RCNews Dec 31

This past week, Ava North and Derrick Schlegel AI'd Travis and Ava's Fall cow herd, with the help of Derrick's new wife Melissa Schlegel, a hundred head in two and half hours! Then Travis, Ava and Paul North worked the calves with the crew that afternoon, a hundred head! They are pretty sure they sent a couple of guys home ready for bed!
Travis and Ava North had a little cattle drive down CR 150 Saturday, with the help of Paul North, Les Rogers, Chase Rogers, John Irvin, Lance Irvin, Ivan Janke, and Bryce. Thanks guys for all your help, its nice to have wonderful neighbors.
Travis North has been preparing the Ranch for the next big snow storm they are calling for, however we are praying that it just blows around us!
Travis North and his girls Breonna and Abigail visited with Grandma North and played connect four, which they all enjoyed, while Ava and Natalee stayed home with colds. We ask that you continue to think of Grandma and pray for her, as she is still recovering from a fall a month an a half ago.
 Ava North enjoyed helping her brother Thomas Moeder on Monday night get all his Christmas shopping done this year even though Hays was very busy with TONS of last minute shoppers!
Travis, Ava, Breonna, Abigail, and Natalee North want to wish everyone a very
Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
 Christmas Eve guests of Fred and Mary Anne Taylor were: Fred, Kim, Anna, Andrew and Lucas Taylor, Colby; Rod, Bernie and Whitney Taylor, Randy, Denise and Jordon Taylor, Kelly, Sandra, Taylor and Grace Beisner, all of Ellis; Shane and Kasi Irwin Loveland, Co; Kris Taylor, Boulder, Co. and Anthony Taylor, Tulsa, Ok.
 Christmas day guests were:  Randy, Denise and Jordan, Kris Taylor, Kelly, Sandy, Taylor and Grace; Fred, Kim, Anna, Andrew and Lucas.
Paul North, Travis, Ava North and girls, Breonna, Abigail and Natalee North, Chris, Cindy, Julia and Chase Zadina, Josh North and fiancée Kayla Schmidtburger went to the home of Cindy Zadina, Paul's daughters house for Christmas morning presents and lunch.  We all had a wonderful time watching the kids open gifts; they made out very well (must have been very GOOD this year)!
Paul North and kids and Grandchildren all headed to Ellis to go spend time and celebrate Christmas with Grandma North, who was looking very beautiful!
Christmas Day guests of Betty Greenway were Bill, Paula, William, Michael
and Stephanie Greenway; Allan and Donna Hill, Chewy and Joey
Victoria...Allan and Donna motored to Great Bend to spend the holidays on
Saturday with Dennis and Millie Hill, Glenn and Lois Hill, Jenny Waddell,
Brian Hill and Matt and Jeanette Hill and Kalen.
Dan and Kim Townsend, Jacob and Megan, Michigan, arrived in McCracken after spending time in Abilene.  They were guests of Lucy Vogle and Mary McCormick.
Travis, Ava and their girls hosted Christmas supper and presents at their home with Ava's family, her mom Cynthia Swan, Sister Ashley Toliver, her uncle Claude Toliver, and her brother Thomas Moeder and his girlfriend Nikki Piefer. We had a wonderful evening of laughter and games on the North girls new WII!!!
Guests on Christmas Eve of Frank and Elaine Littler were Brenda, Tom, Cody and Ella Prosser; Scott Littler and Amber Georg; Stacey, Trevor, Brennen and Tyron Steinert; Jay and Maureen Georg.  We missed Kristy and Seth, but they were in Wichita with Jarrett Karl as he was in the NICU at Wesley Hospital.  He is improving which we are very grateful for.
Christmas Day they had dinner for Brenda, Tom, Cody and Ella Prosser, Gene Littler, Bob Storn, Pat, Terry and Leanne Miller, Deanna, Jacee, and Trayson Stevens.  In the afternoon, Pat & Terry and Frank & Elaine visited Mel & Mildred Littler as they were stuck at home with bad colds’
Christmas Day guests of Bet and Jeanette McCormick were Jean Schutte, Dan, Kim, Megan and Jacob Townsend.
Gary Barnes had Christmas at the home of his parents, Gerald and Signe Barnes. Bruce, Carol, Lexea and Landon Barnes were also in attendance. 
Bob and Marlene Funk hosted Christmas with Anita, Jeff, and Ursula Butler; Kelly, Mike and Mason Weber; Spencer and Levi White, Shari Funk, Babe and Arlene Gilbert. Brett and Holly Gilbert and girls went to Kroegers in Ellis.  Wakeeney had 3 times the snow McCracken had.  Bob's driveway had drifted shut during the day and as a result the Gilberts got stuck as they were leaving.  They also had some questionable visibility when driving by wheat fields. 
Christmas day guests of Hoop and Twila Higgins were Doug, Mary and Brett Higgins, Lyons; Jeremy and Ashley Higgins, Olathe and Danielle Higgins, Dezmond and Devin, Wichita.  Remaining family members were present by telephone due to the snow.
Craig and Kim Cooper, Gunnison, Colorado, visited Jean Schutte Sunday afternoon.
Mary Higgins, Lyons, was recently honored by the KSHSAA with a plaque for her 30 years of service and dedication to Kansas interscholastic athletic programs as a registered athletic official.
