October 4, 07
A little sports update from the Stull's in Kansas City.  I was reading about Taylor's football exploits in the paper so I thought I'd better update the other side of the Stull family's athletic prowess!  
 Katelyn Stull is a starter on the New Mark Middle School Volleyball A Team.   The team is undefeated with a record of 8-0 with wins over Northgate, Eastgate, Excelsior Springs, and Bridger.  Matthew is running varsity on the Oak Park High School cross-country team.  The team has won the Liberty Invitational, Blue Springs Invitation, and the Kansas City Metro Cross-Country Championships on September 22.  They are currently ranked 4th in Class 4A in Missouri and will be competing at in the KU Rim Rock Farms Classic, September 29th.  At Metro, Oak Park runner Will Hansen finished 1st with a time of 16:05 in the 5K race.  Matthew placed 2nd for Oak Park and 25th overall with a time of 16:57.     
A memorial has been given to the McCracken Public Library in memory of Larry Edmundson from Shirley Higgins.   Pall bears at Larry’s funeral were Robbie McGaughey, Richard Showalter, Bill and Dan Zeller, Jason Basgall and Bob Wolfe.  Honorary pall bears from  McCracken were Richard Jones and Roy Jensen.
Congratulations to the Hoisington Cardinals high school volleyball team.  They are ranked #1 in 3A after winning the Cardinal Classic tournament last weekend.  I watched these gals last year and remember especially Jordan Nettleingham and Laura Richards, both seniors.  Good luck the rest of the season.
Jim Yori and Verlene Wilson attended the Ellsworth Trail Ride Saturday.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 20, for some great food that Brett Gilbert will be cooking on his Traeger grill.  The supper will begin at 5:30 with proceeds going to the Swimming Pool.
 Congratulations to Jamie and Dustin Gross, Bazine, on the birth of a new baby daughter, Kaycee Laine, born September 7, 2007.  Kaycee has a big sister, Taylor, who welcomes her home.  Grandparents are Jim and Karin Casey.
Priscilla Jacobs met Amy and Tessa Jacobs in Ellsworth Saturday for the Ellsworth Trail Ride. 
Dennis Peters stopped by and visited me Thursday afternoon.  He was on his way to Ness City to watch his niece, Shawna Peters run track and cross country for Otis Bison.  Another niece, Christina Peters Walters is teaching 1st grade in Mulvane.  Both girls are daughters of Russell Peters.
Jim and Martha Conrad, Kemball, Missouri, just about a stones throw from Arkansas and just a few miles from Tennessee, visited for a week here with his dad, Sylvester Conrad. They left on Friday morning as they both had to return to work..
As of 10/1 there are 5,744 petition signatures on the inter-net against the Fort Hays State University name change.
Howard and Ruth Ann Sissel were overnight guests of her sister, Roger and Norma McNair Friday evening.  They were on their way to Colorado.
Jamie DeWitt is doing some child care.  If you are in need of a baby-sitter, please give her a call. 785-394-2479.
Mary Beth Peach, Paula North, Shawna North, Paula Greenway, Melissa Bradshaw and Emily Rogers won both volleyball games in Ness City Sunday night. 
Mary Beth Peach and Brendon met her sister, Bruce and Lenora Kinzie and her brother John and Julie Prather in Hays on Sunday.  Mike Peach and Zach were feeding the turkeys down by the creek.
Was looking through some of my ‘stuff’ and in March of 1980, our bank was charging 18% interest on loans, paying 15% on $10,000 certificates.
No pumpkins are available yet at the Mike Stull pumpkin patch, but according to Colby he is more than ready for them to ‘ripen’.
All but one of our book club members have read the book “Quickie” by James Patterson.  We recommend it.       
The book club met at the Library on Thursday evening.  Those attending were Lorraine Ryan, Shirley Higgins, Carolyn Thompson, Francis and Julia Zeller, Susan Rebel and moderator, Tomi Rues.  Her question for the week was “Would you like to be beautiful or intelligent?”  The book club meets each week on Thursday evening at 7:00 p.m. however on October 11 and November 1 there will be no meeting.  You are welcome to come anytime.
Frank and Marge Lemon, Phillipsburg, celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary on Saturday with a luncheon with Francis and Julia Zeller.  They both attended college with Francis and Julia at Fort Hays.  While at school he began working at Safeway and continued with the company in Colorado until he retired.  They were square and round dancers and went all over the national and world dancing.
A donation was received by Eunice North in memory of Albert North for the Jail/Museum.  Eunice is also a renewing member.
Congratulations to Kayla Irvin on being named Homecoming Queen at LaCrosse High School.  Katelyn Morgan was a candidate.  Kelsee Rogers was a candidate at Western Plains. 
 Emily Rogers is a new sixth grade teacher at Ness City Elementary School.  She is also the assistant coach in junior high volleyball and basketball.  Her picture was in the Ness County News on September 27, 2007.  She has a B. S. in Education and a minor in Special Education. 
Betty Skillett is the sister of Charles S. Oborny, 82, who died September 27, 2007 at LaCrosse. 
