RCNews October 13

Thanks to those who called and sent cards to me on the death of my son-in-law, John Tacha. Your thoughts were very much appreciated.
The 2011 Fall Fest was a ‘roaring’ success—thank you to everyone participating. For those that could not attend, please join us in 2012 for a bigger, better Fall Fest Celebration. Lance McCormick was the winner of the chili cook off.
Guests of Les and Rose Diehl were Sue Schuster, Denver; Betty Lou and Bonita Pardue, Topeka.  Some others here for the Fall Fest were Ron, Cathy, Catherine, John and Alex Casey; Carolyn Davenport with her Scentsy products was a guest of Ty Elias for a few days this past week.
Megan Townsend has been visiting in McCracken with her grandparents, Bet and Jeanette McCormick and Mary McCormick. She attended the tax sale in LaCrosse Friday morning and visited with her brother, Jacob Townsend, who is attending school in Colby.
Mike and Michelle Nelson, Grand Island, Nebraska were guests this past weekend with her grandparents, Wilfrid and Twila Higgins.
The McCracken Library thanks Marilyn Sommers for the 5 file cabinets she gave to the library. They are 6x8 inches wide, 16 inches long, perfect size for index cards for the obituaries.
Birthdays:  October 13, David Norlin, Ryan Wiebe, Brad Lovitt, Robert Mason, Richard Hardwick; October 14, Terry Mills, Jason Showalter, Zoe Anderson; October 15, Richard Wittman, Clayton Casey, Kirby Petz; October 16, Jennifer Lovitt, Paulette Healy Thompson, Georgia Lytle, Eric D. Kerney; October 17, Norma Kober, Glenn Conner, Megan Conrad, Karen Shumake; October 18, Stacy Moran, Michael Harp; October 19, Frank Littler, Pat Miles
Anniversaries:  October 14, Frank and Elaine Littler; October 17, John and Sharon Irvin, Tony and Tomi Rues.
Rain, blessed rain.
Congratulations to Frank and Elaine Littler on their 50th wedding anniversary.
The 2011 Rush County United Fund Drive is off to a great start!!  Many thanks to those in our community who have already sent in their donations. You ARE making a difference and you are appreciated.
Michele, Marge and Jason Moran were in Dodge City for the Freshman football game on Monday evening.  Josh Moran, son of John and Ellen Moran, is a member of the Great Bend High School freshman team
Babe and Arlene Gilbert, Marcia Bannister, Vergie McKenzie Renner and Carolyn Thompson attended the Half Century Club Luncheon and Induction at Fort Hays State University on Friday, October 7, 2011.  Arlene, Marcia, Vergie and Carolyn were members of the Class of 1961 who were inducted into the organization and presented 50 year pins and certificates by Dr. Edward Hammond.  When Dr. Hammond heard McCracken he said, "Keep sending those good McCracken students to us". 
On Saturday night Michele and Marge Moran went to Wichita for the Wichita North High School Drama Club production of Tale of Two Cities.  Nick Moran, son of David and Stacy Moran, was in the play.
Congratulations to St. Michael's for the first class job done on their 100th anniversary publication "Our Journey of Faith".
Kansas History Notes
In 1895 a great natural gas well was opened in Iola.  The gas rushed upward with a rorar as if a hundred locomotives were letting off steam at once.  The gas territory has since developed over an area of some eighty square miles.  Graet flowers have been struck in LaHarpe and Gas City.   Twenty-nine wells have been drilled, which furnish fuel for zinc smelters, manufactories and fuel and light for the city of Iola.
The first Kansas chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution was organized in 1896 in Topeka
McCracken History Notes
October 1911
The McCracken High School defeated the Rush Center School Saturday 10-6.  Len Lovitt was hit hard the first inning but came back strong.  The feature of the game was a home run down the first base line with one on by Glen Ryan.  Players for MHS H. Ryan, G. Ryan, R Lovitt, Stock, Thompson, Irvin, L. Lovitt, McKittrick and Neal.
We understand that Fred Davidson and Chas. Thompson have purchased the Marak restaurant.  It has been reported that the price paid was in the neighborhood of $4,000.
October 1941
Rev. and Mrs. L. Wesley Robbins have moved to McCracken this week and will serve the local United Brethren Church.
Those who made perfect grades in spelling in the fifth and sixth grades were Bertie Twiselton, Phyllis Cheney, Rosalyn Mullenix, Lloyd Anderson, Guy Conner, Joan Ryan, Ramona Funk, Willard Thompson, Helen Thompson, Georgina Unrein, Beverly Moses, Jimmy Higgins and Maxine Moses.
October 1961
Haskell S. Bryant, 66 year old McCracken druggist, died October 13 at the Veterans Administration hospital in Pittsburg, Penn.  He had undergone surgery for lung cancer on August 13.  He had been the owner of the Bryant Pharmacy for the past 19 years and was a veteran of WW1.  Funeral services were held from McCracken Methodist Church with interment in the McCracken cemetery.
Elaine Eisenhour and Franklin Littler were married Sunday, October 14 at the McCracken Methodist Church.  Attendants were Jan and Dwight Eisenhour.

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