December 18

Martin and Mary Higgins spent last week end in the south.  Martin's office Christmas party was held in Atlanta on Thursday evening.  Martin was the Santa and did a great job!  Then on Friday morning they drove to Savannah and spent the week end sight seeing, eating and enjoying the beautiful city.  They had Saturday evening supper at the Paula Deen restaurant "Lady and Sons".  Mary says her mom, Bonnie Zeller and Martin's mom Virginia Higgins could have done even better as they were fabulous cooks.  Had those two ladies gotten together they could have been just as rich as Paula Deen.  But it was good and they enjoyed the experience.  Mary did some Christmas shopping and had a great time doing it.  They returned home on Monday.  The people in Atlanta and Savannah truly show folks "southern hospitality" at its best!
  Father Kraus will be here on the 27th to say mass at 4:00 pm.  That is the Saturday after Christmas.  He said if weather is permitting as he is afraid of falling if it is slick or nasty.  It is scheduled Dec 27th at 4:00 pm at St. Mary's Catholic Church. 
Did you all notice the article about Steve Crosby on the front page of the Hutchinson News?  We remember him playing for Pawnee Heights very well in the late 1960’s, maybe 1967? He is with the San Diego Charges.  We saw Jeff Hurd several times during the Kansas City Chiefs – San Diego game on Sunday.
Rose and Les Diehl, and the Ron Casey’s were here this weekend.
Jean Schutte, Twila Higgins and Phyllis Conrad put up the nativity scene and decorated St. Mary’s Church for mass Saturday, December 27th. 
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society had their Christmas party on Wednesday.  They exchanged copies of Christmas books.  Those attending were Shirley Higgins, Lorraine Ryan, Ruth Crawshaw, Suzanne Randa, Susan Rebel, Thayne Jones, Tomi Rues.  They also shared their reviews of the book "the ten best days of my life" by Adena Halpern.  Copies of the book were given to each member by Tony Rues -- a big thanks to Tony.
Don’t forget Santa is arriving on Saturday, December 20. 3:00 p.m. at the Gazebo in the Park.
 Alice E. Lee, 63, died December 6, at Hays.  She is survived by her husband Oliver Junior Lee of McCracken; four sons, Oliver Lee, Ellis, Lash I., Panama City, Fla., George “Pat” Lee, Ness City; and Daniel L. Lee, McCracken; a daughter, Alice Smith, McCracken, 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.  Private family inurnment will be later.  Services were held at Wasinger Keithley Funeral Chapel in Ellis.
Jeanette McCormick is recovering from spine surgery at home.  Her surgery was in Wichita and she returned home on Friday. 
Nicholas Ambegia was here for a week to visit his mother, Diane Sherman.  He returned to Oakland, Calif. where he will attend college studying Child Psychology.
McCracken citizens enjoyed the tour of Cedar Bluff lights this week.  On Sunday the busload consisted of Francis and Julia Zeller, John and Melanie Zeller, Priscella and Sandy Jacobs, Laura Linsey, Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte and Pat Derr.  On Wednesday evening those taking the tour were Norma and Roger McNair, Galen Allen, Carolyn Thompson, Shirley Higgins, Sr. Martina, Roy and Phyllis Conrad, Lorraine Ryan and Charlotte Ochs.
 Helena McGaughey took Joy Hunter and Johnny Mac Showalter on a tour of the Cedar Bluff lights, the Wakeeney lights and Ellis lights on Wednesday evening.
 Virginia Baldwin, 86, died December 11, 2008 at the Rush County Nursing Home.  Virginia was the daughter of John Jackson and Orrie Belle Welch Greenway.  She was a contributor to the Jail/Museum.  She was a librarian at Ingalls and Hanston before returning to Rush County.
