May - June 1934
Jack and Flossie Clark returned to McCracken and have resumed management of their bakery. They have a route which covers Alexander, Bazine and Brownell every day.
MHS graduates are Thomas Barnes, Samuel Higgins, Katherine Higgins, Ruby Kueffer, Woodrow Lovitt, Irene McGaughey, Henry Marak, Avery Norlin, Helen Phillips, Rose Rein and Richard Ryan.
Eighth grade graduates are Marjorie Norlin, Lucille Elmore, James Moran and Basil Davenport.
Elmore Ryan is employed in the Citizens State Bank this summer.
Mildred McKittrick and Eddie Rein were married in LaCrosse.
A piano recital was held with pupils Betty Jo Twiselton, Donald Hunt, Betty Ruth and Eva Rae Skinner, Margaret Louise Shiney, Dorothy and Lucille Elmore, Norma Ryan, Junior Donecker, Helen Barnes, Lenore Ramsey, Ruby Littler, Emma Mae Norlin and Dorothy Skinner. Eleanor Snodgrass is the teacher.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Max Washaliski a fine baby boy. (Diz).
Teachers for this Fall are Oliver Pearson, Lillian Timm, Wilma Reinhardt, Ralph Carmichael, L.A. Prowant, Otella Georg, Margaret Lovitt and Agnes Bowen.
May - June 1944
MHS will graduate five girls. They are Bonnie Foster, Lillian Dugan, Margaret Shiney, Wilda Anderson and Alberta Ree.
Grade School graduates: Lloyd Anderson, Phyllis Cheney, Guy Conner, Annetta Diehl, Virginia Dugan, David Diehl, John Elmore, Jimmy Higgins, Ronald Hinman, Bob House, Ervin Koerner, Joan Ryan, Willard Thompson and Georgina Unrein.
MHS placed first in her class in State Scholarship. The English, Mathematics and Science team also placed 1st.
Population for McCracken is 368.
Lt. Leo Brenner is 'missing in action', according to a message from the War Department.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCaskey, a girl.
Florence Janke and Cpl. Lewie Crawford were married at Fort Douglas, Utah.
Zella Mae Doerr and Cpl. Clarence A. Grumbein were married at the home of the bride's parents. Cpl. Grumbein has been stationed in the Aleutians area for the past two years.
Sgt. Patrick McKittrick, Lt. Francis Lovitt and Sg. Basil Davenport are all stationed somewhere in England.
Mrs. Carl Grate received a cablegram from her son, Paul, who is stationed somewhere in Africa.
May - June 1954
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sloan, a son, named Steven James.
MHS graduates: Yvonne McFarren, Roberta Anderson, Kay Fear, Betty Davis, LeeRoy Schuckman, Albert Oller and Tom O'Loughlin.
McCracken Grade graduates: Alberta Anderson, Louise Gerritzen, Patty Graf, Furlin Irvin, Gary Oller, Perry J. Irvin, Norman Pfannenstiel, Geraldine McCaskey, Carla Rodeman, Karen Walker, Gary Walker, Bill Wierman, Arlene and Marlene Wilson, Joyce Showalter, James Hanson and Peggy Harper.
Maurice Higgins graduated from St. John High School.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grumbein, a daughter, Connie Sue.
MHS took 2nd in State Scholarship contest. The following students placed: John Hanson, Ona Ruth Dixon, Dorothy Crotinger, Roberta Anderson, Reva Rodeman, Diana Walker, Patricia Ryan, Gerald Crotinger, Bill Lovitt and Patricia Thompson.
Geraldine McCaskey and Jodene Dawson were winners to a trip to St. Louis sponsored by Klema Grocery Store.
May - June 1964
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clark, a daughter, at Syracuse.
MHS graduates: Claudia Barnes, Elmer Baus Jr., Ronald Richolson, Marie Johnston, Ernest Gaschler, Keith Crawford, Delores Schuckman, Peggy Janke.
Donald Petz will present diplomas to the following grade graduates: Dennis Elias, Steven McMullen, Sharon Parson, Eileen Pfaff and Marie Rourke.
Mike and Audrey McMullen and family left Friday for Haviland where they will make their home. They will both teach at Wichita next year.
