RCNews October 9
Carolyn Oller and Shirley Higgins ALMOST had lunch Tuesday in Great Bend.  It was decided we would meet at noon in front of Wal-Mart.  We both waited and watched, Carolyn was waiting in front of the entrance on the east, and Shirley was waiting in front of the entrance on the west.  I saw Pat Derr in Wal-Mart and asked her to join us.  We had a nice visit waiting for Carolyn.  Pat had to leave because she had a doctor’s appointment and had to get back home so she could go again; to St. John to volleyball games. We never did get together.  Carolyn needs to invest in a cell phone!!
LeeRoy Schuckman is a surgical patient in Hays Medical Center, Hays.
Dwight Eisenhour attended graveside funeral services Wednesday morning for Rose Grumbein.  He and Kenneth Grumbein were classmates.  He later went to LaCrosse to visit with his mother, Icis Eisenhour.  He was hoping he could get his sister, Elaine Littler to buy and/or fix lunch!
Ask Elaine why her bicycle was taken away from her.
I had a nice visit with Valerie Mills in Great Bend on Tuesday.  She and her family are all doing well, said to tell friends in McCracken hello.
Shirley Higgins met Pauline Frazier in Hutchinson on Thursday where they enjoyed lunch together.
We have another dog resident in town.  A black shepherd mix with collar is in the west part of town.  It also has white down its front and brownish color on its legs.  Please, someone come claim him, he is STARVING.
Lorraine Ryan and Ruthetta Irvin attended funeral services this week in McPherson for a former member of Easter Star. After the funeral they visited with June Bell.  They said June would appreciate notes from friends as she has been suffering from sciatic nerve problems. Her address is 1013 Darlow Drive, McPherson 67460.
Priscella Jacobs had a stint placed in an artery on Thursday in Hays.    
The United Fund drive is being started this next week.  McCracken was DEAD last year in the county, lets see if we can’t do better in 2008.  Thanks in advance!
 In the Friday night game against the Solomon Gorillas (where Coach Bill McKinney was, before he came to McCracken) the LaCrosse leopards were victorious 60-14. Scott Irvin and Clinton Kershner had 5 tackles each and Clinton had a BLOCKED PUNT!  Clayton Kershner and Andy Johnson were credited with 2 stops each.  Tayler Stull had a good game with 7 stops and carried the ball for 11 yards. Garrett McCormick saw some action too. Good Job Leopards!
The first time we saw Bill McKinney come into McCracken he had this older grey car with humongous blue Gorillas painted on each side.  Wondered what kind of coach we were getting. He was a keeper!!!!
Lorraine Ryan, Arlene Gilbert, Marlene Funk and Verlene Wilson enjoyed lunch in Wakeeney one day last week.  They all visited afterward with Verlene in her new home.
McCracken made the edition of We Kan this month.  In the column ‘Around Kansas with the Rural Culture Elements’ it has written PEOPLE:  Letters to McCracken alumni resulted in enough donations to buy a refrigerator, stove, microwave and table for the community center, plus donations to the swimming pool, a stove for the rodeo concession stand and candy for Santa at Christmas. 
Mike and Shannon Keith represented the Purple Power Catbacker's of Ellsworth on the field at the K-State-Texas Tech game on Saturday.  They appeared on the big screen.
Ray and Laura Wierman, Bennington, were weekend guests of Francis and Roberta Wierman.  They all attended the wedding of Jennifer Schreiber and Curtis Middleton at Hays Saturday afternoon.
Happy 30th birthday Jason Showalter.
Thayne Jones was honored on his 80 plus birthday at the Book Club by members Lorraine Ryan, Susan Rebel, Shirley Higgins, Tomi Rues, Ruthanne Crawshaw and Carolyn Thompson.  Lorraine brought angel food cake and strawberries.  Emma Rues took pictures with the help of her sister, Kate.  The ladies gathered all around for the picture so it looked like Thayne had a harem.  The group, using discussion questions, reviewed the book “Three Cups of Tea”. by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin.  If you would like to help build schools for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan please send a contribution to Central Asia Institute, P. O. Box 7209, Bozman, MT 59771.  This will help counter-act the schools being built by terrorists.
In a letter from Diana Hart:  Her granddaughter, Leslie is a senior at K-State and her grandson, Charles, is a senior at Ulysses High School.  She was pleased that the post office has reopened.
Mike Karlin was a Wednesday through Sunday guest of Addie Mills.  Mike’s other grandmother, Wauneta Vine, died Tuesday evening at Good Samaritan Home in Ellis.
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius attended the formal dedication of the Smoky Hills Wind project on Thursday.  It took place at the headquarters of the wind turbine farm located south of Lincoln, along Interstate Highway 70.  Also attending was Ellsworth County Commissioner, Albert Oller.  He was interviewed on TV on channel 12.  He told of the economic impact of having the wind farm in the area.  He explained that the project created jobs and will provide funds for the school districts.  Busloads of elementary school students attended from Ellsworth and Lincoln counties as well as landowners, business owners and residents.
