RCNews October 2
We think a thank you card to Larry Magdovitz would be a nice gesture for his fixing up our post office. His address is PO Box 997, Clarksdale, Mississippi 38614.
Representing McCracken at the KPRA finals were: Roger & Brenda Legleiter, Gary Barnes and Colleen Kerns. We received "The Committe of the Year Award.
Dave and Carolyn Davenport, Hutchinson were week-end guests of Travis, Tina, Katie and Tanner Elias, Colby. Saturday morning they attended Katie's volleyball game and then on to Tanner's football game at Goodland. On their way back to McCracken they made a brief stop at Hays for the Octoberfest activities. They were overnight guests at Ty Elias, Tina and Quintin Harris.
Hi, Ladies! I meant to write to you sooner about this little encounter, but forgot until I was reading the Rush Co. news earlier today. I had a great 40th birthday and even had a sliver of McCracken with which to share it. On my actual birthday (August 23), I attended a wedding in Elkhart, KS. It was the wedding of the ring bearer from my wedding over 18 years ago. (YIKES! That will point out ones age very quickly!) I noticed the name Bookstore in the program at the ceremony and asked my in-laws about it because I have noticed before in the news that there is a Bookstore in Elkhart with ties to McCracken (the McCracken News is sooooo thorough!). It turns out that my husbands cousin was marrying Lauras husbands cousin! Her daughter was a junior bridesmaid in the wedding. We had a nice visit. She spent many a summer just up the road with Uncle John and Aunt Carol to help with Kevin and Kirk. She asked me lots of interesting questions, and I finally just told her to subscribe to the Rush Co. News!!!
Laura Martin
The Rush County United Fund Drive is from October 1st to the 31st. Mary Beth Peach did a fine job for several years, but has now passed on the torch to Tomi Rues. Forms will be dropped by your house or in your mailbox. (Yea, the post office is open!!) If for some reason you don't receive a form, copies will be at the library. 100% of the money you donate goes to the charity YOU CHOOSE. The donation form lists national, state, and local charities. Donations may be mailed to Tomi Rues (address will be on envelopes) or may be returned to a receiving box at the library. Thanks in advance for your help. Let us see if we cant do better than last year. Last year a neighboring city donated a lot more than McCracken, lets beat them this year! Let us put McCracken on the map!!
Congratulations to Lance and Rachel Legleiter of Olathe, Ks. on the birth of a son, Haydn Lee, born September 9, 2008. He weighed 7 lb. 9.5 oz. and measured 20 inches long. Paternal grandparents are Mike and Sharolyn Legleiter, Hays. Maternal grandparents are John and Melanie Zeller McCracken. Great Grandparents are Carl and Velma Legleiter McCracken; Maternal grandparents are Ruth Axman, Hoisington, and the late James Horacek, Francis and Julia Zeller, McCracken.
The Barton Community College 2008 2009 Theatre season: Jakes Women by Neil Simon is October 10th, 11th & 12th at the College Fine Arts Auditorium; February: A Day in the Life, a musical revue, February 13th, 14th & 15th at the College Fine Arts Auditorium; almost Maine by John Cariani, March 27th, 28th & 29th.
I received this recipe through the internet for a coffee mug cake. 4 tbsp all purpose flour, 4 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp cocoa, 1 egg, 3 tbsp milk, 3 tbsp oil, 3 tbsp choc chips if desired; splash vanilla. Add dry ingredients in cup, mix well. Add egg & mix thoroughly. Add milk and oil and mix well. Add chips & vanilla. Microwave 3 minutes at 1,000 watts. Allow to cool. Tip out on plate and enjoy. ( Dont tell me if this doesnt work)
A note from Marlene Bronish says she has started back to school helping with a first grade class. The class has only ten children. She may volunteer for the kindergarten class as that teacher has 30. Marlene & her daughter Betty were in Monteray, California and watched her grandson graduate from his Korean class and they spent 3 days there. Her daughter who lives in Hong Kong flew in for the same three days so they had a very nice time visiting.
