Dec 13
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Library in memory of Charles T. and Wanda Carman Walker from Charles G. Walker, Dennis Walker, Dixie Williams and Diana Hart.
Dale Wolfe and his son Zach Wolfe, Bucyrus, Ohio, were guests Bob and Charmayne Wolfe this week. Dale is a brother of Bob. They visited the McCracken Library and Museum.
Lois Elmore died November 24, 2007 in Boulder. She was the wife of Robert Elmore who died April 27, 2007. She is survived by her children Marcus and Anna and grandchildren.
A quilt square has been made for the Midwest Transplant Network Donor Memorial Quilt in memory of Vic Higgins. A candlelight memorial and quilt pinning ceremony will honor those who have given gifts of life through organ, tissue and eye donation. The memorial will be held at the Leawood United Methodist Church, Leawood, Kansas.
Cameron Horesky, Hoisington High School, was chosen by the Hutchinson News for the first team of the Elite 11 football team from all classes (1A 6A). Marshall Musil, LaCrosse, was chosen for the 3rd Elite 11 team. (33 football players)
Shawna Peters, Russell Peters youngest daughter, spent Thanksgiving in Plano, Texas with her uncle Dennis Peters. They had a great time shopping, shopping and shopping. They went to a couple of movies and saw the Nutcracker Ballet. Shawna loved it. Dennis cooked a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad attended the wedding of Erika Conrad and Troy Bader in Glenneville, Missouri. The wedding took place at Saint Teresa Catholic Church, December 1, 2007. Erika is the daughter of Jim and Martha Conrad, Holcomb, Missouri and Troy the son of Kathleen and the late Nick Bader, Glenneville, Missouri. The couple plan to make their new home in Arkansas where Troy works for the Arkansas State Wildlife Fish and Game, Erika is currently working in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Roy and Phyllis stopped to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson, Altamont, Kansas. The couple are relatives to Phyllis, Louise Zordel, Ransom and Marjorie Pavlu, Ness City.
Received a note from Lola Rixon and Pete is doing well after his accident. He has graduated from a walker to a cane and he has had his last day with the Home Health Care.
I have had more that usual the pieces of mail that are asking for money, Via Christi to help a family that does not have insurance; numerous ones from church sponsored charities asking to help run-away children, the homeless etc; the Veterans, the injured, the disabled and Vets of foreign wars. I wish I was able to too help all these organizations but I cannot. Perhaps our government was to hasty in cutting these programs.
Arkie and Diana McNair and Charlotte Ochs motored to Denver Friday and returned home late Sunday night. They went to attend the 40th surprise birthday of their son, Curt McNair. Family and friends were present.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad had a visit from their former McCracken grandkids Zach and Brendon Peach on Sunday evening. They were joined by their parents, Mike and Mary Beth.
The Hoisington Cardinals, both girls and boys, were tournament champions at the Keady Tournament held this week end in Larned. The girls defeated Spearville and the boys defeated Larned. Lee Goetz and Jared Powell were all tournament team, Cameron Horesky was MVP.
Happy 50th to Nancy Higgins Wiebe and Linda Sloan Dale.
A recent article about the town of Utica hit home with me. It is a similar story of McCracken. It has 200 people and we have about 210. It is amazing the domino effect of the loss of a school has on a community. Our high school closed in 1984. By 1986 it helped cause the close of our bank. You see, deposits for the school district are deposited in a local bank. Teachers are needed for schools so houses are needed. Teachers shop in the local grocery store, pay property taxes, buy gas and contribute to churches. When the school closed the teachers need to go elsewhere so many of our citizens were scattered to the four winds. Young families wish to be in the community where they children attend school; it is just more convenient, so we have lost more people. For those who have their roots in farming or farm related industries, they try to stick it out. Former residents decide that they would like to have a summer home, or a hunting home, so they buy the empty properties. We are grateful to them because they keep the property in good shape, make improvements and pay taxes. When they are here they volunteer for all kinds of activities, like the rodeo, the museum, the swimming pool. We are also grateful for our city commissioners. Not only do they make decisions for the good of the citizens, but they physically do the work that city workers would ordinarily do. It takes team work to continue to operate an incorporated city without industry. I think of the countless hours the swimming pool committee has worked to make sure we have a recreational activity for our children and senior citizens. Our municipal park is first class. Again it is the result of dedicated volunteers. Kudos also to the former alumni of McCracken schools. Through their generous contributions, help is given to a myriad of causes in the community. So I guess I would say to Utica, hang in there, just as we are trying to do. We are privileged to live here where the air is clean and the people are friendly. We will proceed on and try to hold it together for future generations to enjoy.
A memorial has been received to the Jail/Museum in memory of Corrine Janke Brenner.
Dean Birdsong had a bad fall in late November and is still recovering. He fell from his front porch into a brick and concrete flower bed perimeter. He bashed his head and tore a large chunk of skin out of his left hand and damaged his right shoulder cuff. He has a good hand on a damaged arm and a bad hand on a good arm making it very difficult to use the computer. All damage is healing and he is impatient to get back to normal old age. Sohe takes this opportunity as the only means that he can muster to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Ten McCrackenites, Francis and Julia Zeller, Roger and Norma McNair, Lorraine Ryan, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Thompson, Galen Allen, Twila Higgins and Jean Schutte ventured out in the potentially cold weather with driver Tracy Lewis in the Rush County Transportation bus to see the awesome sight at Cedar Bluff North Shore. The committee began in October to cover a multitude of trees and buildings with lights. It is truly a wonderland. After enjoying the lights we had cocoa with Santa. They offered a hayrack ride, but it was just too cold. They also had a fire where you could roast marshmallows. Seven people from LaCrosse came in another bus. Be sure and take it in this weekend.
