Winter 1933-1934
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Moses a 10 lb girl. She has been named Alberta Joan.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker on Thursday a boy. They have named him John Charles.
The full-back expected at the Oliver Pearson home is a fine baby girl born Wednesday at Hays. (Lynnette)
McCracken High School will use the Emporia State Scholarship tests for the first time for a testing program.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Rixon Saturday evening, a fine baby boy whom they have named James Robert.
December 1933-January 1944
Mr. and Mrs. Vernie Irvin have moved to their new home on the farm southeast of town.
Ben Yawger, Edna Cheney, Benny Thompson,
Phyllis Cheney, Lynette Pearson, Mrs. Robert Thompson and Warren Irvin all have the mumps.
Rush Brenner is in a Japanese prison camp in the Philliipines.
Adam Conrad Jr. has seen much action in the Southwest Pacific as a gunner on an aircraft carrier.
January 1944
Mary Collins married James C. Gillespie recently. She was a former teacher in McCracken Grade School.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ohlemeier are parents of a son, Paul Clarence, born January 4, 1944.
Leonard Mills has been accepted into the Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodeman are the parents of a son born January 18, 1944.
James Birdsong is stationed somewhere in Italy.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaschler are parents of a daughter born January 24, 1944.
McCracken High School won over Bazine in an REN League game 15-10. Players were Thompson, Conner, Derr, Mills and Unrein.
Mrs. Dell Klema has been employed in the high school to fill the vacancy by the resignation of Mrs. Ada Cain.
Tommy Holden has enrolled in the high school for the remainder of the term.
December 1953 - January 1954
Reporting for induction are George Guy Conner, Patrick A. Keener, Charles L. Jacobs, and Harold D. Juvenal.
MHS football players: Bobby Higgins, Larry Eisenhour, Albert Oller, Byron Gilbert, John Hanson, Jim Jones, Roy Conrad, Edward Schuckman, Bill Lovitt, Kay Fear, Tom O'Loughlin and LeeRoy Schuckman.
MHS "M" Club: Patricia Thompson, Twila Graf, Pat Ryan, Diana Walker, Gail Conner, Betty Davis, Yvonne McFarren, Roberta Anderson, Reva Rodeman, Ona Ruth Dixon, Carol Rein, Verna Dixon, Mary Ann Graf, Marjean Jones, Wilma Pfannenstiel, Dorothy Crotinger, Priscilla Rixon, Carol Bible, Mary Vogle, Carolyn Oller and Jodene Dawson. Sponsor, Margaret Buxton.
Joe Jennings was sworn into the Marine Corps in Kansas City on Monday.
Bobby Cheney is serving with the Armed Forces in Korea.
MHS won its first league victory Friday against Alexander 62-55. Bill Lovitt was high with 30 points.
Bob House, who has been in France and Germany the past 19 months is home following his discharge.
Julius Unrein is home on Christmas leave from Ft. Riley.
December 1963 - January 1964
MHS honor roll students are: Susan Irvin, Douglas Higgins, Margaret Janke, Daryl North, Karen Norlin, Janice Halbleib, Janis Eisenhour, Elaine Wetzel, Kathleen Stremel, Penny Irvin, Sarah Casey and Linda Irvin.
MHS Mustangs opened their season with a 79-61 win over Odin. High point man was Elmer Baus, 21, Dennis Peters 16 and Tony Harp 10.
Born to John and Carol Rixon a son, Kirk Alan, November 27, 1963.
Congratulations to Thayne and Machree Jones on the adoption of a son, Thayne Christian born November 8, 1963.
Karen Norlin, Carolyn Mason, Kathleen Rourke and Madeline Rein all sent letters to Santa in the Rush County paper asking for cute McCracken boys for gifts for Christmas.
