Nov 1
A note from Jimmy Nick Higgins and his family in San Diego during the fires. There were 2 major fires, the north fire was closest to them but thankfully they missed evacuation by 2 miles.
The authorities are being very conservative and are moving people early, they estimate 500,000 people have been displaced. We may have learned something from the fires 4 years ago.
Leanne's sister and her family were evacuated yesterday but returned home the next day.
The fire 4 years ago was closer and of more concern. We could see the fire then, had a lot of ash and soot. Not this time, minimal soot but you could smell it in the air.
Kathy Hurd evacuated Jeff and the kids to Phoenix where they stayed with their uncle, Brad Lovitt. Their house was spared but was covered with dust and soot. Jeff and the kids came back Friday.
Neal Jacobs was invited recently to attend the annual BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Railroad Conference in Dallas. As General Manager for the Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad he received the award for Shortline Railroad of the Year. Along with attending the conference, K&O was also invited to attend the Dallas Cowboys New England Patriot game. Neal had a great time and a highlight of the event was getting to meet the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders! He did miss out on the annual pumpkin carving in McCracken that granny Pris hosts every year.
The Olpe volley ball coach, Marilyn Stueve, says her family LOVES coming to the McCracken Rodeo every year!
Laura Rein Bookstore was a scorekeeper at the 1-A state volleyball tournament.
Jerry Higgins was presented an award Saturday afternoon at Gross Memorial for being an official for the Kansas State Athletic Association twenty years.
It was nice visiting with Adam and Trisha North Saturday at the state volleyball tournament in Hays. Adam is a math and physics teacher in Stockton and also an assistant basketball coach. Trisha is a social studies teacher in Sharon Springs and one of the volleyball coaches.
A visit with Jerry Casey tells us his son, Justin Casey, is a member of the Fort Hays State basketball squad. He was a walk on and made the team.
The Ness City Eagles cross-country track team placed 2nd at the 1A state meet.
Staci Elias was seen at the volleyball tournament in Hays and also in Salina. She brought Doug and Maggie with her to Salina.
Chuck Higgins visited with Sue Knoebber Coffman in Salina this weekend. Her volleyball team, Andover, placed 4th.
Abie & Glenda Pfannenstiel, Joe and Wilma Pfannenstiel Schafer were in McCracken Sunday afternoon visiting. Wilma was in the 1955 MHS graduating class.
We wish Ron Cooper and his fiancé a very happy marriage which will take place in the very near future. Congratulations!
Eunice North and Janice Basgall attended the Anna Irvin Brandon Legleiter wedding in LaCrosse on Saturday
We all visited with Sanford and Juanita Foreman, Steve, Nadine, Kyle and Jessie Foreman, Cheryl & Milt Larson & family, Stacy & Terry Spenst and family Saturday at the Irvin-Legleiter wedding in LaCrosse.
Francis & Julia Zeller, John & Melanie Zeller and Bill Zeller motored to Larned on Sunday afternoon and visited with the family of Kathleen Martin Ruehlen. Gary Kuehlen, wife and daughter; and Kathleens daughters Kay and Karen.
The Hoisington Lincoln Elementary was designated as a National Blue Ribbon School Award Winner. It is one of the most prestigious education awards in the country. There were 4 other schools in Kansas and 286 other schools in the Nation. Tammy Irvin is a 5th grade teacher at the school.
The Spook Parade sponsored by the McCracken Public Library had the following participants: Stephanie Greenway, Caden Morgan, Taylor Doornbos, Johanna Pfeiffer, Sierra Pfeiffer, Erin Pfeiffer, Marrisa Pfeifer, Cody Pfeiffer, Austin McGaughey, Megan Erb, Dalton North, Clay North, Erica Gilbert, Courtney Gilbert, Zach Peach, Brendon Peach, Garret McCormick, Cody Burns, Bradley Pfannenstiel, Emma Bolz, Rylan Anderson, Lexi Anderson, Zoe Anderson, Kamryn Anderson. All the costumes were unique, but Austins was unusual he was an outhouse with a fellow sitting in the outhouse. They began at the Library and walked to the Golden Agers Center for hot dogs, then went to the Methodist Church for the Haunted House.
Leona Lampe, 85, who died October 22, 2007 at Kinsley was an aunt of Sharon Lovitt. Burial was at Windthorst. Bill and Sharon Lovitt attended the funeral on Wednesday.
Jan North and Carolyn Thompson were in LaCrosse on Sunday to visit Icis Eisenhour and Grace Thompson. Jan took Icis over to the LTC to visit Grace.
