RCNews Dec 16
Birthdays: December 16, Wendell Hinman, Tammy Sewell, Mac Miller Hayes; December 17, Linda Dale; December 18, Julia Zeller; December 19, Anna Irvin Legleiter, Wilma Washaliski; December 20, Jarrett Packard; December 21, James Reeves, Chris Zimmerman, Parker Scott, Allen Casey, Bruce Winter; December 22, Angie Timson, Audrey J. Werth.
Happy 90th to Julia Zeller on Saturday, December 18. Cards may be sent to
P. O. Box 67, McCracken, KS 67556
Anniversary: December 22, Pete and Lola Rixon.
Those who attended the Advent Day of Recollection on Wednesday, December 8 at Liebenthal were Viola Depperschmidt, Rosarie Jecka, Rita Oborny, Mary Ann Legleiter, Maggie Dechant, Twila Herrman, Shirley Higgins, Blanche Tuzicka, Lucy Dechant and the co-ordinator, Judy Hoffman.
Congrats to Nicole Ryan who graduated with an Associate Degree in horse production from Colby Community College. She plans on transferring to Montana State University in the near future.
Leigh and Dayna Anderson, daughter and granddaughter of Lavona Suppes, Fredericksburg, participated in the Family Ferry Farm Gingerbread House contest and placed 3rd. Leigh took the American spirit theme literally by erecting a fondant ghost in front of their gingerbread house. They also included gingerbread figures donned in various military uniforms, and an elephant and donkey in the back yard playing a bipartisan game of Trouble.
Shirley Higgins attended the high school - junior high Christmas program in Norton Tuesday evening. Nicole Tacha is a member of the junior high choir.
Arky McNair returned home recently from his hospital stay in Hays. He appreciates all the phone calls, friends stopping by etc. I think he likes this village a little better than Denver!!!!!
I found this soup recipe in one of the newspaper inserts and it was very tasty. 2 (14 oz) cans chicken broth, 2 cups diced peeled potatoes, 1 cup diced carrots, 1 cup diced celery, ? cup chopped onion, 1 tsp salt, ? tsp pepper, ? cup butter, 1/3 cup all purpose flour, 2 cups 2% milk, 2 cups shredded cheese, 2 cups diced or shredded chicken. Bring chicken broth to a boil in large saucepan. Reduce heat and add potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer until vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes. Melt butter in medium saucepan, add flour and mix well. Gradually stir in milk and cook over low heat until slightly thickened. Stir in cheese and cook until melted. Add cheese mixture to broth and vegetables along with chicken. Cook over low heat until thoroughly heated. Serves 8.
(I think frozen peas would also be good as an added vegetable).
Anyone between one and one hundred is invited to come to the McCracken City Park on Saturday, December 18, at 1:00 p.m. to join in Christmas caroling. A wagon pulled by a tractor will take the carolers around town. The carolers will then return to the park at 2:00 for Santas arrival.
Ellis Junior High girls basketball team played Norton on Thursday. Ellis won all three games. Family went to Norton to watch Stephanie Greenway play.
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society had a Christmas party at the Cozy in LaCrosse on Tuesday evening. Attending were Ruthanne Crawshaw, Sandra Jacobs, Shirley Higgins, Tomi Rues, Suzanne Randa, Carolyn Thompson, Roger and Norma McNair. They exchanged book gifts.
It was decided that they would continue the book club after New Years. Everyone is invited to join.
Michele Moran took Jean Moran, Shawnee, and Marge Moran to Branson, Missouri. They saw Andy Williams, Twelve Irish Tenors, Pierced Arrow quartet and comedian and the Christmas lights.
Lance Irvin received his masters degree in Aerospace Engineering at Wichita State University Sunday afternoon, the 12th. He will start working for EN Engineering in Lawrence, Kansas, starting in January. His wife will finish her schooling next semester.
Work is progressing at McCracken Public Library in checking out books on the computer. A representative from CKLS was here for two days last week working with Ruth and board members to enter data into the computer that links our library to all those in the Central Kansas Library System.
McCracken History Notes
December 1890
J. P. Warden and family ate Christmas turkey at Joseph Jennings in north Hampton
Christ Rodeman will make final proof on his homestead in east Hampton.
December 2010
A pleasing reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chenoweth Wednesday at which more than fifty guests were present, consisting of the young people of the city. The reception was in honor of Mrs. Wades Sunday school class.
Mrs. Mary Names spent Christmas in Lyons with her children, Violet and Arthur. Arthur returned home with her.
December 1940
Bard Stephens will be married Sunday in Quincy, Massachusetts to Miss Katharine Skidmore of Henrietta, Missouri.
Members of the American Legion were guests at a turkey dinner served at the Chet Ricks home in Brownell Wednesday. Harry Sultzer, a Spanish-American War veteran furnished the turkey. Those present were Jack Clark, Dr. Cheney, Glenn Ryan, Ralph Elmore, Bill Foster, Lee Fear, Leo Brenner, Bill Ramsey, A. F. Donecker, Rev. Straw, Harry Sultzer and Chet Rick.
December 1960
Eva Elias was featured in this issue (December 22, 1960) as being one of the first pupils of Howard Barnard. She attended the old Locust Grove School which was located seven miles northeast of McCracken was near the later established Entre Nous College. Mrs. Mary Nickel, Timken, Mrs. Eva Elias and Mrs. Millie Crouse are the three remaining members of Howard Barnards first teacher job which was at the Locust school. Two of the Elias children, Gladys and John, attended Entre Nous College. Another former pupil of Barnards at Entre Nous, was Jack Stephens. He was one of the kid wagon drivers while going to school at the college. The wagon was a two seated surrey. (Carolyn and Shirley have a few books, Yankee on the Prairie written by Prof. Allen Miller about Howard Barnard).
December 1980
Michael Jilg has been named a finalist in the first state-wide artist competition with his work, Judy and the Elders in acrylic.