
September - October 2003
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This Month in History

When school starts next Monday, Labor Day, the High School will likely have 70 students.
Those from McCracken on the board of directors of the Farmers Telephone Company are:  Fred Oelkers, J.W. Chenoweth and T.O. Anderson. 
Bert Moses was honored at a farwell party last Wednesday.  Those present were:  Willard Moses, Malcolm Showalter, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Kinnamon, Marjorie Jennison, Mildred Swisher, Rose Rein, Delores Wierman, Ruth Durand, Inez Showalter, Ralph Moses, Fred Ohlemeier and Clifford Morris.
The Young People's Class of the EUB Church met Wednesday.  Present were Mildred Irvin, Louise Marvin, Dorothy Grate, Marjorie Jennison, Gwendolyn Prowant, Inez Brackney, Evelyn Plotner, Harlon and Gerald Anderson, Percival Grumbein, Keith Oelkers, Benny Peer, Leon Marvin, Franklin Elmore, Clarence Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lent.
Henry McGaughey believes in higher education.  This year he has 5 children enrolled in high school.
Keith Oelkers, teacher at Hampton School, brought the following children to town Friday afternoon to see the MHS football game;  Wayne Langdon, Margaret Temple, Chester Rogers, Orval Rogers, Elbert Langdon, Betty Oelkers and Ruby Littler.
Sgt. Gerald Koehler is stationed overseas in the North Africa area.
Paul Moses and Edward Legge have registered for the local selective draft.
The Decoration committe for this month for the 5th and 6th grades are John Rixon, Richard Gordon and Tony Schlitter.  At the class meeting the following officers were elected:  President, Wayne Irvin; Vice President, Floyd Thompson; Monitor, Vic Higgins; Doorkeeper, Julius Unrein; Librarian, Lynnette Pearson.
Those in the 2nd grade who had perfect spelling lessons Friday were:  Charlene Brackney,  Clara Mae Grumbein, Lucille Pfaff, Roberta Anderson and Kay Fear.
100 German prisoners of war have arrived in Hays in Army trucks from Camp Phillips and will be working at the Fort Hays Experiment Station.
Private John Schlitter, who is stationed in Hawaii, was surprised when his brother, Sgt. Frank Schlitter, who he had not seen for four years, was transferred to Hawaii, came to see him.
Ration tokens will be ready for use by February.  They will be red and blue in color.
Those making perfect grades in spelling Friday in the 3rd and 4th grades were Dight House, Phyllis Rein, Pete Rixon, Carol Rose Wheat, Harold Dean Juvenal, Pat Keener, Shirley Ann Lovitt, LuAnne Scheideman and Gladys Thompson.
The McCracken Schools open with a marked decrease in enrollment over last year.  The high school with 24 and the grade school with 70.
Donna Hinman began teaching Monday in a school south of Ness City; Loa Ruth Anderson will teach in the Ness City grade school; Kenneth Hearting is a teacher at Thistle Grove school; Bernita Klee will teach the 7th grade in Ness City schools.
Miss Marie McCormick left Tuesday for Atwood where she will begin teaching the the high school.  Mrs. Al Rues and Mrs. Mae Meehan will begin teaching in the Brownell school.
The population of McCracken is 500.
Benny Anderson is stationed at Ft. Riley.
Warren Irvin and Lynnette Pearson are attending Fort Hays State College this fall.
Billy Joe Moran, who has been stationed with the Army in Alaska for the past 17 months, has arrived home.
George Guy Conner and Victor E. Higgins have been called for induction.
Members of the Happy Kansas 4-H club entertained with a square dance at the Ransom Nursing home on Friday.  Members were:  James and Ida Higgins, Larry North, Bill and Elaine Wetzel, Diana Larson, Darrell Sunley and Gloria Baus.
Melissa House is teaching this year at Lyons Grade School.
