RCNews Oct 7
Birthdays: October 7, Rachel Legleiter, Bill Harp; October 8, Diane McFarren, Health North; October 9, Wacey Shelit; October 10, Jeffrey Hinman, Cameron Horesky, Nate Dominguez; October 11, Julie Stull, Kristana Anderson, Katelyn Stull; October 12, Dale Elias, Bob Wolfe, Phyllis Conrad, Todd Borger; October 13, Davis Norlin, Ryan Wiebe, Brad Lovitt, Robert Mason, Richard Hardwick.
Anniversaries: October 7, Ivan and Peggy Janke, Leslie and Sheryl Rogers; October 8, Terry and Helen Showalter; October 11, Craig and Julie Stull; October 12, Pete and Terri CoxCongratulations to Shelby Bowers who graduated from Hays High School this Fall. She is the daughter of Tony and Tomi Rues, McCracken and Daniel Bowers, Eskridge.
A quilt made by Carol Brown and Marjorie Sloan is on display at Boondocks Bar and Grill in McCracken. It will be raffled December 1 and proceeds to the Tree Beautification. Go see it, have lunch or dinner and buy a ticket or two.
A rodeo T-Shirt quilt is in the planning stages. If you have old rodeo shirts you dont need or want anymore, please give them to Austin or Shirley. Proceeds for this raffle will be for the benefit of the Park and Pool. Thanks.
Dont forget the chili cook off that will be held Sunday October 10 at the City Park in McCracken from 2-6. It is the 1st Octoberfest!!
Mike Lovitt, Dallas, Texas, Mary Lovitt, Wichita and her daughter Kelsey Mccafferty, Wichita were Friday Monday guests of Shirley Higgins.
Several books have been donated to the McCracken Library from Richard and Nancy Baker, Manhattan.
Todd Frazier has downloaded some of his French horn music on the McCracken Alumni Links). Please check it out.
Please go to the mccrackenalumni.com website for an inspirational story about Leslie Frazier, wife of our webmaster, Todd Frazier. For the past ten years Leslie was in pain, fell a lot and had severe fatigue. She consulted at least 30 doctors and they didnt know why she was having these problems. She ended up in a wheelchair and her three daughters were her caregivers. Todd was worried about her having to go to a rest home. She was searching the web when she found another sufferer named Ed who had the same symptoms. His disease, that affects only 150 in the United States, was diagnosed as Dopa Responsive Dystonia, a genetic disorder. Ed took the medication Dopamine and overnight was relieved of his symptoms. Leslie had the same result. She has taken physical therapy and is out of her wheel chair and back at work as a speech therapist. We are so grateful for this miracle cure. This has weighed on the heart of Todd and we are so happy that he now has his wife back.
There has been a wonderful and generous response to the Rush County United Fund Drive. A big thanks goes out to all who have already contributed. Thank you, thank you.
Members of the Faith Sharing group met Monday, October 4 at St. Marys Rectory for their first meeting of the year. Those attending were Twila Higgins, Jean Schutte, Joann Micheli and Jeanette McCormick. The group will meet each Monday morning at 10:00. Come join us.
Rita Brethour, Park City, was a weekend guest of her parents Francis and Roberta Wierman.
Tom Harris, Lance Hoopingarner, Al Hugh and Diz Washaliski won the Fort Hays Seniors -- 4 person scramble on Thursday in Hays at Smoky Hill Country Club.
From The Explorer the Kansas Sampler Foundation newsletter: Eleven miles west of Tribune, then 2 miles north and l/2 mile west, find the Grand Army of the Republic cemetery that contains seven Civil War veterans graves and an interesting monument to the Rogers brothers, who died in the blizzard of 1886. Their faithful collie is buried next to them. Check out this and the cemeteries in our area to honor our Civil War veterans.
McCracken History Notes
October 1910
Henry Doerr of Schoenchen was in town Saturday and renewed his subscription to the Enterprise. Mr. Doerr owns a good farm and is one of the up-to-date prosperous farmers of the county.
Mr. P. H. McCormick and Miss Mamie McGaughey were married in Colorado last week.
October 1940
Mr. and Mrs. Len Gilbert are moving into an apartment in the United Brethren parsonage this week.
A total of 889 young men of Rush County registered for military training and service Wednesday. Of these, Hampton Township had 75.
October 1960
Haskell S. Bryant left Monday for Kansas City where he met his son-in-law, Dr. Aubrey H. Nease, State College, Pennsylvania, and accompanied him in his plane on a tour of their chemical plants located in various states including Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Kellye Hart moved the last of the week into the B. H. Yawger house.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lovitt have moved to the Herb Davenport farm northwest of McCracken.
October 1980
Volleyball team members are Lori Brown, Sabrina Higgins, Sandy Peters, Kayla Higgins, Janet Conner, Annette Davis, Sarena Higgins, Tonya Mangold, Stacy Foreman, Brenda Barnes, Sandy Taylor, Kelly McKinney, Kerrie Seltmann and Sandra Jacobs.
Attending services for Mary Johnson in Bismark, North Dakota were John Rixon, Don Greenway, Jack Wilson, Floyd Thompson, Steve Sloan, LeRoy Wilson, Orville Durand, Tony Harp, Dave Derr and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Legleiter.