RCNews October 16
Mike and Nancy Wiebe were here visiting her parents Wilfrid and Twila Higgins for a few days this week.
McCracken Public Library is a SRS (Social and Rehabilitation Services) Access point for the community. Applications for food stamps, medical disability, cash, child care, low income energy assistance, are available during regular library hours which are as follows: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 2-5pm, Wednesday 9-12am, 7-9pm, Friday 2-5pm and Saturday 10-12:00am. People needing or wanting to inquire about assistance are encouraged to fill out an application form in person or online. To find out if you qualify contact SRS toll free 1-888-369-4777.
Pat Derr returned home this past weekend after enjoying her trip to Fall Creek Falls, TN with her relatives, Ed and Nita Caviness, Larry Clark, Gerald and Edna Walker.  This is their annual golf vacation!
Jerry and Tanner Higgins, Chuck Higgins, Tammy and Lonnie Irvin, Kyra Horesky and Rose and Les Diehl attended the Hoisington High School football game in Hillsboro Friday night.  The Cardinals won 28-21 with Carl Hickel rushing for 211 yards, four touchdown on 28 carries. After the Hillsboro game they took Zack in tow and traveled to Topeka where some were guests of Rose and Les Diehl, the rest motored on to KC where they were guests of Jeff and Liz Jennings.  Ron and Cathy Casey and John joined them Saturday afternoon in Hiland where they all attended the Garden City Juco – Hiland football in with Garden winning 37-10.  Cameron stayed with family and came home with them on Sunday.  He is a starter for Garden. 
Looking back:  April 1939; It was years ago that Henry Timken living on a farm southwest of Timken, invented a roller bearing which has brought him fame and a vast fortune.  It has become one of the best known bearings on the market today and the name of Timken is known in all parts of the world.  Mr. Timken sends gifts of cash each Christmas to relatives, and there are many who still live in the Timken area.  To those whose ties of relationship are close, he sends a check for $1,000 each and to more distant relatives he sends gifts of $500.
Shirley Higgins joined Al and Judy Hugh, Ruth Yawger, Diz and Wilma Washaliski, Galen Allen and Carolyn Thompson in Rush Center at Greg’s for supper Friday evening.
Hopefully everyone in town has received his or her Rush County United Fund donation form. A big thanks goes out to Shirley Higgins, Laura Linsey (with help from Jean Schutte), Kerrie Morgan and Debbie Rogers for helping Tomi Rues distribute the forms. If for some reason you did not get one, there are extra forms at the library as well as a receiving box. Our town is a very giving town. The response has been wonderful. Just a reminder: Your contribution is tax deductible!!
A note from Craig Stull:  Katelynn Stull had a volleyball tournament this last Saturday.  She's a starting outside hitter on the Oak Park High School Freshman A team.  They took second place in the Raytown South A Team tournament last week and played again this Saturday at the Truman A Team tournamanet.  They made it to the quarterfinals before losing to Aquinas.  They're overall record is 16-4 and they are undefeated in conference play.  John and Janice Stull came down to watch her tournament and Jess and Jolene Showalter also came and her Aunt Jacque and cousin Madyson.  It was a BIG day since it was also her birthday, Julies birthday and our 22nd Wedding Anniversary.  To top that all off, Matthew took first place in the Big 6 Conference championship cross country race Saturday. The week before he placed 26th out of about 200 in the KC Metro Cross Country race as well. It was a busy day of driving from place to place for the grandparents!  Jessica was also home from MU this weekend.  The only bad thing was MU losing to Oklahoma State in football.  I never thought I'd hear myself say that but I'm spending enough money at the school I figure I ought to at least get to root for the football team!  Matthew is planning right now on going to K-State though so it all works out! 
Congratulations to Teresa Lovitt on her first place finish in the girls freshmen volleyball tournament held in Hays this weekend.  Teresa is coach for Dodge City high school.  Her girls were in pool play with Smith Center, Hays and LaCrosse; they beat Colby for first.  Her season is 28-0.
Thayne and Machree Jones motored to Timken Tuesday evening where they enjoyed supper with Gail and Mary Beth Schwindt and watched the debate.
Visited with Suzanne Sauer Friday evening, she had good luck with her ‘Cake in a Mug’!  Deb Rogers and her grandchildren were making them Monday, her day off from work. 
McCracken residents are still paranoid over the post office closing.  I had two people call me Monday, (Columbus Day) wondering why it was closed.
Charlotte Ochs gets to celebrate her birthday for a whole month since I put it in for October 8 when it is November 8.  If I am getting any other dates wrong, please let me know.  CT
Suzanne Randa is the newest member of our Book Club.  Welcome!  We hope more will come join us.  Lorraine Ryan, Ruthanne Crawshaw, Shirley Higgins, Susan Rebel, Tomi Rues and Carolyn Thompson also attended this past week.  The book each one is reading for discussion on October 28 is “Living the Bible Biblically” by A J. Jacobs.  It is one man’s humble quest to follow the Bible as literally as possible.  A. J. is editor at large of Esquire.  His previous book is “The Know-It-All” based on his spending a year reading the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica.  In his pursuit of his goal he spend time with groups that do take the Bible literally like Kentucky-based creationists, Pennsylvania Amish, Hasidic Jews.  Much humor is injected into his search.
