
Archive: October 2002
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This Month in History

October 1942
The third and fourth grade students brought their hobbies to school.  Some are as follows:  Marie Hollis and Bertie Moses, dogs, Dicky Buxton and Stanley Wahl, match covers, Lynnette Pearson and Shirley Lovitt, perfume bottles, Floyd Thompson and Bobby Cheney, airplane pictures.
Students attending Ft. Hays are Donna Hinman, Loa Ruth Anderson, LoRee Grumbein, Albert Donecker, Earl Brenner, Gerald Hinman, Jesse Lee Barnes and Lawrence Oelkers.
The high school girls played the grade school girls last Tuesday in a softball game.  The grade school lost 36-6.  Players for the high school:  Bonnie Foster, Emma Rose Showalter, Rachel Schutte, Jean Moran, Alice Foster, Nathalie Dugan, Lillian Dugan, Jackie Juvenal, Wilda Anderson, Lucille Jacobs, Alberta Ree and Mary Ann Moran.  The grade players are: Joann Juvenal, Virginia Dugan, Bertie Joy Twiselton, Betty Koerner, Blanche Pratt, Phyllis Cheney, Georgina Unrein, Joan Ryan, Goldie Higgins, Alice Weesner and Helen Thompson. 
October 1952
Malcolm Washaliski played with Hutchingon Junior College Football team in the game at Dodge City.
Members of the high school band and their teacher, Betty Kessler, attended the Navy band concert in Great Bend.  Band members are Norma Jean Schuckman, Lavona Peters, Ona and Verna Dixon, Carol Bible, Judy Whitis, Wilma Pfannenstiel, Twila Graf, Sonny Showalter, Gerald and Marian Barnes, Joyce Showalter, Carla Rodeman, Karen Walker, Arlene and Marlene Wilson and Dorothy Crotinger.
October 1962
McCracken and Bison played to a 19 - 19 tie.  Martin Higgins scored all three touchdowns and the extra point.
Sylvester McCormick is manager of the K-T Oil station which opened Monday.
Vicky Irvin has been appointed to the Fort Hays year book Reveille staff.
October 1972
Grade school football team members are Larry Buster, Craig Rixon, Joe Conner, J.D. Bell, Jim Dome, Mark Baus, Leslie Rogers, James Webs, Mike Conner, Don Phillips, Larry Hinman, Layne Morgan, Tom Rues, Shannon McKinney, Marty Mills, Jerry Casey, Freddie Taylor and Coach Wayne Wahlmeier.
McCracken Mustangs downed Bazine 35-12 Friday night.  It was Casey vs. Casey as five cousins battled it out.  Three from McCracken and two for Bazine.
John Zeller is a student at the Voc Tech school in Goodland.
Homecoming was held here Friday night.  Lorrie Morgan was crowned Queen and Daryl Casey crowned King.  Attendants were Betty Moran, Lonnie Irvin, Cathie Ryan and David Wetzel.
October 1982
Tamera Higgins is participating in the pre-professional teachers aide program at KSU.
The Colt football team were winners over Hanston 40-32 in a double over-time on Thursday.  Lance McCormick intercepted a pass and ran 77 yards for a touchdown.  Team members are Lance McCormick, Stacy Brackney, Trenton Herdman, Jeff Crawshaw, Tom Hayes and Scott Wittman.  Coach is Bob Bearley.
Janet Conner was crowned Queen and Doug Elias was King at Homecoming on Friday.  Sandy Taylor, Sandy Peters, Mike Stull and Chad Herdman were attendants.
The volleyball team has compiled a 19-1 record this year.  Team members are Kim Brackney, Janet Conner, Sandy Taylor, Rhonda Conrad, Kayla Higgins, Sarena Higgins, Brenda Barnes, Pauline Gordon, Sandy Peters, Laura North, Michele Moran, Sabrina Higgins, Susan Thompson, Paula Crawshaw, Tonya Mangold, Janice Depperschmidt.  Coach is Sue Coffman and manager is Michelle Mays.
Cooks for the McCracken Schools are Twila Higgins and Betty Casey.
Donna C. Davis was born April 13, 1954 to Donald (Doc) and Caroline Klee Davis and died September 22, 2002 at the age of 48 from cancer.  On July 20, 1974 she married Don Schuckman at McCracken.  She was preceded in death by her parents.  Survivors include her husband, two daughters, Stacy Lynn Scheetz and Melissa Dawn Schuckman, her brother Bruce, sisters, Cheryl Groff, Ellen Kershner and Annette Chestnut and step-father, Bob House. We are all saddened by this sudden loss, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family. (Pictured: Donna Davis Schuckman, Melissa Schuckman, Clayton Kershner, Cheryl Groff Stacy Schuckman Scheetz, Ellen Davis Kershner, Addie Kershner, Clinton Kershner)

