeze. 

Fall news:
Clara Robison, 97, died June 23, 2005 in Ronan, Montana.  She was the wife of Rev. Elmer Robison, who was minister here in the 60’s.
Alex “Junior” Gabel, 73, died June 14 at his home in Ness City.  He was the husband of Shirley Brackney Gabel.
Marjorie R. Wheat, 91, died July 31, 2005 at Marquette.  She was a former McCracken resident in the 1940’s.
August “Augie” Schutte, 81, died August 20, 2005 at LaCrosse.  He was the son of Rufus and May Foster Schutte.  He married Jean McCormick in 1951.  He is survived by his wife, his son Jerry and his wife Ann.  Burial in McCracken. 
Patrick Martin Casey, 77, died August 25, 2005 in Hays.  He was the son of Patrick Joseph and Sarah Teresa McGaughey Casey.  Survivors include his wife Francis, six sons, Daryl, Donald, Jim, Jerry, Kevin and Chris; five daughters, Karen Shumkae, Patricia Harman, Cheryl Wiesner, Carolyn Schadel, Laura Linsey; his two sisters, LaVone Helms and Marjorie Elias.  Burial in St. Mary’s Catholic Cemeter
Bruce and Sue Davis have recently moved to Grand Island, Nebraska from Wilmington, North Carolina.
Tony and Tomi Rues have purchased the Dairy Bar in LaCrosse.  The new name is “Happy Trails”.
The summer reading program at the McCracken Library started Monday at 2:30 with Tomi  Rues as co-ordinator.  Children attending are Stephanie Greenway, Tessa Jacobs, Sierra Jones, Hayley, Erika and Courtney Gilbert, Shannon Keith, Austin McGaughey and Carly Derr was the volunteer helper.
Shawna Peters and her friend Annie Kraus accompanied her uncle, Dennis Peters to Plano, Texas the first part of July.  They went to the Frisco Roughriders baseball game (Texas Rangers AA team), Six Flags Amusement Park, Billy Bob’s in Ft. Worth and the Band B Circus at the American Airlines Center.
Richard and Linda Conrad and Michael, St. Louis, came Sunday to visit his dad, Sylvester Conrad.
Lorraine Ryan is the new McCracken Library President.  Other members are Tomi Rues, Norma Leiker, Wendell Hinman, Dale Monroe, John Stull and Carol Weber.
Pete and Lola Rixon have built a new home in Granbury, Texas.
Marlene Pfannenstiel Bronish accompanied her daughter and husband to LasVegas for a few days after returning home from the McCracken rodeo. 
Aaron McGaughey and Leslie Heidrick, Alexander, hosted a barbecue Sunday evening.  Guests attending were Terry Showalter, Michael Morgan, Justin Frick and friend, Jason Showalter, Jessica and Hayvn. Stubby Conner, Suzanne Azzarella, Tyrel Elias, Rob and Helena McGaughey, Ashley McGaughey, Joyce Hunter, Amanda Showalter, Rianne, Kyson and Terran, Mitch Conner, Nikki and Bryce and Richard Showalter.
Elkhart won Rodeo of the Year for 2005.
Congratulations to great-grand parents, Chet and Joyce Rogers on the birth of twins, Hayden Alan and Hayley Lynn Orgorzolka .  They are the children of Tammy and Anthony Orgorzolka.
Zach Peach, Lexi Anderson, Emma Rues and Addie Kershner are our kindergarten students. 
Butch Hayes is the assistant football coach for the Ellis Railroaders. 
Our Alabama connections, Ed and Juanita Walker Caviness, Tom and Annette Davis Chestnut and ‘Curly Juvenal’ were ‘spared’ the wrath of hurricane Katrina.
Cindy Walker Cannetella and Paola, Houston, Texas; Kelly Walker and Donna Blakely, New Caney, Texas both evacuated their homes this week because of the hurricane Rita.
The book club enjoyed their first meeting on Tuesday, September 20.  Those attending were Thayne Jones, Lorraine Ryan, Carolyn Thompson, Shirley Higgins, Norma Leiker, Francis and Julia Zeller and Ruth Crawshaw.  Tomi Rues is ‘our leader’!!
We welcome Dorothy Guidry and her daughter Charmaine Wright of Louisiana as new residents.  Dorothy has purchased the Joe Casey home.  Allen Morgan has purchased the Assembly of God parsonage; Michael Morgan has bought the Shirley Brackney Gabel home, Roger McNair and Norma Leiker are re-modeling the Norlin/Miller home.  Don and Lynnette Doornbas have finished building a garage near their home (Sylvia Mason’s) and Phyllis Higgins has new siding on her home.
Those playing golf at the tournament in LaCrosse on Sunday were Babe and Arlene Gilbert, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins, Al and Judy Hugh, Diz and Wilma Washaliski. 
Lee Legleiter, son of Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter, has accepted membership in the NSCS, a national honors organization at Kansas State University. 
Martin and Mary Higgins spent a few days in Branson, Missouri where Martin and his shipmates from the USS Richard E. Byrd had their 3rd bi-annual reunion.
The Kansas weekly sports magazine listed Cameron Horesky as the South Central Kansas football player of the week.  Cameron is a sophomore at Hoisington High School and is the son of Lonnie and Tammy Higgins Irvin.
Congratulations to Don and Lynnette (Harp) Doornbos on the birth of a daughter born September 23, 2005.  Her name is Taylor Lynn.
Congratulations to Jason Showalter and Jessica Burns on the birth of a daughter, Shaili Mae born August 23, 2005.  She has an older sister, Havyn.
Congratulations to Adam and Janice Showalter of Alexander on the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth Rose, born September 23, 2005 in Great Bend.  Grandparents are Ervin and Helen Koerner, Ness City, Patricia Showalter, Bazine and Lee Allen Showalter, Alexander.  Great-grandmother is Phyllis Showalter, Alexander.  She is welcomed home by her sisters, Katie and Emma and brothers, Jacob and Michael. 
The Jail/Museum has received a graduation announcement of Donald Ramsey from May 20, 1943.  It was held in the McCracken Grade School auditorium.  There was also a postcard sent to Kenneth Thompson from Bremerton, Washington, in August 1943 from Donald.  He writes, “A bunch of flying fortresses just went over.  There were 13.  They had about 8 or 10 small bombers for an escort and they were diving all over.  Quite a sight.”
Susan Thompson Keith’s JV volleyball squad at Ellsworth went undefeated in the tournament held there on Saturday.  They won over Sacred Heart, TMP, Sterling, Little River and Russell.
Doris Higgins Schafer has donated a picture of the 1938 – 1939 students of Thistle Grove School to the Museum.  It has been posted on our McCracken Web Site.
Matthew Stull, son of Craig and Julia Stull, is a member of the Oak Park High School varsity cross-country team.  They recently placed second at the KC Metro cross country meet.  Twenty seven KC High School were represented.
A dinner and reception in honor of the 80th birthday of Mildred Mills was held recently at the Moran Community Center in Moran, Kansas.  Mildred is the wife of Willard Mills.  Her 4 children, 16 grandchildren and 39 great-grandchildren were in attendance.

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