Nov 8
"Martin Higgins, Lenexa, left Oct. 25 for L.A. where he attended the ASTRO Physicists meeting. He will fly to Denver on Nov. 1 where he will meet up with Mary. They will spend the week end in Denver celebrating Suellen (Higgins) Amateis' 50th birthday. Sue's daughter Sara, son Phil, and husband Larry, have been planning this party for a couple of months so everyone has had to be very careful about not "spilling the beans" to Sue. Tracy and Leann Higgins, San Diego, Sara, San Diego, Jan Higgins, Scottsbluff, NE., Mary and Martin, Lenexa, Joe Higgins and Cyndi Yauger, Kansas City, MO., and many friends in the Denver area will be joining Suellen Saturday night to celebrate her big day. "I'll report to you later if Joe does capture a ghost in his pictures!"
Chuck Higgins officiated in Salina last weekend with Kathy Kopfman who is a granddaughter of Melvin Higgins. Small world.
Stop in at the McCracken Library and see all the "Little Turkeys" artwork. Their little hands can make beautiful master pieces. This past Saturday morning, Story Hour was full of kids. Those attending were Brandon, Carson, & Logan North, Lexi & Zoë Anderson, Clay & Dalton North, Kate & Will Rues, and Katelyn & Taylor Doornbos. Thanks to Shirley Higgins for the treats - more Chocolate!
Congratulations to Melissa Schuckman and Drew Thompson on their marriage Saturday, November 3, 2007 in the United Methodist Church in Sterling, Kansas. Parents of the bride are Donnie and the late Donna Schuckman. Among the guests attending were Brenda Gerard, Jarod and Stacy Scheetz and family, Bob House, Addie Mills, Bruce and Ellen Kershner and Addie, Bruce and Sue Davis, Eric and Melissa Davis, Brian, Lisa and Madison Davis, Nettie Chestnut, Allen and Cheryl Werth, Matt Groff and Stephanie, Dustin and Lisa Day and family, Kerri Groff, Dave and Carolyn Davenport, Lenora Stremel, Lanette Mathews, Delores Gore and family and Debra Rogers.
John Langdon and his son Roy Langdon and several friends were weekend guests in McCracken doing some hunting. They were called home early because Roys brother-in-law had fallen and died. Our sympathy to the family.
Diana & Arky McNair had as their guests for hunting this weekend, Curtis, Ray, Jason and Cliff all from Denver.
Kelly Walker was here this past week visiting his mother, Phyllis Higgins. Saturday evening he motored to Hoisington where he visited with Lonnie and Tammy Irvin and other McCracken friends.
Frank Foster was a weekend guest of Kenny Foster.
Congratulations to Fritzie and Antonella Foster, on the birth of a daughter born October 29, 2007 in Reggio Calabria, Italy. She has been named Georgia. Her big sister, Sophia, welcomes her home.
Thanks to Dave Oborny the spreader tree on 4th and Beech is gone. It looks pretty bare.
Les and Rose Diehl attended the KU Nebraska game in Lawrence on Saturday then motored to Hoisington where they watched Hoisington defeat Salina Sacred Heart 45-35 that evening. Hoisington travels to Garden Plains Friday, November 9. The game begins at 7.
LeRoy Gilbert was here over the week-end and attended the LaCrosse Oakley football game with Babe and Arlene Gilbert.
We think this would be a good idea! When you make out your Christmas card list this year, please add. . . A Recovering American Soldier, c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6900 Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20307-5001.
Neal Jacobs underwent quadruple by-pass surgery this past week, he is now home recovering and doing very well. You may send a card to 1230 South Threewood, Wichita, Kansas 67235.
Oops, missed the most important part of the news article about the Ness City Cross Country Team that took 2nd at the State Meet. . . . Levi White, son of Kelly Funk Weber and grandson of Bob and Marlene Wilson Funk is a member of the team.
Pete Rixon was fixing a hose underneath the camper when the pickup that was hooked to the camper moved pulling him several feet causing many, many abrasions. He also broke a hip and several ribs. You may send cards to 600 Parker Lane, Granbury, TX 76048
Carol Weber, Diana McNair and Nicole Tarbell were busy at Happy Hollow Designs sewing to help Tammy Carlson get ready for War Eagle Fair near Springdale, Arkansas on October 17-22. Tammy received the runner-up ribbon for her booth. When Tammy and Carol returned, Nicole and Linda Bittel flew to Houston to attend the International Quilt Market, October 25-30. Now that everyone is back home, Christmas decorations were put up for the Open House on November 2-4.
An easy cookie recipe for the holidays. Butterpecan Cookies. Preheat oven to 350*, add 2 eggs well beaten, add ? cup of oil. Mix well. Add one Betty Crocker Butterpecan cake mix, mix all together. Add 1 cup of chopped pecans and mix. Bake at least 12 minutes but do not over bake.
Wow, my 5 second claim to fame was ruined!!!!! Right picture, wrong name.
Our sympathy to the family of Stanley V. Irvin, 66, who died October 31, 2007 at KU Medical Center in Kansas City. He was the son of Lester V. and Beulah Fern North Irvin and was born August 11, 1941 in Hays. He married Phyllis Taylor on September 6, 1970 in Denver. He was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, three sons, Mark, Michael and Rayland; a sister Cheryl Long; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Burial was in McCracken City Cemetery.
Tim Rues sent a website that shows a map of Kansas in the 1870s. Hampton and Alexander are shown. It is http// 1.
