RCNews October 14
Birthdays: October 14, Terry Mills, Jason Showalter; October 15, Richard Wittman, Kirby Petz, Clayton Casey; October 16, Jennifer Lovitt, Georgia Lytle, Paulette Thompson, Eric D. Kerney; October 17, Norma Kober, Karen Shumake, Glenn Conner, Megan Conrad; October 18, Stacy Moran, Joy Hunter, Michael Harp, Zoe Anderson; October 19, Frank Littler, Norene Fletcher, Pat Miles; October 20, Larry Buster, Kyra Horesky.
Anniversaries: October 14, Frank and Elaine Littler; October 17, John and Sharon Irvin, Tony and Tomi RuesThe McCracken is asking for volunteers to help with putting bar codes on the library books. If you would like to help, please contact Ruth Crawshaw.
Shawna North is the co-ordinator of Story Hour which began Saturday the 9th at 10:30. The children ages three through kindergarten are invited to attend. Please make the effort to bring your child.
Priscilla Jacobs and Joy Petz returned recently from Grandbury,Texas where they visited with Pete and Lola Rixon.
If you are rushed and too busy for holiday baking, you may call Shawna North @ 394-2620 home; 656-2583 cell. She does any kind of pie, cake, cookies and has wonderful popcorn recipes.
We received a nice phone call from Evelyn Frick, Nekoma telling us she reads our column first when she receives the Rush County News. The article about Leslie Frazier interested her very much. We all think of it as a miracle.
Carolyn and Shirley recommend reading the trilogy of books by Stieg Larsson. The titles are The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest. Excellent.
Roy & Phyllis Conrad along with Albert and Louise Zordel, Ransom attended
the Bricks, Broncs & BBQ at Russell, Kansas on Saturday. Chris Zordel, Spearville & friend Lee was one of the 19 BBQ contestants. Chris placed 7th in Chicken, 10th, in Pork Ribs, 9th in Pork Butt and 5th in Brisket. He placed 7th overall.
Gage Elias, son of Dale and Julie Elias, represented his sophomore class at the Oakley football homecoming last Friday night.
Ashley McGaughey accompanied Aaron, Leslie, Lillian and Jackson McGaughey to Manhattan Thursday. Aaron and Leslie attended the K-State Nebraska football game, Ashley baby sat the kids at the home of Leslies parents.
Cameron Horesky coached 3rd and 4th graders in football this year. Saturday evening they honored him with a barbque for his 21st birthday.
Martin and Mary Higgins, Joe and Cindi Higgins and Ryan spent the weekend in McCracken and attended the Octoberfest and chili cook off in the park.
Marge Elias attended the 90th birthday of her sister LaVone Helms in Ness City at the Ness County Nursing Home. It was also Octoberfest at the home where they enjoyed a barbque at noon. There was music in which Galen Schmidtberger was a member. Her daughter Michelle Clifton made the birthday cake and her son Father Michael Helms, Lakin were in attendance.
Those who have contributed to the Tree Beautification project are Lynnette Guy, Arlyn & Jan North, Roy & Phyllis Conrad, Roger & Brenda Legleiter, Walter & Janey Rogers, Bob & Emma Thompson, Lynne Reckling, Helen Goering, Patricia Drehr, Ruby Myers, Carolyn Thompson, Terry & Pat Miller, David and Janice Norlin, Addie Mills, James & Kathy Coen, Diana Hart, Kenneth & Opal Mills, Bob House, Tim Rues, Tony & Tomi Rues, McCracken Alumni.
Dave and Carolyn Davenport, Hutchinson attended the Octoberfest in Hays. They were week-end guests of Quintin Harris-Elias, McCracken. On Sunday he was a guest of Dennis and Jeannie Elias, McCracken. Ty and Tina Elias attended the Nascar races in Kansas City. They were week-end guests of Lanette Mathews, Lawrence.
Dave and Carolyn Davenport attended their granddaughter's volleyballgame in Hays on Saturday. Also, attending was Dennis and Jeannie Elias, Marge Elias, Ty Elias, Travis, Tina, and Tanner Elias, Colby. Katie is a freshman at Colby. They received 3rd place. .
Louis and Rosanne Felder, WaKeeney; Bill and Joan Rupp, Colorado and Mike Felder, Brownell had dinner with Julia and Francis Zeller at Boondocks on Friday.
E. A. Nichol, Houston, formerly of LaCrosse has brought to our attention that there is a McCracken Research Library at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming. Go on line at the following website for a look at this library:
http://www.bbhc.org/mccracken/ The McCracken Research Library advances the understanding, appreciation and study of the American West and plays an integral role in the creation and dissemination of scholarship on the region. The Buffalo Bill Historical Center is also a repository of some of the finest sculptures on western and Indian themes in the world. When visiting the museum I especially loved the bronze of Sacagawea.
