November 11, 2015 News

Birthdays: November 11, Danny Mills, Kelli Sloan, Janice Haney; November 12, Brandon Engleman; Novembere 13, Deb Rogers; November 14, Kayla Weskamp; Khloe Boese, Jeff McCormick, Heather Hart; November 15, Aaron Hale; November 16, Adam Taylor, Twilla Grumbein, Robert Thompson, Sr.; Emma Rues, Kevin Miller; November 17, Layne Morgan, Hailey Herschbach, Brayden Herschbach.

Anniversaries: November 11, Vic and Susie Parsons; November 13, Sean and Laura Bookstore; November 16, Richard and Corrine Baldwin.

Soup and Hamburger Supper will be held at the McCracken American Legion building on Saturday, November 14, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Welcome hunters and townspeople.

It will be frustrating hunting for pheasants this next weekend. It is rare to see one. We do see turkeys quite often and the deer population seems adequate.

Welcome back to McCracken Main Street Literary Society to Ruth Crawshaw. She has recuperated from her knee surgery and is back at McCracken Public Library as librarian. Callie Weber has filled in for her while she was gone. On Tuesday Callie related that she had the best birthday ever with all the wins of her sports teams and NASCAR favorite Jeff Gordon.

I understand that bow hunting can be precarious. A fellow from Wisconsin and his friend DS from Liebenthal got a deer, left it for an hour and when they returned two coyotes were having a meal! Best watch calves this winter.

Congratulations to our two 93 year olds - Charlotte Ochs and Francis Wierman. Also the 85th for Twilla Grumbein. All the students who attended Alexander Grade School were extremely happy to have her and Velma Morgan as their cooks.
We are blessed to have the fine musicians at McCracken United Methodist Church. I echo, Shirley, the services for the veterans was exceptional. Carol Ryan led a beautiful service in tribute of the veterans of all wars. Our thanks to the Seymours of LaCrosse for bringing their grandson to the services in honor of his father who is on active duty.

The McCracken library appreciates all who attended the soup supper and film – “Road to Valhalla” and your generosity. The library will continue to raise money to replace the heater and A/C units and are still accepting donations.

Les and Rose Diehl spent the weekend in McCracken and attended the soup supper and film. Ron and Cathy Casey and Alex also spent the weekend at their home here in ‘the City’. Alex and Cathy helped with the soup supper.

Congratulations to Evee Randolph who was the winner of the quilt in the drawing held at the soup supper. Evee is the 5 month daughter of Holly Randolph, LaCrosse.

Corbin Schuckman, grandson of Myron and Debi, lost his first tooth this past week. We are positive the tooth fairy was very generous.

Christopher and Kate Schuckman placed 1st in a Halloween costume contest held in Kansas City. They were dressed as Bettle Juice and Miss Argentina.

Katelyn Engel participated in the Northwest KMEA mini concert held in Hays High School on Saturday. She is an 8th grader at Hays Middle School.

Our prayers and thoughts are with the family of Luke Schemm who collapsed and died at the football game held Tuesday night in Sharon Springs.

Clinton and Blake Swan and Jay Dolcshal, Kansas City, spent the weekend in McCracken just ‘hanging’ out.

Tim Rues was a weekend guest of his mother, Arline Rues. He was a featured actor in the film “Road to Valhalla” and friend of the director, Ken Spurgeon. Tim, ‘bravo’ on your Academy Award winning performance!!!

Jerry and Jodi Higgins attended the K-State – Baylor football game Saturday. They were joined by Tanner and Jenna.

The program honoring our veterans held at the UM Church Sunday in McCracken, was as always, very special.

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