Those attending the Flamenco Vivo on November 1 at Beach-Schmidt Performing Arts Center were Francis and Julia Zeller, John and Melanie Zeller, Shirley Higgins, Carol Weber, Susan Rebel, Sharon Lovitt, Carolyn Thompson, Judy and Al Hugh and John and Sharon Irvin. The next program is November 14. It is Cirque-Works Birdhouse Factory a circus group.
All the rock is gone from the Paper Moon Café Building. On Monday trucks and loaders were in the process of loading the rest of the building for disposal. This has been a professional job. So many times buildings are left for years before being cleaned up.
Since my good name was used in the Golden Belt paper, I think I should have $50 also!!!! Actually, it was impossible for me to win as I thought K-State would win. Shirley voted for KU. Many people think Shirley and I are interchangeable. It is a form of flattery. There is no way this column or our books could be successful without her. I am truly grateful to have been associated with her for all these years.
I sure have seen a lot of KU hats, jackets etc since the Saturday game. Their fans are ecstatic which they should be. Some of the Nebraska fans tried to hide their hats
Where are you going for Thanksgiving? Please e-mail us so that we can put your news in the column. Carolyn, or Shirley,
We hear good reports on the first weekend of pheasant season. It is always fun to see all the hunters come to town.
Also we appreciate all those who tell us that they cant wait to read our column and the Rush County News.
Congratulations to LaCrosse and to Ellis who had excellent seasons. Unfortunately they wont advance to next weekends play.
McCracken History Notes
November 1887
The McCracken Enterprise will accept anything at this office on subscription except chips. Before winter is over we may be glad to take that!
Several of our young folks attended a Lyceum at the Elias schoolhouse Saturday.
November 1907
A beautiful and quiet wedding occurred last Wednesday evening at the home of the brides father, Mr. Charles West of Saunders when Mr. Homer Albright and Miss Minnie West were united in marriage by Rev. R. L. Greer of McCracken. They will be at home northeast of McCracken.
A sizeable hog is still worth any where from fifteen to twenty dollars while steers are selling at from four to five dollars per hundred. Butter 25 cents lb; potatoes 9 cents bushel; apples 2.50 a bushel; sirloin steak 15 cents pound; pork 15 cents lb; eggs 18 cents dozen.
Charles Kinnamon finished Cutlers barn a few days ago and topped the cupola with a tin horse.
November 1937
M. M. (Shack) Stephens was seen walking home carrying his shoes. Reports have it that he was either on the wrong end of a wager or was getting a tidy sum for performing the act.
Market Report: No. 1 wheat, 85 cents.
November 1947
Kenneth Thompson, who teaches in the school at Logan, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson.
Ralph Oxford and the following scouts went to Hutchinson Friday to attend the scout Circus, Richard Gordon, Stanley Wahl, Allan Thompson, Dicky Buxton, William Spomer, Kenneth Brackney Pat keener, Charley Jacobs and John and Wesley Rixon. The boys won first place in cooking.
The McCracken Girl scouts presented a three-scene play written by themselves at the McCracken grade school on November 17. Those taking part were Shirley Brackney, Gail Conner, Betty Davis, Shirley Lovitt, Yvonne McFarren, Alberta Moses, Priscella Rixon, Lynnette Pearson, Barbara Davis and LuAnn Scheideman. Mrs. Sylvester Scheideman is the leader.
November 1957
Earle Fletcher, Albuquerque, New Mexico, took a wire recording direct from the code being sent out by the missile Sputnik, as it was making its orbit through our skies during the second day after its launching.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Seltmann on the birth of a daughter, Julie Beth, born November 4, 1957. Congratulations Julie on your 50th a little bit late.
Doris Fay McAfee and Richard D. Shiney were united in marriage November 8, 1957, in Topeka.
November 1967
St. Marys Altar Society members were entertained by musical numbers presented by students of the McCracken Schools. There were Maureen Janke, Gloria Baus, David Halbleib and Claudine Owings.
The seventh and eight graders out for basketball practice are Frank Foster, Daryl. Casey, David Wetzel, Danny Mills, Steven McFarren, Steve Sloan, Greg Buster, Keith Higgins, Myron Schuckman, DeWayne Foos, John Showalter, John Zeller.
November 1977
McCracken Knights of Columbus Council has been organized. Father Rory ONeill is chaplain; Grand Knight, Danny Petz; Chancellor, Roy Conrad; Financial Secretary, Donald Petz; Recording Secretary, Darrell Petz; Inside Guard, Robert McGaughey; Advocate, Julius Unrein; Two-year Trustee, Vincent Moran; Deputy Grand Knight, William Moran; treasurer, LeeRoy Schuckman; Warden, Fred Taylor; Outside Guard, Charles Halbleib; Three-year Trustee, Robert Janke; One-year Trustee, Sylvester Conrad.
USD 395 School Board, requires teachers hired during the spring and summer of 1977 and thereafter must make their residence in the district.
November 1987
Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Crawford attended Co. E. 137 Inf. Reunion at McPherson on Saturday.
Tricia Seltmann was one of the 135 members of the 10th annual All Community College band.
November 1997
Nicole Moran is a member of the Fort Hays State University Pep Band.
New trees planted at the City Park were Northern Red Oak, River Birch, Bur Oak, Flowering Hawthorne, Green Ash, Red Maple, Cottonwood and Sumac. Scotch Pines were planted south of swimming pool and twenty-two at the cemetery.