LeRoy Gilbert and Sandy Hogan were married in Salina.
Wheat harvest is over, the yield in the area is around 20 bushels.
Peggy Sue Janke has enrolled at FHSU.
May - June 1974
MHS Graduates: Randy Taylor, Pamela Showalter, Kirk Wells, Roxene Fletcher, John Elmore, Carla Taylor, David Derr, Brenda Rogers, Ray Wierman, Ivan Janke, Steven Swartz, Jeffrey Seltman, Jerald Grumbein, Joy Petz, Daniel Conner, Cheryl Davis, Roger Legleiter.
McCracken Grade School graduates: Mark Baus, J.D. Bell, Larry Buster, Rosie Casey, Ellen Davis, James Dome, Cheryl Foreman, Danny Halbleib, Hope Johnston, Michelle Kershner, Layne Morgan, Peggy Rixon, Tom Rues, Karin Seltman, Annette Stafford, Janet Unrein, Penny West and Wanda Wright.
Dave Davenport, Rich Higgins and Jerry Schutte received their degrees from FHSU.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walker, a daughter, Tammy Marie.
McCracken Cookies defeated LaCrosse 17-0 with Chuck Higgins throwing a no-hitter. Layne Morgan had two home runs.
Brownell Legion baseball team members coached by Bill Lovitt, assisted by Doug Higgins, are Jim Kenworthy, Greg Hinman, Dan Conner, Terry Weeks, Mike Conner, Jerry Higgins, Glenn Ryan, Daryl Casey, Norbert Flax, John Walker, Rob Giess, Steve Foreman, Scott Kershner.
The 40th annual Dodge City baseball tournament will begin Friday with teams: Dodge City, Hays, McCracken, TMP, Newton, Great Bend, Victoria and Liberal.
Bob and Frank Foster are members of the Rock Bottom Band.
The following resolution was made in the recent vote in the school issue. "We the patrons of the LaCrosse Rural High School District WISH TO GO ON RECORD as favoring the control of each school district by the patrons That each school be encouraged to operate under the direction of its patrons of that school. That the patrons of each school district be the sole determinants of how the school shall be operated. That each school be encouraged to operate under the DIRECTION OF ITS PATRONS and their elected school board members as long as they please." WOW!!! We ALL know what happened here!!!!!!!
Duane Brown, Janice Stull and Jesse Showalter were graduates of FHSU.
Martin Higgins returned to the US Navy at Norfolk after visiting here with his parents.
Betty Moran and Allen Burkhart were married at St. Mary's Church.
Jerry Casey and Kellye Irvin pitched McCracken Cookie team to a 12-3 win over Rush Center. Mark McCormick and Jerry Casey had home runs.
Kent Bible received scholastic honors at K-State. Rodney Taylor is on the honor roll at St. Mary of the Plains College.
David Rogers and Debra Derr were married Sunday at the Methodist Church.
May - June 1984
The boys track team finished 2nd in the Quivera League meet.
Craig Stull received his B.A. in physics from FHSU; Roxene Sloan received her degree from Barton County Community College.
Shawn McKinney qualified for State in shot-put; Chad Herdman beat his old record in javelin; the 3200 meter relay team of Gary Barnes, Stacy Brackney, Trenton Herdman and Mark Brackney set a new record. Other team members are Richard Wittman, Jeff Scheuerman, Terry Showalter, Butch Hayes, Stacy Brackney, John Moran, Scott Wittman, Jim Hopkins and Sean Miller.
MHS graduates: Tonya Mangold, Gary Barnes, Jeff Scheuerman, Shawn McKinney, Sarena Higgins, Michele Mays, Kenny Hughes, Richard Wittman, Chad Herdman.
Grade Graduates: Jeff Crawshaw, Scott Wittman, Jamie Sewell, Jason Moran, Malena Rogers and Tom Hayes.
Lorraine Norlin retired as a kindergarten teacher.
Kim McCormick and Dan Townsend were married at St. Mary's Church.
Karen Koerner and Jerry Casey were married in Ness City.
The McCracken Cookies defeated LaCrosse 16-2. Lance McCormick scored 4 runs, Tommy Hayes scored 3 and Trenton Herdman had 3 hits.
