December 2, 2015 News
Birthdays: December 2, Terry Herdman, Marilyn Sommers, Ashlin Rogers; December 3, Trevor Steinert; December 4, Mike McCormick, Rashell McCarty, Bobby Mills, Jeannie Grimme, Sofia Foster; December 5, Kathy Tomlinson, Mason Weber; December 6, Luke Higgins, Mathew Higgins; December 7, Lance Irvin, Judy Carver, Catherine Showalter; December 8, Rhonda Derr, Sharolyn Legleiter. No anniversaries.
Congratulations to Francis Casey who celebrated her 90th birthday on December 1.
We had a letter from Sally Buster. Here is what has been happening for her family this year. Miles got married in March. They are settled in Albuquerque. He works for Sandia National Labs as a Mechanical Engineer. Jordan is the morning news editor for the local CBS affiliate. Harley is a senior at Texas Tech. She will graduate in May and is in the process of applying to Optometry School (another four years of school!). Mariah is a senior in high school. It's a busy time for her with college prep on top of school activities!
Mike and Susan Keith and Carolyn Thompson were in Manhattan on Wednesday for the woman's basketball game with Southern and the woman's volleyball matches with the University of Kansas. Kersten Kober is libero for KSU. She is the daughter of Norma (Elmore) and Allen Kober. KU won in four. The arena was packed. It was held at Ahern. Shannon Keith played in the pep band for both the basketball and volleyball games.
Father Matthew Kumi will say mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church on Saturday, December 19. All are welcome. The time will be in next week's column.
We were sorry to hear of the accident of Bill Cole as he was enroute home from Kansas City near the Christ Pilot Me Hill on Highway 96. They flew him back to Kansas City for treatment.
Come to the Holiday Table Extravaganza at the McCracken City Building, Sunday, December 6 from 11:00 A. M. to 6:00 P.M. See the display of Holiday Tables Showcases. Holiday vendors will also be present. Admission $5.00 for viewing and meal. It is sponsored by McCracken Pride.
Tim Rues and daughters Maddie and Lily hosted Thanksgiving dinner at their house in Topeka. Those attending Arline Rues, Leigh Barrett and Alicia Rues-Barrett , Rose and Les Diehl, Cathy and Ron, Catherine, Alex and John Casey, Tony and Tomi, Emma, Kate and Will Rues , Mary Dunn and phone call from Tom Rues in Concord, NH. Great time with lots of delicious food and time spent together.
Bob Funk celebrated his birthday with a day trip with his daughters, Anita, Shari and Kelly. This annual tradition started a couple of years when the girls didn't know what to get their dad-they decided to give him a Day. Each year he picks the destination and the girls pay his way. This year Bob decided on Stratica, the salt mine in Hutchinson followed by a side trip to Emporia to visit his grand-daughter, Mason, currently a freshman at Emporia State University. Bob couldn't get over how much the campus had changed since he had attended many years ago. This year Marlene was allowed to tag along as she could see Mason as well. Bob's already thinking about next year's trip.
Dan and Caley Clinkscales along with Chris and Kate Schuckman and their children, Corbin and Colbie, spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Myron and Debi Schuckman in Wichita. Lots of love, laughs and game playing was the agenda for the Thanksgiving weekend! Loved having them home, just missed our girls, Stacy and Carissa Schine!
Those at Shirleys for Thanksgiving were Chuck, Zach, Tammy, Kyra, Bryant, Jerry, Tanner and Jenna. Jodi started to join us and drove as far as Nickerson and had a tire go bad so she stayed in Hutch, Jerry and kids left right after dinner for home; Kayla and family didnt even start because of the weather; Lindsey had to work both days; John was on call; Cameron and Courtney didnt come, he was on call; Tammy and Kyra put up my Christmas tree, Bryant, Zach and Chuck helped them put up my outside lights. SOOO appreciative.
Thanksgiving guests of Diane McFarren were her family, Jason Showalter, Jessica Berg and their family Havyn, Shaili, Taybree and Ryker; Amanda Showalter, Rianne, Kyson, and Terren; Johnny Showalter. They had the traditional dinner.
Austin McGaughey hosted Thanksgiving dinner at George Hunters with guests Debbie Gaunt, Eric Scriven, and Travis Gruna.
Thanksgiving guests of Priscella Jacobs were Chad and Crystal Foust and boys; Nicole and Drew VonLehe; Neal and Amy Jacobs; Jaden and Jenna Jacobs and family, Mitchell and Sandra Jacobs. Friday they surprised Amy on her 50th birthday with family and friends attending.
1972 History Notes
McCracken Grade graduates: Gene Schlegel, Roberta Halbleib, Robin Schuckman, Ricky Boese, Rosemarie Grumbein, Steve Foreman, Lynette Legleiter, Bruce Davis, Marsha Healy, Tim Rues, Sally Irvin, Mark McCormick, Jim Casey, Robin Wright, Donna Greenway, Ruth Johnston, Chuck Higgins and Scott Kershner.MHS Graduates: Myron Schuckman, Greg Buster, Alicia Rues, Donna Davis, Debbi Derr, Mark Derr, Frank Foster, Mike Legleiter, Larry Higgins, Patti Littler, Danny Mills, Janis North, Dave Rogers, Craig Wendler, Roxie Rogers, Rick Schwindt, Steve Sloan. John Zeller graduated from TMP Hays. Elven Showalter purchased the Methodist parsonage and Sanford Foreman purchased the Hannah Sloan property. The Madrigal singers accompanied by their teacher Barbara Reinart left Wednesday by charter bus for a five day trip to South Dakota. They sang at the high school in Rapid City, SD and toured the Black Hills and the Bad Lands. Members are Keith Higgins, Patty Littler, Charles Halbleib, Maureen Janke, Danny Mills, Donna Davis, Gary Schuckman, Roxie Rogers, Dave Rogers, Debbie Derr, Mike Legleiter, Pam Showalter, John Irvin, Alicia Rues, Daryl Casey and Lorrie Morgan. MHS 1942 class held their 30th class reunion at the Davis Café with a dinner meeting. James D. Muller is on the honor roll at Fort Hays State. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elias recently moved into the Maude Green property which they purchased. The Albert Norlin residence has been sold to Mark Miller, the M.M. Stephens property recently sold to Mr. and Mrs. Vic Whitis, August Marak house to Lester Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Edwards moved into the Herb Davenport property. Don Greenway, manager of the Rush County Elevator, reports there are 30,000 bushels of wheat piled on the ground due to a box car shortage. Wheat yields are running 30-50 bushels. Cub Scouts accompanied Machree Jones and Priscella Jacobs to a Day Camp in Hutchinson. The group included Neal Jacobs, Jeff McCormick, Chris Jones, Wade Hinman, Dale Elias and Troy Zinn. They placed 2nd in the Physical Fitness program. Mary Healy is the new McCracken news correspondent of the Rush County News. McCracken Cookie team advanced to the regionals after defeating Stockton 17-0. Glen Ryan paced their hitting with a single, 3 triples and a home run. A surprise birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McFarren honoring his 75th birthday. Danny Mills is a member of the Silver Band at the High Plains Band Camp in Hays. Elsie Showalter, Teresa Higgins, Pearl Grate, Bessie North, Josephine Herdman and Ruth Lovitt attended the parade at the Ness County Fair on Thursday.