RCNews Nov 26

I had an email and pictures from Marlene Bronish last week of her sister Wilma Pfannenstiel Schaffer.  Wilma makes Christmas bows for volunteer Christmas projects. It showed a picture of her making the bows on her back porch in Vallejo, California. Marlene and some of her friends make Christmas cards for a gal in Afghanistan that they adopted.  She wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Lorraine Ryan returned home after spending several weeks in Sacramento with her daughter, Cathie & Martin Shapiro and Jessie; in St. George with her sister Jonelle and Gordon Reynolds and in Missouri with her aunt Sarah Amos, who suffered a stroke while Lorraine was gone.
Bet McCormick is keeping busy at the fire station ripping up the old worn out carpet, putting up new blinds and other odd jobs. 
Brad Lovitt. Phoenix was here during the first week end of pheasant season.  He is hosting Thanksgiving dinner at his home for some family and friends.
Congratulations to Jodi Higgins on her 25 years working at Central Bank and Trust in Hutchinson. She is vice-president and cashier at the bank.
An item we forgot last week. . .Suzanne Azzarella brought birthday cake to the soup supper on Saturday evening for Dave Libberton for his 75th birthday. Everyone present sang ‘Happy Birthday’.
Those attending the Encore series “Turtle Island” Thursday night in Hays were Sharon Irvin, Sheryl Rogers, Kelsee Rogers, Francis and Julia Zeller, John and Melanie Zeller, Bill Zeller, Arlene Rues, Rosemary Diehl, Shirley Higgins, Lucy Herrman, Ruthetta Irvin, Zelda Brack, John and Janice Stull.
Chuck Higgins and Zach, Cameron Horesky, Zac Stetler, and Alex ‘Eddie’ Loomis, were weekend guests of Jeff and Liz Jennings and their families.  They all attended the KC Chiefs – Pittsburg Steelers football game Sunday afternoon.  Also in attendance were Les and Sheryl Rogers, Dick and Shannon Schmidt, Richard Baldwin and Tom Keener, Richard Showalter and a friend. Les and company tailgated with pheasant hunters from Kansas City, Chuck and the boy’s tail gated with the Jennings family.
Dennis and Brian Walker, Dalhart, Texas were weekend guests of John and Sharon Irvin.  They were here for pheasant hunting.
I read this in Monday’s Hutchinson News. Christmas cards can be addressed to “Holiday Mail for Heroes”, PO Box 5456, Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456.
A thank you to all those who donated their time working, their talents making soup and desserts and their presence at the morning breakfasts, soup suppers, and the hamburger fry.
Sandra Jacobs treated Joe, Amanda, Anthony, Michelle and Matthew Priddy to the movie, “Planet 51”, in Hays Saturday morning.  They also enjoyed a MacDonald’s Happy Meal before coming home.
Brian ‘Butch’ Harp, North Carolina, was here this week spending time with his dad, Tony Harp.
November 26, 2009 News
Birthdays:  November 26, Sylvester Conrad, Brian Walker, Terri Cox, Ted North, Richard Showalter; November 27, Cody Prosser, Opal Mills; November 28, Amy Jacobs; November 29, Doug Higgins, Tanner Yohe, Arky McNair, Sheri Turner Mills; November 30, Arlyn North, Olivia Anderson, Diane McNair; December 1, Frances Casey; December 2, Terry Herdman, Marilyn Sommers, Ashlin Rogers, Vern Showalter.
Anniversaries:  November 28, Bob and Paulette Thompson; November 29, Roy and Phyllis Conrad, Fred and Mary Anne Taylor; December 1, Harley and Donna North.
Congratulations to Harley and Donna on their 60th wedding anniversary.  Cards may be sent to them at 39097 410 Avenue, Brownell, KS 67521
Rita Issinghoff, Wichita, was a Saturday morning visitor of her cousin, Francis and Julia Zeller.
Weekend guests of Hoop and Twila Higgins were Mike, Nancy and Aaron Wiebe, Blue Spring, Missouri; Doug Higgins, Lyons; Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Wiebe and Kellan, Kansas City, Missouri.  Drop in visitors were the regular pheasant hunters of 37 years and second generation hunters.
A generous gift has been received from William Gary and Elaine Turner, Loveland, CO, to the Jail/Museum.  It is part of the matching gift with IBM.  Gary retired from IBM.
Our sympathy to the family of Wayne Billinger age 54 of Hays.  He was the brother of former teacher Rich Billinger. 
Alana Rogers had some back surgery at Wichita.  She is being transferred to the Ness County Hospital in Ness City.  She would enjoy your cards and visits.
Nellie Mae Sparrow Grumbein died November 5, 2009 at Trinity Manor Nursing Home, Dodge City.  She was born February 1, 1918 at Amy, daughter of George W. and Maudie Kees Sparrow.  She married Willis Percival Grumbein on September 28, 1940.  He died January 6, 2003.  She is survived by two sisters, Helena Hanson and Viola Finkle.  Graveside services were held at Maple Grove Cemetery in Dodge City.
Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Church – Saturday, September 28 at 4:00 p.m.  Father David Kraus.  All are welcome.
McCracken History Notes
November 1889
Brackney’s school at Hampton has twenty-eight enrolled.  They have recently added a globe and reading charts.
Will Lovitt intends to go next week to Kansas City where he has a job braking on the Missouri Pacific railroad.
November 1919
City commissioners this year are A. A. Names, J. M. Shepherd and A. R. Brenner.  L. L. Ryan is City Manager.
Prof. H. R. Barnard bought the little Magestic Range that G. W. Farwell had and is going to use it to teach his pupils “how to cook”.  (This is now on permanent display at the Barnard Library at LaCrosse.)
November 1909
 F. P. Starrett sold his property on North Main to John R. Lovitt last week.
Thomas Neal, Clyde Robertson and Chess Irvin are part of Jay Swanzy’s working crew on the Rixon house.
Among the teachers from here who attended the Southwest Kansas District Teachers Association which met in Dighton yesterday were Prof. Jantzen, Miss Stella Hill, Miss Eva Snodgrass, Miss Lucille Ellenberger, Mrs. Mary Prior and Miss Ruth Wagner.
November 1939
The high school girls are finding new interest in playing deck tennis.  Two outdoor courts have been lined off for the game.  The eight girls who have been taking part are Winifred McKittrick, Pearle McGaughey, Donna Hinman, Emma Rose Showalter, Loa Ruth Anderson, Rachel Schutte, Mary Ann Moran and Adelaide Mills.
November 1959
Mrs. Ray Grumbein and Mrs. Emma Joseph called at the Henry Doerr home on Saturday.
Paul L. Wilson, 54 died Thursday, November 26 at the Rush County Memorial hospital.
A lot of turkeys were sold by these McCracken farmers for Thanksgiving.  Miss Carrie Darkes 104; Mr. H. B. Davenport 100 and Mrs. Paul Wilson 50.
November 1979
J. C. Moran was a member of the Kansas Wheat Commission Tour who went to the Kansas City Board of Trade, the Houston grain export facilities and the grain inspection at Galveston.  A highlight of the tour was the loading of a million bushels grain ship bound for the Soviet Union.

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