Those attending basketball camp in Ness City are Reed Blackwell, Klara, Joel and Kaira Miller, Qui Quach, Kim Cao, Susan Thompson, Paula Crawshaw and Laura North. It was conducted by Bill Morse, Greg Lackey, Ron Morse and Nate Rollins. Those who attended camp at Ft. Hays were Brett Gilbert, Kris Bromlow, Butch and Tommy Hayes, Matthew and Michael Hays, Jason, David and John Moran.
May - June 1994
Heath North and Paula David announce their engagement and approaching marriage. An August wedding is planned.
Cindy Walker and Paul Cannatella were married in Houston, Texas.
Lynnette Harp, Bob Foster and Kelly Petz were graduates from FHSU. |
Read all about (and print out your own copy) the "Alumni Picnic Under The Big Top" which will take place in McCracken City Park on Saturday, July 10th, 2004 at 12:30 p.m.
All those who graduated in the years ending in 4 will be honored at the Alumni dinner "Under the Big Top". Alumni can help to defray the expense of the Big Top, please enclose a little extra on the above form. Thanks.
Jack W. Moses, 80, Aberdeen, Scotland, died February 27, 2004 after a long illness. He was born November 23, 1923 in McCracken, Kansas. He was the son of the late Garrett (Peck) and Pearl Moses. He was a WWII and Korean War veteran. He worked for Cummins Diesel in Wichita and Sedco as a diesel mechanic. He is survived by his wife, Janie, Scotland; two sons, Richard and Steve; two daughters, Sally and Nancy and four grandchildren; two brothers, Paul Moses, San Antonio, Texas and Gary Moses, Alta Vista, KS; one sister, Edith Blair, Wood River, IL. Preceding him in death was a son, Jack Jr., six brothers; John L., Bert, Willis, Ralph, Willard and Bev. Burial in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Congratulations to Terri & James Everhart, McPherson on the birth of twins, Joshua Anthony and Megan Riley, born March 30, 2004 at Newton Medical Center. Maternal grandmother is Madeline Petz and great-grandmother is Dolores Petz.
Congraulations to Chris and Amanda (Pavlu) Thom on the birth of a son, Dylan Paul Thom, May 18, 2004 at Holdrege, NE. Grandparents are Paul and Pam Pavlu, Brownell and great-grandmother is Margery Pavlu.
Congratulations to Jennifer Pfaff and Jim Strickler on the birth of a daughter, Alana Marie Strickler, born May 11, 2004 at Hays Medical Center. Grandparents are Roy and Kay Pfaff.
Congratulations to Shawn and Lisa Baus, Shawnee, who are the parents of a third son, Drake Anthony, born May 27, 2004. Drake's great-grandmother is Philena Baus.
Diz Washaliski was honored as a Community Leader/ Volunteer of the Year honorable mention by the Rush County Chamber of Commerce at the 38th annual Barbed Wire Weekend.
Nick Moran, son of David and Stacy Moran, received his First Communion at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Wichita on April 25.
Anna Mae Bergquist, daughter of Bryan and Treva Bergquist, received her First Communion at the Catholic Church in Princeton, MO on May 2.
Confirmation was held at the McCracken United Methodist Church for the following young people: Kayla Diane Irvin, Katlyn Morgan, Kelsee Rogers, Lisa Legleiter and Clinton Kershner.
Sarah Urban and Jonathan Straus returned home after spending 10 days touring France.
Lillian Murphy Chadwick says it has been 66 years since she graduated from MHS. Her relatives left in Rush county are Ruth William and Sylvester Conrad.
Marge Sloan had a complete knee replacement on April 30 in Oklahoma City.
Patricia Petz attended a workshop in Wichita for second grade teachers entitled: Best Strategies to Teach Young Writers.
Judy Hugh, daughter of Ruth Yawger, is a member of the Hays Community Choir and an instructor in the Education department at Fort Hays State University.
Pending summer weddings: Kelly Skillett and Linda Willard; Malena Rogers and Kevin Thyfault; Nicole Moran and Clark Kirk; Jill Wierman and Joey Herschbach; Erin Elizabeth Schamber & Juan Manuel Hernandez.
