Nov 19
Martin Higgins and friends, Ken Kampling of Lenexa, Tony and Harrison Kampling from Madison, Wis., and Matt Kampling from Belgium are staying at the Higgins house for the opening week end of pheasant hunting. This is a father, son, grandson week end for the Kamplings. Martin and Mary have been friends with them for several years and always enjoy their company. Mary says this will probably be a huge "cultural shock" for young Harrison as he's always lived in very huge cities. "
We visited with Harrison Saturday and he shot his first pheasant. Congratulations.
Please send birthday cards to Marjorie Sloan at 3504 C., Ponca City, Ok. 74601. November 20th is her 80th birthday. (Better late than never)!!
The McCracken tree beautification committee appreciates all the hunters and locals who supported the breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings and the soup supper Saturday evening. The breakfast on Saturday was biscuits, sausage gravy, potatoes, juice and coffee; Sunday bacon, sausage, potatoes, pancakes and scrambled eggs and drinks were served. If you didnt make the effort come, you missed some great food. The soups consisted of, chili, corn chowder, green bean dumpling, chicken noodle (homemade) and creamy potato and there were more desserts than you could count.
Shirley Higgins accompanied Tomi Rues, Will, Kate and Emma to Hays Friday evening for the Hays High Musical, Seussical. The students did a grand job and the music was wonderful. Thanks for an enjoyable evening.
We in McCracken were disappointed in the Ellis football loss to Oakley. Our own, Butch Hayes is the coach for Railroaders. R. B. Hayes, Mark and Sharon Miller and Sean Miller were in attendance.
It is always nice to visit with John Langdon and Roy Langdon, Columbia, Missouri, who come often during pheasant season.
Amy Jacobs, Jaden and Tessa were weekend guests of Priscilla Jacobs.
Saturday morning, November 21 the McCracken tree beautification committee will again serve breakfast at the American Legion beginning at 5:30.The menu will be Pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs and drinks. A free will offering is suggested.
Saturday evening, the 21sth, the American Legion will have hamburgers, fries and drinks beginning at 5:00.
Sunday evening there will be a soup supper beginning at 5:00 with a variety of soups and desserts. A free will offering is suggested. Everyone invited.
Eunice North and Dorothy Guidry would enjoy your cards and wishes as they recover from broken hips.
Veterans honored in the Hays Daily News on Veterans Day with a picture were Francis Wierman, James K. Wierman and Robert Tilford.
Francis and Julia Zeller attended the Veterans meal at Applebees in Hays on Veterans Day. Veterans were also honored on Monday, November 16 at Golden Corral.
There will be Mass at St. Marys Catholic Church on Saturday, November 28 at 4:00 p.m. with Father David Kraus presiding. All are welcome.
McCracken History Notes
November 1889
The people of Waring have voted bonds to build a new schoolhouse.
Yesterday John Fudge removed A. T. Brewers child from the Ryan cemetery to the new city cemetery.
The snow storm stopped wheat sowing for the time being, but will probably be resumed when the ground gets in shape again.
November 1909
The young men of McCracken are making preparations to celebrate Thanksgiving in royal style. There will be a big dance at the Opera House and numerous invitations have been extended.
Farmers have been marketing their turkeys here this week and the price is about fifteen cents a pound.
November 1919
Mrs. Alex McCormick, Mrs. Mary Sweeney and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sweeney drove to Kingman Saturday to visit for a few days with Father Chawke.
William Graner sold his Tailor Shop to Ralph Stephens. Will Ramsey will be a part of the shop.
Preparations are being made by the city to put in a drinking fountain at the corner by the Bank of McCracken and the Citizens State Bank.
November 1939
George Havlovitz has finished painting and redecorating the Methodist Church. Bert Ohlemeier helped him with the papering and varnishing.
O. S. Rogers sold 21 steers and 33 Black Angus cows to Mr. Tissue of Grand Island, Nebraska Sunday morning.
LaVern Fletcher left for Brownsville, Pennsylvania Monday where he has employment.
November 1959
Bob and Marlene Funk, Columbus, Nebraska, arrived Friday for a weekend visit at the home of Mrs. Funks parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson.
November 1979
The MHS three act play is Love is Too Much Trouble. Cast members are Tammy Higgins, Kevin Rourke, Craig Stull, Dale Elias, Laura Unrein, Annette Davis, Connie Wittman, Sandra Jacobs, Kelly McKinney, Kerrie Seltman, Norma Elmore, Randy Conrad, Raven Schwindt and Wade Hinman. The director is Rich Billinger.
Sally Irvin has been named to Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
Please e-mail your Thanksgiving news to Shirley at shirleyh@gbta.net or Carolyn at yawgerr@gbta.net