MHS Girls' Glee Club: Jametta Peters, Delores Schuckman, Dixie Walker, Madeline Rein, Kathy Casey, Penny Irvin, Karen Casey, Kathleen Rourke, Sarah Casey, Cherry McMullen, Joyce Fluharty, Linda Irvin, Elaine Wetzel, Carolyn Mason, Debra Rogers, Elsie Dugan, Kathleen Stremel, Jan Eisenhour, Luann Grumbein, Susan Irvin, Karen Norlin, Susan Reinhardt, JoFaye Gaschler, Ruth Ann Sloan, Peggy Janke, Marie Johnston, Claudia Barnes and Janice Halbleib.
REN Tournament began January 22 in Bison. League members are Ransom, Bison, McCracken Odin, Bazine, Alexander and Schoenchen.
December 1973 - January 1974
McCracken's B Team scored 111 points against Healy, scoring 45 points in the third quarter. A total of 13 players saw action and only four were in double figures. Chuck Higgins, 27; Jerry Higgins 18; Glenn Ryan and Steve Foreman each had 12.
The McCracken Fillies lost to Healy by a score of 50-24. Scoring for MHS were Nancy Higgins 18; Debbie Baus 4 and Cheryl Davis 2. Other team members are Marsha Healy, Kim McCormick, Terri Rogers, Paulette Healy, Ruth Johnston, Donna Greenway, Diane McFarren and coach Peggy Crawford.
MHS "M" Club: Terry Rogers, Lynette Legleiter, Diana McFarren, Julie Seltman, Cheryl Davis, Norene Fletcher, Carla Taylor, Brenda Rogers, Ruth Johnston, Jane Moran, Sherry Petz, Rosemarie Grumbein, Donna Greenway, Kim McCormick Paulette Healy, Roberta Halbleib, Sally Irvin. Sponsor, Miss Sheryl Sowers. Cheerleaders, Debra Baus, Nancy Higgins, Rosemary Rues, Linda Sloan and Sally Buster. Mascot, Marsha Healy.
USD has taken steps to conserve energy. All classroom temperatures will be kept at 68 degrees during school time.
MHS star, 6' 5" Gary Schuckman, tore the ligaments in his knee and will undergo surgery on Wednesday.
The McCracken 7th grade Colts won over Sacred Heart Mustangs of Ness City 34-33. Shannon McKinney was high point with 21; Kellye Irvin 8. In the 8th grade game the Colts fell 37-35. Layne Morgan led all scorers with 16 followed by Mark Baus with 8.
MHS remains unbeaten as it rolled over Dorrance 90-52. Daryl Casey led the scoring with 24.
Alicia Rues achieved scholastic honors at Kansas State University for the Fall semester.
Larry Higgins is on the honor roll at St. Mary's of the Plains College in Dodge City,
Manhattan won over MHS in the first game of the Tournament of Champions at Dodge City by a score of 75-50. McCracken then defeated Shawnee Mission North 57-52 in the semi-finals.
MHS Scholarship team: Steve Foreman, Jerry Higgins, John Elmore, Gary Schuckman, Greg Hinman, Kirk Wells, Ray Wierman, Dave Derr, Don Casey, Fritz Foster, Pam Showalter, Sally Irvin, Bobbie Halbleib, Jane Moran, Mike Conner, Leslie Rogers, Gerald Rourke, Brenda Rogers, Rosemary Rues, Carla Taylor, Lynette Legleiter, Marsha Healy, Paulette Healy, Kim McCormick, Roxene Fletcher, Nancy Higgins, Sally Buster and Norene Fletcher.
December 1983 - January 1984
The LaCrosse USD Board of Education met December 6, 1983 for the purpose of closing McCracken High School. Option 6 involves transporting all the high school students to LaCrosse. The vote was a two way tie. Roy Baier, Richard Herrman and Robert Hamilton voted in favor of the closing, Lorraine Ryan, Wilbur Brack and Arlyn Solomon opposed. Alex Herrman cast his vote in favor of the closing to break the tie.
