RCNews September 30
Birthdays: September 30, Thayne Jones, Roy Jones; October 1, Norman Anderson; October 2, Albert Oller, Scott Mays, Carrie Higgins, Colton Day; October 3, Carly Derr, , Janice Norlin, Shelly Oelkers; October 4, Alliyah Oborny; October 5, Danielle Higgins, Leah Baus, Kain Kaltenbaugh; October 6, Leslie Tip, Courtney Gilbert, Kellye Irvin.
Anniversaries: October 1, Fred and Kim Taylor, Kirk and Janie Herdman; October 2, Adam and Janice Showalter; October 3, Bob and Marlene Funk; October 4, Michael and Kelly Pfannenstiel; October 6, Les and Rose Diehl, Larry and Ellen Hinman.
John Casey is a member of the Topeka West varsity football team. They played at Emporia Friday night.
Aaron, Leslie and Jackson McGaughey motored to Manhattan where they attended the K-State football game. Joining them was Chuck Heidrick.
Saturday evening Holly Schkoda, Rob and Helena McGaughey, Austin McGaughey and Joy Hunter enjoyed supper at Boondocks. They drove around McCracken and looked at the trees that were planted Saturday. They returned Joy to LaCrosse where they had ice cream from Paw Paws.
Mylo and Ann Oyler, Plano, attended the volleyball game between Hutch Middle School 8 and Maize Middle School Thursday in Hutchinson. Also in attendance was Shirley Higgins. They all attended the Hutchinson Salina Central middle school football game Friday evening. Both the volleyball and football teams were victorious.
Rob & Helena McGaughey, Austin McGaughey, Ashley McGaughey, Holly Schkoda, Aaron, Leslie, Lillian and Jackson McGaughey and Joy Hunter enjoyed supper Sunday evening at Greggs in Rush Center.
Zach Higgins was in attendance at the Kansas State football game on Saturday. Jerry and Tanner Higgins were in attendance at the KU game in Lawrence.
One of MHS year books was sold on E bay for $5. If you dont want yours, send it to the McCracken Museum.
It's that time of year again for the RUSH COUNTY United Fund Drive! Every little bit does make a difference. This is a chance to give. You decide how much and who you want your money to go to! You can choose national, state, county, or city charities. Why not give a little? It will make you feel good when you know you help make a difference. Thank you!
United Fund forms will be sent with your water bills. Please return them to Tomi Rues, P.O. Box 38, McCracken,KS 67556, or there will be an envelope at the library. All donations need to be in by the end of October.
p.s. 100% goes to the charities!
The McCracken Beautification Committee met on Friday September 24th to discuss new benches that are being donated by the trust of Pat and Arilia Istus and the planting of the first phase trees on Main Street.
The Pat and Arilia Istus Trust has generously agreed to donate $500.00 for the McCracken Beautification Society. Also making donations include Ruby Meyers, Carolyn Thompson, Terry & Patricia Miller, Tom Rues, McCracken Historical Museum, Lynnette Guy, Marlene Bronish, Wesley Irvin, Clyde & Virginia Barnes and Linda Conrad. There were also numerous cash donations received during the McCracken Community yard sale on Saturday September 18th. Thank you to everyone as they continue to help!
On Saturday, September 24th, the Beautification Committee planted 27 trees with the help of many community members including Jean Schutte, Twila Higgins, Pat Derr, Rose & Les Diehl, Susan & Bruce Davis, Cheryl Skillett, Dave Libberton, Suzanne Azzarella, Cathy, Ron, Alex & John Casey, Melanie Zeller, Phyllis and Roy Conrad, Kansas Forester Jim Strine, Will Rues, and Sid Osborne. (We appreciate Sid for taking that dead tree down at a moment's notice). We appreciate each and everyone one of you!!! Everything looks terrific and we can hardly wait to continue.
Please mark your calendar for the first annual McCracken fall festival being held on Sunday October 10th from 2-6pm. We will have games, entertainment and a chili contest (other food will be provided as well). If you want to test your chili, bring a pot full to the festival and you may win the bragging rights of the best chili at the first McCracken annual fall festival as well as a prize. If you know anyone musical that would like to jam at this festival send them our way, we would love to have them join us.
Cheryl Skillett from Selah, Washington has been visiting her sister Susan & Bruce Davis this month. She has been seen photographing everything in Rush County (including the team planting trees this weekend) We will miss her but she tells us she is coming back in May.
Congratulations to Clayton and Kizmin Wilson on the birth of a daughter, Iyslee, born September 22, 2010.
McCracken Main Street Literary Society met Tuesday evening. Those attending were Susan Rebel (leader), Suzanne Randa, Carolyn Thompson, Roger McNair, Tomi Rues, Ruth Crawshaw and Shirley Higgins.
The Dream group met Friday for a luncheon at Boondocks and their meeting at the home of Shirley Higgins. Those attending were from Hays, Kathleen Kuchar, Christine Wagner and Carol Heiman and Carolyn Thompson from here.
Joe Miller of Malvern was here on Tuesday to re-set our storage building at the museum. The building has now been fitted with tie-downs to prevent movement again.
Tuesday, October 5, 1:00 p.m. at McCracken Public Library, Gerald Crotinger will present a workshop on using the computer that contains McCracken and area names from the earliest times to the present. It will be an excellent research tool for genealogists. Gerald donated the computer to the library. There is no charge for this workshop.
Katherine Ryan is a patient at Hays Medical Center. Mrs. Dale Monroe also was a recent patient.
Lucy Vogle is now a resident of the Rush County Nursing Home.
There was a fire on the Thompson pasture west of town. Our thanks to those who helped put it out.
McCracken History Notes
October 1910
A new firm will open for business next week composed of Claude F. Starrett, Chas. I. Ptomey and Chester A. Reynolds. These young men will open out a general stack of new goods in all departments in the building formerly occupied by Smith Bros. Claude Starrett was raised in McCracken. He helped his father behind the counter in his business until he retired. Charles Ptomey was born in McCracken and widely known as a wide awake young business man. He has for the last year clerked for H. S. Haag of this city. Chet Reynolds is known by everyone. He came to McCracken some six years ago when his father was pastor of the UB Church here. He was employed by F. P. Starrett and was head clerk with the Haag for one and half years.
October 1940
A marriage license was issued to Victor C. Schoenberger of LaCrosse and Miss Lydia Kreutzer of Marienthal Saturday.
McCracken football fans are jubilant over the result of the game at LaCrosse last Thursday evening when our high school eleven gave the county seat lads a 14-6 trouncing. The tilt was played under the floodlight as a Fall festival attraction. The coach is Kenneth Dick.
September 1960
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson moved to Great Bend this week where they have bought a home. Mr. Thompson will continue to work for the railroad at Ransom for the present.
Mrs. Etta Irvin moved Sunday into the Carl Grate property formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. August Schutte.
Norma Jean Sloan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sloan and Donna Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis underwent tonsil operations at the Rush County Memorial Hospital last Friday.
September 1980
First grade class members are Gary Anderson, Jarrod Carr, Lanny Morgan, Mamie Rogers, Michael Seltmann and Todd Sewell.
Kindergarten members are Bobby Bearley, Rebecca Halbleib, Nathan Showalter, Matthew Seltmann and Brian Harp.
Clara McCormick recently purchased the Oliver Pearson property and has moved here from the country.