The NCAA Junior High Volleyball Tournament was held at Sacred Heart High School in Salina on Saturday. Participating teams were Beloit, Republic County, Southeast of Salina, Minneapolis, Sacred Heart, Russell and Ellsworth. In the Championship match Ellsworth defeated Beloit for first place. Shannon Keith is a member of the varsity team.
Mike and Susan Keith and Carolyn Thompson attended.
Tomi Rues is so happy with the response for the Rush County United Fund. She says that people in McCracken are amazing in support of this project. We just want to say that without a strong leader this would not be possible so we are thanking Tomi also for her commitment to the organizations which need our help. Please continue to support this fund and the other causes in our community, county and the world.
Our thanks to Gerald Crotinger for creating in us the desire to research for our ancestors.
He was here last Tuesday and those attending were given many new avenues of research both on his computer program at the library and through the internet. He showed us how to use census records and suggested joining Ancestery.com. He would be willing to come over to work with individuals on a one to one basis. Let us know and we can arrange it.
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society enjoyed their weekly meeting at the library on Tuesday evening. Attending were Roger and Norma McNair, Susan Rebel, Tomi Rues, Shirley Higgins and Carolyn Thompson. Roger and Norma gave us a fascinating talk on the founder of Conoco, Ernest Whitworth Marland, of Ponca City, Oklahoma. From 1925-1928, he built The Marland Mansion that contained features that were innovative at the time. It is now a museum operated by the City of Ponca City.
Those attending the Encore program, Dallas Brass, thought it was the best program since they had been going to Encore. The group brought in Hays High School band members and members from about 12 different towns to play with them. A first time season ticket holder is Billie North.
Bed bugs seem to have become an issue. Here is some advice: If you buy any new clothing, even underwear and socks, sheets, towels etc., put them in your clothes dryer for 20 minutes. The heat will kill them and their eggs. Do not just purchase clothes and hang them in your closet. They are coming in with shipments from countries overseas that make the items,
Congratulations to Duane and Cora Lee Filbert who will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on October 15. Cards may be sent to 1215 Motz Avenue, Hays, Kansas 67601.
McCracken History NotesOctober 1890
Rev. John Lovitt heads the Peoples party ticket for Representative. He has lived in Hampton township for about twelve years.
F. C. Brackney will leave Wednesday for Osage county where he will teach this winter.
October 1920
Perry Yawger has purchased a five passenger Studebaker automobile in Kansas City and is on his way home with it from there. Jake Herzel accompanied him.
Mr. James Littler had the misfortune to lose on of his barns Tuesday night by fire, the cause of which is unknown. The barn was stored with several tons of fine alfalfa hay.
October 1940
An attractive picture of Miss Faye Elmore, McCracken, Kansas State College student, appeared in the Sunday Hutchinson News Herald. She is a candidate of her sorority, Chi Omega, as candidate for Homecoming Queen. (She was chosen queen by the students attending the homecoming dance). Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Elmore, Dorothy and Johnny attended the game.
Wednesday was quilting day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovitt. Those present for the noon meal were Mr. and Mrs. George Schutte, Mrs. Lee Fear and son, Kay, Mrs. Ed Allberts, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doerr, Mrs. William Foster, Mrs. John Oelkers, Mrs. Frank Foster, Mrs. Chris Derr, Mrs. Frank Harwick and Mrs. George Foster. Mrs. John Elias and Mrs. Paul Walker were there in the afternoon.
October 1960
Mr. and Mrs. August Schutte moved into the Mrs. Harold Collins house, formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Parsons. Mrs. Etta Irvin moved into the Carl Grate property formerly occupied by the Schuttes.
Among those who attended the Mahalia Jackson concert Tuesday evening at Sheridan Coliseum in Hays were Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Robison and Ira, Mrs. Ruby Ryan, Mrs. Ruby VanWinkle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wegher, Mr. and Mrs. Don Buster, Mrs. Bill Lovitt, Mrs. Vic Higgins, Mrs. Margaret Hair, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Zeller, Carrie Darkes, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eisenhour and Jan. (Carolyn Dennis attended the concert that night when she was a student at Fort Hays - she didn't know all those McCrackenites were there with her).
October 1980
Sandra Jacobs was crowned Queen, Kevin Rourke was King at the Homecoming activities Friday night. Attendants were Kelly McKinney, Raven Schwindt, Jeff McCormick and Wade Hinman. The Mustang boys defeated Wilson 42-6. Doug Elias, quarterback, threw three touchdown passes to Jeff McCormick. Chris Jones had 51 yards on 6 carries.