November 15, 2012 News

Birthdays: November 15, Aaron Hale; November 16, Adam Taylor, Twilla Grumbein, Robert Thompson, Sr., Emma Rues, Kevin Miller; November 17, Larry Brenner, Layne Morgan, Hailey Herschbach, Brayden Herschbach; November 19, Madeline Petz; November 20, Bruce Barnes, Verlene Wilson, Lance McCormick, Ellen Moran, Marietta Kirk, Marjorie Sloan; November 21, Sandy Gilbert, Norma Herdman.

Kansas Questions:

1. Who was America's first female war correspondent?

2. The first newspaper in 1872 in Wichita was called the Wichita City Eagle. Who founded it?

3. Who was McConnell Air Force Base named for?

4. What were the names of the five brothers of Dwight D. Eisenhour?

5. What were the names of the Ingalls girls who lived along the Osage Trail?


1. Peggy Hull. Authors from Hays wrote a book about her entitled "The Wars of Peggy Hull". She was born on a farm near Bennington and grew up in Marysville.

2. Col. Marshall Murdock. He also championed the famous land runs into Oklahoma.

3. The McConnell brothers, Thomas, Fred and Edwin. They all enlisted in the Army Air Corp on the same day. They were each co-pilots on B-24 Liberator bombers in the same squadron.

4. Arthur, Edgar, Roy, Earl and Milton.

5. Mary, Laura and Carrie.

A tribute to veterans was held at the United Methodist Church in McCracken Sunday evening, November 11. The tribute was presented by American Legion Post 59. The Boy Scouts, Rylin Anderson, Clay North, Dalton North and Colby Stull, presented and retired  the colors; The UMC English Handbell Choir presented patriotic music. Special recognition of WW II veterans was held for Wilfrid Higgins, Francis and James Wierman. James and Wilfrid were unable to attend; there was recognition of all Veterans in attendance. Babe Gilbert, Diz Washaliski, Bill Zeller, Lester Seuser, John Seymour, Bob Fear, Tony Harp, George Keener, Ron Crawshaw, Bet McCormick, R.B. Hayes, Roy Conrad, Chris Ault and Sharon Irvin. A memorial was held for Glenn Conner, Lonnie Irvin, Roger McNair, Henry “Hank” Swartz and Francis Zeller. Tea and cookies were served after the ceremony. A big thank you to Arlene Gilbert for all her hard work in presenting this tribute.
A get-to-gather was held Thursday evening at Tracy’s in LaCrosse for Charlotte Ochs who celebrated her 90th birthday. Those attending were Arline Rues, Rose Diehl, Arky & Diana McNair, Richard & Johnny Mac Showalter, Galen Watkins, Norma McNair, Helena & Austin McGaughey, Shirley Higgins and the honored guest Charlotte. After dinner they returned to the home of Arky & Diana for cake & ice cream.
I read this last Tuesday on Election Day, an editorial in the Hutch News under Cal Thomas. “There is a virus in Washington that eventually touches nearly all politicians. It’s called incumbency. Once elected, most politicians consider re-election their major goal, not doing the difficult work reforming the tax code, reducing spending and living within the means of the people who do the work and send them money, hoping they will spend it responsibly.
There will be another community and pheasant hunters breakfast Saturday, November 17 and Sunday November 18 at the Community Center beginning at the same time as last week. There will also be a spaghetti, salad and bread supper on Saturday evening, November 18. Relay for Life will be selling the dessert. Dinner is a free will offering. Proceeds to the Beautification Committee.
Our area state football playoffs. . Ness City plays Rock Hills; LaCrosse plays Meade, the Hutchinson Salthawks will play in Derby, Friday. Whoever wins goes on to the championship games played the next week. Derby is rated #1 in class 6A. Let’s hope everyone comes away winners.
Mike and Judy Rues, Garnett were visitors and guests this weekend of Rose Diehl and Arline Rues. They toured the McCracken Museum and St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
Jean Schutte won the beef bundle at the Liebenthal dinner/raffle on Sunday; Roy and Phyllis Conrad won $50.00 Congrats to both.
Hoop & Twila Higgins went to Lakin Saturday to attend the Pheasant Forever Banquet and spent the night with Rich and Mary Lou Higgins. Sunday they went to Spearville for Vic and Susie Parsons’ 40th wedding anniversary reception.
History notes
Nov 1962
Those attending the Harry F. Truman dinner at Hutchinson Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Al Rues, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mary Ann Moran, Orville Durand and Harry Sultzer.
Dwight Eisenhour left Monday for Wichita where he will attend barber school.
Nov 1972
The ground breaking ceremony was held Wednesday for the LaCrosse Furniture Company.
Leanne Morgan and Wade Russell announce their engagement.
Alexander grade School will present a musical program ‘Hansel & Gretel’ on Friday evening. The Gingerbread boys are Neal Jacobs, Doug Elias, Mike Stull, Kevin Casey, Chris Petz, Kirk Rixon, Chris Jones, Tony Rues, Carl Dome, Richard Frick and Chad Herdman.
Nov 1982
Chuck Higgins was offered a contract to fill the position at LaCrosse West at the end of the first semester.
Sharon Robinson and John Irvin were married October 17 at the First Presbyterian Church in Hays. They will be at home on their farm in McCracken.
An open house will be held at the Rural Fire District building. Refreshments will be served by the Health and Home Unit. 

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