Oct 25
Mary and Martin Higgins, Lenexa, flew to Atlanta on Wednesday, Oct. 10 as Martin's sales territory has changed.  He'll now report to the district office in Atlanta and all of the Southeastern states along with Puerto Rico will now be his territory.  This will give Martin a chance to travel some new territory and Mary will be able to make some trips with him to see some of the beautiful areas in the South.  The Higgins flew from Atlanta to Charleston on Thursday last and attended the USS Richard E. Byrd reunion.  This is the 4th reunion of the Byrd shipmates.  Every two years they have been getting together to get re-acquainted and the reunions bring folks from all over the country.  This year there were about 24 shipmates and most of their wives also attended.  It seems that with each reunion we become closer and each year someone new shows up and we all add that new person to the group so it's lots of fun.   The next reunion will be in 2009 somewhere in Northern Virginia around the D.C. area.
Gerald Walker, Corning, Iowa spent a few days in McCracken this week visiting with his mother, Grace Thompson.  He along with Layne Morgan and Dave Derr were Friday luncheon guests of Pat Derr.
I received a note from Valerie Mills this week, she has been helping her daughter, Arlene and Shannon move from Larned to McPherson.  Her son, Terry moved in with her in July.  She has not been to McCracken since Memorial Day weekend, but she tries to go to Wakeeney once a month to visit Kenny’s grave.  She said to tell everyone hello.
We were told Sunday morning that the McCracken residents are really doing a great job  recycling.  Everything has been put in the ‘right slots’.  The collector says thank you.
The brisket/pork supper held at the Community Building for the swimming pool was very, very good and well attended.  Thanks to those who came.
Congratulations to Michael and Jeridy Morgan on the birth of a son, Reece Allan, born October 18, 2007.  He weighed 9 lb 7 oz.  Grandparents are Layne and Kerri Morgan and Kristy and the late Neal Dirks.  Great grandmother is Pat Derr.
Dean Gilbert attended the sub-state volleyball tournament in Ransom on Saturday, came on to McCracken and attended the supper at the Community Center.
Some of those attending the sub-state tournament in Inman were Pat Derr, Layne and Kerri Morgan, Deb Rogers, Glen Ryan, Kellye and Sandy Irvin.  LaCrosse High school girl’s volleyball team was one of the teams playing.  The senior girls were Kayla Irvin, Nicole Ryan, Katelyn Morgan and junior varsity Angela Morgan.
Ray and Marilyn Slemp, Lawton, Oklahoma, were weekend guests of James and Billie Slemp. James and Ray attended the Carr auction in Larned.
Kayla and Nicole Tacha were Friday night guests of Shirley Higgins.  They all accompanied Tammy Irvin, Kyra Horesky and Deb DeHaven to Scott City to the Scott-Hoisington football game. Hoisington won 43-15.  Cameron had 4 touchdowns and 157 yards.  Hoisington plays at Ellinwood on Thursday evening.
Bill and Sharon Lovitt returned home the last of the week from San Diego where they visited their daughter, Jeff and Kathy Hurd, Eric, Austin and Audra.  They met Brad Lovitt in Colorado Spring and stayed overnight at the cabin of their dentist, Kevin Sterling of Garden City.  Brad drove Bill and Sharon out to California where he stayed a few days before flying back to Phoenix. On their way home, Bill and Sharon stayed in Phoenix and enjoyed a grand meal with ‘Butch’ and Janet Struthers.
The Lovitt’s received a phone call Monday morning from Jeff and Kathy in San Diego, they had been evacuated from their home because of the horrible fires.  They were not allowed to take anything.
Check out the new web site that Tim Rues sent us.  http://www.kansasmemory.org/
Drive around town and look at all the Halloween decorations.  Jean, Laura, Twila and Vicky have neat ones in the east part of town.  Sandra has her yard all ‘decked’ out for Spooks, Nikki & Phyllis also have some decorations.  We apologize if we missed someone.
Weekend guests of Roger and Norma McNair were Tracy Humbert and Michael; Taylor and Tyler Whitaker; Jamie Dewitt, Mason & Hunter; Cory Molloy and Morgan Schultz.
Story Hour at the McCracken Public Library is held Saturday mornings beginning at 10:30 for pre-school up to 2-3rd graders.  Lynnette Doornbos is the leader and Austin McGaughey a helper. Those attending the last two weeks were: Shelby Bowers, Emma, Katie and Will Rues, Tayler and Katelyn Doornbos, Clay and Dalton North.  Please make an effort to bring your children to this worth-while program.
Roy Langdon called Sunday evening to ‘visit’.  He and his dad, Jerome will be here the next week end for hunting.
Congratulations to Lance McCormick and Sheryl Burns on their recent marriage.
Arky McNair returned home Monday after spending a week in Colorado and Wyoming.  Diana had to work so she didn’t get to go.
Jessica Braun, who runs the Animal Health Center in Hays, found a home for Vic’s black lab.  He was accepted for the ‘dog rescue’ program.  My prayers have been answered.
Tanner Yohe, Andy Johnson, Taylor Stull and Austin Webs are members of the LaCrosse 8th grade football team.  They have gone undefeated for the last two years with a record of 14-0.  Congratulations.
