Sept 20
James Unrein had a 50th birthday celebration get-to-gather at Gellas Saturday evening in Hays.  Those attending were his wife Diana, kids Dustin, Victoria, and Tina, his niece Ashley Burgardt, his parents Lucy and Julius Unrein, Babe and Arlene Gilbert, Glenn Conner, Chuck Higgins, Glen Ryan, Tony and Tomi Rues, Shirley Higgins, Mike and Rita Felder and Lorraine Ryan.
It was fun watching the Hoisington – Lyons football game Friday night.  My grandson, senior Cameron Horesky, returned the Lions’ kickoff for the first of three touchdowns he had in the first quarter.  The defense also got into the action as my sophomore grandson, Zach Higgins, returned an interception in the second quarter for a touchdown.  The score at half-time was 55-9.  In the second half the second and third string players got some varsity playing time.  The final score was 62-23.
Sandra Jacobs and Laura Linsey power-washed the bathrooms in the swimming pool Sunday.  We are fortunate to have these ‘gals’ in our community.  
Don’t forget the fried chicken dinner this coming Sunday, September 23rd at the Community building in McCracken beginning at noon.  It is a fund raiser for the McCracken Swimming Pool. The menu consists of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetable, roll, drink and dessert.  The cost is $7.00 for adults, children $4.00.  Our great cooks are ‘Arky’ McNair and Johnny Mac Showalter.
Dream workshop was held in Hays Friday afternoon at the home of Kathleen Kuchar.  Those attending were Sister Joel, Sister Martina, Christine Wagner, Carol Heiman, Carolyn Thompson and Shirley Higgins.
Layne and Kerrie Morgan had a full house at the McCracken Café on Sunday with their menu of chicken and dressing.
Kayla Tacha is tutoring 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders in Norton.  One little 1st grader ask her the other day when she wore her hair different if ‘she brushed her hair’.  She thinks she could a cute book on some of their sayings. 
The McCracken Library has eight new chairs.  Money from memorials to Vic Higgins was used to purchase the chairs.
The rodeo pictures are posted on the McCracken web site. 
Jerry, Jodi, Tanner and Jenna Higgins attended the K-State ball game in Manhattan Saturday evening.
It is really hard coming up with news items anymore.  Carolyn and Shirley have been doing the News for approximately 16 years.  We are getting ‘stale’.
Dale and Dale Monroe, Roy and Phyllis Conrad attended the State Fair in Hutchinson on Thursday.  They rode the Senior bus from LaCrosse.
Anya Foos-Graber traveled to Menomonie, Wi. on September 5 for the military funeral of her nephew, SPC Alun Howells on September 9th, staying with her brother and sister-in-law, Drs. Paul and Stephanie Graber.  There was a solomn reunion of  Alun's cousins and aunts and uncles, including Anya's two boys, Jerod and Ben Foos from California.  Other relatives came from England and Wales where Anya's brother-in-law Gwyn Howells,  Sergeant Major retired in the British Army  came from, meeting her sister Jaena Graber in Hong Kong where she taught and he was stationed.  They were privately married in Hays, Ks. at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Graber, and Alun was born in Hong Kong, his surviving brother Paul in Brunai.  The family returned to the U.S. in l989 first to Gunnison, Co. then to Menomonie, Wi.
 Alun, 20, was killed Aug. 13 by an armor-piercing grenade that penetrated the vehicle he was driving in Baghdad. He was helping clear a road of improvised explosive devices as the lead in the patrol,-- a dangerous position and one he volunteered for--when the explosion hit. He was killed instantly.  Dozens of family members, friends, Wisconsin National Guard officers and officials attended the celebration of Howells' short memorable life.  The Patriot Guards, Vietnam Vets with staffs of American flags, some of them upright, some in wheelchairs,or disabled   ranged the Olson Funeral Home courtyard  where the flag-draped casket was placed on a wooden bier. In a precise ceremony the six Wisconsin National Guard soldiers fired three volleys before returning to the casket and folding the flag, the quiet commands of an officier barely audible over the sound of gentle weeping. Taps was played.  Brig. Gen. R. David Ogg knelt and presented the flag to Howells' parents who nodded slightly at the words he spoke to them, "Thank you, Thank you."  The whole family flies September 19 to take Alun’s ashes to Wales and will meet with other family members in Wales.  Anya returned to McCracken this week.   
Congratulations to Ron and Ruth Crawshaw on their 40th wedding anniversary, September 19, 2007.
Congratulations to Bill Lovitt on his 70th birthday, September 19, 2007.
Thayne and Machree Jones had as their guests at the McCracken Café on Sunday, Arlene and Don Dykes, Loveland and Cindy Shotnick, Denver.
Faith Sharing will begin at St. Mary’s Rectory on Thursday, September 27, at 2:00 conducted by Sr. Martina.  Everyone is welcome.  The book Quest – Sunday readings will be used.  The cost of the booklet is $9.00.
It was nice to see Doneta Parsons, her daughter Sharon and son-in-law in the Mall on Friday.  Their son has been in Panama doing missionary work and he was home to visit so Doneta traveled to Kansas City to see him.
 We also visited with Howard and Helen Yost.  They have a booth in the Hays Mall.