 Rose Grumbein. 90, died September 27, 2008 at the Good Samaritan Center in Hutchinson.  She was the daughter of Samuel and Myrtle Wright Swartz.  She married Ray Grumbein on March 10, 1936.  He died September 1983.  Survivors include her son, Kenneth, daughter Luann, brother, Gordon, sister, Louise Niblick, four grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.  Ken Grumbein conducted the services for his mother on Wednesday at McCracken City Cemetery.  Also speaking at the service was Joel Fitzgerald.  Ken was accompanied to McCracken by his sons, Russell and Rex. Russell just finished basic training.  He is in the Guard and will shortly be deployed to the border in Egypt. In visiting with Gordon Swartz, a brother of Rose, he told of his experiences in World War 11.  He was at the Battle of the Bulge.  He woke up in Paris in a hospital where they removed shrapnel.  He had the privilege of shaking hands with General George Patton.
R. B. Hayes is recovering from two breaks in his tibia from a collision with his dog.  The dog was chasing a rabbit and plowed over him.
Remember the United Fund Drive runs from October 1st through the 31st. A BIG THANK YOU to those who have already turned in their donations. It's wonderful to see our community giving. It's easy to forget just how good it feels to give. Keep up the good work.
The Nickel cemetery has been nicely mowed.  Our city cemetery looks wonderful also.  Many complements were given our city cemetery at the funeral for Rose.
Obituaries in Vol 111 McCracken History for 1993:  Paul W. Grate, Arthur Wendler, Esther P. Walker, Albert G. Davenport, Bob Weeks, George J. McLaughlin, Leonard Sweeney, Mayme McCormick (age 104), Henry Nicholas “Nick” Higgins, Frank A. Birzer, Gerald “Mutt” Whitis, George M. Pryor, Al E. Crotinger, Kenneth Trivitt House, Linda Marie House, Alice Klee Schommer, Alene Pursley Plotner, Harley E. Irvin, Hattie Mae Conner, Ed Thompson, Archie (Pat) Raymond Murphy, Alvin William Schwartzkopf, Ruth Whitis Stephens, Charlotte Claire Norlin, Philomena “Minnie” Jacobs, Carrie D. House, Dorothy A. Smith, Vera A. Dugan, Cecilia McGuigan.
McCracken History Notes
October 1908
W. A. Ware died Friday at his home in Paden, Oklahoma.  He was born at De Moines, Iowa in 1847, married Nancy A. Bradley in 1870.  To this union was born two sons, Ed S. Ware, Ora F. Ware and three daughters, Anna Lee Farwell, Lula May Ware and Marian M. Ware.  Burial was in the McCracken Cemetery.
Claude Starrett is moving his family to Solomon.
October 1938
There will be a pie social and program at the Hanson School Wednesday night.  Ada M. North is the teacher.
Joe McCarthy, manager of the New York Yankees, has never played ball in the major leagues.
October 1948
Norman Robertson returned to his home in Cheran, Colo. Wednesday.  He was accompanied by Mrs. Ada Juvenal, who will visit her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Robertson and family of Cheran.  Mrs. Nellie Dutton and Miss Lida Floyd will visit their sister, Mrs. Maude Robertson near Arlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mills have moved to LaCrosse where Raymond is employed by the Pontiac agency.
October 1958
Leonore Willis was dismissed Friday from a Hays hospital where she had been a patient for several days as the result of an automobile accident in which she received a fractured rib.  Dight House who was also injured in the accident was released Tuesday.  The accident happened near Antonio.
Bill Harper and Harlan Anderson attended a seed meeting at Scott City on Saturday.
Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. James Neumann, Garden City, on the birth of a son, David William, born October 10, 1958.
October 1968
A tractor burned causing minor injuries to Jay Pfeiffer southeast of town.
Mrs. Edna Cheney is Regent of Jonathan Gilbert Chapter of the NSDAR.
October 1978
The Mustangs continue to roll on with a victory against Tipton 58-8.  Jerry Casey three 4 touchdown passes, scored 2 times him self, ran for 66 yards on 12 carries, made 16 tackles and 11 solo stops.  His scoring tosses went to Mitchell Jacobs, Fred Taylor, Joe Conner and Shannon McKinney.
Athenian Club purchased a redwood picnic table and benches for the city park.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Showalter, a son, Jason, October 14.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Burkhart, a daughter, Amanda Lee, September 15 in Dodge City. (Happy 30th)
October 1988
The USD 395 School Boad recognized Lorraine Ryan for her accomplishments in the Kansas Association of school Board’s Boardsmanship Academy.
Jason Showalter was a participant in the punt, pass and kick competition held Sunday.  He placed 2nd in the age 10 Division.
October 1998
Mabel Irvin celebrated her 100th birthday on October 10.  She is a resident of Grisell Memorial Hospital Long Term Care Unit in Ransom.
Bryan Fear won the “sexiest leg” contest among football players at LaCrosse High School.

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