MHS will play 6 man football with players:  Elmer Baus, Ernie Gaschler, Steve Anderson, Dennis Peters, Tony Harp, Jim Muller, Ronnie Rein, Doug Higgins, Mike Peters, Terry Peters, Jim Brown, Larry North and Jim Higgins.  Coach, Glenn Conner.
McCracken school band, consisting of 31 members under the direction of Arlene Gilbert, participated in band day at the Kansas State Fair.
James C. Schafer became the weekly football contest winner when he correctly guessed the outcome of 7 of the 9 games.
Keith Gumm, science teacher in the McCracken High School and Irene Neeley, Bucklin, were married September 28, 1963.  They will make their home in McCracken.
There are 23 beginners in the 1st grade at McCracken this year.  Sherry Petz, Kent Brown, Sue Ellen Higgins, William Greenway, Michael Dugan, Nancy Higgins, James Unrein, Ruth Johnston, Jerry Higgins, Greg Hinman, Gary Schuckman, Donald Casey, Linda Sloan, Glenn Ryan, Sally Buster, Richard Conrad, Robbie McGaughey, Jackie and Joyce Gaschler, Lyle Osborn, Rose Mary Rues, Cindy Walker and Fritzie Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Brackney accompanied ET2 Stephen Brackney to Denver where he left for assignment to San Francisco and Japan.
The Casey boys, Don and Jim, led the McCracken Mustang football team to a 26-0 victory over Paradise Friday as they had a hand in every score.
McCracken Homecoming royalty at last Friday's football game were Roxene Fletcher, Homecoming Queen; Steve Swartz, King; attendants were Pam Showalter, Carla Taylor, Randy Taylor and John Elmore.  Crown bearers were Greta Dome and Kris Bromlow.
The gym floors in both grade and high school were refinished recently.
Members of the first grade class are Melissa Lamer, JoLynn Bethke, Crystal Conner, Nathan Anderson, Chad Irvin, Jennifer Halbleib, Tianne Seltmann and Donnie King.  Pat Petz is their teacher.  Kindergarten students are:  Dana Irvin, Jennifer Rogers, Angie Petz, Lindsey Groff and Jake Masten.  Teacher, Lorraine Norlin.
Lady Mustang volleyball team members are: Tonya Mangold, Paula Crawshaw, Laura North, Michele Moran, Jennifer Festerling, Susan Thompson, Kaira Miller, Melissa Seltmann, Sarena Higgins, Tricia Seltmann and Vikki Hopkins.
Principal R. B. Hayes discussed with USD 395 school board the possible replacement of the banners in the high school gym.
Shawn McKinney and Tonya Mangold were crowned King and Queen at the Homecoming football game Friday night.  Attendants were Michelle Mays, Sarena Higgins, Richard Wittman and Jeff Scheuerman.
Arlene Gilbert is in charge of the LaCrosse Junior High band.  She is in her 21st year as a band instructor.
Vernon Wittman was given a contract as part-time custodian schools.
The Fosters Brothers Band and Always Near Band were on hand at the McGaughey--Ryan--Zeller Pig Roast on Sunday.,
The 1983 MHS football team members are:  Chad Herdman, Jeff Scheuerman, Gary Barnes, Shawn McKinney, Richard Wittman, Butch Hayes, Mark and Staci Brackney, Trenton Herdman, John Moran, Jim Hopkins, Shawn Baus, Scott Wittman, Sean Miller, Lance McCormick and Edward Mangold.
Kim Cao returned to his home to Saigon, Viet Nam and spent one month with his parents, 4 sisters and 1 brother.  Kim is attending school at Kansas State University.
Sandra Jacobs has purchased the former Dale Elias home.
Bob Wolfe has moved into the former Lyle Davenport home.
Mitchell Conner qualified by placing 2nd in the Rush County Fair tractor pull.

To our readers who look at our web site or any other web site for that matter, PLEASE do not purchase a home without contacting someone in the community, postmaster/mistress, county attorney, librarian, county sheriff before any money is exchanged or involved.

