November 24, 2011 News
Birthdays: November 24, Cory Betz, Seth Packard; November 25, Lorenzo Sabatini, Stacey Schkoda; November 26, Sylvester Conrad, Terry Cox, Ted North, Richard Showalter, Brian Walker; November 27, Cody Prosser, Opal Mills; November 28, Amy Jacobs; November 29, Doug Higgins, Tanner Yohe, Sheri Turner Mills, Arky McNair; November 30, Arlyn North, Olivia Anderson, Diane McNair.
Anniversaries: November 25, Dave and Sharla Albers; November 28, Bob and Paulette Thompson; November 29, Roy and Phyllis Conrad, Fred and Mary Anne Taylor.
Congratulations to the LaCrosse Leopard's Football team. We hope everyone will support them when they play for the 2A State Championship at Lewis Field in Hays on Saturday at 1:00 p.m.. Also playing for the 5A State Championship is Hutchinson. Tanner Higgins is a member of the team. They play in Emporia.
Plans are to put out the Wreaths for Veterans Friday starting at 9:00 a.m. Plan to go to the cemeteries to see the wreath displays.
If you wish to send a card to Roger McNair: c/o James Galen Watkins, 2725 Savannah, Wichita, KS 67217. That is his nephew.
Mark your calendars for the Posada and Cantata which will be held at the McCracken United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 4. Meet at the church at 3:00 p.m. to begin the Posada journey with Mary and Joseph. At 4:30 the Bell Ringers will begin the program at the Methodist church followed by the Cantata. A reception will be held following the Cantata. This is a joint project by the Catholics and Methodists of McCracken and by the singers of LaCrosse and Rush County.
Eleanor Halbleib called to check on the "goings on" at McCracken. She lives with her daughter Roberta and Roberta's husband, James Williams. Roberta is in the hospital at Wesley recovering from surgery.
Our loyal pheasant hunters have been in town despite the reduced bird population. We wish them all well and thank them for supporting the hunter meals at the city building, the legion and the restaurant.
Our congratulations to Keith and Wanda Wierman on their 60th anniversary.
In the latest edition of the Kansas Magazine there is a nice article about Marcie Penner of Inman. Marcie has been a steadfast supporter of McCracken and Rush County in her books and on the web.
Our sympathy to the family of Jim Yori who died November 15 in Eagle Springs, North Carolina. He lived in LaCrosse, McCracken and Hays. Verlene Wilson and Carolyn Thompson visited him and his family last month.
Arline Rues has a new yard sign that Tim Rues delivered to her on Veterans Day. It was made by their dear, late friend Pat Istas. It was one of the last signs Pat carved before he passed away. Pat made the signs and sculptures at the Jail/Museum. Arline's is made of limestone with the Rues family name carved on it. A wreath of his famous painted-metal sunflowers is attached to it.
Shirley Higgins has had quite a week and a half. She entered Rush County Memorial Hospital on Sunday, November 13. From there she went to Salina, then to Hoisington and finally to Via Christi-St. Francis in Wichita for gallbladder surgery. We wish her well during her recovery. She has returned home. I'm sure glad to have her home. Maybe you will have more news in the future!
It was reported that there was a huge flock of turkey's in the Walker pasture - he estimated 100. There were also two deer. Do you suppose the turkeys ate all the pheasant eggs?
Tomi Rues is a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and is currently helping with the Homes and Hope Family and Friends Campaign. There is a form and an envelope at the McCracken Library if anyone would care to donate. This wonderful organization has set a modest goal of 100.00 for our community to raise. If you can't make it by the library, feel free to send your donation to: Tomi Rues, P.O. Box 38, Mc Cracken, Ks 67556. Please make your check payable to Habitat for Humanity. Deadline is Dec. 1. Thanks so much!
Kansas History Questions:
The official state flag is comprised of what? The State seal on a blue background with the military crest above the seal.
What medium is used for a State Fair sculpture? Butter
What is the name of the longhorn that was damaged recently in Dodge City? El Capitan
When did Kansas Day become an official state holiday? 1984
What is the Kansas State Marching Song? The Kansas March
Who was the first Kansan to appear on a U. S. Postage Stamp? William Allen White
McCracken History Notes
November 1911
Postmaster Dutton opened the new postal savings bank Tuesday as required by the post office department and accounts may be opened at any time during office hours. This is the first bank of the kind established in Rush County. Claflin, McCracken and Leoti are the only offices on the Missouri Pacific west of Salina.
November 1941
Mr. and Mrs. Leoo Fear and family mvoed to the Noble Campbell farm the first of the week.
Jobs for the week at Thistle Grove school are as follows: Flag Salute Leader, Ann McCormick; Librarian, Corrine Janke; Dust Erasers, Patty Klee and Malcolm Washaliski; Art, Alvina McCormick; Magazines, Harrison Washaliski; Water, Maxine Janke; Kindling, Sylvester McCormick and Carolilne Klee; News Reporters, Jean McCormick and Marguerite Washaliski; Empty water, Tom McCormick. All of the pupils got perfect grades in spelling.
November 1961
Application for 1962 gasoline licenses may be picked up at the county clerk's office.
Over 700 persons attended the open house, free lunch and the annual meeting of the Farmers Union Co-op Mercantile and Elevator Company, Monday night.
November 1981
Third year coach Craig Cooper has the following team members for basketball this season, Jeff Scheuerman, Gary Barnes, Chad Herdman, Shawn McKinney, Chris Jones, Doug Elias, Mike Stull, Richard Wittman, Jim Hopkins, John Moran, Neal Jacobs, Mark Brackney and Sean Miller.
New coach for the girls basketball team is Guy Conner. Team members are Brenda Barnes, Kim Brackney, Sandy Taylor, Alaura Scheuerman Janet Conner, Kayla Higgins, Pauline Gordon, Annette Davis, Sarena Higgins, Tonya Mangold and Laytha George, manager.