September 25, 2014 News
Birthdays: September 26, Melissa Bowersock; September 27, Mark McCormick, Dale Davis, Ben Anderson, Cheryl Larson; September 28, Cathy Brenner, Michael Pfannenstiel, Craig Rixon, Kathi Waggoner, Lane Palmer;September29, Austin McGaughey, Sierra Jones; September 30,Thayne Jones, Roy Jones, Silas Murrison; October 1, Norman Anderson.
Anniversaries: September 27, Bob and Charmaine Wolfe; October1, Fred and Kim Taylor; Kirk and Janie Herdman.
Clay North was the youngest of five generations at the Ellis football game Sunday afternoon. In the stands to cheer Clay on were great-great-grandma Dee Francis, great-grandma Eloise Thornton, grandma Shannon Thornton and mom Shawna North.
What a beautiful job was done to make the cemetery look great including weed eating around the stones. Those involved in the mowing were Mark McCormick, Garrett McCormick and Jacob Malcolm. They also mowed at the Jail/Museum and the Park.
Arlyn and Jan North have given a plate from the Hastings Store, Post Cards belonging to Ada M. North from 1909 before and after the fire on the west side of Main Street, and a Report Card from Pleasant Hill School 1911-1912, Ralph Plotner, Teacher, of Eighth Grade student, Carrie Palmer. It was a seven month school. Subjects taught were Reading, Spelling, Writing, Language, Phys. and Hygiene, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Civics, Literature and Classics, Kansas History, and Agriculture.
McCracken Main Street Literary Society met on Wednesday, September 17. Those attending were Susan Rebel, leader; Carolyn Thompson, Suzanne Randa, Linda Seymour, Shirley Higgins and Priscella Jacobs. Library Director, Charmaine Wolfe shared information with the group. The question of the week asked by Susan Rebel was How do you choose a book?
The trucks are lined up around the park waiting to have the wheat cleaned for planting. It is always a season of hope - the wait until next year the farmers live by.
From the Hampton Book: Walter Rogers. In 1939 there was a big hail west on the Big Timber Creek. The Langdon children were sitting on the banks of the creek when the Rogers family came to warn them. They had chickens - they hurried to catch them and put them up high on machinery and in the hay loft. By the time they got them all rounded up the water had risen considerably and the water was almost too cold to walk in from the hail produced freezing water from downstream. The ice collected along the banks of the creek killing the vegetation and nothing grew there for a while.
Roy Langdon and his dad, John, Columbia,Missouri and their crew were here this weekend working on the house they moved from Cedar Bluff to Main Street, McCracken. They trimmed trees, mowed weeds, installed a new furnace and air conditioner, started putting on some siding......what an asset to our community. We thank them.
Work has started on the Liebenthal-McCracken road by filling pot holes. They have one or two more miles to cover. Thank you.
Zach Higgins, Danton Riedl, Brady Demel, Kayci Boxberger, Alisha Patton, Derek Boxberger and Gavin Riedl attended the Kansas City Royals ball games this weekend.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 11 for the McCracken Fall Fest. More will be in next weeks paper.
Ron, Cathy and John Casey were home for the weekend. John was volunteering his help by mowing yards.
Dominic & Kayla Weskamp and Nicole Tacha attended the Dallas Cowboy St. Louis Rams football game in St. Louis Sunday.
History notes
May 1974 The Alexander-McCracken kindergarten class, Lorraine Norlin Teacher, went on a field trip to Great Bend. They visited Brits Spaugh Park and the Fire Station; ate lunch at noon in the park and then attended Toby Tyler presented by the National Childrens Theatre of Dallas. Members of the class who attended were Kris Bromlow, Chris Casey, Greta Dome, Edward Mangold, Susan Thompson, Michele Moran, Laura North and Scott Wittman. Mrs. Floyd Thompson and Mrs. Ray Mangold were sponsors.
Lorraine Ryan gave the book review Im No Hero by Charlie Plumb, a former Vietnam prisoner of war at the New Era Club meeting.
Lloyd and Hattie Conner, Shirley Higgins, Charles and Priscilla Jacobs and Bob House attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert Thompson in Great Bend.
Chris Connley and Jodie Foster will be starring in the television series Paper Moon filmed in the area.
McCracken Brownie Troop #203 attended a Play Day Saturday in Victoria. Attending were Brenda Barnes, Lori Brown, Stacey Foreman, Joy Mills, Kayla Higgins, Janet Conner and leader, Shirley Harp.
Bus and Lucille Lamer returned home from a trip to England, Scotland and Wales.