Jack Nicholson and Paulette Harp are having a month-long showing of their art work at the Congregational Church in Longmont, Colorado.
Philena Baus spoke to the students at Wilson School in Hays. She used props from early days to show how young people had to find ways to entertain themselves and make do without the many objects they have at their disposal today.
Diana and Iulliana Wheat, granddaughter and great-granddaughter of Sylvester Conrad, has accepted a teaching position in Eugene, Oregon at the University there.
The Hoisington High School band performed a concert in Arvada, CO. Kyra Horesky is a member of the band. She is the daughter of Tammy and Lonnie Irvin.
Sarah Wills, granddaughter of Phyllis Higgins, graduated from Lubbock Texas Tech.
The McCracken Alumni is raffling a Wooden Glider swing at Rodeo Time. It is in the window of Smokey Hill Traders.
Megan Conrad plays violin at Hays High School. She is the daughter of Randy and Robin Conrad.
Addie Mills received her 50 year pin and Brenda Legleiter her 25 year pin for the Starlight Chapter of Order of Eastern Star in Ness City.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad have been working on notebooks to update the records of St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery. They have taken a picture of every stone and/or marker in the cemetery and added obituaries with each picture. All but five obituaries of the 295 know persons buried there have been found. Metal crosses with a name plate have been made to place on each grave that were unmarked.
Patricia Petz, second grade teacher of LaCrosse Elementary was presented with the Walmart #664 Teacher of the Year Award.
The car of Nap Derr exploded in her garage and the ensuing fire destroyed both the car and the garage.
Kathy Bannister, pastor of McCracken United Methodist Church, has decided to take a leave of absence from the parish ministry after eight years of service. She will farm with her husband Ted and spend time with her daughter.
Spring Blackwell, a freshman at Hays High School, is on the soccer team. She is the daughter of Eddie and Gloria Blackwell.
Chase Rogers, son of Les and Sheryl Rogers, graduated from Bazine High School on May 15, 2004. He was a member of the last graduating class at Bazine.
Congratulations to Dylan Derr, Nicole Ryan, Skyler Jones, Lisa Legleiter, Kayla Diane Irvin, Katelyn Morgan and Kelsee Rogers on their graduation from Junior High school.
Michael Morgan, son of Layne and Kerri Morgan and Rachel Urban, daughter of John and Melanie Zeller graduated from LaCrosse High School. Brooke McClelland, daughter of Leigh Ann and Mark Brackney and Dennis McClelland, graduated also -- she was a former resident of McCracken.
Kizmin Wilson, wife of Clayton Wilson, graduated form Colby Community College in the field on Dental Hygenist. Kizmin works for the Dr. Miners in Hays.
Jenna Higgins, daughter of Jerry and Jodi Higgins, participated in Judy's School of Dance 40th annual recital in Hutchinson.
Jeffrey Hinman, graduated from Fort Hays State University. He is the grandson of Wendell & Gladys Hinman.
Metal rabbits and a large coyote have been made by Pat Istas of Lecompton for the Jail/Museum yard. They are presently at Smokey Hill Traders.
Lance and Lee Legleiter, sons of Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter, were two of the six sets of twins graduating from Hays High School. McCracken grandparents are Red and Velma Legleiter.
The McCracken library received many boxes of books from the Bazine High School library due to the consolidation of Bazine and Ransom High Schools..
Terri Rogers Cox has donated a tapestry throw and 2 pillows with rodeo designs to be raffled for the rodeo.
Kelly Hansen, daughter of Lee and Donna Hansen, graduated from FHSU.
Cameron Horesky graduated from Hoisington Middle School. He is the son of Tammy and Lonnie Irvin.
Rose Showalter has moved to Ransom Long Term Care.
Walter and Janey Rogers lost a roof from one of their sheds during the storm in May.
Corrine Brenner had open heart surgery in Wichita.
Dave Libberton of Engine Powered Products has moved into the former McCracken School buildings. He and his partner, Suzanne Azzarella, have centered their busines around the sale of snowmobiles, mini-bikes, go-karts, gears, brakes, small engine breasts and parts, steering wheels, axles, wheels, clutches, innertubes, engines, tracks, carburetors, motors, sprockets, phones, tires, belts, movies and much more. Dave has become a fixture at the coffee shop at Smokey Hill Traders.