Jerry, Jodi & Jenna Higgins, Tammy Irvin, Chuck Higgins & Kyra Horesky attended the Lyons-Hutch Trinity middle school football game in Lyons Thursday evening. Tanner Higgins is a player for Hutch Trinity. They won the game in over-time, 14-8.
Congratulations to Jason & Carey Strader on the birth of a son, Avery Isaac, born Sunday, September 14, 2008 in St. Josephs Hospital, Kirkwood, Mo. He weighed 6 lbs. He decided to arrive early, about the same time as the remnants of Ike came through with high winds and dumping five inches of rain. Jason & Carey live in Highland, Il, so it was quite a wild ride to get to the hospital in time. He was named Isaac after his great grandfather and not Ike the hurricane. Avery has an older sister Elyse. Edith Mose Blair is the great grandmother.
October 2, 2008
Birthdays: October 2, Scott Mays, Carrie Higgins, Colton Day, Albert Oller; October 3, Frances Janke, Carly Jo Derr, Lorene McCaskey, Janice Norlin, Shelly Oelkers; October 4, Alliyah Oborny; October 5, Danielle Higgins, Leah Baus, Kain Kaltenbaugh; October 6, Leslie Irvin Tip, Kellye Irvin, Msgr. P. J. Leahy, Courtney Gilbert; October 7, Rachel Urban Legleiter, Bill Harp; October 8, Chester Rogers, Diane McFarren, Charlotte Ochs, Heath North.
Anniversaries: October 2, Adam and Janice Showalter; October 3, Bob and Marlene Funk; October 4, Michael and Kelly Pfannenstiel; October 6, Les and Rose Diehl, Larry and Ellen Hinman; October 7, Ivan and Peggy Janke, Leslie and Sheryl Rogers; October 8, Terry and Helen Showalter.
Congratulations to Diane McFarren on her 50th birthday.
Hi, Ladies! I meant to write to you sooner about this little encounter, but forgot until I was reading the Rush Co. news earlier today. I had a great 40th birthday and even had a sliver of McCracken with which to share it. On my actual birthday (August 23), I attended a wedding in Elkhart, KS. It was the wedding of the ring bearer from my wedding over 18 years ago. (YIKES! That will point out ones age very quickly!) I noticed the name Bookstore in the program at the ceremony and asked my in-laws about it because I have noticed before in the news that there is a Bookstore in Elkhart with ties to McCracken (the McCracken News is sooooo thorough!). It turns out that my husbands cousin was marrying Lauras husbands cousin! Her daughter was a junior bridesmaid in the wedding. We had a nice visit. She spent many a summer just up the road with Uncle John and Aunt Carol to help with Kevin and Kirk. She asked me lots of interesting questions, and I finally just told her to subscribe to the Rush Co. News!!!
Laura Martin (Laura North)
Philip Nicholson, died on September 19, 2008 at Ellis at the age of 90. H is survived by his widow, Pauline, three children, Philip, Jack A. Nicholson and Paulette Nicholson Harp, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Burial was Mt. Hope Cemetery in Ellis. His grandsons, Daniel and William Zeller live in McCracken.
Al Hugh, Hays, George Stover, LaCrosse,Tom Harris, Great Bend, and Diz Washaliski, McCracken, played in the FHSU Alumni Golf Tournament Thursday.
Kathy Lamb, Great Bend, has donated three advertising fans to the Jail/Museum. They were from H. E. Glantz and Sons of LaCrosse and McCracken. They sold Minneapolis and Moline and Power Farm Machinery. Their motto was Never Break Faith with a Friend and Hell Always Believe In You. One is a farm scene, one of mother and child and the third is The Good Shepherd. The fans are in mint condition.
The Rush County United Fund Drive is from October 1st to the 31st. Mary Beth Peach did a fine job for several years, but has now passed on the torch to Tomi Rues. Forms will be dropped by your house or in your mailbox. (Yea, the post office is open!!) If for some reason you don't receive a form, copies will be at the library. 100% of the money you donate goes to the charity YOU CHOOSE. The donation form lists national, state, and local charities. Donations may be mailed to Tomi Rues (address will be on envelopes) or may be returned to a receiving box at the library. Thanks in advance for your help.