We are greatly saddened by the death of Larry J. Edmundson, 60, who died September 26, 2007 at his home in McCracken.  He was born in Garden City, the son of Jack and Joyce Whiting Edmundson.  He graduated from Dighton High School in 1965.  In the late 70’s, he moved to McCracken.  He had a house-painting business here and farmed.  He is survived by a wife, Cathy, two sons, Todd and Samuel; his mother, Joyce; a brother, Mitch; two sisters Jacque Marsh and Mary Jo Wilkison; three grandsons.  He is also survived by a host of friends in the McCracken area.  He struggled with dignity with arthritis.  Burial was in Dighton.
Allan and Susan Darkes, Alberta, Canada, were here on Friday to visit Francis and Julia Zeller and Babe and Arlene Gilbert.  On Sunday a pot luck dinner was held at the Methodist Church in honor of the Darkeses.  They visited the Library and the Jail/Museum on Saturday.
Marty Mills appeared in the Hays Daily News on Sunday.  He is the owner of a sprint car that is driven by Kenny Lutters.  They race in the United Rebel Spring Series.
McCracken History Notes
October 1887
A Holiness camp meeting will be held at Hampton commencing October 13 and will continue for one week.  Rev. Lyman Johnston, editor of the STUMBLING STONE and other distinguished workers will be present.  (Hampton book)
October 1907
Wilson and Ward Grocery sold 100 baskets of pears and grapes on Saturday in two hours.
The wreck of ten freight cars three miles east of town occurred Tuesday afternoon and tied up all east bound trains here the greater part of the night.
October 1937
Football fans of this community were shocked last Friday at the LaCrosse game when the officials appeared on the field in white bloomer pants.  McCracken won 6-0.
Mrs. Ruth VanWinkle brought students of the District 30 School to McCracken last Thursday to visit the Enterprise and the telephone office.  Students were Loretta Lee Brenner, Lee Brenner, Harold Brenner, Delores Brenner, Marie Brenner, Pete Derr, Bobbie Derr and Warren Irvin.
October 1947
Jack Warren Moses, five-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moses of Topeka died at St. Rose Hospital in Great Bend early Monday evening.  In addition to his parents, the child leaves the following grandparents:  Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Skinner.  Mrs. F. L. Snodgrass is a great grandmother.
Operators have reported another good well in the Weitzel pool in northwest Rush County in the Wm. Foster 1 in SE/4 of Section 2-16-020.  The well will produce 40 barrels of oil per hour from the Arbuckle.
October 1957
 The Oscar B. Elias family held a family reunion on Sunday.  All eight of their children were present:  Lee and Gladys Fear, John and Phoebe Elias, Bob and Grace Lovitt, Claude and Marge Elias, Lucille Elias, Gus and Fay Boyd, Lloyd and Lucille Elias, Paul and Esther Walker. Also attending were Vic and Shirley Higgins and Jerry, Kay Fear, Bill Lovitt, Dennis Elias, Norma Jean Peters, Jametta and Terry Peters, Caleb and Betty Nowles and Nancy Walker.
October 1967
Edythe Baldwin received the First Merit Baking Company Award at the Kansas State Fair for her ginger cookies.  She received a $100.00 savings bond.
Ruth Howell and Edna Cheney returned home Sunday from an 18 day trip visiting Expo 67 at Montreal, Canada.
Janet Unrein was crowned Queen and Larry Buster was King at the Homecoming game Friday night with Eastern Heights.  Attendants were Carolyn Casey, Layne Morgan, Cheryl Foreman and Jerry Casey.  Eastern Heights defeated the Mustangs 36-22.
Darlene McFarren hosted a plant party in her home Wednesday with 30 guests attending.  Lorraine Norlin won a Gloxinia plant as a door prize.
USD 395 Board of Education voted to discontinue the baseball program at the close of 1977-78 school term.  Track will continue for both boys and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Petz celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on October 8 with a dance in the LaCrosse City auditorium.
October 1987
The McCracken Public Library story hour will begin Wednesday with Rosy Elmore as story hour coordinator.
Machree Jones and Nancy Scheuerman went to Scott City to register the McCracken Centennial quilt with the Kansas Historical Society.  A detailed explanation was recorded on all of the construction of the quilt.  There are four seams in the quilt, however all are covered up and the recorders could find only two.  (The quilt was won by Grace Thompson and loaned to the Jail/Museum).
Don Greenway has retired as manager of the Rush County Elevator Company effective October 1.
October 1997
A Forbes Family Reunion was held in conjunction with the Hampton event October 4 and 5.  They are all descendants of Jacob and Eleanor Forbes of Hampton.
The book Hampton and the Big Timber Valley on the Fort Hays – Fort Dodge Trail was prepared for the Hampton Event by Shirley Higgins and Carolyn Thompson and was printed by Creative Printing in LaCrosse.  Our thanks to Junior and Anna Mae Kreutzer for the finished product.  It has been well received.

©2007, McCracken Alumni Association
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