October 2002 news

Emmett and Marjorie Sloan of Ponca City celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on Saturday, the 26th of October 2002. (more)

Recent alumni/teacher deaths:
Emma Mae Norlin Anderson, 85, died September 15, 2002, at Ness City.  She was the daughter of Albert and Edith Avery Norlin.  She was a 1935 graduate of MHS.  On July 11, 1937 she married Gerald Anderson.  Survivors include sons:  Norman, (1962) and Stephen Anderson, (1965) five grandchildren and 4 great-children.  Burial was at McCracken City Cemetery.
Werner Wendler, 71, died September 13, 2002 in Gardner, Kansas.  He taught at McCracken high school from 1965 - 1969.  He is survived by his wife Louise, sons, Kirby, (1969) Kel, Kane, Kim, Karla, Kerry, Kody, sixteen grandchildren, three step-grandchildren and three great grandchildren.  Burial at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Ness City.
Ruth McGaughey, 85, (1935), died October 1, 2002, at Wichita.  She was the daughter of Henry and Mary Helena Wierman McGaughey.  She is survived by a sister, Irene McGaughey of Hutchinson.  Her nephew Rob McGaughey lives in McCracken.  Burial in Hutchinson.
Mayme Eno Jones, 95, (1925), died October 2, 2002, at Minneola, Kansas.  She was the daughter of Chester of Pearl Juvenal Eno.  She married Nealie Jones at Golden, Colorado, February 6, 1926.  She is survived by a son Randy, five grandchildren and eight grandchildren.  Burial was at Jetmore.
Wilbur and Marie Brack, Earl and Corrine Brenner recently returned from Branson where they attended the reunion of the crew of the USS Hanson DD-DDR 832.  Wilbur was a plank owner of the ship.  (Member of the crew when commission May 11, 1945).
Louise Marvin Burnham, (1936), Fremont, Nebraska, was a recent visitor to McCracken.   She and her son, Lowell, sister Helen and Howard Yost, visited the McCracken Museum, Library and Smokey Hill Traders Antique Store.
Francis and Bill Zeller represented the West Burch Legion Post #59 at the ground breaking at the new State Veterans Cemetery at Wakeeney September 11.  Bob Funk was instrumental in acquiring the cemetery for the city of Wakeeney.  Those attending were Marlene Wilson Funk, Jack Wilson, Arlene Wilson Gilbert, Joy Hunter, Shirley Lovitt Higgins and Carolyn Thompson.
The McCracken Golf Club hosted a His/Hers Golf tournament on September 22, 2002.  Golfers were:  Kim Brackney Jay, Dale Synder, Sonya and Guy Conner, Melvin and Joan Rohr, Rod and Karen Showalter Borger, Darrell and Donna Hopper, Jean and Jim Curtis, Brett and Holly Gilbert, Babe and Arlene Wilson Gilbert, Michelle and Bryan Yohe, Hoop and Twila Jacobs Higgins, Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Wendell and Gladys Hinman.
Roberta Halbleib Williams, (1976),  Derby, was a weekend visitor of her mother, Eleanor Halbleib, Brownell.
Tony and Tomi Rues and family have moved into the "BIG" house on the corner of Main and Locust. 
Justin Casey, son of Jerry (79) and Karen Casey, plays football for the Plainville High School Cardinals. 
Shane and Jill Brethower, son of Rita Wierman Brethower, (68) has been promoted by Enterprise Rental car and has moved to Charlotte, North Carolina.
Taylor Reed Deines, was born September 9, 2002.  She is the daughter of Curtis and Brooke Blackwell Deines.  Grandparents are Eddie and Gloria Baus  (69) Blackwell and great grandmother, Philena Baus, former teacher.
Grace Kelly Beisner was born August 27, 2002 to Kelly and Sandy Taylor Beisner, (83).  Grandparents are Fred and Mary Anne Taylor.
Allen Morgan plays football for the Garden City Juco football team.  He is the son of Layne (78) and Kerri Derr (79) Morgan.
Tim Rues (76) and Pat and Aurlia Istas, LeCompton, were here Thursday morning, October 3, to help Francis Zeller install the new wheat sculpture at McCracken Public Library.
Laura North Martin is now director of A Mission to Care in Fort Worth.  She is the daughter of Arlyn (62) and Jan Eisenhour (65) North.
Mitchell Conner took fifth in the car races in Jetmore last weekend.  He is the son of Mike Conner, (77) and grandson of Glenn and Liz Conner, former teachers.
Amanda and Melissa Lamer are studying pharmacy.  Amanda at USC and Melissa at Northwestern in Glendale, Arizona.  They are the daughters of Chuck and Cheryl Lamer and granddaughters of Lucille Elmore (38) Lamer.
Roy (57) and Phyllis Gerritzen (61) Conrad have returned from a 'working' vacation.  They were doing Gerritzen family genealogy in Missouri.
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