McCracken History Notes
September 1887
School commenced Monday with good attendance.  Mr. Parker is again their teacher.
We have examined the brick from the kiln and they are as good as can be burned anywhere. W. F. Grumbein purchased the first firing of brick. They will be used for a bakery oven.
September 1907
Bryan E. Lockard, Ness County and Mrs. Cannie R. Davidson, McCracken, were married in the office of the Probate Judge in LaCrosse on Wednesday.
School opened Monday with an enrollment of 106. Those in second year high school are Fern Wray, Lida Floyd, Clifford Anderson, Tena Rixon, Harry Stock and Ruby Reed.  In the first year are Madeline Warden, Milla Wilson, Mattie Dutton, June Wray, Effie Neal, Hazel Robertson and Harrison Grumbein.
September 1937
Drew Robertson, 61, died at his home in Enid, Oklahoma, September 18, 1937.  He came to McCracken in 1887 with his parents.  He married Jessie Yawger in 1889.  Pall bearers were Percy D. Edgington, Ralph Elmore, Charles Lovitt, Harry Sultzer, Elmer Ramsey and Paul Warden.  Interment was in the McCracken Cemetery.
The Athenian Club was organized September 13 at the home of Mrs. Jim VanWinkle with 25 charter members.  Mrs. Edith Pearson was elected president; Mrs. Katharen Rodeman, vice-president; Miss Margaret Lovitt, secretary; Mrs. Esther Spomer, treasurer.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovitt, a seven pound boy, September 19, 1937, at the St. Anthony Hospital in Hays.  He has been named William Robert.
 September 1947
H. R. Barnard, well known LaCrosse librarian, celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday on Sunday, September 14.
Clarence Deutscher, Mrs. Harriet Shiney, Miss Margaret Lovitt and Mrs. Edith Pearson are elementary teachers at McCracken Grade school. Deutscher, an Ellis county war veteran, is a new member of the faculty.  High School – Oliver Pearson, principal, Miss Marie McCormick, Mrs. Margaret Buxton, Mrs. Eunice Folds.  Mrs. Folds is a new teacher.  She has five years experience.  She comes from Great Bend.
The south and east sides of the school block are being curbed and guttered.  Alfred Warta was awarded the contract and Hubert Brackney is running the cement.
Rev. John Jackson, formerly of Lecompton, has been assigned to the McCracken Evangelical United Brethern church for the coming year.
September 1957
Mrs. Luna Hunt was presented her 50 year membership on Friday in the McCracken Masonic Hall.
The McCracken Athenian club celebrated their 20th anniversary at the home of Mrs. Mildred Anderson. There were 10 guests and 20 members present.  Members were Mrs. Lorraine Norlin, Mrs. Marie House, Mrs. Margaret Buxton, Mrs. Arlene Rues, Mrs. Margaret Hair, Mrs. Edyth Baldwin, Mrs. Pheobe Elias, Mrs. Bill Bray, Mrs. Elizabeth Conner, Mrs. Taci Hanson, Mrs. Clarence Cunningham, Mrs. Ed Nickel, Mrs. Lucille Reinhardt, Mrs. Stella VanWinkle, Mrs. Grace Walker, Mrs. Julia Zeller, Mrs. Dan Knight, Mrs. Edith Pearson and Mrs. Ruth Stephens.  Guests were Mrs. Dell Klema, Mrs. Lawrence Rife, Mrs. Lou Odle, Mrs. William Spomer, Mrs. Earl Elias, Mrs. Mildred Barnes, Mrs. Leo Fear, Mrs. Marshall and Miss Leonore House.
September 1967
Enrollment at McCracken High School is 63 and grade school 117. Alexander Grade has 96.
Grade school cheerleaders are Donna Davis, Laura Hinman, Cathie Ryan and Betty Moran.
This is the first year for MHS in the South 50-6 League.
September 1977
Ella May Pfaff, 101, died Wednesday at Ransom.  Her son, John lives here.
Ray Wierman has accepted a job with the Salina Scales Co.  He will take several weeks of schooling at the factory in Colton, California.
The Mustangs rolled to a 42-12 victory over Lucas Friday night.  Scoring TD’s were Shannon McKinney, Kellye Irvin, Jerry Casey and Les Rogers.  Adding conversions were Jerry Casey and Craig Rixon.  Mike Conner, Layne Moran and Les Rogers led the defensive charge.  Mike Conner had 15 tackles.
September 1887
Mr. and Mrs. Bob House, Sylvester McCormick and Denise Carpenter participated in a drill to unload injured patients at a local hospital.
The McCracken golf ladies hosted a golf play day on Tuesday and a salad luncheon for ladies from Ness City, Jetmore and Dighton.
September 1997
The Swim for Heart event had the following winners.  Britney Whittom, Maribeth Casey, Allen Casey, Rashell Mills, Ashley McGaughey, Brooke McClelland and Emily Rogers.  The total donated was $350.44.  Coordinator of the event was Paula Greenway and helpers were Jackie Casey and Nikki Whittom.
Mitch Jacobs and the Morgan boys killed a rattlesnake on the county line by the railroad tracks.
A painting of the McCracken hotel by Bob Foster is now at McCracken Public Library.

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