Chuck Higgins will be one of the officials at the volleyball tournament in Salina; Jerry Higgins is one of the officials in Hays.
Some new books at McCracken Library for adults are:  ‘Fatal Terrain’; ‘Quality of Care’; ‘The Shape Shifter’; ‘The Hammer of Eden’; ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’; ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows’; ‘The Forrest House’; ‘American Soldier’; ‘Dirty Work’; ‘Mind Prey’; ‘Black Falcon’; ‘Hemlock Bay’; ’Force 12’.  For children:  ‘The Cats in Krasinski’; ‘Biscuit Visits the City’; ‘How do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon’; ‘Piggley Makes a Pie’; ‘Elephant on Skates’; ‘The Pokey Little Puppy’; ‘The Bernstein Bears in the Dark’. .
Congratulations to Spring Blackwell and Blaine Oborny on the birth of a daughter on Thursday, October 4, 2007.  Alliyah Shavahn Oborny weighed six pounds five ounces and is 19 inches long.
Our sympathy to the family of Bernard E. “Benny” Schulte, 77, who died October 9, 2007 at Hays.  Survivors include his two sons, Mark, Victoria, Bernie, Ellsworth, three daughters, Kathy Dreiling-Amrein and Kay Werth of Hays, Karen Ruder, Lawrence,  eleven grandchildren, two step grandchildren, a brother, Denis, Victoria; two sisters, Edna Dreiling, Victoria and Caroline Pfeifer, Hays. His daughter, Kathy, was a teacher in LaCrosse.  Benny was a talented musician, who taught in LaCrosse early in his career.  The Hays Community Choir, the Barbershoppers and the Cathedral of the Plains Choir under the direction of Professor Terry Crull of Fort Hays made up the funeral choir.
Our sympathy to the family of Ethel M. Boese, 103, who died at LaCrosse on October 11, 2007.  She was born in Nekoma, the daughter of Friend and Myrtle Stephens Morgan.  He daughter Estella (Stella Wittman) Miller, WaKeeney, lived here.  She had 24 grandchildren, 52 great-grandchildren and 25 great-great grandchildren.  Burial was in the Alexander Cemetery.
Lydia Buster, daughter of Greg and Bev Buster, will be leaving the end of the month for Viet Nam where she will be teaching English to High School Students for a few months.
Those attending the Encore Series presentation, Asleep at the Wheel, on Thursday evening were John and Melanie Zeller, Francis and Julia Zeller, John and Janice Stull,
Lorraine Ryan, Shirley Higgins, Carol Weber, Sr. Martina Stegman, Carolyn Thompson, Galen Allen and Ruthetta Irvin.   They play and re-create the works of Bob Wills.  I was disappointed to read the comments by the Editor of the Hays Daily News.  He called the program a “dog”.  I’m sure he doesn’t have his finger on the pulse of northwest Kansas, we all enjoyed it immensely. 
McCracken History Notes
October 1887
John Lovitt brought in a cabbage yesterday weighing seventeen pounds.  This is the largest “head” we have seen for sometime.  He thinks of running it for office. (Hampton)
October 1907
Dr. Brownell was in full partnership with the stork this week.  A fine girl was born at the home of William Seiling Sunday morning and Monday a fine pair of twins, boy and girl, at the home of Ben Anderson.
In 1907 there were 22.52 inches of rain and the wheat yield per acre in Rush County was 7.
October 1937
G. W. Klug and family of Hays have moved to McCracken and taken over the Standard Oil truck and agency here.
In 1937 there were 20.24 inches of rain and the wheat yield per acre in Rush County was 4.6
October 1947
Merle O ‘Loughlin has purchased the contract of the Chevrolet Agency.  The name of the new firm will be Merle O’Loughlin Chevrolet.
Mr. and Mrs. Job Swisher left this week for Pocatello, Idaho and Chelan, Wash., where they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Owen Dubbs and family.  Maynard Swisher came to accompany them on the trip.
October 1957
Total deposits in Rush County banks showed a decrease of $768,797 at the close of October business.  This is the second straight year that deposits have dipped which is blamed on lack of farm income.
Terry Peters underwent a tonsillectomy at the LaCrosse hospital Friday morning.
October 1967
The Mustangs football team had 220 total yards in their contest against Hudson, winning 19-0.
Candidates for the band carnival are David Halbleib, Duane Williams and Floyd Norlin; for Queen are Kim Elmore, Pat Foos and Lana Scheuerman.  For Prince are Charles Halbleib, Johnny Elmore and Frank Foster and for Princess Rosemary Rues, Donna Davis and Patty Littler.
October 1977
Craig Wendler received his degree in education at Kansas State at the nd of the summer session.
The James Bromlow family has been named one of the Builder Families in Kansas by the Kiwanis Club.
October 1987
Butch Hayes was crowned King for the football homecoming at Highland Junior College.
Allen Miller and Stella Wittman were married October 2 in Alexander.
October 1997
A new book, Haunted Kansas, by Lisa Hefner Heitz has been published by the University Press of Kansas.  One ghost story in the book is about Kate Coffee who roams the Walnut Valley on Highway 96.
Allen Morgan qualified for the Punt, Pass and Kick Contest to be held at Concordia on October 25.

©2007, McCracken Alumni Association
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