December 4, 2014 News
Birthdays: December 4, Mike McCormick, Rashell Mills McCarty, Bobby Mills, Jeannie Hinman Grimme, Sofia Foster; December 5, Kathy Tomlinson, Mason Weber; December 6, Luke Higgins, Matthew Higgins; December 7, Lance Irvin, Judy Whitis Carver, Catherine Showalter; December 8, Rhonda Derr, Sharolyn Legleiter; December 9, Jeremy Higgins, Larry Goddard, John Rues Casey; December 10, Jametta Basgall, Scott Herdman, Leigh Barrett.
Anniversary: December 9, Darwin and Dawn Herdman.
Guests of Bob and Marlene Funk for Thanksgiving dinner were Babe and Arlene Gilbert, Clayton Wilson, Verlene Wilson, Bryan, Treva and Audra Bergquist, Devin Gumm, Gloria Folkerts, Mike, Kelly and Mason Weber, Shelley Weber (from Alaska), Judy Weber and Shari Funk.
This Sunday, December 7, is the Cantata at St. Mary's Catholic Church in McCracken at 4:30 p.m. Please come and enjoy the wonderful singers of Rush County. Refreshments will be served following the presentation.
Jeff and Anita Butler have started replacing the house on the Darkes farm. The concrete has been poured for the basement and foundation. The foundation is higher than the foundation of the original house.. The hope is for the house to be complete by the Ness County Old Settlers Reunion.
When we left for our Salina trip last Saturday, there were 69 turkeys crossing the road on Highway 4 north of Wolfe's
Hampton Item - Settlement: In 1877 quite a number settled along the creeks. Joe Hampton settled on Big Timber Creek near where the Fort Hays - Fort Dodge Trail crosses. In 1878 many settlers came: Monty Leach started a town which he named after Hampton. He started the first store and carried the mail from Hays beginning July 1, 1878. It was the first town south of Hays on the trail.
Addie Mills was a Thanksgiving dinner guest of Marty and Tina Mills. Danny spent his day hauling that liquid gold crude oil, but called that evening. Bobby, Rashell and Tina's parents, Bob and Della Miller, also called.
Congratulations to Christopher and Cindy Zedina, Hays, on the birth of a son Ben Christopher Zadina on October 20, 2014 at Hays Medical Center. He has a sister, Julia 9, and a brother Chase 6. Grandparents are Paul North, Victoria and Chuck and Sandy Zadina, Victoria. Great grandmothers are Eunice North, Ellis, Doris Goad, Great Bend and Alma Zadina, Mankato.
Thanksgiving guests of Al and Judy Hugh in Hays were Deb Luft, Marsha Swanson, Mike, Susan and Shannon Keith, Carolyn Thompson and Ben Thompson
John, Ellen and Josh Moran, Great Bend, hosted Thanksgiving dinner for Nicole, Clark and Madison Kirk, Marge, Michele and Jason Moran and the Larry Merchant Family.
Sunday Michele, Ellen and Marge Moran went to Hutchinson to Madison Kirks dance recital.
Lynn Kochenower spent Thanksgiving weekend at Ottawa with her parents, Floyd and Pat Kochenower and her grandmother, Kathryn Kochenower. Lynn visited with Sheryl Stephenson in Ottawa. She was a friend who worked with Lynn at King Radio.
For those Chief fans that attended the Chiefs-Denver game in Kansas City Sunday evening, .......other than being bitter, bitter cold, I imagine it was a long ride home.
A total of 51 student-athletes have been named to the 2014 Academic All-Big 12 Volleyball Team. Among those honored, three were nominated with 4.00 grade point averages - Kersten Kober Kansas State and two other gals from Texas Tech. Kersten is the daughter of Allen and Norma Elmore Kober.
Jean Schutte accompanied Bet & Jeanette McCormick to Abilene where they were guests of Dan & Kim Townsend for Thanksgiving.
Guests of Shirley over Thanksgiving were Jerry, Jodi, Tanner, Jenna, Chuck, Zach, Tammy, John, Bryant, Kyra, Cameron & Courtney. Kayla and family spent the holiday in Springfield.
