RCNews Dec 24
Congratulations to Patrick and Dana Mintner, Abilene, on the birth of a daughter, Blayke Kennedyanne Mintner. She was born November 23, 2009, weighed 7 lb, 6 oz and was 20 ? inches long. Maternal grandparents are Don and Deanna Bergquist, McCracken.
Bryan Bergquist and Patrick Mintner fixed a complete turkey dinner the day after Thanksgiving for family at the home of Dana and Patrick in Abilene. All got acquainted with the new baby. PS! Dana made the pies.
John and Virgil Brengarth, Marty Stover, John Brown and Roy Langdon, Columbia, Missouri, were pheasant hunting in the area this week. Thursday they visited the McCracken museum and the McCracken library.
Shirley Higgins attended basketball games in Hutchinson Monday Tuesday. Jenna Higgins, a 7th grader, is a starter for the Hutchinson middle school team; Tanner Higgins is a starter for the Hutchinson High School freshman team and also plays on the junior varsity. They played against Goddard. Everyone won except the junior varsity.
Mike and Mary Peach, Brendon and Zach were visitors of Roy and Phyllis Conrad Wednesday evening.
A card from Curly Juvenal, Alabama, tells us he meets with some other OLD guys at McDonalds every morning and they solve all the problems in the country and the world in about an hour or so. That good news makes us all feel better.
I understand a good book is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. It is about a dog who tells about his master in the first person. Check it out.
Alana Rogers is in the Ness City hospital after spinal surgery. We know she would appreciate your cards and visits.
Roy & Phyllis Conrad spent Saturday with Chris and Rhonda Zordel in
Spearville visiting. Albert and Alouise Zordel from Ransom as well as Branden,
Grace and little Natalie Neeley of Cheyenne Wyoming. We helped Natalie
celebrate her second Christmas at her Gramp's house.
Brien, R. Pete Peterson, 77, Hutchinson, died December 13 at the Promise Regional Medical Center in Hutchinson. He was a graduate of Fort Hays State in 1960. He was in our area often during pheasant season.
Congratulations to Don Brening who is retiring from Farmers Bank and Trust in Great Bend. He and his wife Mary Catherine will be moving soon to Hutchinson.
Sunday dinner guests of Kerri, Layne and Angela Morgan were Allen and Bailey Morgan and boys, Michael and Jerridy Morgan and boys and grandma Pat Derr.
We received a thank you from Jim Slemp, Iraq, for the cookies, candy and tree ornaments that were sent to him from our Faith Sharing group in McCracken. He sent a picture of his little tree by e-mail which he decorated with the ornaments. He shared his cookies with others from his group and he said they were gobbled up and enjoyed.
Those who rode the bus and enjoyed the lovely Christmas lights at Cedar Bluff Lake were Friday evening were Joann Micheli, Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte, Kerri Morgan, Debbie Rogers, Addie Mills, Mary McCormick and Pat Derr from McCracken, Mrs. Garcia, LaCrosse.
Christmas tradition: A native Mexican plant, the poinsettia, was named after Joel R. Poinsettia, US Ambassador to Mexico, who brought the plant to America in 1828. Poinsettias were likely used by Mexican Franciscans in their 17th century Christmas celebrations. One legend has it that a young Mexican boy on his way to visit the village Nativity Scene realized he had no gift for the Christ child. He gathered pretty green branches from along the road and brought them to the church. Though the other children mocked him when the leaves were laid at the manager, a beautiful star shaped flower appeared on each branch. The bright red petals, often mistaken for flowers, are actually upper leaves of the plant.
St. Nicholas took pity on a family of penniless girls and tossed bags of gold through their window for dowries. The bags landed in their stockings that had been hung by the fire to dry, initiating the worldwide custom of Santa leaving gifts in stockings or shoes.
What do you call people who are afraid of Santa? Claustrophobic.
What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Snowflakes.
What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? Tinselitis.
What do elves learn in school? The elf-abet.
Why did the elf sleep in the fireplace? He wanted to sleep like a log.