Congratulations to Mike and Jerilyn Stull on the birth of Colby Michael Stull, September 15, 2003.  He has a brother Tayler, age 9.  Grandparents are John and Janice Stull, Alex and Twila Herrman, great grandparents, Hap and Irene Stull, and Ruby Myers.
Congratulations to Andrew and Kimberly Halbleib Chesney, Hays, on the birth of a son, Kent Andrew, September 5, 2003.  His grandparents are Dave and Judy Halbleib, Brownell; great grandmother, Eleanor Halbleib.
Ruth Case, 87, died August 25, 2003 in Hutchinson.  She was the wife of Kenneth Case.  Her son Buddy Barker and daughter, Beverly McGill attended school here. 
Norma Jean Schuckman Kirby, 59, died September 11, 2003 at Haysville.  She was a 1962 graduate of MHS.  She was the daughter of Louie and Esther Schuckman.  Her brothers are LeeRoy Schuckman and Edward Schuckman.  Burial was in LaCrosse.
Alvin Janke, 89, died September 28, 2003 at his farm home north of McCracken.  He was the son of Albert of Emma Koch Janke.  He was a farmer stockman and originator of the implement carrier which he marketed under the name of J & J Carrier.  He is survived by his son Ivan, daughter Peggy Allen, sister, Corrine Brenner, 5 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren.  He was preceded in death by his wife, Ruth Moore Janke, 5 brothers, Robert, Lester, Harry,  Harley, 'Swede' and Lawrence; three sisters, Maxine West, Ruby Wetzel and Florence Crawford and a grandson.
Larry Grimsely, 62, died September 22, 2003 in Hays.  Larry was a business teacher at McCracken High School and his wife Carole, who pre-deceased him, taught 5th grade in McCracken Grade School.
Our sympathy to the family of Sylvia Mason, 88, who died September 2, 2003 in Hays.  Her husband King pre-deceased her in 1997.  Sylvia worked for Fred's grocery store.  She is survived by her son Robert and daughter Carolyn Slavin.
June Georg, 83, died October 15, 2003.  She was the bookeeper at Rush County Sale barn for 20 years.  Her daughter-in-law is Maureen Janke Georg.  She is survived by two sons and daughter, Laytha Schlup.
Doris L. McMurphy, 82, died October 13, 2003 at Overland Park, Kansas.  She was born at McCracken, the daughter of Milo W. and Cora Mae Fear Sidebottom.  Survivors are a son and two daughters.  Burial was at Sterling Cemetery, Sterling, Kansas.
Congratulations to Jay Frazier on his induction in the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame in Wichita.  Over his career of 20 years he had 511 victories and 5 state titles.  He is married to the former Pauline Walker.
Natalie Twiselton Hoffman, Kansas City, is President of Rebekah Lodge for the State of Kansas.
September 22, 2003 we 'launched' a book club for adults which is held at McCracken Library every Monday evening at 7:00.  Tomi Rues, wife of Tony Rues, is the co-ordinator.
Congratulations to Katharen Akers Rodeman, 1922 MHS graduate, on her 100 birthday, September 29, 2003.
Congratulations to Chase Rogers who was Homecoming King at Bazine High School.  He is the son of Les and Sheryl Rogers. 
Tom and Andrew Waters are now living in the former Ben and Minnie Jacobs.  Tom works for Flame Engineering and Andrew is a Freshman in LaCrosse High School.
The McCracken Library has installed a new Dell Computer.  The older computer is also available for use.
Dean Gilbert, class of 1953, Minister of the Latham Methodist Church, held services at the McCracken Methodist Church on October 12, 2003.
Mary Beth Peach is the Story Hour co-ordinator at McCracken Public Library.
Ashley Taylor, daughter of Rod and Bernadette Taylor is a Freshman at Washburn University.
Joe and Kay Slemp, who recently moved here from Michigan, have built a new metal garage south of their house.  This is the former Andrew and Evelyn Higgins residence.
Richard Showalter provides the 'Go For It' limousine service.  Recently it was used for a 12th birthday celebration for a trip to Hays.  Richard can take his brother Johnny Mac on October 29 as he turns 50!!!