We have some American Road magazines featuring Paper Moon. If you would like one, give us a call. It really is a very nice article featuring McCracken.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad spent Thanksgiving with Chris and Rhonda Zordel, Spearville. KS.. Also attending were Albert and Louise Zordel, Ransom, KS. Dallas and Joanna Kenny and son Brock from Harper. KS. John and Jennifer Droste and sons Sam and Elijak, Spearville, KS. Branden and Grace and daughters Natalie and Julianna. Also Harriet Housman, Spearville. KS.
Guests over Thanksgiving at Priscilla Jacobs were Chad & Crystal Foust, Kaden & Anton; Sandra Jacobs, Mitchell Jacobs, Neal & Amy Jacobs, Jaden, Jenna, Hadley and Hudson Jacobs, Nicole Ryan, Drew VonLehe. The next day they celebrated Amys birthday.
Galen Watkins, Kansas City; Phil Ochs, Salina & Charlotte Ochs were Thanksgiving guests of Arky and Diana McNair.
Frank & Elaine Littler spent Thanksgiving at their granddaughter, Kristys home at Gove.. Others present besides Frank & Elaine were Scott, Amber, James & Jacque Littler, McCracken; Carl & Brenda Rosenlund, Scott City; Stacey, Trevor, Brennen, Tyron, & TJ Steinert, LaCrosse; Cody Prosser, Hays; and the host & hostess Seth & Kristy Packard, Jarrett and Tyson . They are all good cooks. It was delicious!!!!!
Norma McNair spent Thanksgiving in Ponca City, Oklahoma, visiting her mother Marjorie Sloan and her sister Howard and Ruth Ann Sissel.
Teresa Lovitt, Bill & Sharon Lovitt spent Thanksgiving weekend in Columbia, MO visiting Scott & Lora Faiman. Others attending were Kathy & Audra Hurd, Minneapolis, MI; Rae Hurd, Chicago. A typical Thanksgiving happened.....Audra became ill, Kathy took her to the emergency room and she was diagnosed with Mono. The medicine prescribed didnt help so Kathy had to take her back.....then the sewer line busted and you all know what that means.........been there done that!!
Guests of Doug & Mary Higgins in Lyons were Hoop & Twila Higgins, Dougs family, Jeremy, Ashley & Carter Higgins; Danielle Higgins & boys; Brett & Lauren Higgins and 15 dogs.Mike and Michelle Nelson, Grand Island, Nebraska were Thursday Sunday guests of Hoop and Twila Higgins.
Jerry, Jodi, Tanner & Jenna attended the K-State KU football in Manhattan Saturday afternoon.
Bill & Kelly Harp, Great Falls, MT were guests of the Doornbos during Thanksgiving. Bill & Kelly joined Brian Harp & Lisa Day at the KU KState football game Saturday afternoon.
Lynnette Doornbos attended the 3A State football game in Hutchinson Saturday afternoon, Scott City vs. Rosseville. She was cheering on Sloan Baker of Scott City. Scott City lost 21-14.
History Notes
December 1964
R.W. VanWinkle, bookkeeper and office manager for Humburgs Inc. in LaCrosse since 1957 has been named cashier of the Bison State Bank replacing S.C. Rothweiler who plans to retire January 1.
MHS honor roller for the second six weeks are as follows: Doug Higgins, Penny Irvin, Elaine Wetzel, Susan Irvin, Karen Norlin, Kathleen Stremel, Janice Halbleib, Sarah Casey, Linda Irvin, Daryl North, Janis Eisenhour, Johanna Gaschler & Joyce Fluharty.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Moore announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Beth, to Robert C. Higgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Higgins. The bride elect is employed by the Rush County ASCS office and her fiancé is stationed with the US Navy at Long Beach, California. No wedding date has been set.
Mrs. Evelyn (Herman) Redding, 77, died at her home Thursday of a heart attack. She was born on a farm near McCracken March 29, 188. She attended Christian Endeavor & church services at the Barnard College near her home. She has lived in LaCrosse the past 24 years. She married Herman Redding in 1913 in LaCrosse. She is survived by her husband; son, Willis; brothers Jim & Ed Nickel & sister Blanche Swisher. Burial was in McCracken City Cemetery.
Paced by senior senior center, 61 Tony Harp, McCracken ran all over Odin 80-47 in a REN league encounter at McCracken Friday night. Tony pulled down a total of 27 rebounds and chalked up a total of 23 points.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Peters on the birth of a daughter born December 1 at the Rush County Memorial Hospital.