MHS football players, Sean Miller, Scott Wittman, Stacy Brackney, Lance McCormick,
Butch Hayes, Mark Brackney, Trenton Herdman, Shawn Baus, John Moran, Chad Herdman, Jeff Scheuerman, Gary Barnes, Shawn McKinney, Richard Wittman.
The junior varsity teams of McCracken and LaCrosse met in LaCrosse Monday with the Mustangs winning, 55-39.
Three players were in double figures in the victory over Sylvan Grove on Friday. Chris Casey 14, Butch Hayes 10 and Jeff Scheuerman 11. Final score was 62-48. The girls won 35-27.
MHS Mustangs: John Moran, Jeff Scheuerman, Chad Herdman, Shawn McKinney, Butch Hayes, Gary Barnes, Kris Bromlow, Shawn Baus, Mark Brackney, Richard Wittman, Chris Casey. Lance McCormick, Trenton Herdman, Stacy Brackney, Sean Miller.
Lady Mustangs: Kaira Miller, Susan Thompson, Michele Moran, Laura North, Paula Crawshaw, Vikki Hopkins and Sarene Higgins.
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McCracken's Middle School building recently sold for quite a sum of money on eBay. Read all about it in an article titled "Ultimate School Fundraiser".
Ben and Nancy Anderson have a new great-grandson, Parker Benjamin Scott.
Crystal Ryan and Chad Foust, Otis, have a new baby boy, Kaden Ryan Foust, born January 16, 2004 in Hays. They have a son Anton also.
Congratulations to Tony and Tomi Rues on the birth of a son, William Albert Rues, born January 25, 2004. Paternal grandmother is Arlene Rues and the late Al Rues, maternal grandparents are June and "Rocky" Rocky, Topeka.
Doug and Staci Elias, Tampa, Florida, have a girl, Magdalene Rose (Maggie), born January 14, 2004. She weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and was 21 inches long. Grandparents are Marge Elias, McCracken and Alan and Sherry Rupp, Colby.
Gerald Hinman, Albuqueruqe, NM turned 80 this year.
Willetta Herdman celebrated her 80th birthday on January 10, 2004. Cards may be sent to P. O. Box 333, McCracken.
Eunice North will be 80 on January 29, her address is R. R. l, Box 23, McCracken
Icis Eisenhour will be 85 on January 29, her address is 2403 Walnut, Hays, KS 67601
Francis & Julia (Davenport) Zeller will celebarte their 60th wedding anniversary on February 1, 2004. A reception will be held Saturday, January 31 at the Community Hall in McCracken from 2:00 until 5:00 P.M. Cards may be sent to P. O. Box 67, McCracken 67556
Glen & Liz Conner celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on January 23, 2004. A trip to Branson will be planned at a later date. They have two sons, Dan and Mike, grandson sMitchell, D. J. Conner, Christi Schneider and one great-grandson, Dallas Schneider. Cards may be sent to R. R. 1 Box 84, McCracken.
Lloyd A. Elias, 85, died November 26, 2003 at LaCrosse. He was born July 25, 1918 in rural McCracken to Oscar B. and Eva Ream Elias. He was a WW 11 vet. He married Elizabeth O'Rourke on July 25, 1964 at LaCrosse. She died May 11, 2000. He is survived by a sister-in-law, Marge Elias, nieces and nephews, Eva Lee Boyd Smith, Pauline Walker Frazier, Nancy Walker Dougherty, John Walker, Bob Fear, Kay Fear, Shirley Lovitt Higgins, Bill Lovitt, Dennis Elias, Dale Elias and Doug Elias. Burial was in McCracken City Cemetery.
Marlin G. "Ole" Ohlemeier, 77, died December 19, 2003 at Wichita. He was born on July 4, 1926, at McCracken, the son of Henry William and Irma Mabel Lynn Ohemeier. He married "Midge" Wilson at LaCrosse on June 12, 1947. She died April 14, 1996. He is survived by 4 daughters, four brothers and one sister. He ws a WW 11 vet.