Bill and Sharon Lovitt had as Christmas guests Brad Lovitt, who flew into Denver and came I-70 right after it was opened; Lora, Scott, Rae and Clay Faiman motored to Omaha then down to Ransom which took like forever, Teresa Lovitt and Jennifer Lovitt, Dodge City.
Mitch, Dellena, Jennifer, and Andy Eisenhour came from Newport News, VA to spend a week with his parents, Larry and Joyce Eisenhour.  Jacob Eisenhour came in October and is completing his senior year of high school at South High and living with Larry & Joyce.  Mike, Melinda, and McKenzie Parks came from Lenexa to spend a few days.  This is the first time they have all been together for Christmas since 2006.  They were all having a great time, and Joyce is spending a lot of time in the kitchen and the grocery stores! 
Mike, Jerilyn, Tayler & Colby Stull enjoyed Christmas Eve at the Gary & Karen Aufdemberge's home in Hays and on Christmas Day had lunch with John and Janice Stull and Ruby Myers; Then to the Herrman's in LaCrosse for Christmas evening activities.
Tammy, Kyra, Cameron, Chuck, Zach, Jerry, Jodi, Tanner and Jenna were Christmas Day guests of Shirley Higgins.  Kayla, Lindsey and Nicole joined them the day after because of all the snow and blowing snow in Norton.  They all returned home Sunday afternoon.
The Tournament of Roses Parade dates back to 1886.  In that year, members of the Valley Hunt Club decorated their carriages with flowers.  It celebrated the ripening of the orange crop in California.  Although the first football game was played as part of the Tournament of Roses in 1902, it was replaced by Roman chariot races the next year.  In 1916 the football game returned as the centerpiece of the festival.
Happy New Year – 2010  Goodbye - 2009.
Linda Holden, Diane Osborn, Wilma Jacobs, Mary Ann Quinoness and Addie Mills met at Gambinos in LaCrosse on Saturday for a pre-Christmas get together.
Christmas day guests of Francis and Roberta Wierman were Rita Brethour of Park City, Marilyn and George Sommers of Silver Lake, Ray, Jerod and Jennifer Wierman, of Bennington, Jill Herschbach, of Kansas City, Missouri, Cindy Wierman of Olathe, James Wierman, of McCracken.
Addie Mills was a Sunday afternoon visitor of Danny, Marilyn and Brandon Mills in Gorham.  Enroute home Addie visited with Jack Klee in Hays.
Darlene McFarren returned home from the hospital last week following the car accident.
We wish her well.  She would enjoy your cards and calls as she recuperates.  Keep Dean in your prayers are he is still in the hospital in Wichita.
Stephanie Greenway is on the Ellis Railroader Junior High Basketball team.  They won third place in the Phillipsburg tournament. 
Carolyn Thompson and Galen Allen were Christmas guests of Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith at Ellsworth.
Alana Rogers is doing well in her recovery from spinal surgery.  She is still in the Ness County Hospital.
The Crawshaw family met at the United Methodist Church Saturday for their Christmas.  Those attending were Bernadine Gray, Mamie Crawshaw, Bill and Paula Greenway and family, Jeff and Billie Crawshaw and friend Whitney, Ron and Ruth Crawshaw.
On Monday afternoon Addie Mills made a short visit to the Norbert Karlin home and the Lee Hansen home to bring gifts for grandsons, Mike and Andy and their families.
McCracken History Notes
January 1890
Our sportsmen met Saturday night and organized a gun club. They are J. A. Kline, Ed Hall, J. P. Warden, Oscar Lindbloom, T. M. Purcell, T. W. Harris, T. C. Ritter and H. L. Brown.
Students at Zickefoose school:  Mattie, Effie, Minnie, Georgie and Leta Zickefoose; Frank, Lucreta, Chester and Lucy McKenzie; Kate and Harry Showalter, Alla and Sophia Ree and Oscar Smiley.
January 1910
The Citizen’s State Bank of McCracken will be open on Monday morning, January 3, 1910 at 9 o’clock.  The new institution invites you to call and get acquainted whether you do any business or not. The bank is neatly equipped in every way and its safes and vault are up-to-date.
If the sun is shinning on February 2 this year, some one ought to stand over the hole and bat the ground hog before he has a chance to see his shadow. (We say ditto for 2010)
January 1920
Jack Dutton has been appointed to take the census for Hampton and Alexander townships and the City of McCracken.  This is the fourteenth census of the United States.
The price of the Enterprise has risen to $2.00.
January 1940
Edward and Leo Brenner have returned to school at Kansas State.
Judy, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yawger, who has been in the Ransom Hospital, is now at home.
January 1960
Norman Baldwin, principal of Otis Rural High school since 1956, has been named superintendent of Cimarron Schools effective at the close of the current school year.
LeRoy Schuckman and Wayne L. Irvin are among the 72 candidates for bachelor’s degrees at the close of the current semester at Fort Hays Kansas State College.
January 1980
The Eastern Star held its election and the new officers are Joyce Rogers, Marlin McGinnis, Lorraine Ryan, Chet Irvin, Jeanette Rogers, June Bible, Rose Showalter and Icis Eisenhour.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vic Groff, a daughter, Lisa on January 4 in Hays.
January 2000
Congratulations to Adam and Janice Showalter, Alexander, on the birth of a son, Jacob Adam, born December 28, 1999 at Great Bend.
Cliff Speck, 52, died January 2, 2000 at his residence in Arnold.  The family held a private service.

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