William Thomas Skaggs, 85, died October 18, 2007 at Pocatello, Idaho. He was born July 21, 1922, in Brownell to Ben and Grace Ryan Skaggs. He graduated from Brownell High School in 1940. He had a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas. He retired from J. R. Simplot Co of Pocatello in 1985. He marred Carol Mae Wyman on June 16, 1946. She survives. Other survivors include a son, Bob Skaggs, a daughter, Kay Durman, three grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Graveside services were held at Brownell (Vansburg Cemetery) on Saturday, October 27. He was a classmate of Francis Zeller in the Class of 1940.
Francis Zeller had a call from Dean Birdsong who lives in San Diego. The biggest problem for him was the smoke. His son is a policeman and he was extremely busy during the fires.
We are happy to report that Joy Hunter had a wonderful 80th birthday. Congratulations.
And the Walls Came tumbling down! The post rock building on the corner of Main and Beech was torn down on Thursday. The next project is the clean-up phase.
Sandy Jacobs, Sean Peters, Ron Crawshaw and the Greenway boys worked most of the weekend to clean up the lot at Main and Locust and clean-up was done on the garage on the south end of Main. Also burned down was the Durfee house (Pfannenstiel home). All these efforts make the town look nicer.
Roger Legleiter lost his barn to a fire on Saturday. One of his regrets is the loose of his rooster.
McCracken History Notes
November 1887
Those running for township offices are: Treasurer Salem Burgner; Trustee John R. Edsall; Constables Peters Metz and P. M. Temple; Justice of Peace Charles Huntoon.
The Gill boys were arrested Thursday and brought before Judge Younkin, charged with assaulting G. M. N. Parker with rocks. (This is the local teacher)
November 1907
A farewell reception was given Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brown at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ryan last evening at which about 60 guests were present. They will be moving to Anthony, Kansas. They have been residents of this county for the past 25 years. Mr. Brown has held the position of McCracken Postmaster, Register of Deeds and Sheriff of Rush County.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Irvin last evening a fine boy.
Miss Blanche Ryan, Miss Mable Twiselton and Miss Mary Brown left Saturday morning for Lindsborg where they will attend Bethany College.
November 1937
The first and second graders having perfect attendance this month are Phyllis Cheney, James Higgins, Bob House, Joan Ryan, Donald Smith, Roy Gene Saunders, Willard Thompson, Georgina Unrein, Uberta Warta, Dwain Juvenal, Maxine Moses, Billie Joe Moran, Shirley Sperry, Alice Weesner, Calvin Wilson and Glenda Pedigo.
Miss Genevieve Conrad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Conrad became the bride of Michael Schuckman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schuckman in St. Josephs Church in Liebenthal. They will make their home in Liebenthal.
November 1947
Glen Eisenhour and family moved the first of the week to their basement house in west McCracken.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Westfall of Hays are parents of an eight pound fourteen oz. girl, Lavetta Lou, born Saturday, October 25. Mrs. Westfall is the former Iona Pratt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pratt.
.Those attending the Old Settlers Reunion at Rush Center last week were Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Yawger, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grumbein, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hardwick, A. L. and J. E. Irvin.
November 1957
The annual Halloween party sponsored by the Community Club was held on Main Street Thursday evening. Features of the party were a costume parade, with hot dogs, doughnuts, marshmallows, apples, coffee and cocoa being served. Those receiving prizes for their costumes were Vic Parsons, Debbie Derr and Kirby Petz in the pre-school group, Kenneth Showalter, Dennis Elias and Doug Whitis in the lst, 2nd 3rd and 4th grades; Jan Eisenhour, Jametta Peters, Wendell Conrad and Janie Graff in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Higgins on the birth of a daughter, Suellen Ruth, born November 2, 1957 in Lacrosse.
November 1967
Roslyn Moran is doing her student teaching in the English department at Great Bend High School. Atha Kershner, second grade in Hays.
MHS Senior Class will present the play Me and My Shadow.
Sister Mary Finnian Moran (Jean) is in critical condition after an accident in which another nun was killed.
November 1977
Robin Schuckman and Dottie Koeperich were married October 29 at St. Josephs Church in Hays.
Rev. Lloyd Swindler will be in the pulpit at the United Methodist Church on Sunday.
November 1987
Jeff Crawshaw was an attendant in the Bazine football homecoming. Crown bearer was Aaron McGaughey.
Melissa Rene Seltmann received the Emily Berger scholarship at Kansas University.
November 1997
Sue Coffman is the volleyball coach at Andover, a 5A school. Her team played at State in Topeka.
Addie Mills accompanied Joy Hunter to Oklahoma City for the 49th Fighter Squadron Reunion. Joy visited a friend, Norma Campbell, who is the wife of one of Hammer Mills military buddies.