RCNews Dec 29

We wish everyone a very Happy New Year and many blessings in 2012.
Christmas Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Saturday, December 31 at 4:00 with Father Kraus officiating.  Everyone welcome!!
St. Mary’s Heritage deeply appreciates the wonderful help in removing the snow from the church grounds this past week. Those helping were Sid Osborne, Bet McCormick, Lance McCormick, Cody Burns and R.B. Hayes. The McCracken residents also appreciate the snow removal on Main Street and the side streets. Thanks.
Last weekend Jerry and Tanner officiated at a Hutchinson Rec basketball game, Jenna kept score. Afterwards Glenda and Abie Pfannenstiel visited with them; their grandsons were among the players.
On the 16th of December, Gladys & Wendell Hinman were in Kansas City where they attended Coty Hinman’s graduation from UMKC, and also celebrated Wendell's birthday; spent time visiting with Wade & Tonya Hinman, Zaccary, Coty and David Kohn; Larry & Ellen Hinman & Sarah. On their way home, visited Laura & Ray Wierman, Jerod & Jennifer,of Bennington.
Marjorie Davenport celebrated her 97th birthday at the Mennonite Manor in Hutchinson on December 12th. Family and staff celebrated with her with one of her favorite cakes.
Jesse and Jolene Showalter of Normal, IL and Jacque and Madison Sparrow of Charlotte, NC arrived Friday to spend the week visiting her mom, Eunice North.  Craig and Julie Stull and family joined them for the week-end.
Christmas guests of Shirley were Jerry, Jodi, Tanner, Jenna, Chuck, Zach, Tammy, John, Cameron, Kyra, Dominic, Kayla, Lindsey and Nicole. Brady Demel was a Monday afternoon ‘guest’.
Paula (Zeller) and Gino Corte, entertained family and friends with a Christmas eve supper at their home in Gladstone, Mo.  Mary, Martin and Carrie Higgins attended along with their friend, Ellen Eaton.  Many of Gino's family were present including his daughter Nunzia and her husband Reggie and their adorable daughters Stella and Annabelle.  Andrea, Paula's daughter, and her husband Bryan were also guests.  Mary and Martin's son, Joe and his wife Cyndi and son Ryan went to Pennsylvania to spend Christmas with Cyndi's parents, Presley and Linda Stickle in Uniontown.  Since Paula is one of the best cooks ever everyone enjoyed her supper of turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, an Italian pasta dish, along with MANY side dishes.  She had homemade apple pies for supper.  Mary contributed a lucious rum cake.  A good time was had by all. May everyone in McCracken have a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2012.
Christmas weekend guests of Gladys & Wendell Hinman were Jeannie & Casey Grimme, Conner & Claire; Sheila & Greg Hinman; Jessica Hinman; Jeffrey Hinman; Ellen & Larry Hinman, Cheryl & Sarah Hinman.
Jean Schutte spent Christmas in Garden Plain with Jim & Shelly McCormick and all of Tom McCormick’s grandkids and two great grandkids. She returned home Monday.
Babe and Arlene Gilbert hosted Christmas Day Dinner for Holly Gilbert and the girls plus Sis, Bob, Shari Funk and Bob's niece Deb & her husband Tom Berstler from Nevada, Iowa. Brett was home with flu/cold. 
Eric & Melissa Davis, Grandpa Bob, Sue and Bruce Davis spent Christmas Eve lunch with Brian, Lisa, Madison, Hunter and Landon Davis in Hutchinson. Eric and Melissa then traveled to Coffeyville to spend Christmas with her family.
Christmas Eve, Bruce & Ellen Kershner, Clinton, Clayton and Addie Caroline joined Grandpa Frank Kershner @ the Rush County Nursing Home to spend the evening with Grandma Dorothy Kershner.  They attended the church service and visited with Frank & Dorothy, as well as the other residents.  Ellen enjoyed visiting with "Grandma Lucy" and remembering "mom".  They brought candy canes for all the residents and the employees. 
Chris, Tess and Ethan Jones were here late on Sunday to spend the evening and Monday celebrating Christmas with Thayne and Machree Jones.  They returned to Wichita late Monday afternoon.   
The Eunice North family enjoyed Christmas Day together at the McCracken City Building.  Fifty-one of Eunice's kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and all their families were present.  Family Bingo--one of Eunice's favorites-- was played with Paula taking home more than her fair share of the prizes!  During the afternoon festivities, a RC helicopter flew much higher than anticipated and was lost in the south east edge of McCracken or beyond.  Two boys would appreciate your continued help with search and rescue as the snow melts.  Thanks to all of those in the community that work so diligently for families to have such a great place to congregate.
 Ronn and Laura Martin, Sarah and Aidan spent the holidays with Arlyn and Jan North.  Ronn and Laura will probably go home in the backseat as they now have a legal 16 year old driver!
