RCNews Oct 29
Ray Slemp, Lawton, Oklahoma, was a week end guest of his brother, James and Billie Slemp in LaCrosse. They attended the 3 day Carr auction in Larned.
Bill and Sharon Lovitt returned home from San Diego where they were guests of Jeff and Kathy Hurd, Eric, Austin and Audra. They were also guests of Brad Lovitt in Phoenix for a few days before returning home.
Chuck Higgins, Tammy Irvin, Shirley Higgins, Kyra Horesky, Jodi and Jerry Higgins attended the Hutchinson freshman football game in Hays on Monday afternoon. Tanner Higgins is a member of the Hutchinson team.
Mrs. Ted Gray, mother of Ruth Crawshaw, is a resident in the Rush County Nursing home, LaCrosse.
I have heard some of the things your trick or treater wont tell you are: old people are either very generous or give you one little piece of candy, there is no in-between;The cuter your costumes, the more candy you get; When your parents chaperone, mom always says, mind your manners and be polite and my dad says, whad ya get, any popcorn balls? Our dads always let us stay out later than our moms; Our favorite candy is Tootsie Rolls, Kit Kats, Nerds, Twizzlers, Jolly Ranchers, Starbursts, Skittles, Snickers and Whoppers, our bad loot is definitely toothbrushes; Dont get stuck behind little kids at the door, they take like forever; Dont show your teacher what you have in your lunch bag the day after Halloween, you know he/she will definitely pick out all your Reeces Peanut Butter Cups; did you know that pillowcases hold twice as much as plastic grocery bags?
Enjoy your Halloween!!
Mamie Crawshaw spent a night in the hospital after being bit by a spider.
Austin McGaughey donated some items he found at the old Creamery to the Jail/Museum.
Helen Irvin Goering gave a donation to the Jail/Museum.
Those attending the Encore Series performance of In the Mood on Monday evening were Francis and Julia Zeller,Bill Zeller, John and Melanie Zeller, Mary Higgins, John and Sharon Irvin, Al and Judy Hugh, Rose Diehl, Sue Davis, Zelda Brack, Ruthetta Irvin, Carol Weber, Carolyn Thompson, Galen Allen and Shirley Higgins.
Shirley Harp stopped by on Monday afternoon. She said Bill is moving back to Great Falls, Montana, with his company General Mills.
Mike Karlin was a Sunday evening through Tuesday guest of Addie Mills. While Mike was here they visited with Marilyn Mills at Gorham, Jack Klee in Hays, Bruce and Sue Davis and Rosie Diehl.
There was an interesting article in the American Profile regarding the Six-Man Football teams in Texas. McCracken played six man. We have some films of the teams in the 50s of those who played six man. Six-man was started in 1934 in Nebraska and it is expanding today. There are 126 schools playing in Texas and a growing number of private schools. They expect 100 private schools to take up the sport. The film that Merle OLoughlin took shows the large crowds that attended the McCracken games with their cars parked along the edge of the field. The field was at the north end of town where the rodeo participants now park their vehicles.
This is the last week for giving to the Rush County United Fund Drive. A big thank you to all who have already donated. (Hand written notes will be coming soon!) This drive is important because it helps all of us locally. We are making a difference! The drop off is at the library and there are extra forms there if anyone needs one.
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society met Tuesday evening with Tomi Rues in charge. Those attending were Mary Higgins, Rose Diehl, Julia Zeller, Thayne Jones, Suzanne Randa, Susan Rebel, Carolyn Thompson and Shirley Higgins.
Our thanks to Ron Crawshaw for mowing around the Jail/Museum.
McCracken History Notes
October 1889
Mr. Kirpatricks team got loose in some way from the rack on Main Street last night and was found south of town. The wagon was struck by the passenger train and completely wrecked.
There will be a grand platform dance at the Liebenthal fair on October 30 The McKittrick Band will furnish the music.
October 1909
Miss Louise Krecker enrolled in the High School this week.
The editor is under obligations to A. W. Joseph and M. B. Rush for nice turnips left at this office.
Andy Murphy has gone to Reno, Nevada, to look after an estate his deceased brother owned there.
The first real heavy frost of the season fell in this vicinity Tuesday night and it was cold enough to freeze water which was left standing outside. The farmers who have not yet sown their wheat will have to hustle in order to get their grain into the ground before the ground freezes.
October 1919
Earlenbaugh and Grumbein shipped a car of poultry yesterday to New York.
The Ryan Lumber Company of McCracken has so liberally granted the high school the use of the driveway of their lumber shed for a basketball court. The girls team includes Kate Davidson, Edna Fear, Nina Hunt, Neva Harris, Loraine Robertson and Ionne Miller.
October 1939
Mrs. Susan Wagner is circulating a petition to the State Highway Commissioner to have Highway 4 oiled on its right of way within the city limits of McCracken.
October 1959
The visiting Mustangs held the upper hand over the Schoenchen squad Friday and picked up their first victory of the season, 25-13. Scoring for McCracken were Bob Peters, Robert Rein, Harold Herdman and Veryl Stephenson. They won over Odin the next week 19-9. Bobby Higgins and Lennie Higgins scored two touch downs in the first quarter.
Ivan Krug opened a law office on Main Street in LaCrosse.
October 1979
Ruth Yawger and Katharen Rodeman received their 50 year pins at the Eastern Star meeting Monday.
Richard Conrad is employed as a cartographer with the defense department in St. Louis.
Billy Harp was honored at a birthday party on his 8th birthday. Friends attending were Joel Miller, Reed Blackwell, Troy and Travis Williams, Terri Petz, Treva and Clayton Wilson, Annissa and Roy Bedard, Matthew Hays, Todd, Tammy, Shelly and Jamie Sewell, Lynnette, Brian and Michael Harp.