RCNews Nov 3

Hoop and Twila Higgins spent last week in Wyoming. They visited with Larry, Melody and Matt Higgins in Riverton. Enroute home they stopped at Wheatland, Wyoming to visit granddaughter Hayley and Jake Robertson and Carly and got to see and meet the new great grandson Coy Robertson. They also visited with Susan Bednasek. 
Leigh Anderson received a Blue ribbon for the BEST peanut brittle category and a Purple for Best in Section which included all candy in the Virginia State Fair last week.
The Halloween spook parade took place on Main Street in downtown McCracken, Saturday, October 29. Some of  those participating were Bruce & Sue Davis and grandchildren Hunter and Landon Davis; Lynnette Doornbos, John, Tayler, & Katelyn Engel; Grandpa Tony Harp, Tomi, and Tony Rues, Emma, Kate, Will, & Shelby; Rose Jones, Miriam Hecker, Jessica Hecker-Jones; Marge Moran, Nicole & Maddie Kirk. Michele Moran; Valerie Anderson, Lexi, Zoe, Rylin, Kameron, Sadie and Quinn; Ruth Crawshaw, Wendell and Gladys Hinman, Sharon Irvin, Norma McNair, Austin McGaughey, Rosemary Diehl, Tyrel Elias & Quintin, The ‘spooks’ met at library, took pictures, went to Boondocks Bar & Grill for treats then walked to the UM Church. Hotdogs, kool aid, a variety of cookies, and treats were served to the kids. Spider man, an alligator, a Nerd, Scream, Ryan O’Neal, Medusa, & a Greek goddess were some of the costumes. The library thanks everyone who donated cookies, etc. etc.
Hunter and Landon Davis, Hutchinson, spent the last week with their grandparents, Bruce and Sue Davis.
The McCracken Alumni appreciates Fitzgerald Mortuary, Ness City for the name plates, numbers and letters that go on the crosses to be placed in the McCracken Cemetery for those graves that do not have a headstone; and for the graves that have lost the marker placed by the funeral home. The mortuary let us have them for half the cost.
The Hutchinson High School football team will play Hays High School football team Friday, November 5 in Hays at Lewis Field Stadium in a playoff game. Tanner Higgins is a member of the Hutchinson team.
If you have not given a donation to the Veteran Wreath committee, please do so. This is a very worthy cause. Wreaths will be placed on the graves of veterans in the McCracken City Cemetery and St. Mary’s Cemetery on Advent Sunday. PLEASE help honor these veterans. You may contact Arlene Gilbert with your donation. Thank you!
Birthdays:  November 3, Kayla Beth Casey; November 4, Tony Rues; November 5, Mel Basgall, Lynnette Doornbos; November 7, Troy Petz, Dave Libberton; November 8, Chris Jones, Francis Wierman, Janice Stull, Kim Townsend, Charlotte Ochs; November 9, Chuck Higgins, Virginia Taylor, Gavin Hayes.
Anniversaries:  November 7, Chad and Norma Herdman; November 8, Darwin and Lynnette Grumbein.
Eleven in eleven!  Congratulations to all those Cardinal Baseball fans out there on their World Series win.  They had a formidable foe in the Texas Rangers.
The Jail/Museum has received a yardstick from Danny Downs, Topeka, from Farmers Co-op. Business Ass'n Phone 103, Station Phone 46, McCracken, Kans.
Also received from Ellen Kershner is a copy of the program of the McCracken Centennial Players.  It was for the "1999 Variety Show: Laugh-In" held on July 10, 1999.  The Announcer, Francis Zeller, Dan Rowan, Diz Washaliski, Dick Martin, Babe Gilbert.  First Girl, Deb Gaunt, Preacher, Chuck Higgins, Second Girl, Ellen Kershner, Dumb Blond, Paulette Harp, Third Girl, Jan North, Old Maid, Shirley Higgins, Fourth Girl, Sharon Irvin, Fifth Girl, Lynette Harp, Male Hippie, Furlen Irvin, Sixth Girl, Kayla Irvin, Female Hippie, Rose Jones, Poem "Why I Like Lizards, Jerry Higgins; Seventh Girl, Janice Stull, German Soldier, Bob Wolfe, Dirty Old Man, Bob House.  Special performances by Deb Gaunt and Bob Wolf; Streets of Laredo and the Auctioneer, The Smothers Brothers, The Foster Brothers or The Other Brothers featuring Bob and Frank Foster.  Helpers were Mike and Mary Beth Peach (who were expecting) and Roy and Phyllis Conrad.  We understand that the McCracken Centennial Players are planning on presenting a new variety show after the first of the year.  We look forward to it.
James K. Wierman gave some Rush and Ness County Newspapers to the museum.
Jeanette McCormick had shoulder surgery on Thursday at Great Bend.  She is taking therapy at Hays.
Arky McNair had knee surgery at Great Bend.  He is doing Swing Bed therapy at Ransom.