Frank and Julia Zeller went to Hays Tuesday and had lunch with Frank and Marge Lemon, Phillipsburg, at Golden Corral.  They celebrated Frank and Marge’s 67th wedding anniversary.  They were all single while attending college together at Fort Hays.  While working in Hays, Frank worked at Safeway.  He then went to Denver where he worked at Safeway until he retired and moved to Phillipsburg.
Preston Caprez, with SRS of Hays was at the McCracken Public Library on Tuesday.  He wanted to make more people aware that if they need it, they could apply for food stamps.  The program is under utilized.  There is also cash assistance, medical help, low income help available. The library is an access point where you may apply for these programs on the internet.
Obituaries in Volume 111 of McCracken History Book in 1994:  Margaret Huber, Ernest Vernon VanWinkle, Albert L. North, Marvin Rupp, Elbert Langdon, Fred Ware Riley, Rev. John Abney, Birdena Hackett Coffeen, Virgil Weldon Carson, Major General Paul Straw, Willard Moses, Ward Yawger, Anabelle Start Manning, Avery Albert Norlin, Virgina Wahl Harpstrite, Ed Reifschneider, Francis Joseph Pavlu, Ruby Grumbein Mellis, Allen S. Showalter, Daniel J. Schlitter, Bertha Katharine Meyer,  Mildred Kraisinger, Nick Hrenchir, Henry R. Wideman,  Goldie Marie Showalter, Dorothy Brening, Gene Hein, Gayle L. Thompson Schrader,  Esther H. Staab, Mary Ann Reeves, Patrick Helms, Joseph LeRoy Roser, Kenneth J. Showalter, Rita Mae Dreiling Ree, Claude Irvin, Cecil Johnson, Velma Viola Morgan,
In a note from Joan Buster she says that Larry, Donna and Hayden Buster have moved to Texas.  They and Greg plan to come to Albuquerque for a visit this weekend.  Norma Bisagno plans to get an apartment in Kansas City to be near her daughter, Kay.
McCracken History Notes
October 1908
Miss Hester Neal began her school at the Whitehead district Monday and Miss Tena Rixon at Cottonwood.
Emma Orzella Snodgrass Coughenour died September 30, 1908.  She was born in 1865 and married J. W. Coughenour in 1889.  Surviving are her husband tan three children, Clay, Lloyd and Lucille.
October 1938
It took an undefeated team, the Ransom High School Bulldogs, to hang up the stop sign on McCracken High School’s string of victories here last Friday, 16-12.  The Ransom High School Band, a thirty piece aggregation garbed in fancy red and white uniforms, attracted nearly as much attention as did the ball game.  Between halves the youngsters parade on the gridiron.  A parade down McCracken’s Main Street prior to the game was a fine exhibition.
October 1948
The New Era Club met Monday at the home of Mrs. Edith Chenoweth, with the president, Mrs. H. J. Walker, conducting the business meeting.
Den mothers of the Cub Scouts are Mrs. James Wegher and Mrs. Nicholas Higgins and den fathers are Rusty Jones and Mr. Higgins.  Scoutmaster is Glen Eisenhour. 
October 1958
Allan Thompson received his discharge from the Army after two years of duty.
Dance to Charlie Staab and his Swing Band Saturday at the Silver Star in Schoenchen.  Admission is .90 cents.
Wool and cashmere suburban coats by Campus, $14.95 - $24.95 at Stephensons in LaCrosse.
October 1968
Homecoming Queen candidates are Patricia Foos, Kathy Huddleston and Debra Schuckman.  Flower girl is Tammy Higgins and crown bearer is Dale Elias.  Escorts will be Donnie Schuckman, Dough Whitis and Lance Morgan.
Elmore Ryan, Rush County republican Chairman, accounted the visit of State Senator Keith Sebelius on Thursday morning.
Nancy Schneeweiss and James E. Moran were married Saturday at Elgin Air Force Base, Florida.
October 1978
Lisa Schuckman was crowned Queen and Fred Taylor was King at the Homecoming game on Friday night against Gorham.  Attendants were Rashell Schwindt, Jerry Casey, Lanette Stremel and Shannon McKinney.  The Mustangs defeated the Oilers 24-0.
The new committee for the PRIDE program for 1978-79 are Francis Wierman, Thomas Barnes, John Zeller, Phyllis Higgins, Caroline Duran, Norma Elmore and Annette Davis.
Peggy Stude and Ivan Janke were married October 7 at the Methodist Church in Larned.  The couple will live in Alexander.  (Congratulations on your 30th anniversary).
October 1988
Roger Baldwin, Chris and Chad Irvin completed a Hunter Safety Course held Sunday afternoon in LaCrosse. 
Gerald Whitis has moved from McCracken to LaCrosse.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Horesky of Oberlin on the birth of a daughter, Kyra Leanne, born October 20, 1988.  Vic and Shirley Higgins are grandparents.  (Congrats Kyra on your 20th birthday).
Kimberly Sue Serpan and Fredrick Michael Taylor were united in marriage October 1 1988, in St. Mary’s Catholic Church.  Msgr. Leahy and Father Pottorff officiated at the marriage.
October 1998
Ashes of Travis Wade Reinhardt were sprinkled in a pasture on the Alvin and Ruth Janke farm.  His mother took some of the ashes to scatter in the Pacific Ocean.
Congratulations to Mamie Rogers and Wade Paulson of Hays on the birth of a daughter on October 8, 1998 at Hays Medical Center.

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