RCNews November 30, 2016
Birthdays: November 30, Arlyn North, Olivia Anderson, Diane McNair; December 1, Carter Higgins; December 2, Vern Showalter, Terry Herdman, Marilyn Sommers, Ashlin Rogers; December 3, Trevor Steinert; December 4, Mike McCormick, Rashell McCarty, Bobby Mills, Jeannie Grimme, Sofia Foster; December 5, Kathy Tomlinson, Mason Weber; December 6, Luke Higgins, Mathew Higgins. No anniversaries.
Our sympathy to the family of Winifred Leila (Crawford) Healzer, 99, who died at Great Bend. She was the daughter of Samuel and Rose (Ellerman) Crawford. She married Roy Healzer on May 26, 1934 in LaCrosse. He died in 1971. She lived in several places in Rush County, McCracken, Otis and Alexander where they operated the Healzer Grocery . She is survived by a son Byron, daughters, Leila and Karen, grandchildren. Burial was in Belle Prairie Cemetery south of Alexander.
Please remember those in the rest homes and the area during the Christmas season. They would enjoy your visits and your cards. Here is Wilma Washaliski's address: Highland Health Care Rehabilitation, 670 Rogers Road, Bella Vista, AK 72715. Phyllis Higgins is 2708 W. 30th Avenue, Emporia, KS 66801-9027. Remember those in Rush County facilities. If you have other names, please let us know so we can put them in the column.
My apologies for not listing all those who helped with the military services for Bet McCormick. They are Bob Fear, Tyrel Elias, Chuck Walker and Duane Richardson. They joined Brett Gilbert, Gary Barnes and Richard Showalter to honor Bets service.
Family members who attended the funeral for Bet McCormick are Jim and Shelly McCormick, Garden Plain; Mike McCormick, Wichita; Tom McCormick, Andale; Ann and Bill Barnes, El Dorado; Benny and Sheryl McCaskey, Great Bend, Madeline Petz, Hutchinson, Frank and Sarah Foster, Florissant, Colorado; Bill Cole Ness City; Melody and Darrell Hilligers, Chezney Kelly, Sand Springs, Okla.; Angela Langer, Houston, Texas; Michelle and Allan Boyacioglu, Wichita, Jeff McCormik and Grant, Hutchinson; Hanna McCormick, Lucas McCormick, Kansas City; Kim and Dan Townsend, Abilene; Megan Townsend, Boston, Mass.; Jacob Townsend, Norton.
Tim -Maddie and Lily Rues hosted Thanksgiving day dinner at their home in Topeka. Those attending the dinner were Arline Rues- Rose and Les Diehl -Tony and Tomi Rues and family, Cathy and Ron Casey and family and Mary Dunn. Lots of food- lots of fun !!
Jeff and Anita Butler had a houseful of family Thanksgiving, and boy did they all bring good food. It was a beautiful day for coloring, visiting, playing bocce ball and touring the work done on the barn. Those that came were Bob and Marlene , Babe and Arlene, Verlene, Shari, Kelly and Mike with their kids Mason and Levi, Mike's brother and niece, Judy Weber, Merle Geyer, Dakota Coates, Brett and Courtney, Clayton, Kizmin and their 3, Bryan and Treva with Audra and Devon Ghumm,
The day after Thanksgiving Jeff and Anita Butler took off for Wamego to visit their daughter Ursula. Picked up Ursula and took off for Lake Perry to visit Jeff's brother after stopping at Sugar Creek General Store in St. Marys for some Christmas shopping. If you love cooking/baking or eating this is a must 'stop at' on your way east. Enjoyed a nice visit with Jeff's brother and family before heading back to Wamego. Saturday found us taking our time back as we stopped in Alma's cheese factory, Grandma Hoerner's, Target and Sam's. Feels good getting some Christmas shopping started!
Thanksgiving guests at Shirleys were Teresa Lovitt; Jerry, Jodi, Tanner and Jenna; Chuck and Zach; Tammy and John; Kyra and Bryant; Lindsey; Kayla and Nicole. It was a beautiful day with family and great food.
Priscilla, Sandra and Tessa Jacobs spent Thanksgiving with Neil and Amy Jacobs in Wichita. Additional guests were Jaden, Jenna and family. Mitchell Jacobs had Thanksgiving with Chad and Crystal Foust and boys in Otis.
Bill Zeller spent Thanksgiving with Will and Jana Zeller in LaCrosse. Im assuming Dan Zeller was also a guest.
Thanksgiving guests of Bruce, Ellen & Addie Kershner were Clayton & Clinton Kershner, Lisa Angell and her parents Twila & Roger Angell of Medicine Lodge. Afternoon visitor was Grandpa Bob House.
Ty and Quintin Elias spent Wednesday evening with Dave and Carolyn Davenport. Katie and Tanner Elias, Overland Park hosted Thanksgiving Day, Guests were Tina, Travis, and Rennat, Colby, Dave and Carolyn Davenport, Hutchinson, and Ty and Quintin. They all were afternoon guests of David, Lanette, and Lilly Kaster, Overland Park.