Why does Santa slide down chimneys? Because it soots him.
Carolyn and Shirley wish all our readers a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society held their Christmas book gift exchange on Tuesday, December 15 at the McCracken Public Library. The group led by Tomi Rues completed their fall-winter book reviews. They will resume next September. Those attending were Suzanne Randa and Susan Rebel, LaCrosse; Arline Rues, Ruth Crawshaw, Thayne Jones and Carolyn Thompson. Other members unable to attend were Shirley Higgins, Lorraine Ryan and Julia Zeller. Suzanne brought delicious little confections. Ask her about what the main ingredient is. Yummy!
Our sincere thanks to those who made the park look so pretty. The park committee should be commended for making sure the park sparkles each season. Committee people include Jean Schutte, Twila Higgins, Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Pat Derr, Phyllis and Roy Conrad.
Rob McGaughey has donated a note of Wm. Ramsey to Elmore Lumber Company to the Jail/Museum. It was for $180.00 for lumber for the house and barn on the Ramsey place west of McCracken. It is dated September 7, 1929 and was to be paid on or before January 1, 1930 at ten percent interest.
A feature article appeared in the Hays Daily News on Tuesday, December 15, about Whitney Taylor, who is on the Fort Hays State University basketball team. You should make an effort to go watch Fort Hays. Their next game is Wednesday, December 30 against Washburn.
Our sympathy to the family of Todd Swanson. 41, who died December 13 in Merriam, Kansas. . He worked for Fitzgerald Funeral Home prior to his wreck in 2003 that disabled him.
Gary and Jeffrey Anderson, Chickasha, Oklahoma came Sunday to visit Steve and Sharon Anderson and other family and friends and to pheasant hunt
McCracken History Notes
December 1889
A report of the primary school December 20, 1889. The following were the names of pupils neither absent nor tardy Anna Fear, Jimmie Fear, Freddie Fear, Doll Bennett, Frank Conner, Ethel Brown, Allie Snodgrass, Willie Grumbein, Rollie Grumbein, Mary Robinson, Minnie Irvin, William Tanck, Ida May Fudge, Myrtle Irvin, Jimmie Bennett.
The billiard hall has been moved into the Tritt building is running again under the management of the Irvin Brothers.
December 1909
A certain McCracken girl is chasing a man so hard that there is some talk of compelling her to take out a hunters license.
The ground is covered this morning with two inches of snow and the snow is still falling. There is now a certainty of a White Christmas here and probably lots of good sleighing.
The following students are attending school at Hays Margaret and Jennie Lovitt, Edith Littler, Bessie Earlenbaugh, Lester Wilson, Charles Lovitt, Charles Temple , Esda and Ethel Carman.
The McCracken boys basketball team consisting of Glenn Yawger, Glenn Miller, Leslie Hunt, Paul Brenner, Virgil Haas, Ed Murray and Howard Ward defeated Alexander 23-22 on Friday.
December 1939
There are still some Christmas sacks of candy left from last Saturday because of the storm and some people not getting in. It will be distributed next Saturday from 2 oclock to 4 oclock in Norlins basement room (former beauty parlor).
December 1959
Christmas greetings have been received by friends from Miss Lola Oller, formerly of McCracken, who has been teaching fourth grade in an Army school on the island of Okinawa for the past two years.
Dear Santa: I want some army men, an electric football game, a basketball and some other things. Your friend, Daryl Reifschnedier.
The four churches of McCracken will present a Christmas cantata in the school auditorium on Sunday, December 20 at 2:30.
December 1979
In the game with Palco on Tuesday, the MHS girls won 63-29. Sandy Taylor and Janet Conner each had 12. In the boys game the Mustangs won 87-61.
Winners in the Knights of Columbus free throw contest were Kris Bromlow and John Moran. Vikki Hopkins won the girls contest.
December 1999
1999 is ending dryer than normal. The last measurable rain to fall was early August.
Ann Baus of Alexander won the first place prize in the Wichita Eagles Christmas story contest this month.