RCNews December 22

Colby Stull, Erica and Courtney Gilbert, and Emma and Kate Rues delivered phone books Sunday afternoon for GBTA on behalf of the Lions Club. If anyone was inadvertently missed, extra copies are in the post office lobby. 
Faith sharing was held at the home of Twila Higgins Monday morning. We enjoyed the Christmas decorations and lovely snacks that were served. Those attending were Arline Rues, Jeanette McCormick, Jean Schutte. Joann Micheli, Shirley Higgins, Phyllis Conrad and the hostess, Twila Higgins.
Santa proved to be a popular fellow this past Saturday. He arrived in
style at the McCracken community center with sirens blaring escorted by the
McCracken Fire Department. Children of all ages and one dog had an
opportunity to sit on Santa's lap and tell him their secret wishes for
Christmas. It was a real treat to see the excitement and joy on the
faces of the children.  The McCracken Fire Department members and
families handed out sacks of goodies to each child and those in the
crowd.  Santa even made a trip around town delivering goodies.  Santa
wants to extend a very hearty HO HO HO to the fire department and
their families; Carol Weber, Pat Derr, Joann Micheli, the
contributors of the soups, desserts, and those that gave items for the
raffle and everyone for their hard work to make the afternoon a success. A special
thank you to the clean up crew. Once again the community of McCracken
came together to give the children a joyous afternoon and show their
support of the fire department. It was a successful fund raiser and
fun was had by all.
Roy Conrad had surgery last week and he is doing very, very well for which we are thankful.
Birthdays:  December 22, Angie Timson, Audrey J. Werth; December 23, Sue Davis; December 24, Gage Podrybau; December 25, Martha House; December 26, Bruce Davis, Mary McCormick, Audra Dale; December 27, Jay Georg, Vickie Hampton, Tambra Pfeifer, Karen Koerner Casey; December 28, Linda Doerr Cook, Sally Irvin, Sarsh Martin, John Doornbos, Leigh Ann Brackney, Jacob Showalter, Shianne Shelit.
Anniversaries:  December 22, Lola and Pete Rixon; December 27, Tom and Nettie Chestnut; December 28, Bob and Margaret Fear.
Treva Bergquist writes: "I had an awesome birthday ' week' .  Bryan took me to Vegas for a few days. There were approximately 40 of us that went.  While we were there, some of us zip-lined down Freemont St., rode a mechanical bull, rented a party bus, went to the National Finals Rodeo, and attended a comedy show.  It definitely made
turning 40 a little less painful." 
There will be no card party on New Year's Eve, December 31, at the Golden Agers Center in McCracken.
On New Year's Eve, December 31 there will be a mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church at 4:00 p.m. with Father David Kraus presiding.
Andrew Casey, Plainville High School senior, grandson of Frances Casey, was shown playing  basketball aginst Natoma in the Hays Daily News on Wednesday, December 14.
Kansas Questions -  It has been requested that we give everyone a chance to answer the questions.  Then you may find the answers at the end of our news.
1.  What nearly extinct bird travels on the By-Way through Kansas each year?
2.  What did the pioneers use for fuel?
3.  What plaqued western and central Kansas from 1932 to 1939.
4.   What are the three species of rattlesnakes in Kansas?
5.  Name five mammals that are important to the grassland.
McCracken History Notes
December 1911
When the whistle blew at the end of the last quarter the count stood even, with the pupils of McCracken High School pushing their opponents hard with the ball on Ness City's 15 yard line.  The game was hard fought with honors slightly in favor of the home boys, as they had the best of the first and last quarters.  McCracken players included Irvin, Kern, Lovitt, Ryan, Thompson, R. Elmore, Hicks, McKittrick, Lovitt Stephens, Stock and O. Elmore.
December 1941
The McCracken High basketeers rang up two more victories last Friday night on the home court at the expense of Burdett.  Leon Higgins, junior forward led the parade with 17 counters.  Willie Higgins and Leonard Mills were next high with 9 and 8 points.  Other playing were Jack Cheney, Jimmy Birdsong, Augie Schutte, Pete Derr, Kenny Mills, Tommy Holden.
Dorothy and Gerald Dean Crotinger have the measles, both are getting along nicely.
December 1961
Bowling Town and County League finds Irma Wegher bowled 477 for High 30 for McCracken Insurance.
The Fort Hays State College brass choir will play at the McCracken grade school next Monday.
December 1971
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, a daughter, Treva Mae. December 15 at WaKeeney. (Congratulations Treva on the Big 40)
All Kansas voters are required to register to vote.
December 1981
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hanson, a daughter, Kelly LeAnn, December  19 in Hays.
Answers to Kansas Questions
1.  Whooping Crane
2.  Buffalo or cow chips
3.  Dust storms
4.  Massauga, Timber Rattler and Prairie Rattler
5.  Badger, bison, pronghorn, grey wolf and jackrabbits.

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