October 4, 2017 News
Birthdays: October 4, Alliyah Oborny; October 5, Danielle Higgins, Leah Baus; October 6, Leslie Irvin Tip, Kellye Irvin, Courtney Gilbert; October 7, Rachel Legleiter, Bill Harp; October 8, Diane McFarren, Heath North; October 9, Wacey Shelit, Lee Hansen; October 10 Jeffrey Hinman, Cameron Horesky.
Anniversaries: October 4, Michael and Kelly Pfannenstiel; October 6, Les and Rose Diehl, Larry and Ellen Hinman; October 7, Leslie and Sheryl Rogers; October 8, Terry and Helen Showalter.
Beginning events at McCracken Family Fall Fest, Saturday, October 21, 2017: Breakfast and Antique Car Show: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Registration 10 until noon - Fee - $20.00
Live Polka music by Garry Batt - 12 noon to 3:00 P. M Vendors all day. Silent Auction all day. More next week.
Relatives of the Caseys and McCurreys were here on Sunday afternoon. They visited the Jail Museum, St. Mary's Church, the Ramsey Cemetery and St. Mary's Cemetery. They plan to return for the rodeo in July 2018. Those who came were Mona Riley and daughters Stacy, Isabella and Kelly. They gave a generous donation to the Jail/Museum.
Our sympathy to the family of Madonna McGaughey of Jetmore. Funeral services were held on Monday. She was an aunt of Rob McGaughey.
Local artist Eric Scriven has two of his wood pictures at the Barton County Arts Council 2nd Annual Friends and Acquaintances Community Art Festival at Shafer Art Gallery at BCCC, Great Bend. The show runs from September 29 to November 4. One of his pictures is “The fish within a fish”
Roy and Phyllis Conrad and Richard and Linda Conrad St. Louis, MO went to Temple, Texas to visit their brother Wendell (Pee Wee) Conrad who was put in the William R. Courtney Texas State Veterans Home for all veterans because of health issues. This home is run by the state of Texas and has 166 beds or residents. It was an honor to meet so many disabled veterans. The ones we got to talk with, loved to talk about their military life. One that really was interesting was a lady from New York State and she was in WW1 and was 101 years old. No way did she look that age. She said she had been all over the world. Time was too short because we enjoyed visiting with what few we got to talk with.
Dominic and Kayla Weskamp motored to Dallas where they watched Dallas – LA Rams football game. Jerry and Jodi Higgins attended the K-State – Baylor football game in Manhattan Saturday
afternoon. Ron and Cathie Casey, Rose and Les Diehl, Topeka, stayed in McCracken during this weekend.
Madonna I. McGaughey, 94 passed September 23, 2017 at Brookdale in Dodge City. She was born August 27, 1923 in Hodgeman County, the daughter of Wm. and Emma L. Sinclair Goebel. She married Chester McGaughey, he passed in 1989. Burial in Jetmore.
The Halloween parade is Saturday Oct 28th at 4:30 pm at the library. The parade will be led by board member Mark McCormick with all the little trick or treaters winding their way to the United Methodist church. The party will continue at the church with dinner, entertainment and games. Plus lots of treats Everyone is welcome!!!
In conjunction with the McCracken Fallfest. There will be nothing scary about the McCracken Scarecrow Fest! Join in the fun by stuffing and dressing your own handcrafted scarecrow to be displayed in your yard in McCracken. Also fall decorations! Fun starts October 1st with judging the day of Fallfest on Saturday, October 21st. Winner will receive a prize. Start planning now and building your scarecrow or fall decorations. Great family fun! For more information call Rose at 785-250-6002.
Kid's Cardboard Box Contest! During Fallfest Who: 0-12 year (Parents/Grandparents can help) What: Cardboard box made into any mode of transportation When: Oct. 21, 2017 Registration: 12:00 Noon- No Entry Fee Competition is from 1pm -4pm (Antique car show contestants will judge) Where: Behind the McCracken Grade School All entries will get a medal and goodie! 1st, 2nd and 3rd trophies will be awarded COME HAVE FUN! Be CREATIVE! Paint, bedazzle, sound effects or whatever you want to do to make it your special ride!