Obituaries in Volume 111 of the McCracken History for 2003 include Faie B. Whinery Donner, Nellie Pearl Conner, Les Rein, George ‘Bud’ Wilhelm, Willis  Percival Grumbein, Evelyn Krug, Charles Glaspy, Lee Claire ‘Rip’ VanWinkle, Mary Beth Pfaff, Michael D. Coughlin, Lloyd E. Pickett, Brad Sterrett, Esther Akers, Guy Conner, Marcelline Wendling, Patricia Brock, Margaret Higgins, Margart Start Chumley, Frankie Sauer, L. Earle Smith,Vivian Beeman, Kody Wendler Quint, Jane Marak Fox, Buddy Barker, Ruth Case, Sylvia Mason, Norma Jean Schuckman Kirby, Larry Grimsely, Daniel Trickey, Alvin Janke, Ruby Squier, June George,Doris L. McMurphy, Emmett Sloan, Fern Derr Jameson, Erman Oelkers, Lloyd Elias, Delores Ree Hawley, Robert Strickler, Robert ‘Bob’ Huber, Marline Ohlemeier.
Nicole Tacha, Eisenhower Elementary, Norton and Shannon Keith, Kanopolis Middle School, were members of the 200 Northwest District KMEA 5th and 6th grade Honor Choir at Fort Hays State University on Saturday, December 13.  Those attending were John and Kayla Tacha, Lindsey Tacha, Marsha Tacha, Shirley Higgins, Mike and Susan Keith, Ben Thompson, Carolyn Thompson.
McCracken History Notes
December 1908
Drew Robertson and family and Mrs. Clyde Robertson and children of Ellis are to spend Christmas here.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Missouri have been visiting their daughters, Mrs. Jesse Elmore and Miss Loa Anderson.
December 1938
The Senior class play ‘Everybody’s getting Married’ will be held with the following cast:  Adrian Doerr, Beverly Irvin, Charlotte Temple, Patrick Higgins, Lenore Ramsey, Helen Barnes, Fay North, Florentine Leiker, Virginia Wahl, Drewie Robertson, Vincent Higgins, LaVern Fletcher and Wesley Irvin.  It is being directed by Miss Royce.
December 1948
McCracken High School Football Roster: Seniors; Davis, Derr, McCormick; Juniors, Hinman, Irvin, R. Thompson, Spomer, Unrein; Sophomores, J. Wilson, Cheney, Fear, Higgins, C. Wilson, F. Thompson, Buxton; Freshman, Gordon, L. Gilbert, C. Gilbert, Keener.
The death of H. R. Barnard, 85, was featured in the December 9, 1948 Rush County News.
December 1958
Floyd Thompson, Wayne Irvin, Don Buster, Al Rues, Everett Reinhart and Elmore Ryan attended the basketball game at Manhattan Friday night.
Richard Showalter underwent an appendectomy Saturday at the Rush County Hospital.
December 1968
Doug Whitis killed an eight point buck in the Pawnee area Saturday, December 14 weighing 160 pounds.
Leslie and Hilda Schaumburg were involved in a car incident on December 23 west of LaCrosse.
December 1978
Lucille Lamer, Marjorie Irvin, Charlotte Fluharty, Carolyn Thompson and Irma Torrey attended the lecture at Ft. Hays to hear Phyllis Schafly, an opponent of the ERA.  In the afternoon they visited the designer showcase home built by the Hays Arts Council.
MHS band members are Mike Stull, Lanette Stremel, Laura Unrein, Kerri Derr, Sandy Foreman, Joy Mills, Janet Conner, Rhonda Conrad, Patty Swartz, Norma Elmore, Joe Conner, Doug Elias, Jay Brack, Sandy Taylor, Kelly McKinney, Tammy Higgins, Stacy Foreman, Tonya Mangold, Brenda Barnes, Lori Brown.  Director, Gloria Blackwell.
Larry Higgins and Melody Mahorney were married December 9 at the Sacred Heart Church in Colby.
December 1988
Kayla Higgins has finished her student teaching in the LaCrosse Grade School.
1988 was one of the driest years on record in Rush County.
December 1998
The Main Street Diner opened on Saturday, December 12 .  Rob McGaughey is the chief cook and bottle washer.
Congratulations to Heath Morgan on winning the $40,000.00 on the Lottery.

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