Tina Unrein, daughter of James and Diana Unrein, granddaughter of Julius and Lucy Unrein, and Whitney Taylor, daughter of Rod and Bernadette Taylor, granddaughter of Fred and Mary Anne Taylor, were queen candidates for the 2008 homecoming at Ellis. Spencer White, son of Mike and Kelly Weber, and grandson of Bob and Marlene Funk, was a king candidate for Ness City High School.
Obituaries in Volume 111 of the McCracken History Book in 1992 were Loma Ludwig Start; Audrey Seltmann, Beryl McFarren, Clyde Weeks, Mary E. Prather, Minnie Maddy, O. W. Lacey, Dorothy Skinner Keller, Raymond Johnson, Gerald Wyman, Wendell Jack Ryan, Bertha Schwartzkopf, Marion Foster, Merle OLoughlin, Iva Roser, Dove Walker, Alfred Crotinger, Charles Frank McGaughey, Harry Kraisinger, Leo Linenberger, Rachel Cramer, Elizabeth Betty Casey,
McCracken History Notes
October 1908
Mr. D. D. Hunt has departed for Kansas City where he will study pharmacy for the next year. The drug store will continue as it has in the past, under the management of Dr. Dutton.
Prof. Barnard dismissed his Entre Nous College Tuesday and his scholars attended the political meeting in McCracken.
Joseph Legge and family have left their home in Rush County and moved to Hays City.
October 1938
The local American Legion will again sponsor a fall Halloween carnival. It will be held in the Opera House and the K. P. Hall on north Main Street.
Pushing over touchdowns in all but the third quarter, McCracken high school trounced LaCrosse 20-0 here last Friday giving the locals their second win of the season.
October 1948
Miss Neva McCormick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick and Mr. Melvin M. Metz, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Metz were married Monday morning, October 4th, in St. Marys Church, McCracken by Rev. Geo. McLaughlin. Miss Marvel Ann McCormick, sister of the bride was maid of honor and Mrs. Lorraine McCormick, sister-in-law of the bride was bridesmaid. Mr. Jesse Lee Barnes and Mr. William McCormick, brother of the bride, were the grooms attendants. The couple left on a wedding trip to Los Angeles, where they expect to make their home.
October 1958
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dean McFarren on the birth of a daughter, born October 8, 1958 in LaCrosse.
Ted Jennings, 55, died October 3, 1958.
Albert Henry Ree, 76, died September 23, 1958.
Early frost was on the pumpkin in the county this week when the mercury dropped to 28 degrees.
Bernard Rourke, was born January 2, 1935 at Brownell and died at his farm home near Brownell, October 1, 1958. He graduated from McCracken High School in 1952
October 1968
Lucy Unrein is neighborhood chairman for the McCracken Girl Scouts. Eleanor Halbleib is fund drive chairman and Joan Buster is a member of Sunflower Girl Scout Council Board of Directors.
Grace Leonhart, 66, died Saturday at her home in Bison. She was a member of the Assembly of God Church in McCracken.
October 1978
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Higgins, a daughter, Danielle Leann, October 5 in Fredonia.
Andrew Higgins, 64, died Saturday in Ness City. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn, sons, Robert and Keith, daughters, Carolyn and Marilyn
October 1988
The Jonathan Gilbert Chapter of the DAR met at the Davis Café on Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Riden, Kansas State Regent, was the guest speaker. Members attending were Irma Torrey, Naomi Webster, Nadine Miller, Hazel Jefferis, Joyce Hunter, Drewie McGaughey, Carolyn Thompson, Charlotte Fluharty and guest, Mary Ann Moran.
World was received that Charles Sweeney, 56, of Salina died. He was a former resident of McCracken.
October 1998
Arlene Rues was a weekend guest of Mary Ann Moran. Arlene participated with the McCracken Methodist Church Bell Choir at the Brownell Methodist Church Centennial. Others who attended the event were Francis and Julia Zeller, Addie Mills, Joy Hunter, Shirley Higgins, Grace Thompson, Twila Higgins, Mary Ann Moran and Pat Derr.
Kim Halbleib was a queen candidate at Ransom and Nikki Whittom was Homecoming Queen at Bazine High School.