Arline Rues and Alex Casey attended the funeral of Arline's third cousin, Carl Immenschuh, 70.  Carl was the son of Edward and Bernice Ingraham Immenschuh. He was born at the family home in Fellsburg, Kansas.  He and his wife Vallene started Pelican Photographics, the Pelican Press and the Kinsley Graphic.  He married Vallene Oetken at Albert on June 3, 1961. Burial was at Peace Lutheran Church in Albert.
Joel and Ann Fitzgerald, Ness City celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on October 21.  Joel Fitzgerald and Ann McCracken were married on October 21, 1961 in the First Baptist Church in Ness City.  They have a son Joel 11 his wife Judy and daughter, Heather Seratte and her husband Scott.  They have five grandchildren.
We had a wonderful letter from Sally Buster.  Duke and Sally's children - Miles is 19, Hailey is 17 and Mariah is 14.  Miles attends New Mexico State University in Las Cruces studying Mechanical Engineering.  This past summer he worked as an intern for Sandia National Labs.  He will return there next summer.  Hailey is a senior in high school.  She is drum major for the band and plays flute in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony.  The AYS will tour Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic in June.  Mariah plays soccer. She plays trumpet in the Albuquerque Junior Symphony.  She is in the top Jazz band for the middle school.  Larry, Donna and Hayden Buster moved to Perth, Australia in June.  Greg and Bev Buster's daughter Lydia finished law school and lives in Denver.  She has passed the Colorado bar exam.  Riley works in Victor, Idaho as a golf course manager.
Rich and Linda Conrad, St. Louis, are here visiting his father, Sylvester Conrad.
Verlene Wilson and Carolyn Thompson returned home after a ten day trip to to the east coast. At Wichita when they flew out they were surprised to have Myron Schuckman and Steve Sawyer on their flight to Chicago.  Steve is a step-nephew of Carolyn's.   At Myrtle Beach, South Carolina they went to a National Historic Landmark - Brookglenn Gardens.  It encompases four early day plantations. Archer and Ann Hyatt Huntington created this non-profit outdoor museum with its majestic oaks and world-renowned sculpture in 1932. Many of the sculpture were done by Ann.  She liked to sculpt in aluminum and bronze.  She felt she was a better sculptor of animals so each of her creations had a human form and an animal.   There are 1,400 bigger than life sculptures in the Garden. The travelers then flew to North Carolina where they stayed with Jim Yori and his daughter, Betty and granddaughter, Jade in Eagle Springs.  Since Shannon and Donna McKinney just live about twenty miles away, they came to get, Verlene, Carolyn and Jim for a tour of Pinehurst, where the 2013 Men and Women's Golf Open will be held and to Fort Bragg.  They enjoyed a barbecue meal at the Pik and Pig and enjoyed a visit to Shannon and Donna's home.
Faith Sharing met on Monday morning at St. Mary's Rectory.  Those attending were Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte, Jeanette McCormick, Shirley Higgins and Carolyn Thompson.  My thanks to Jeanette for conducting the Faith Sharing while I was gone. CT
Kansas Notes
Here are some questions and answers about Kansas.
Chris Connely played in what two famous movies?  "Payton Place" and "Paper Moon"
What lake is located southwest of Hays?  Cedar Bluff
How long is the Garvey Grain Elevator?  more than a half mile
What Kansan was nominated for an Academy Award for best supporting actress in 1960?  Shirlee Knight  
What city was called "Queen of the Cowtowns"?  Dodge City
McCracken History Notes
November 1911
Eggs are selling as high as 25 cents a dozen at local grocery stores, an increase of 2 to 3 cents since Monday.
The Kansas-Missouri football game at Columbia, Missouri, Saturday was a tie of 3 to 3.  The Jayhawkers had the best of the chase almost up to the finish when the Tigers tied the score by a drop kick.
November 1941
Work on a new Assembly of God Church will be launched at an early date.  The lumber to be used was obtained by the wrecking of the old skating rink at LaCrosse.  The rink was only a few years old and the lumber is all in good condition.  The present structure will be completely torn out and new basement walls laid on a special reinforced tile.  Rev. Hollis is the minister.  Until the new church is ready, church services will be held in the parsonage.
It is rumored that Anderson Bros. are on a deal for the old Shaefer building as a new locatgon for their machine shop and garage.
November 1961
Joyce Showalter Eisenhour is among thirty two Fort Hays State College seniors who have been elected to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities.  Joyce is a 1958 McCracken High School graduate majoring in music education.  She is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota, professional music society, Women's Leadership Organization, Alpha Lambda Delta, honorary scholastic group and Music Educators National Conference.
November 1981
Three foreign students arrived in Rush County from Francis Lewis High School in New York City.  Riva Mizrachi is a guest at the Lester Higgins home and Jeff Fields is with the Thayne Jones family; Ken London, teacher, is a guest of the Terry Seltmann family.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Madorin, a daughter, Anna Christine, November 7.

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