RCNews Oct 1

PLEASE have your news items to Carolyn and/or Shirley by noon on Mondays. We have to turn it in to the Rush County News before 5:00. Please read the article “Printing Schedule Changes” on page one in section B.  Thanks.
Congratulations to Marlene Pfannenstiel Grumbein Bronish on her role as great-great grandmother.  Timothy Eloy Martinez was born September 11, 2009 at 12:33 a.m. He weighed 8 lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long.  Proud parents are Tim and Kayla (Miyake) Martinez; grandparent: Mike Miyake; great grandparents: Rudy and Paula Grumbein Miyake.
The McCracken Library board and patrons would like to thank Bill Zeller, Roger and Norma McNair for installing the cupboards at the library.  The cupboards cover about 1/3 of the north wall and are beautiful. 
The 2009 Rush County United Fund Drive is getting ready to start. This year the forms will be mailed with everyone's water bills. This will ensure that everyone receives a form. Last year McCracken did outstanding. If we could match it, or even exceed it, that would be wonderful. The drive runs through October, so donations need to be made during that month. There will be a box at the library for community members to drop off their forms and donations or you may mail to Tomi Rues, McCracken. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR DONATION TO THE COOP.  Thank you.
Those attending the McCracken Literary Society Book Club meeting Tuesday evening were Tomi Rues, Carolyn Thompson, Susan Rebel, Suzanne Randa, Arline Rues, Julia Zeller, Lorraine Ryan, and Shirley Higgins.
The first Dream session was held Friday, September 25 at the home of Christine Wagner.  Those members attending were Carol Heiman, Kathleen Kuchar, Carolyn Thompson, Shirley Higgins and the hostess Christine.  We missed Sister Joel and Sister Martina.
The McCracken Fire Station received a much needed cleaning and de-cluttering. .a volunteer did it Thursday..
As I typed the birthdays for this week I realized that in the past year we have lost three
Glenn Ryan, Frances Janke and Msgr. Leahy, whose birthdays are this week.  
Friends were reminiscing about LaVern Fletcher and they all mentioned how he and Benny McCaskey perfected the “Soft Shoe Shuffle”.  Most everyone thought they were like professional dancers.
I first met Duane Engel in the early 70’s when Zippa Hall and I were working on the Rush County History Book.   I appreciated his kindness and patience.  Shirley and I have been grateful to be able to share McCracken News through his paper.  He was generous with the space for our news.  Not long ago, Duane and his family were at church at St. Michael’s.  He was so pleased to be out and around and have his family there.  I said, “Duane, it is good to see you” and he replied “It is good to be seen”.  He then gave me a hug.  ct
Lucy Vogle has loaned some items to the Jail/Museum.  They are a button – 1887-1987 McCracken Centennial Bonnet and Apron Permit, July 17, 18, 19; a red heart shaped tape measure from Meyer Hardware; a knife set from Farmers Co-Op LaCrosse, McCracken and Hargrave; a keychain from Petz Equipment Service.
When we were in Alaska we saw the most beautiful jewelry made from Ammolite.  It is a rare opal-like gem found on the east slope of the Rocky Mountains in the United States and Canada. The gems are in primary colors - blue, green, yellow, red in varying patterns.  The most expensive contain red, green and amber yellow.  Upon returning home, I realized that I had purchased one in Montana many years ago at a roadside shop near a mine.  The Blackfeet considered the gem to have amuletic powers to aid them in their buffalo hunts – they called it “buffalo stone”.  They also put it in their medicine bundle for healing.
Faith-Sharing will begin at St. Mary’s Rectory on Monday morning at 10:00 a.m., October 5.  Everyone is welcome.  We will meet weekly.
Here is a continuation of the Wills from the Class of 1937:
Luceil Plotner bequeathes her age to George Doerr so he can play football next year, and her strict died of dill pickles and lemons to Ruby Littler so that the aforesaid Ruby Littler will not go soft on Sir Malcolm Brown.
James Smith leaves his ability to dance to George Myers.  To Lawrence Moore he gives one book of crossword puzzles to be worked in Study Hall.
Gwendolyn Prowant supplements the Christmas gift of Marjorie Norlin by leaving her one “’itsy, bitsy rubber dollie” to ride in the aforesaid Marjorie Norlin’s little red waggy.”  To Lucille Elmore she bequeathes one pair of slippers so that the Lucille Elmore will not have to go Tom-catting around barefooted after dark.
Willis Redding gives and devises his new motor boat to Herman Rein to be dissected and rebuilt into three Barnes each smaller than the one he used to go to see.  And to Benjamin McCaskey he leaves his flashlight so that the Benjamin McCaskey will not have to wait until daylight to see his way home.
Muriel Murphy bestows upon her sister, Lillian Murphy, her talent to compose letters to certain K. U. college chaps.
McCracken History Notes
October 1899
Pupils at McCracken school:  Anna Fear, Jimmie Fear, Freddie Fear, Mabel Bennett, Doll Bennett, Ethel Brown, Allie Snodgrass, Percy Grumbein, Willie Grumbein, Arthur Baldwin, Willie Hill, Elvira Fudge, Ida Fudge, Freddie Nosker.  Teacher Carrie M. Huntoon.
A.C. North has just received a lot of dental instruments for horses and is prepared to do any work in that line.
Mr. Wierman of Pennsylvania, father of Al and Wm. Wierman, prosperous young farmers of Waring Township, arrived last week on a visit to his boys.
October 1909
Nearly every farmer is plowing.  It is a little late, but the best thing for wheat.  By the time the wheat is sown and up the Hessian fly and cinch bug will be out of business.
The United States government recognizes 7,000 kinds of intoxicating drinks.
Arthur North has purchased the sheds left on the old yards by the Elmore Lumber Company and will construct the lumber into a large barn.
G. B. Davenport has sent his household goods ahead and with his family and son Lander and wife (Fannie) will soon depart for Colorado.
October 1919
Louise Krecker and Patrick Klee were married Wednesday evening at St. Mary’s parsonage.  They will make their home on the Stitzer farm southwest of town.
The boys have been unable to practice basketball very much this week on account of the rainy weather.  They wish that the patrons of the school would show their interest by giving them a place to play indoors.
October 1939
John Singleton, local railway agent, says that more freight is being moved at this time than he has ever seen.  One day last week seven freight trains went through McCracken.
After several years of sober black and white color, Kansas auto tags will blossom out in 1941 with red numerals on a white background.
October 1959
Rush County suffered an estimated crop loss of $100,000 as the result of high waters coursing down Wet Walnut creek and overflowing into farmland along the way last week.
James Hanson arrived last week from Selfridges Air Force Base, Michigan to spend a 25 day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson.  He has been transferred to K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base.
October 1979
Milo harvest is getting underway and is running between 12-20 percent moisture and dry land is yielding 30-70 bushels per acre.
In the game with Greensburg, Craig Stull led the rushing with 119 yards on 19 carries while Doug Elias rushed for 99 on 11 carries.  The undefeated Mustangs won 64-28.

©2009, McCracken Alumni Association
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