 Christmas day activities were held at the Bruce & Ellen Kershner farm, by Rush Center.  Bruce & Ellen, along with Clinton, Clayton and Addie Caroline had as their guests, Bruce & Susan Davis, Bob House & Addie Mills all of McCracken; Donnie Schuckman, LaCrosse; Jared, Stacy, Haylee & Bradon Scheetz, New Amelo; Drew, Melissa & Davis Thompson, Sterling. Dinner was served with all the fixings, and Clayton entertained the crowd by playing his guitar and singing.  In the evening, the Kershner’s went to Bruce & Susan’s in McCracken, for more singing and memories.
We visited with Lorraine Ryan Monday evening; she spent Christmas Eve with Martin, Cathie, Lauren and Jessica Shapiro in Sacramento.  
Francis & Roberta Wierman & Rita Brethowr of Park City were overnight Friday guests of Marilyn & George Sommers in Silver lake. Saturday they visited Joey, Jill, Brayden & Hailey Herschbach at Liberty MO. Other visitors were Ray, Laura, Cindy, Jerrod & Jennifer Wierman of Bennington.  Christmas Day they visited Shane, Jill, Ivan & Tessa Brethowr in Olathe & returned back home Monday.
Santa made a live appearance on Christmas Eve at the home of Barry and LeAnn Knight and family, Hutchinson. Quintin Elias, McCracken seemed the most delighted with his appearance bringing him a shark ship. Quintin and his parents, Ty and Tina Elias McCracken were spending the holidays with Carolyn and Dave Davenport. Other Christmas Eve guests at the Knights were Lenora Stremel, Shirley Bundy, Art Behrmann, Hutchinson, Paul and Kathleen Thomas, Parsons, Lanette Mathews, Lawrence, David Kaster, Overland Park, Celeste and Dale Davis, Memphis, Norman and Denise Fuller and family, Minneapolis and Molly and Jordan Knight.
Rose and Les Diehl celebrated Christmas at the home of Tim Rues on Monday. He hosted the dinner along with Maddie and Lily. Those attending were Arline Rues; Ron, Cathy, Alex, Catherine and John Casey; Leigh and Alicia Rues Barrett; and Mary Dunn. Tom Rues arrived from New Hampshire Monday night late and plans to visit family and friends in McCracken later in the week.
Roger and Norma McNair appreciate everyone for all the things that have been done for us at this time and all the prayers from everyone. We are so blessed to have all the loving friends and family that have been so supportive it makes things so peaceful. The blessings are just unbelievable but we know that all things are possible to them that love and service the Lord. We really appreciate our Fish feeding girls, Lexie and Zoe, it just wouldn’t have been easy without them and they are very faithful, AND the secret snow plower!
Birthdays:  December 29, Hayley Higgins, Melanie Zeller; December 30, Velma Legleiter, Vicky Overley; December 31, Mary Beth Higgins, Aaron Wiebe, Jaden Jacobs, Michael Karlin, Stephanie Greenway, Emma Showalter; January 1, Nathan Anderson, January 2, Bill Greenway, DeAnna Bergquist, Bob Dale, Julie McCormick, Lynette Guy; January 3, Alberta Kreisel, Melvin Simmerman;  January 4, Lisa Groff.
Anniversaries:  December 30, Don and Melody Casey, Doug and Staci Elias; December 31, Arky and Diane McNair; January 1, Bob and Della Miller; January 2, Dan and Pat Petz; January 3, Trenton and Jana Herdman.
Carolyn Thompson spent Christmas Eve with Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith in Ellsworth.  On Christmas Day, they went to Wellington to celebrate with the Kenneth Keith family at the home of Robert and Sharon Keith.  On Christmas evening they opened gifts at the home of David and Janet Dennis with Dave, Cathy, Brittany and Amanda Dennis in Wichita.
Kansas History Questions
1.  Who was recognized for his campaign "Don't Spit on the Sidewalk"
2.  Who was the famous family physician in Halstead
3.  What are the two dominant deciduous trees in Kansas?
4.  What natural factor helped maintain the grassland?
5.  What is the largest bat family in Kansas?
McCracken History Notes
January 1912
Chester A. Reynolds and Miss Cora Hicks were married Sunday while the blizzard raged fiercely outside.
Announcement was made New Year's Day of the marriage of B. H. Hicks and Mrs. Hettie Russell, which took place three months ago.
January 1942
In order that we can enjoy some extra rest and have some time Sundays to go to church ourselves, we are beginning Sunday, January 4th to close our places of business on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.  Please do not ask us to open after 10 a.m. on Sundays.  Albert V. Norlin and Dell Klema.
January 1962
Happy New Year from Al's IGA in McCracken!
January 1982
Missey Seltmann won first in the 7th grade in the Kansas Student Haiku Poetry Contest.
1.  Samuel Crumbine
2.  Dr. Arthur E. Hertzler
3.  Oak and Hickory
4.  Fire
5.  Cave Myotis
 Thanks to all those who emailed me their news. It really makes it much easier for me to send it in to the paper.

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