RCNews Sept 17
The KU school of Education is celebrating its 100th anniversary and one of its first events was this years Department of Special Education Edward L. Meyen Distinguished Lecture. Dr. Tom Lovitt is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington in the Department of Special Education. He is an alumnus of the University Of Kansas School Of Education where he received two degrees in music education and an Ed. D. in Special Education. He has published more than 175 scholarly articles and book chapters. He is the author of 10 books including the classic In spite of my resistance Ive learned from children. The lecture was held Thursday, September 10th in the Kansas Union, Alderson Auditorium. Those attending were his wife Polly, his sister Dick and Jane Ann Lagasse of Conway, Arkansas, Special Education teacher, Alicia Rues, Rosemary Diehl and Shirley Higgins. Shirley was a guest of Rose and Les Diehl.
Friday the 11th coming home, service men and women were holding and waving flags standing the length of an overpass at the Valencia Road exit on the west side of Topeka. It gave you goose bumps. There was also a family of three waving their flags on the overpass 13 miles east of Salina.
Mike Karlin spent Monday through Friday with grandmother Addie Mills while his parents vacationed in Colorado. Addie and Mike visited with Evelyn Cosby at LaCrosse on Wednesday and had supper at 4 Corners Café. They also visited with Marty and Tina Mills on Thursday.
Lorraine Ryan was surprised by her former students: Joyce Eisenhour, husband Larry, Norman Pfannenstiel, wife Glenda, Marlene Funk, James Hanson, Lousie Zordel, Arlene Gilbert, friends, Linda Bittel, Jan North, and Sharon Irvin on her birthday, Friday, September 11 with a lunch at Thirstys Grill, Hays. The afternoon was spent chatting about Lorraine's first 2 years in the big city of McCracken. A delightful call from Lorraine's daughter, Cathie Shapiro, was received at the time of the lunch. Norman Pfannenstiel was also celebrating his birthday with us. After 50 years, Lorraine finally received an apple for the teacher.
Dave Zheng (Keting) of Henderson Nevada was guest of Bruce and Sue Davis this past week. He was a student of Ft. Hays State and met Bruce and Sue when they were all students. Joining them Saturday evening for supper were Les and Rose Diehl.
We had a note and pictures of Bob and Debbie Smiths 3 dogs who met a not so nice porcupine. The dogs all had to go to the vet to have the quills removed.
I have a box of old recipes from my Aunt Phoebe Elias and thought Id share a few of them with you readers from time to time. The first one is from Phoebe and it is two recipes for pie crust.
1 egg ? cup water. Beat well
1 cup shortening 3 cups flour
3 tsp lemon juice
Cut in shortening and flour until crumbly. Add lemon juice, egg and water. Will make
2 crusts for 9 inch pie.
? cup shortening, ? cup boiling water, 1 tbsp milk. Whip together with fork until creamy. Sift two cups flour, 1 tsp salt; stir quickly.
Zach Higgins broke his left wrist in the football game against Nickerson Friday evening in Hoisington. He underwent a two hour surgery at Wesley Hospital in Wichita and will not be able to play the rest of the season. Zach was the starting quarterback for the Hoisington Cardinals.
Mike Conner attended the State Fair in Hutchinson on Sunday and watched his two grandsons in the tractor pedal contest: Bryce Conner in the 4-6 year old class, Dallas Schneider in the 8year old class.
Priscilla Jacobs enjoyed her weekend in Wichita with Neal, Amy, Jaden and Tessa Jacobs.
Betty Fear accompanied Roger and Norma McNair to Hutchinson on the 2nd of September to her diabetic doctor. He gave her a clean bill of health so for a celebration they ate at the Carriage House in Yoder.
Bill and Sharon Lovitt attended the State Fair in Hutchinson over the weekend and were guests of Sharons cousin, Pam and Jim Frye.
A birthday supper celebration was held for Bob House at the home of Allen and Cheryl Werth in Hays. Guests present were Ellen Kershner and Clinton, Bruce and Sue Davis, Chinese students attending Ft. Hays Frankey and Jinny and Dave Zheng (Keting).
Katherine Ryan won $10.00 and an honorable mention in a baking project at the Rush County Nursing Home. She spent three hours baking one of her famous peanut butter pies. Her crust was made from scratch. Congratulations, Kate. All of us in McCracken looked forward to eating your pies at the café.
Judy Hugh sang in the 18th annual Festival of Faith Choir on Sunday at Beach-Schmidt
MCM of WaKeeney has been sold to Senne Company of Topeka. MCM manufactures the Dirt King tricycle. The Topeka Company plans to increase the sales from the present 1,000 to 20,000 per year. The tricycle has been given in drawings at the McCracken Rodeo and is prized by anyone lucky enough to receive one. Jim and Bob Funk will remain as officers and stockholders in the new company. It will provide for an increase in employment for those in the WaKeeney vicinity.
Shannon Keith is a 7th grade member of the Kanopolis Middle School volleyball team. She played in Hoisington on Thursday. Krya Horesky was one of the referees. It was her first referee volleyball job. Good job Kyra. Shannons C team won two matches.
The McCracken Main Street Literary Society met for their first meeting on Tuesday, September 15 at McCracken Public Library at 7:00. It will be held every Tuesday until December 8. Tomi Rues is the leader. Everyone is welcome to any session.
McCracken History Notes
September 1889
F. P. Starrett received another large invoice of sod cutters yesterday and is selling a great many this fall.
The Rush county fair will be held at LaCrosse, September 18, 19 and 20, 1889.
September 1909
The dedication of the new Methodist Church which took place in Brownell last Sunday was largely attended by people from here and other points along the road as well as those from that vicinity.
The doors of the school rooms are being changed so as to swing out instead of in. This is in compliance with the new law.
September 1919
Ruby Yawger will attend the state Normal School at Emporia.
William Leonhardt and Grace Hall were married in Osborne Tuesday.
Ida Darkes and Herbert Davenport were married at the UB parsonage Sunday evening. They will make their home on the Davenport farm northwest of McCracken.
September 1939
Misses Julia Davenport and Ruby Littler, Fort Hays Kansas State College freshmen, spent the weekend with their parents here. The freshmen girls and boys are required to wear green freshman caps.
An enrollment of approximately 1,000 students for the present semester was forecast by Registrar Standlee Dalton for Fort Hays Kansas State College.
September 1959
Another little red school house voted to close its doors at the district meeting Monday evening. Victory school patrons voted approval by more than 3 1 to become consolidated with Timken grade system. Victory, located seven miles south of Timken includes most of old district 15 and parts of district 7 and 66. Mrs. Marion Tammen was the teacher at Victory the past 12 years. There are only four one teacher schools operating within the county. Others are Nekoma, districts 74, 2 and 25.
September 1979
Kindergarten students are Gary Anderson, Jarrod Carr, Lannie Morgan, Mamie Rogers, Michael Seltmann and Todd Sewell.
Tina Miller and Martin Mills were married September 2 in the McCracken United Methodist Church. They will make their home here. (Happy 30th)