October 10, 2013 News

Birthdays: October 10, Jeffrey Hinman; Cameron Horesky; October11, Eric Scriven, Julie Stull, Kristana Anderson, Katelyn Stull; October 12, Dale Elias, Bob Wolfe, Phyllis Conrad, Todd Borger; October 13, David Norlin, Ryan Wiebe, Brad Lovitt, Robert Mason, Richard Hardwick; October 14,Terry Mills, Jason Showalter, Zoe Anderson; October 1r, Richard Wittman, Kirby Petz, Clayton Casey; October 16, Jennifer Lovitt, Paulette Thompson, Georgia Lytle, Eric D.Kerney.

Anniversaries: October 11, Craig and Julie Stull; October 12, Pete and Terri Cox; October 14, Frank and Elaine Littler/

Last week at McCracken Main Street Literary Society the group celebrated the 22nd birthday of Austin McGaughey with lemon pie.

Deb Luft, Wichita, was a weekend guest of Al and Judy Hugh. She is Judy's niece. Their grandson, T. J.Milam and his friend Jess from Houston were guests Sunday and Monday.

Milo harvest is a challenge with all the down milo. Wheat drilling has commenced.

Those attending Faith Sharing this Fall are Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte, Joann Micheli, Jeanette McCormick, Phyllis Conrad and Carolyn Thompson. They meet each Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to join them.

Priscilla Jacobs and Tessa motored to Wichita this weekend where they were guests of Neal and Amy Jacobs. Other visitors were Jaden, Jenna and Hadley Jacobs.

Presidential questions

1. Who is the only president buried in Washington, D. C.?
2. What president has the same name as a McCracken resident?
3. What president was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
4. What president didn't vote until age 62?

We had a call from Curly Juvenal this week, his birthday is October 5 and he plans to take a balloon ride. . . was on his bucket list. He said to tell everyone hello.

What about that Dallas Cowboy – Denver Broncos football game Sunday?

Hutchinson volleyball coach Tina Johnson chartered a bus and she and her volleyball girls attended the K-State – KU games in Manhattan on Friday. What a treat. Jenna Higgins is a member of the volleyball team.

Chuck Higgins and 3 other Farm Bureau insurance adjusters were in Rapid City, South Dakota this weekend when an unusual storm ‘dumped’ 31 inches of heavy wet snow on the city Friday with wind 50-60 mile an hour. They were stranded in their motel rooms where they were without power and food for a time. The residents there are wondering if this is what the winter will be since the snow came so early. Sunday the temperature was in the 50’s and the ‘guys’ were digging out.

The Rush County Cats lost their first football game of the season to Plainville. Brad Pfannenstiel, Colby Stull, Will Rues, Keldon Day and Michael Showalter all play for the Cats. Jerry Casey is the coach for Plainville.

Jerry & Jodi Higgins, Mylo & Ann Oyler, Zach Higgins, Tammy Irvin and Shirley Higgins attended the all-day varsity volleyball tournament held at the Great Bend High School. Teams attending were Hutchinson, Great Bend, Hays, Salina Central, Wichita West, St. John and Phillipsburg . Hutchinson placed 4th.

History Notes October 1963

After a 14 all halftime score, Bison blitzed McCracken 41-21.

A marriage license was issued to Keith E. Gumm and Ross Irene Neely.

Carol Kay Littler became the bride of Terry Lee Herdman September 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips moved from LaCrosse into the house owned by Mrs. Bob Janke.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopper moved into the rental house of Sylvester Conrad.

Linda Scheideman pledged Sigma Alpha Iota, at Ft. Hays State.

McCracken Mustangs scored 250 yards rushing and 68 passing to defeat Offerle 42-6.

Warren Herb Irvin, 38, died in Denver, Colorado, October 10.

Oliver Herdman was severely burned by steam as he removed the cap from a radiator.

Fred Ward died October 6 in Costa Mesa, California.

Mrs. Gilbert Wess (Marie Sweeney), 46, died October 9 of an apparent heart attack.

Charles F. McGaughey, 73, died in October at the LaCrosse Rest Home.

A boy, Kirk Errol, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shiney October 16.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGaughey and Robbie attended the dedication of the new post office at Palco.

Mrs. Nina Stephens was honored for 10 years of service as a Gray Lady at Larned Hospital.

Clark D. Stetler, 70, died October 25. Burial was in the McCracken Cemetery.

Those enrolled at Ft. Hays from McCracken: Lavona Peters, Wilma & Reginald Washaliski, W. Duane Brown, Vicky Irvin, Clifford B. Gilbert, Sarah Miller, Denzil D. Walker, Jesse A. Showalter, Terry Herdman, Mark Reinhardt, C. Gary Walker, Reggie Irvin & Sidney Bott.

Mrs. Floyd Thompson returned home from Miami Beach, Florida where she had been a delegate attending the National Council meeting of Girl Scouts for adults.

Carolyn Ruth Higgins became the bride of James E. Sekavec October 19.

Some Mark Twain Quotes:

“God created war so that Americans would learn geography.”

“Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”

“Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty government when it deserves it.”

Wise sayings from a 90 year old.

Be eccentric now! Don’t wait for old age to wear purple

Frame every disaster with these words....in five years will it really matter?

Burn the candles....use the nice sheets....wear the nice lingerie. Don’t save for a special occasion. Today is special.

Take a deep breath, it calms the mind.

If a relationship has to be secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

You don’t have to win every argument.

Pay off your credit card every month.

Life isn’t fair but it is still good.

Time heals almost everything. Give time time.


1. Woodrow Wilson is interred at Washington National Cathedral.
2. Rutherford B. Hayes (R. B. Hayes)
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. Zachary Taylor because he moved many times as a soldier and had not established an official place of residence.

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