The Jail Museum is now a member of the Kansas Museums Association.
The Moses - Flack held their reunion October 12, 2003 at the McCracken Community Building.  There were 53 in attendance.
Martin and Mary Ann Higgins attended a reunion of the USS Richard E. Byrd in Norfold, Virginia.
Funds are being gathered for the Christmas Lights for Main Street McCracken.  The drawing for the quilt will be held November 1, at the Community Building in conjunction with a roast pork dinner.
Katelyn Morgan and Kayla Irvin are cheer leaders for the LaCrosse Middle School.  The football team won the league championship.
Lance Legleiter, son of Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter, was a homecoming candidate at Hays High School Homecoming, October 17.
The annual McCracken Spook Parade will be held Saturday, October 25 beginning at the Library.
Joan Buster, Albuquerque, recently visited with Frances (Mrs. Earle) Fletcher.  Frances is 94 years young and still drives her Volkswagon.
Senior Airman, Shane W. Anderson, has returned from an 8th month tour of duty in Jacobabad, Pakistan.
We are anxiously awaiting the opening of the Mustang Cafe!!!!!  Rob promises to have it open by pheasant season, November 8.  We'll see!!
An Army reunion of the 1st Charlie Company was held at the Derrick Inn in Ness City the last of September.  Those attending were Jerry and Wanda Boxberger, Lake Havasu, Arizona; Wilbur and Mary Berg, Wichita; Norman and Karen Owings, Tuscon, Arizona; Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Vic and Shirley Higgins, Bet and Jeanette McCormick.
Layne and Kerri Morgan operate "Hunter's Hide Away" in McCracken.  They recently hosted two hunters from North Carolina and one from Wyomings.
Joe and Kathy North and family have moved from North Carolina to Texas.  Joe is taking Officer's Training in Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri.
Sonja Conner returned home after a 3 week visit with her sister, Ardith and David Garner in LasVegas. They all went to Hawaii where they spent a few days.
Mary and Leland Steitz celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on September 8, 2003.  They are the parents of Patricia Petz and  DeWayne Foos.
We welcome Robert and Eileen Mills to McCracken.  They moved here from Florida.
Elkhart, Kansas won the Rodeo of the Year Award.  Allen McCloy won bareback horse of the year.
McCracken School Grade and High School are up for sale on e-Bay for a price of $5,000.  The decision will be made November 16, 2003 on the bids. There have been 160 e-mails showing interest in the property.
Justin Casey, son of Jerry and Karen Casey, Plainville, is the quarterback for Plainville High School football team.
Gino and Paula Corte, Martin and Mary Ann Higgins have a 'vacation' residence in the former Carrie Darkes home.
Spring Blackwell received the God and Church Award at the Messiah Lutheran Church in Hays.  She is a member of Troop 63 of Sunflower council.  Spring's parents are Eddie and Gloria Baus Blackwell.
Bob and Linda Dale, Audra and Evan purchased the home of Duane and Laura Morgan on the north edge of McCracken.  Bob is still in Littleton, Colorado and will move here shortly.  Joann Juvenal Micheli is working on her former home in the east end of town.
Jim and Carolyn Sekavec celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at Hoisington with a catered dinner.
This is the 30th anniversary of the filming of "Paper Moon".  A special showing is being held at Hays at the theatre where Paper Moon was premiered. 
The Purdue family is remodeling the Norlin/Mark Miller house south of the school.  He works at Flame Engineering and will move here shortly.

Alumni may order their Christmas stamps or any stamps from the McCracken Post Office.  This will help our post office stay open.  There is no extra cost and you don't have to stand in line to get stamps at a busy post office.  Just mail a check to Maureen Janke Georg, our postperson, and she will send your stamps by return mail.  If you know of any businesses who would be willing to buy their stamps from the McCracken Post Office, that also would be invaluable help.  Thanks in advance for your support. 

©2003, McCracken Alumni Association
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