RCNews October 22
Due to a conflict of interest, the meeting with Joe Strine about the planting of trees will be held Saturday, October 31 at 10:00 a.m. in front of the McCracken Post Office.
On Sunday Roy & Phyllis Conrad attended the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Gualdalupe at Dodge City. This Mass honered those couples of the Diocess of Dodge City who were observing their 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th and those of over 50th anniversaries of 2009. Celebrating the Mass were Father Bob Schremmer and Father Ted Steckline. A meal followed in the Holy Family Social Center after the Mass.
John and Melanie Zeller attended the blues festival in Salina over the weekend. They returned home Sunday and discovered one of their cars was missing. They had such a good time they forgot they had left one car in Hays.
Tony and Tomi Rues, Shelby, Emma, Kate and Will motored to their annual Cottage Lane Pumpkin Patch on Sunday and picked out pumpkins. They couldnt pick one unless they could carry it and Kate won the prize of the biggest pumpkin. Good for Kate!!
Weekend guests of Rose and Les Diehl were Roger and Geri Prather,Topeka. Things were a little tense Saturday evening when KU lost the football game to Colorado. There was more tension Sunday morning when Rose spilled a can of purple paint on the bedroom rug. Ouch.
Jenna Higgins played her last volleyball tournament of the season on Saturday. They finished 15-2 and were champions of the Pioneer League regular season and were also Pioneer League tournament champions. They beat Maize South, Derby Red, Derby White, and Newton all in two game matches on Saturday at the League Tournament. They also finished 3rd in their preseason 10 team tourney back in early September. She is a first team starter for the Hutchinson Middle School.
Martin and Mary Higgins were weekend guests at their home in McCracken. On Sunday they hosted dinner for Francis and Julia Zeller, Bill Zeller, Celia Gilbert and Rat!
Bruce and Sue Davis returned home this weekend after spending a week in Madison, Wisconsin where Bruce did training for his job. On their way home they stopped in Omaha and visited with Eric and Melissa Davis.
Shane Anderson has been home for two weeks visiting Steve and Sharon Anderson and other family and friends. Shane is stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana. He just returned from a tour in Afghanistan. This was his sixth tour in the war zones. We thank him and all others who serve our nation.
Thayne and Machree Jones have given a donation to the Jail/Museum in memory of Fern Jones.
A McGaughey-Ryan Pig Roast hat from September 1, 1985 has been donated to the Jail/Museum by Brett Gilbert.
Shannon Keith is a member of the Kanopolis Middle School volleyball team that won the Championship at the B Team Volleyball Tournament at Minneapolis on Saturday.
McCracken History Notes
October 1899
Mrs. Caroline Doerr died at her home near North Fairview yesterday of blood poisoning. The funeral will be held at the North Fairview school house today, interment in the Nichols grave yard.
October 1909
Mrs. Mary Priors room secured the holiday last Friday for having the best attendance record for one month.
A nice ten foot cement sidewalk is being constructed from the gate to the door of the school house.
Miss Beulah Wharton has been missed from school this week as she has been teaching for her sister at Shaeffer.
October 1919
Nellie Davidson and Albert Leiseke were married October 27 at LaCrosse.
Born to James Caseys and Lester Garrigues, girls on Saturday and Monday.
October 1939
Lyle Davenport broke his right arm while shutting the large front door at the Ryan Garage Friday evening.
October 1949
Katharen Rodeman has replaced Margaret Lovitt Hair as 5th and 6th grade teacher. She is now teaching at Happy Hollow in Danby Valley.
Bryant Pharmacy ahs in stock this week an extra quantity of engagements rings.
October 1959
Leonore House presided during the meeting of the Athenian Club which was held at the home of Mrs. Edith Baldwin. Refreshments were served to Sylvia Mason, Joan Buster, Lorraine Ryan, Margaret Hair, Leonore House, Diane Hart, Marie House, Olivia Peck, Lillian Irvin, Mrs. Allen, Marilyn Smith and the hostess, Edith Baldwin.