Allen and Betty (Moran) Burkhart of Wright celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary at their home in Wright on June 5.
Jan North and a group of ladies were pictured and quoted in an article in the Hays Daily News on May 26. They are involved in an exercise program called pilates.
Adam Taylor, son of Rodney and Bernadette Taylor has been awarded a St. Mary of the Plains Alumni Scholarship. Adam attends college at Fort Hays.
Cassie Karlin, granddaughter of Addie Mills sings with the acapella choir at Hays High Shool.
Coty Hinman, daughter of Wade and Tonya Hinman was a member of the graduating class of Turner High School in Kansas City, KS.
Mike Karlin, brother of Chris Zimmerman, graduated from Hays High School along with Andy Hansen, son of Lee and Donna Hansen.
A cross stitch flag, designed and stitched by Anita Zeller Boartright, owner of the shop, The Sunflower Seed in Topeka, has been chosen "pick of the month" for June by Hoffman Distributing Company of Alabama.
Joyce Rogers had eye surgery in Wichita.
Bryan, Treva, Anna Mae and Audra Bergquist are getting settled north of town at the Wilson place. Welcome home.
Lewie Crawford is living with his wife Bonnie in Kansas City in an assisted living apartment. He is 88 years young.
David Norlin has retired from teaching at Cloud County Community College. He and his wife Janice have moved to Salina. She works with a law firm there.
West Burch American Legion Post 59 conducted services on Memorial Day at Alexander, St. Mary's and McCracken City Cemeteries. This past year the post lost three members, Alvin Janke, Guy Conner and Lloyd Elias. Bill Zeller and Dennis Elias read the roll of those who have served that rest in the various cemeteries. The honor guard for the services included Alex McCormick, Bet McCormick, Glenn Conner and Deb Gaunt. Firing squad members included Dennis Elais, Tony Harp, Bob Wolfe, Diz Washaliski, Dan Petz, Jake Tomlinson, Babe Gilbert. Ruthanne Crawshaw read Flanders Field and Kerri Morgan read Answer to Flanders Field. Arlene Gilbert led the crowd in group singing of patriotic songs. Sierra Jones played Taps at Alexander.
The Trail Ride this year will begin at 9:00 a.m. on July 8 at the old Drany Place. They plan to ride next to the Bib Timber Creek into McCracken. This will require that those participating have a horse.
Our congratulations to Anna Irvin, daughter of Kellye and Sandy Irvin, who won two Gold medals at the State track meet. She rain the 100 meters in 12:30 and the 200 meters in 27.19.
The Lyons High School won the 3A State baseball tournament in Manhattan defeating Baxeter Springs 19-9. Sophomore Brett Higgins, son of Doug and Mary Higgins is a member of the team.
The Mustang Cafe was open for those who attended Memorial Day services in McCracken. The buffet was served to approximately 125.
The McCracken Swimming Pool is directed by Jackie Casey and the lifeguard is Maribeth Casey
"Arky" and Diane McNair moved here from Denver last year and purchased the Rose Grumbein home. They have done extensive re-modeling inside the house.
Fritzie Foster, Italy, called his aunt Jean Schutte on Memorial weekend.
McCracken Library Store Hour has begun for the summer. It includes children K-6.
Sandra Jacobs and Laura Linsey have been painting, scraping and cleaning at the City Park. New boards have been painted and installed on one of the merry-go-rounds, the other has been re-painted.
Anyone interested in participating in the MHS alumni band at the Picnic under the Big Top, contact Arlene Gilbert by Julya4. You will need to provide your own instrument.
We had an old fashioned dust storm on Saturday evening, June 5. It looked like pictures from the "dirty 30's".
Jessica Casey, daughter of Jerry and Karen Casey graduated from Plainville High School on May 15.
Dustin Casey, son od Daryl and Barbara Casey graduated from the eighth grade at Copeland on May 22.
Russell and Laura Linsey hosted a 50th anniversary reception and open house for Dean and Carolyn Linsey of Silver Lake on Sunday of Memorial weekend .