RCNews Oct 15

Jeff & Julia McCormick and Grant McCormick joined Tyler and Taia Cordell in Lawrence and attended the homecoming festivities and football game on Saturday. On Sunday they all went to the KC Chiefs – Dallas Cowboys game in Arrowhead. 
The McCracken Golf Club purchased a golf ball washer with the money the McCracken Alumni gave them and it is located on hole#5.
Ray Smith, Tulsa, was a Friday & Saturday visitor in McCracken.  Friday he toured the McCracken Library and McCracken Museum.  He returned to Tulsa Saturday afternoon.
Steve and Janelle Hood and Addie, Topeka, stopped in McCracken Saturday afternoon wanting to look at pictures taken during the filming of Paper Moon.  John and Joel Pattie, brothers of Janelle were in the movie when they were young.  Steve worked around Brownell before his marriage as a crop sprayer.  Janelle told me she knew Rose Diehl. Small world.
McCracken will be having the annual Halloween Spook Parade on Saturday afternoon, October 24th.  Children will meet at the McCracken Public Library at 4:30 pm.
The Ellis County Fall Historical Society Bus Tour came Sunday afternoon to St. Mary's Church in McCracken.  Members of the former parish, Phyllis Conrad, Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte, Carolyn Thompson and Laura Linsey welcomed the group which was led by Virginia Slimmer and her daughter, Jackie Langholz.  Brochures of the church were given to each visitor and the history of the church was told to the participants.  Other places the bus tour visited was St. Joseph's Catholic Church and rectory (coordinated by Lucy Dechant) and Pat's Beef Jerky owned by Pat Carver in Liebenthal, St. Mary's Catholic Church in Loretto (tour director, Virginia Urban), Fairview Alpaca Farm (hosted by Robert and DeAnn Baldwin) and Four Corners Restaurant in LaCrosse owned by Jametta Basgall.  We appreciate those who came out on such a raw and unpleasant day to visit our communities in Rush County. 
McCracken History Notes
October 1879
Thomas R. Zachary, one of the old farmers of Rush county, last spring broke fifty-five acres of new ground, cross plowed it, sowed it in grain, and has just harvest 1,105 bushels of wheat at an average of twenty bushel to the acre.
A reunion of soldiers is to be held at LaCrosse, Rush county, on Saturday, October 8.  A basket picnic, relation of experience, speeches, music, etc. are on the programme.
The people of Rush are talking up an express line between Hays and Walnut City.
The Rush Blade is authority for this:  Liebenthal has a population of sixty four.
October 1889
Miss Kimball commenced school Monday in the Elias district.  A picnic was held at the school last Saturday. 
W. J. Murphy has the contract to build the new school in district #62 (Treasurer Valley) north of town.
Several of the veterans were in attendance at the reunion in Ellsworth this week.  Some of those attending were Rixon, Start, Bailey, Snodgrass, Brewer, Younkin, Fanning, Olson, Yawger, Coleman, Forbes, Whitehead and T. W. Russell.
LaCrosse is troubled considerably over the tolling of the school bell to call children to school.  They are afraid strangers will think it is one perpetual funeral.
October 1899
Some fine residence lots in McCracken to trade for cows.  See the Enterprise.
Pete Reams was hauling in his wheat crop this week.  By the way, Pete has a new variety of hard spring wheat that made 30 bushels per acre.  He is getting a dollar a bushel for it for seed and he cannot supply the demand.
October 1909
Guy Ryan and wife of Brownell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ryan
The many friends of Mr. Thomas J. Temple and Mrs. Sarah M. Hanson were surprised Wednesday morning to learn of their marriage the evening before.
October 1919
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Barnes Tuesday, October 21, a daughter, whose name is Helen Marguerita.
A new crossing is being put in on Main Street between the McCracken Bank and the Haag building.
J. Ralph Elmore and Glenna Morse were married at Great Bend October 16 at the Christian Church.
October 1939
The McCracken eleven defeated the Bazine football team 20-07 on McCracken’s home field last Friday afternoon.  Players for McCracken were Klee, Herdman, Showalter, C. Mills, Dugan, Donecker, Gordon, Hunt, Foster, Marak and R. Mills.
October 1959
Mrs. Elizabeth Conner is teaching the seventh and eighth grades following the resignation of Mr. McRill.  Mr. McRill has been employed as music teacher in grade and high school in Hanston.
F. A. Thompson, mail carrier for rural Alexander, retired following 43 years of service.

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