Well, we lucked out and got a windy day for our last golf tournament of the season in McCracken! Everyone thought the holes going north were pretty short and those going south were really long! A few of us discovered that a slice into a strong south wind might work its way back and hit you! The event was a four-person scramble. We had nine teams, but only 35 golfers. One older golfer just couldn't make it, but one team of young kids woke up in Dighton at 7:30 AM and were in McCracken and ready to go at 8:15 AM. They also won the tournament, ate all the tacos from the taco bar we would allow and were the last ones to leave! Pretty nice fellas, too. Darn kids!Here are the results 1st Place: Dylan Gross, Brandon Poole, Colin Herold, and Cory Weber. 2nd Place: Tony Harp, Butch Harp, Sean Peters and Ty Elias
History Notes 1972 Filming continues on the movie “Paper Moon”. Fred’s AG Market has been converted to the Dream Theatre; Many old cars were pressed into service to depict the time period for the film. Anderson’s Garage was used as a gas station: the crew met with the commissioners and they told them 70% of the filming would be exterior, but they would use the McCracken Hotel and other buildings for interior shooting; the grade football team members are: Larry Buster, Craig Rixon, Joe Conner, J.D.Bell, Jim Dome, Mark Baus, Leslie Rogers, James Webs, Mike Conner, Don Phillips, Larry Hinman, Layne Morgan, Tom Rues, Shannon McKinney, Marty Mills, Jerry Casey, Fred Taylor. Coach Wayne Wahlmeier; a welcoming reception was held Saturday evening and Sunday morning for Rev. Eugene P. Kenny, the new pastor for St. Mary’s Church; children enrolled in kindergarten in Alexander are John Moran, Sean Miller, Terry Showalter, Tresha Zinn and Dixie Bott. Lorraine Norlin teacher; MHS defeated Bazine 35-12 Friday. It was Casey vs. Casey as 5 cousins battled it out, 3 for McCracken and 2 for Bazine.
Patricia Petz
This was another busy week as I helped out at the La Crosse Elementary and LaCrosse High schools. I had a fun experience watching the different "Camp" groups put on short cheers while I was at the High School on Monday. It was a busy week for everyone involved as they planned for the LHS Homecoming.
Monday evening, my mother, Mary Steitz, decided that it was time for her to do some cooking and she invited my brother De.Wayne and his wife, Vicky, and me up for supper. It was a delicious meal and we had a fun time visiting.
As my small garden comes to an end, I went into action and did some last canning for the fall on Tuesday and Wednesday. I was able to put up several quart jars of tomatoes and pickled beets. I know they will be tasty this winter when I have company. The zuchinni was picked and shredded for some yummy bread at a later date. Tuesday afternoon I needed to run to Hays for a car appointment and run other errands.
Friday, my mom and I along with hundreds of people attended the LHS Homecoming parade. I must say that I believe that this was one of the nicest parades that has ever hit the streets of La Crosse. A lot of hard work went into organizing and presenting the parade.
That evening, mom and I waited for my daughter, Angie to meet us at Rush Center so that we could travel to Scott City and set up for the 44th annual Whimmydiddle Arts and Crafts Festival. There is such a big crowd that I'm not able to take care of all the customers, so my mom and daughter have helped me at this event for several years. We unloaded the tents, tables, and jewelry in the dark at the park and then headed for the Motel. Needless to say we were very tired when we finished.
Saturday morning came early and the event was well attended even through the short lived rainfall and the terrible wind. I kept praying that my tents were staked down well enough to withstand the wind. This is always my best show of the year and I think it ended up being the best show that I've ever had at the Whimmydiddle. If you've never attended this event, it is one that you don't want to miss. It is always the last Saturday of September. I was told that there were over 200 vendors this year, so that means that there was a lot to look at.
Sunday morning mom and I attended church at St. Michael's and then had lunch at Tracy's. I had a number of things to take care of at home so I left after lunch. I hope everyone has a blessed week.