Our sympathy to the family of Jacqueline Joan Klee, 76, who died at Hays Thursday, December 6, 2007. She was the daughter of Wendell F. and Helen B. Scheuerman Ryan. She was born November 12, 1931 in LaCrosse. She married Joseph H. Klee on November 18, 1950. She is survived by a son, Jack J. Klee of Hays. Burial was in Mount Allen Cemetery.
Stacie Sandall and Michael Sherwood announced their engagement. The wedding is planned for Christmas Eve, December 24, at the First Christian Church in LaCrosse.
Melissa North and Justin Dible will be married December 21, 2007 at Hays. Kelly is the daughter of Kelly and Harley Joe North, Raeford, North Carolina. Grandparents are Harley and Donna North.
Brenda Legleiter recently received nursing professional development certification by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She has worked in the education department of Hays Medical Center as the magnet program coordinator and has been with the hospital for 11 years.
McCracken History Notes
December 1887
December 5th Council meeting: J. L. Fear was allowed $1.75 for work on street crossings. Due to complaints on salary, the marshals salary was reduced from $20 to $15 a month payable in script. Councilman Grumbein was appointed fire warden. J. M. Temple was awarded contract to fill in street crossings at 20 cents per load.
December 1907
The Bank Cashier a popular play by home talent will be put on at Smiths Opera on Saturday. The cast includes Claud and Ralph Starrett, Jake Herzel, Paul Warden, Roy Randall, Clifford Anderson, John VanSeyoc, Mrs. Claud and Mrs. Ralph Starrett and Miss Evelyn Hicks.
December 1937
Dear Santa Claus: For Christmas I would like to have a pair of skates and tricycle. Would you please bring me some candy too? Your friend, Goldie Higgins.
Dear Santa: Would you please send me a wagon for Christmas? I would like a pair of socks and a pencil box too. Your friend, Donald Greenway.
Dear Santa Claus: I am writing this letter to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a doctor and nurse set and a doll. I like to write letters to you because you send me anything I want. There are so many children that write to you. Your friend, Joanne Juvenal.
Dear Santa: Please bring me a pair of roller skates and a little bicycle, a train and a ball. Merry Christmas to you, your friend, Joan Ryan.
Dear Santa: Please remember Joe Don. Please give him a climbing tractor. Janet a big doll and bring what you want to for me and Dight House. Bob House.
December 1947
Billy Grate and family moved from the farm last week to the Freshour house in McCracken.
Ray Irvin has a group of carpenters at work remodeling the house he purchased last summer from the Mrs. Martha Fellers estate. He plans to make extensive improvements.
A waffle supper was given Sunday evening at the home of Mr. John Norlin and Miss Violet, in honor of Mr. Norlins 91st birthday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Norlin and Miss Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Anderson and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Avery Norlin and son, David and Mr. Norlin and Miss Violet.
December 1957
McCracken Tenderfoot Scouts (pictured in paper 12/12/57, received their badges at ceremonies Monday night. Members of the new troop No. 489 are Wendell Conrad, Ronnie Richolson, Danny Rein, Ira Robison, Terry Herdman, Jerry Richolson, Reggie Irvin, LeRoy Herdman, Bill Zeller, David Norlin, Dwight Eisenhour, Arlyn North, Jimmy Rogers, Mark Reinhardt, Martin Higgins, Lennie Higgins, Dennis Walker, Roy Jones and Kenneth Grumbein. Scoutmaster Rev. Howard Marshall, Clarence Richardson, Explorer advisor and Mervin Elmore, assistant scoutmaster.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Higgins on the birth of a daughter, Nancy Lee, born December 15, 1957 in LaCrosse.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sloan on the birth of a daughter, Linda, born December 17, 1957 in LaCrosse.
December 1967
Santa Letters from McCracken Grade School First graders.
Mary Poppins Doll, Tea Set and Doctor Kit, Love, Susan Moran
Dear Santa, Please bring me some toys. I want a big truck and a cattle ranch. Love, Jerry Casey
I want a Red Motorcycle to pedal and some candy for my brother, Love, Craig Rixon
Dear Santa, Please bring me a horse, soldier set and a mighty dump truck. Thank you, Marty Mills
Dear Santa, Please bring me a cowboy suit and a bow and arrow. Love, Freddie Taylor.
(More next week)
December 1977
Lincoln Branch All League Football Defensive Team Members are Larry Buster, Fred Taylor, Shannon McKinney and Craig Stull. Offensive Team Members are Fred Taylor, Jerry Casey and Shannon McKinney.
Girls basketball team members are Cheryl Foreman, Ellen Davis, Kerri Derr, Kelly McKinney, Patty Swartz, Jerri Swindler, Lisa Schuckman, Norma Elmore and Tammy Higgins. Coach is Sue Knoebber.
December 1987
Bryan Bergquist had a 60% shooting percentage in the Leopards game against Jetmore.
Road kills of deer are at an all time high. Last year 3810 deer were reported killed.
The McCracken Public Library Board has been granted a $24,900 grant for the construction of a new library. The community must match these funds before construction begins. Board members who attended the State Library Advisory Commission in Topeka were John Stull, Rosy Elmore, Shirley Higgins, Carrie and Bob House, librarian, Ruth Crawshaw.
December 1997
Sara Rixon, daughter of Pete and Lola Rixon, is a member of the McMurry University volleyball team which finished the regular season 36-0 and captured the first conference crown in school history.
Congratulations to Norma and Allen Kober on the birth of a new baby boy named Collin.