News Sept 28
Carolyn Helmer, Pawhuska,Okla. was a week-end guest of Gladys & Wendell Hinman.
Friday they attended a birthday party for Lloyd Wagner at Rush Center and on Saturday
they were in Hays where they visited with Kenneth & Carol Wagner ;Kenneth is a patient
at the Hays Medical Center.  They also visited Merle Josefiak who is a patient at the hospital.
The Oak Park Cross Country team finished first at the Blue Springs Invitational and Platte County Invitational last week.  Matthew Stull placed 14th overall at Blue Springs and 10th at Platte County.  Oak Park placed 5 runners in the top 20 at Blue Springs and 7 in the top 20 at Platte County.  Oak Park is currently ranked 5th in class 4A for the state of Missouri.  Katelynn Stull finished 7th in the 7th grade race at the New Mark Cross Country Invitational last week. 
 Craig Stull recently returned from Beiing, China.  Craig discovered that name brand articles are very cheap in China.  He purchased 3 Coach purses and a Gucci purse as gifts for Julie, Katelynn, and Jessica, and a Rolex watch for Matthew for less than $45.00 
Congratulations to the McCracken girl’s volleyball team who won their first game of the season over Wakeeney on Monday evening. (It was Treva’s team).  Players for McCracken are Mary Beth Peach, Lynnette Doornabos, Paula Greenway, Jeridy Dirks, Paula North, Valerie Rogers and Melissa Bradshaw. 
Story Hour attendees on Saturday were Courtney and Erica Gilbert, Zachery and Brendon Peach and Emma and Kate Rues.  The book "The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses" was read.  The students made reflection paintings while one special person, Courtney this week, made a block for the quilt we are making during the course of the program.
Lenora B. Schuckman, 79, Hays, died September 19, 2006 at Hays.  She married Berthold Schuckman on November 27, 1945 in Schoenchen.  He died June 4, 1979.  Survivors include a son, Don Schuckman, LaCrosse; a daughter, Delores Gore, Hays; a sister, Lydia Meier, Hays; four grandchildren, Melissa Schuckman, Stacy Scheetz, Deanna Staab and Tracy Perrett; five grandchildren, Makenzie Staab, Corey Breit, Seth Perrett and Hailee and Braydon Scheetz.  Burial was in St. Joseph cemetery, Liebenthal.
Bill and Marge Moran and Michele Moran went to watch Josh Moran play on Saturday against Lyons.  Great Bend won 38-0 and is undefeated.  Josh plays on the 4th grade team and is an offensive center.
Word has been received of the death of Joe Jennings.  More details later..
Carolyn Thompson attended her 50th class reunion of Great Bend High School this past weekend.  On Sunday she was in Ellsworth to watch Shannon play recreation volleyball.
Duane Guy, 71, of Canyon, Texas, died September 18, 2006.  He was the husband of Lynnette Pearson, a member of the class of 1951 McCracken High School.   His father-in-law was the Principal/Superintendent of McCracken High School, Oliver Pearson.  His obituary was in last week's RCN.
McCracken History Notes
September 1906
Messrs. G M. Ryan and Jacob Yawger returned from their trip to Mexico Saturday night.  They were in the district of Moctezuman, state of Sonora, which appears to be mighty good mining property.
Following are the names of those who averaged 90 or more at the end of the first school month in McCracken:  June and Fern Wray, Florence, Dora, Effie and Truie Neal, Cora and Grace Hicks, Tena Rixon, Lida Floyd, Marie Lehew, Clifford Anderson, Sadie and Lester Wilson, Mayme Darkes, Glenn and Alta Stock, Vernie Irvin, Fay and Glenn Burch, Nina and Nellie Ward, Lucile Kelly, Ralph Lovitt, Ruth and Ruby Elmore.
September 1936
McCracken baseball team won the Rush County Fair Tournament at Rush Center by defeating Hanston 4-3.  Burgess and Hawley worked for McCracken.
Mrs. Sam Higgins and infant son, Maurice Lee, came home Monday from Baker Hospital.
The high school enrollment is 88.
September 1946
Miss Joan Juvenal, who came down from Pueblo, Colo., last week, enrolled as a senior in high school here Monday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Nichol came from Ellsworth Thursday to spend a few weeks at her home here.  Mrs. Loretta Flack is staying with her.  Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Howard, who had spent the past week with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Nichol, and other relatives here, left today for their home at Hillsboro, Ore.
J. R. Elmore and mother, Mrs. J. E. Elmore and Miss Loa Anderson went to LaPlatta, Mo., Thursday to attend the annual reunion of the Elmore family.
September 1956
A potluck dinner was held at the home of Elsie Showalter honoring Grace Colvin on her birthday on Friday.  Guests present were Susan Wagner, Stella VanWinkle, Josephine Herdman, Clara Haas, Maude Peer, Lucy Fletcher, Esther Akers, Eleanor Holdgate, Cynthia Hayes, Ruth Lovitt, Amelia Start, Jessie Tiller and Ida Irvin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. (Lander) Davenport will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house at their home on Sunday.
September 1966
Lillian Irvin assisted her son, Furlen and family, moving from Wichita to Dallas where Furlen is employed as a mechanic for the Braniff Air Lines.
Bud Foster, Brownell, and Ann Foster visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Thompson in Alexander.
September 1976
The McCracken Mustangs beat Hanston on Friday 30-6.  In the first quarter the Mustangs scored on a 13 yard pass from Morgan to Irvin.  McKinney kicked the extra point.  Casey scored two TD's in the second quarter each on 3 yard runs.  The PAT on the first TD in the second failed but Casey ran the 2nd PAT.  Irvin scored in the third quarter on a pass from Casey and Casey scored the extra point.
Ray Wierman has accepted a job with the Salina Scales Co., Salina.  He left Salina by plane for Colton, Calif. for several weeks schooling at the factory.
September 1986
Rosy Elmore is the new secretary for the library board.  Other trustees are Bob House, John Stull, Janet Herdman, Carrie Davis and Shirley Higgins.
Caroline Durand, Lucille Elias and Caroline Kuhn attended Oktoberfest in Ransom on Saturday.
September 1996
Ashley and Whitney Taylor played soccer at the Pratt Optimist Soccer Fields in Hays on Saturday.  They play for the Ellis Recreation program.
On Saturday the City Commissions and the Rush County Highway crew oiled and sanded West Locust and West Ash.

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