Jerry, Jodi, Tanner and Jenna attended the K-State KU football game Saturday in Manhattan. Lindsey Tacha and 4 girlfriends also were in attendance. . The fund raiser sponsored by GBT November 20 for Brenda Jecha was a success. You may drop off a donation at Nekoma State Bank or mail to PO Box 10, LaCrosse, KS 67548.
Library: The library was grateful for all the kids attending Thanksgiving Story Time Wednesday. We had 9 who enjoyed the book A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting. Many were surprised at the ending. Following the story we made paper bag turkeys and had a Thanksgiving feast of cookies and pretzels-eating until everyone was stuffed!Ellen Kershner and the kids, Addie, Clayton, Clinton & Lisa Angell and Nick Higgason attended the K-State game (Christmas present from Bruce) in Manhattan over the weekend to watch Bill Snyder win his 200th game! A fun time, but Ellen wont be getting season tickets any time soon. They joined Scott & Kim Higgason and friend for pre-game tailgating and supper at Cox Brothers Barbeque.
The Norma McNair house was full of family Thanksgiving Day with Jeffery, Lexie and Colton Molloy, Dallas, Jamie, Mason, Hunter and Maverick DeWitt came from Carbondale for the weekend. What a wonderful time together and now the house is quiet again.
Cheryl Werth brought Grandpa House and pizza for supper to the Kershners on Sunday evening. Its the little things!!
Thanks to Mark and Lance McCormick, Layne Morgan and Les Diehl, who decorated the park for Christmas. Looks great.
Kenny Foster enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with his aunt, Jean Schutte.
Roy and Phyllis Conrad enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner in Ransom at the VFW. They also visited with her sister, Louise Zordel, who helped with the dinner. They served over 200.
Don and Deanna Bergquist spent Thanksgiving in Abilene with their daughter, Dana, Patrick and Blayke. They also helped celebrate the 7th birthday of Blayke.
Hoop and Twila Higgins spent Thanksgiving in Lyons with Doug and Mary Higgins. Joining them were all of Doug and Marys children and grandchildren. Doug and Mary and kids attended the KU-K-State game in Manhattan on Saturday.
Emil Thompson Dugan, the eldest daughter of Robert and Arrena Thompson, former McCracken residents, celebrated her 90th birthday on April 29, 2016 in Spiro, Oklahoma. In attendance at the party was her five children plus 54 offspring of the five children. Also in attendance was Robert E Thompson of Pflugerville, Texas with his wife Emma and daughter Akilah. Robert E "Bobby" Thompson Is the younger Brother of Emil and celebrating his 84th birthday on the same day.Cameron watched history in the making this past Saturday. He attended the KU-Texas football game and watched KU defeat Texas in overtime, first time in 38 years that they were winners. Jenna attended the Chiefs game on Sunday.
John & Tammy were Saturday night overnight guests of Shirley.
John, Clinton, Jeff, Pete, Jay, Nick, David, John, Jason, Jake, (Jennings clan and friends), Kansas City, were here this weekend.
If you have Thanksgiving news, please email Carolyn or Shirley. I am sorta/kinda amazed at who takes the County Paper.....lets make it better with more news......
The 1970 McCracken Yearbook was dedicated to Mrs. Helen Elias. She sponsored classes and taught 25 years. Some advertisers for 1970: ALEXANDER: Alexander State Bank; BURDETT: Farmers Coop, Delaney Impl., Shank Bros Inc., HAYS: Music Manor, Purdys, Sheres of Nelly, Plainsmans Supply, Schmidtberger Supply Co., Oldham Sales, Inc., Hays Bookland, Hays Livestock Inc., Dr. Mathews, Chiropractor, ABC Hallmark, Roper Music, Esthers Club, Stanley Irvin, Teds Steakhouse, Terry Wiermans Party-Mix, Printcraft Printers, Sandys; ROZEL: Blattners Manufacturing, NESS CITY: Toggery Shop, Fitzgeralds Furniture, Richolsons; Brannans LIEBENTHAL; Liebenthal Auction, Julian Schaffer; LaCROSSE: LaCrosse Farm Equipment, Dechant Motor; Humburgs, Steens IGA, Farm Bureau, Ivan Worthen; Wolfes Flowers, Rush County News, Rush County Locker, Westside Floral, Renebergers Jewelery, Bruchies Furniture, Rush County Sales, Reifschneider Bros., Hoover Funeral Home, LaCrosse Farm Equipment, LaCrosse Lumber, McCRACKEN, Norlins, McCracken Hotel, Francis Wierman, contractor; Freds IGA, McCracken Barber Shop, Hammers & Sons Country Store, Davis Café, J & J Carrier, Alvin Janke, Dairy Bar, Mary Ann Moran, Citizens State Bank, NEKOMA, Nekoma State Bank.