John Wesley Kraus, 82, died December 26, 2003 at his home in Hays. He was the son of Carl and Sadie Wilson Kraus. Sadie was a McCracken native. His brothers are Kenneth, Harold and Warren Kraus and his sister is Dorothy Bemis.
John E. Schuckman, 76, died December 26, 2003 at Gorham. He was the brother of Lucy Unrein and Freddie Schuckman.
Larry Leiker, husband of Norma Sloan Leiker, died Christmas eve 2003. Other survivors were sons Brian, Greg and Andy Leiker, Topeka; step children, Tracy, Jeff, Cory and Jamie. Services were held at Holy Name Catholic Church in Topeka with burial in Mount Calvary Cemetery.
Robert Dale Strickler, 72, died December 19, 2003 at Hutchinson. He was born August 7, 1921 to Russell and Mary Elias Strickler. He was an Air Force vet. He married Lena Offerle in 1958. In 1985 he married Wanda Jolene Likes Colburn. Survivors are two sons, Jim and Chad, daughter Lori Ellis. Burial was in the Ransom Cemetery.
Robert Huber, 79, died December 18. He was born Feburary 14, 1933 to George Jake and Mary Elizabeth Hearting Huber. He was a 1951 graduate of LaCrosse High School. He married Jo Ann Seaman. She survivies. Other survivors include Randy Huber, Diane Huber and Patricia Moran, six grandchildren. Burial was at LaCrosse.
Sylvia Ann (Schafer) Rohr, 72, died December 29, 2003 in Pratt. She was the sister of Jim Schafer. Burial was at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Cunningham.
Charles Whtthuhn, Jr. 82, died November 4, 2003, at Lincoln NE. He married Helen Higgins, daughter of Henry and Mary Higgins. Helen died in 1947. They had one daughter Lilla Marie White (now deceased.) He is survived by a grandson and two granddaughters, Jeff Etheridge Waverly, NE; Charlene Etheridge and Tina Etheridge, Richmond VA; two great-grandsons, Ryan and Alex Etheridge, Waverly, NE.
Eunice Folds, 84, Great Bend, died January 22, 2004. She taught in McCracken in 1947-1948 in the field of Social Science. She later was the Barton County Superintendent of Schools. Burial was in Great Bend.
Betty Janke 72, died January 21, 2004 at her home in LaCrosse. She was the wife of Harry Janke who died May 17, 1995. She is survived by the following Janke relatives: Francis Janke, Esther Janke, Helen Janke, Corrine Brenner, Earl Brenner, Willard West and Louie Crawford.
Eugene Wierman, 47, was killed in a car wreck near Jetmore on January 20, 2004. He was the son of Keith and Wanda Snodgrass Wierman and was born April 21, 1956. He is survived by his parents, a son William, two daughters, Tori and Stephanie; brothers, Tom, Ed and Lawrence; sisters, Judy Schreiber, Loretta Basgall and Anita Vogel. Burial was at Vansburgh Cemetery, Brownell. Memorials are for the Gene Wierman Children's Education Fund in care of the funeral home.
Dan Bethke, son of Roz and Del Bethke, and Jessica Stevens were married December 5, 2003 in Los Angeles. He works for a law firm in downtown LA. JoLynn graduated from Rockhurst University and Patrick graduated from Johnson County.
Luke Coffman, son of Sue and Bill Coffman, married Heather Crawford at the Catholic Church in Garnett. Sue was a former teacher-coach here.
Clara Miller, daughter of Mark and Sharon Miller, married Chuck Triplett at Glendale, Arizona, on January 2, 2004. Mark was a former teacher here.
Congratulations to Cheryl Davis Groff and Allen Werth on their marriage, December 24, 2003.
Christina Peters (daughter of the late Russell Peters and Sophomore at Ft. Hays State University) and her uncle Dennis Peters spent Christmas in Italy with his daughter, Sherinna and Mario Sabatini, grandsons Lorenze and Christian. They toured Rome for 3 days.
