

Saturday morning is the beginning of pheasant season.  Please be considerate of land owners this year.  Don’t trash the area, don’t go through wheat fields, and please don’t leave gates open so cattle can get out.  We thank you all in advance.
There is going to be some larapin’ good eats at the McCracken American Legion on Saturday, November 14 from 5:30 a.m. – 11:00 with breakfast.  Biscuits and gravy, potatoes, orange juice and coffee will be served.  Come back at 5:00 – 7:00 for a soup supper.  An assortment of soups, dessert and drink will be served.  A free will offering for both meals.  The proceeds go for tree planting in McCracken.
Was very nice visiting with Janet Appel Struthers of Phoenix in church Sunday morning.
We all were saddened by the tragedy in Ft. Hood, Texas this past week. Several McCrackenites, Guy Conner, Floyd Thompson, Vic Higgins, Curly Juvenal and Diz Washaliski were all stationed there in 1952 – 1955.
Francis and Roberta Wierman were weekend guests of Rita Brethowr, Park City.  Saturday evening they attended the Prairie Rose Chuck Wagon at Benton in honor of Francis’ birthday.  Joining them was Marilyn Sommers.  Sunday morning Francis and Roberta visited with Fr. Kenny. 
Addie Mills was a last Monday through Wednesday guest of Evelyn Cosby in LaCrosse.
 Elza “Hap” Stull, 99, died November 4, 2009 at Hays.  He was born October 14, 1910 in Brownell to Jacob and Jennie Randall Stull.  He was a stockman and rancher.  He married Irene Sekavec at Alexander on June 13, 1933.  She died January 21, 2005.  Survivors include sons, Jon and wife Janice, McCracken; Richard and wife Phyllis, Ness City; daughter, Linda Gearhart and husband Murle, Stillwater, Okla.; six grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren; two step-great grandchildren; five great-great grandchildren; and a step-great-great grandchild.  Burial was in Vansburg Cemetery, Brownell.
This is the 120th anniversary of the H. D. Lee Mercantile Co. of Salina (later moving to Kansas City).  It was founded in 1889 by Henry David Lee.  He was a wholesale grocer and expanded to include notions, stationary, school supplies and eventually the company’s famous overalls and Lee jeans.  The one-piece work overalls,called “Union-Alls” was developed by the company.  It resembled a cross between overalls and a suit of union underwear.  Chet Reynolds, who operated the Leader store in McCracken, became a salesman for H. D. Lee primarily selling the “Union-Alls”. They became so popular they became the Army fatigue uniform for all U.S. soldiers during World War 1.  Chet later became an officer with the company and was the founder of the Cowboy Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City. 
Rev. and Mrs. Larry Brock, Longford, met Aunt Addie Mills at 4 Corners Café on Monday.  After lunch they all motored to McCracken to tour the town and also the cemetery where Larry’s grandparents, Pat and Louise Klee are buried.
Shannon Keith and Brittany Dennis were in McCracken over the weekend for Youth Hunting.  They were accompanied by their dads, Mike Keith and David Dennis.
Marion Sekavec, 85, died November 3, 2009 at Scio, Oregon.  He was born in Brownell on May 6, 1924 to Cenek and Marie Malir Sekavec.  He married Eleanor  Kohlrus on February 7, 1945.  He married second Natalie Ruble in 1996.  Survivors include his children, Tom Sekavec, Brownell; Mary Cox, Portland, Ore., and John Sekavec, Scio, Ore.; nine grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren.  Burial was in Miller Cemetery.
 McCracken History Notes
November 1889
McCracken Enterprise editor visits these Hampton farm:  J. R. Edsall, A. C. Farrington, I. G. Taylor, J. T. McKinzie, J. G. Hubbard, Jr., G C. Zickefoose, George Eibert, J. A. Showalter, B. H. Hicks, J. L. Smiley, Henry Ree, W. A. Brenner.  He also visited the town of Chetolah on the Smoky.  Thomas Fulnhum is proprietor of the hotel and livery stable.  Then he returned to Hampton Township and stopped to visit W. A. Barr, James Nichols, Robert Nichol, Theodore Crouse, Thomas Wilson, J. I. Bennett, Jesse Hardwick, Updegraffs and C. Ream.
McCracken City Officers are Mayor, A. Robertson, Police Judge, A. J. Mills, Councilmen, W. F. Grumbein, G. M. Ryan, J. G. Martin, J. P. Warden and H. S. Haag.
November 1909
Frank Barnett has moved his merry-go-round to McCracken and it will be in operation all Saturday afternoon and evening.
John Rixon made the sale of his farm east of town Tuesday to the real estate firm of Lovitt and Cutler and says he will move to McCracken and take up his residence.  Mr. Rixon got $35 an acre for the 240 acres which constitutes the farm.  Thomas E. and Alfred James of Bevier, Missouri purchased the farm.
Harold Robertson enrolled in the second grade Wednesday.  George Hicks and Ethel Temple enrolled in the ninth grade Monday.
November 1939
A large crowd attended the penny carnival given by the ladies of St. Mary’s parish at the old opera house Monday evening.  Lunch was served late in the evening.  Dorothy Elmore won the door prize; Elizabeth Pavlu won the cake with red hats; Vic Moran and Willetta Gordon won the cake walk prize and Lena Lee Peer and Beverly Irvin won the balloon dance.
Anderson Brothers are remodeling their machine shop and their Gamble store.
The senior class received its class ring which had been ordered for seven weeks.  The rings have a pearl setting with a gold M in the center.  There are three sizes, small costing $7.65; medium $8.50 and large $8.75.
November 1959
In the last football game of the season, Robert Rein scored two touchdowns, Harold Herdman and Lennie Higgins scored one each.  The final score was 25-20.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jennings at San Ysidro, California, a son, Patrick Lyle, November 4.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester McCormick of Wichita, a daughter, Kimberly Joan, November 8.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pat Keener, a girl, Darla Dawn, November 17 at Hays.  Congratulations to all you 50 year olds.
November 1979
At the band and vocal clinic in Dodge City, Janet Conner, Stacy Foreman and Sandy Taylor are in the District 5 band and Rhonda Conrad is in the vocal group.
The junior high girl’s volleyball team won the Qua Valley tournament in Ness City beating Otis-Bison in the championship game.  Members of the team are Paula Crawshaw, Michele Moran, Susan Thompson, Teresa Rosenland, Dixie Bott, Tonya Mangold, Stacy Foreman, Lori Brown and Sarena Higgins.  Coach is Philena Baus.

©2009, McCracken Alumni Association
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