Rose Rues Diehl underwent an appendectomy at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center in Topeka. She will be off work for 8 weeks. We are pleased to report that she is recovering nicely
Martin and Cathy Shapiro are kept busy with their children. Jessica is a 5th grader and is taking piano, gymnastics and dance. Laura is an 8th grader and is also in piano and gymanastics. Martin is a physician for Permanente Group in Sacramento.
Darin and Penny (Schuckman) Hobkirk have purchased a house next to Tony and Lisa (Schuckman) Gaschler in Wichita.
Former teacher Bob Bearley and his wife Sharon live in Kensington, KS. He is still teaching and coaching and is President of Lions Club and an NEA delegate. Sharon is a Para Ed at school, dietary manager at the Nursing Home and church secretary. Bobby works at the Women's Correction Facility in Council Bluffs and his wife is at the Medical Clinic. They have three children. Crystal is in San Marcus, TX as a social worker and Justin is teaching and coaching at Cheney.
Allen Miller, author of Yankee on the Prairie, teaches two classes at KU and his wife, Sandi, spends one day a week helping catalog Bob Dole's papers at the Bob Dole Institute of Politics.
Tyrel Elias decorated his Christmas tree with NASCAR decorations.
Todd Barber, son of Rick & Tina (Vogle) Barber and grandon of Lucy Vogle, is the lead NASA propulsion engineer on the Mars project.
Wayne Irvin will spend February to April in Myrtle Beach, SC. He had rotator cuff surgery on his right shoulder and still has limited mobility.
Icis Eisenhour had an extended visit with her sisters, Edna Grate and Lois Schwein in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Eunice North had a hip replacement at Salina and is now rehabing.
Sean Miller was activited and sent to Fort Bragg last February. He will be released in January 2004. Joel, Nicole and Ciara Miller live in Colorado Springs.
Craig and Kim Cooper are still in Gunnison, CO, both healthy and enjoying their jobs.
Albert and Doris Oller's daughter, Lori, was named Teacher of the Year at Clark Middle School in Abilene, TX.
Glenn and Marilyn Smith, (former teacher), live in Buckeye, AZ.
Frances and Floyd Kinsinger, St. George, UT, says hello to her former students.
Lydia and Mike Quigg live in south Texas.
Andy Kenyon, nephew of Randy and Kathy Davenport Kenyon, returned to his hometown of Caney, OK, December 11. He was the young man who almost lost his life in the helicopter crash when it was shot down in Iraq.
We have seen no one and no activity around the school buildings since the sale. We hope they will show up in the near future.
Jan Gantz, Ness City, published three articles in the Ness County News regarding "Little Ireland". Those helping with the project were Diz Washaliski, Bet McCormick, Keith Wierman, Ron and Ben Brenner.
A sunflower clock, which matches the outside sunflower sculpture, has been donated to the McCracken Jail/Museum by Tim Rues. It was made by Pat Istes.
A copy of "Tent Show, Arthur Names and His Famous Players" by Donald W. Wisenhunt, was donated to McCracken Public Library. Art Names was a McCracken native. One of his players who became famous was Milburn Stone, of Gunsmoke fame.
Audra Dale, daughter of Linda (Sloan) and Bob Dale, is on the Gold Honor Roll at Felten Middle school in Hays.
Jerry Moran, lst District Congressman, was in McCracken to discuss issues of interest to all on December 23.
St Marys Catholic Church had Mass on Christmas eve with Father Basil Torrez of Collyer presiding.
Midge Davenport celebrated her 89th birthday on December 12, 2003.
Shannon McKinney attended the KC Chief - Detroit Lions football game. He was guest of Jeff and Hurd. Shannon then came to McCracken and Hoisington to visit with friends.
Lorranie Norlin has moved to Great Bend. She would love to have visitors.